
King of Monsters App

Jan 31st, 2020
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  1. Byond Key: King Destroyer
  3. Character Name: Aluxious (Jägare)
  5. Race: Lycan
  7. Gender: Male
  9. Age: 5 Mechanically (500+ IC)
  11. What you applied for previously: Lycan
  13. Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: Reuniting with his brother and casting judgment over the humans. He wants to see if they are worth saving not wanting to just kill them for whatever sins they committed against the Youkai, the non-humans in defense of their lands.
  15. Sample RP:
  16. Aluxious had set off after his brother expecting everything to be okay but he was naive to the world and all the people around him. He roamed the land by himself starting to find himself meeting different humans in the world. The caravans were protection and help with hunting so who was he to turn down these people. He was new to being out in the world and his mother had taught him some magic so he used those to heal people. Aluxious was pretty popular with these people and considered all of them his friends. Aluxious was not going to leave them behind even sometimes joining them in battle.
  18. He quickly figured out how fearful humans could be when they found a vampire in their midst one only biting in the neck of the enemies on the battlefield and they set her up to die. The woman was captured and they cast aside all rational thought trying to get her to die even when she pledged a dying loyalty to these people. Aluxious could not allow her to die for people who did not see her the same way she saw them. In the middle of the night, Aluxious released her from chains and away they ran together getting away from the group. The caravan chased the two of them away from the woods throughout the night.
  20. Once the morning rose Aluxious brought her to a cave to keep her in safety while she was asking about the reason he even thought about saving her. Aluxious told her about his brother who he was still chasing and this made her hug the male. She let him know her name finally, Lilith, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman and he tried his best to understand her. Lilith explained the situation to him and how she became a vampire through some male biting her in the woods and disappearing letting her live after sinking his fangs into her.
  22. The scars went but she vividly remembered the pain and ecstasy that ran through her when he pulled the blood out of her. The pain that shocked her when her heart stopped after he shared his blood with her. The hunger and how good her first feed was, she leaned into his body as the sun started to fall with both of them on edge from the night before sitting quietly as the sun started to set. The two of them set off in the night hiding and moving away from the orbs of doom. The bouncing flames that flickered nothing but trouble.
  24. The two of them were found out as the group started to chase the two away before they got caught at the edge of a cliff. The woman embraced Aluxious before kissing him and pushing him off of the mountain. She knew he would survive and the males captured her. Aluxious had to watch her be pulled away from the edge and his sight with him crashing into the water. It grew dark before his rage grew and his body heated up boiling the water as he hit the ground. He slowly bounced on the ground coming up and he got up from the ground and out came the monster he was hiding.
  26. He hit the ground and started to sniff the woman out looking for the scent of the people wondering if the group had not yet killed her. Aluxious only smelled burning flesh and came through seeing her burning and hearing her scream sending her into a rage before going to rip apart the people. He killed the whole caravan sparing no one but the kids. He fell to his knees holding her burnt body and slowly her hand raised to his cheek as the sun came up to him. Her weak body turned to ash by the sun making the wolf mourn her death.
  28. Aluxious under a different name than what he told the people and different identity changed by magic. Over the years he started to collect monsters to join him in this fight to take on humans who wrongfully accuse monster. He built the army up and they became vast causing fear in the humans. This caused them to ally with the humans even some monsters who did not believe in the cause. The first war for territory began and the humans fought the monsters to a halt causing a conflict for a while until it came to a standstill.
  30. Aluxious started to clash with the methods of some of the monsters and he started to see what humans were fighting for. The families they had and he wanted to stop this war. He wanted to see if they were truly worth it and he went into hiding faking his death in the war trying to see if the humans were worth saving or if they were worth destroying.
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