
Rainbow Dash packs on the winter weight

Apr 24th, 2014 (edited)
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  1. Lets step back 3 months before Rainbow Dash's New Years resolution to get her weight back down. Here we should figure out how much Rainbow Dash needs to eat every day to maintain her current weight. Now for the vast majority of animals they follow a formula known as Kleiber's Law which equates the number of Calories needed per day to the body mass of the animal in kgs. Calories = 73.3* (kgs)^(3/4).
  3. If Rainbow Dash spent the entire day laying around napping at 32kgs (70.5lbs) she would need 986 Calories per day to maintain her weight and body functions. By the end of her gain at 181.5kgs she would need about 3625 Calories per day or about 11 slices of a Large(14") cheese pizza. This would be a bit high as fat takes less energy to maintain but we can uses this over-estimation to take into the account that she will still be mobile and moving around during the day somewhat.
  7. At the beginning of October the cool fall air and general laze of the season has brought down Rainbow Dash from her normal training regime to only going out to fly around to exercise for about an hour a day. This along with her base amount of Calories she burns per day puts her at needing about 2100 Calories per day to keep up her weight. She has also taken up the rather bad habit of going to Sugarcube too often for snacks and eating too much food during the day.
  9. Over the course of an average day she stops down at Sugarcube for 2 doughnuts,3 pancakes and 2 glasses of milk for breakfast, For lunch she gets a foot long sub with a spread of vegetables, dressings and cheeses and washes it down with a large soda. For supper she usually gets take-out before heading back to her house for a movie with a half-pint of ice cream. For breakfast that makes up 1305 Calories , for lunch: 1200 , for supper 1725 , and 1120 for the ice cream for a total of 5350 calories per day or 3250 calories more per day than she should be eating.
  11. At roughly 3500 calories per lb she would be gaining just under a pound per day and at the end of the month would touch just under 100lbs. During the month though she have a few extra incidents of gluttony we will throw in. Over the course of the month Pinkie has been getting Rainbow Dash to try a new cake she has made every week, if we assume a roughly standard 12 in cake they will pop in at right about 3500 Calories each. Also after loading up on candy on the last day of the month, Nightmare Night, she has a huge bag of candy that she digs into and eats before passing out on her couch in a food coma. A fun sized candy is about 100 calories, assuming she ate a whole bag full of them, about 250, before passing out that would be another 25000 calories. With that extra indulgence she now will weigh in at about 112 lbs.
  15. After she wakes up in the middle of the next day on Nov 1st with a massive sugar headache she finds a new Daring Do novel delivered to her door. She spends the day laying around and reading getting up for the day to order in some pizza. Over the course of November Rainbow Dash finds ways of continually putting off her exercise dropping her calories spent per day down to 1500. Getting thicker has done a number on her appetite too; now every day she was putting away the equivalent of a large pizza for every meal with a Big-Gulp of soda and rounding out her night with eating a full pint of ice cream now. Now she was stretching eating almost 12700 Calories a day. With all the lazing around and stuffing herself she was now gaining 3 pounds per day. On top of that for a week while helping Scootaloo train for a pie-eating competition she scarfed down 2 apple pies per day (for 6560 Calories). After an exhausting month of eating and laying about she was now up to 230lbs.
  17. Finally it has hit December and the snow has set in. At this point Rainbow Dash is burning 2400 Calories a day just laying around the house and being fat, not that this has helped much with her weight. After binge eating the last week with Scootaloo preparing for the contest she has left herself feeling constantly hungry. With it being bitterly cold outside she spent most of her day indoors pigging out on delivery food much like last month with a few more sides. With that she had also become addicted to eggnog and was chugging down almost a gallon of it a day. At this rate she was now putting down 21000 Calories a day and her figure ballooned outwards with the extra weight packing on almost 5 pounds a day.
  19. On the last day of the year she decided to treat herself and order in a pile of food. Her feast was 5 large cheese pizzas, 5 huge orders from her favorite Asian restaurant, 2 apple pies and 2 pumpkin pies that Scootaloo had sent over, and two huge cheesecakes from Sugarcube. She rounded it out with a gallon of her favorite ice cream and another 1.5 gallons of eggnog. After spending all day gorging herself until she felt she would pop she had put away almost 80000 Calories and packed on an extra 20 lbs.
  23. She grabbed the last half-gallon of eggnog she had and waddled over to her favorite papasan chair to watch the end of the year celebration. The chairs bamboo groaned in defiance to the huge obese pone that had been abusing it over the last month sitting down. She downed the last half gallon of eggnog and began massaging her massive stretched stomach that held what was left of the huge feast she had spent the day wolfing down. Her stomach gurgled with pleasure as she kneaded her fat. After some more rubbing her tummy she felt a twang of pleasure as a massive belch went up and out her mouth leaving a distinct flavor of apples and spice from her Asian food. At this point the chair below her had had enough with this butterball and decided there was only one way out. Bamboo cracked and splintered under her as the chair gave out and dropped Rainbow Dash to the ground. Sitting up and letting out another belch as the motion shook up her stomach, she realized that maybe all this binge eating was getting the better of her and she should cut back and try to lose this weight or at least a better chair this next year.
  25. ========
  26. >>17150079
  27. A fair inquiry. Lets look at how much food Rainbow Dash packed away in her feast.
  29. The pizzas, pies and cakes. The pizzas are about 1 inch thick and are 14 inches across. This gives them a volume of about 12.6L. The pies are 9 inches across and about 2.5inches thick giving them a total of 10.4L. The big cheesecakes are 12 inches across and about 2 inches thick or 7.4L
  31. The Asian food we will assume as 4 16oz takeout containers per meal or 9.5L. Finally our total for the ice cream and eggnog is 11.4L
  33. All together that makes for around 50L of food our obese pone will be stuffing herself with. Now a standard sized horse has a stomach capacity of about 16L at full. Since we are dealing with ponies lets cut that down to 8L.
  35. Now the digestion rate of food varies based on its composition, density and stomach ph. Since these are all heavily varied among the foods lets just take an average of being able to digest the food in her stomach in 2 hours.
  37. If Rainbow Dash gets her first order in at 9am on New Years Eve and starts pigging out on the pizza right away after about 3 and a half of the pies she will be stuffed to the brim.
  39. When she is completely full her stomach will bulge out another few inches and push some of her fat tighter tightening out her folds. To help with her digestion she starts massaging which both helps break up larger food chunks and helps trigger her digestive glands.
  40. ----
  41. Over the next few hours she will begin digesting the food packed into her and will finish off the pizza's. Around lunch the cheesecakes from Sugarcube arive and she digs into those keeping herself full until around 2:30pm when her next batch of food, Scootaloo's pies arive. She grabs her ice cream and digs into the two pumpkin pies saving the apple ones for desert later in the evening. At 5pm she gets her noodles and starts downing more eggnog. By 8pm all that is left is a little more take-out and her 2 apple pies and half a tub of ice cream. She spends the next three hours savoring the pie and ice cream.
  43. After that massive amount of food her stomach would certainly be sore from constantly being stretched. Though not easily visible through her fur she likely would be sporting a few stretch marks around her stomach, battle scars of her victorious war against many a plate of food over the last few months. With her gut being pushed outwards from all the food still churning around inside she would likely have a bit of a waddle as she moved around with her stomach dangerously close to brushing against the ground as she moved.
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