

Feb 2nd, 2020
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  1. Guest_thinkn: hey
  2. bbu: Henlo.
  3. Guest_gothithgirll: Iiiah👋
  4. bbu: Henlo.
  5. Infecting: bbu
  6. bbu: Ye?
  7. Infecting: why are you married to a trash can?
  8. bbu: because im the trash.
  9. Infecting: ight then
  10. bbu: c:
  11. bbu: Can see yourself out if you wanna keep it up though, not in mood for people to hate on me over shit Max does or says.
  12. Infecting: that's just the truth
  13. Infecting: he's garbage
  14. bbu: I personally couldn't give two shits about other peoples opinions on my partner, but go ahead my dude pop off.
  15. Infecting: just stfu
  16. Infecting: ur not telling me what to do
  17. Infecting: you stupid ass bitch
  18. bbu: You're just mad cause Im refuting to give two fucks what you're saying.
  19. Infecting: Idgaf what ur saying
  20. Infecting: I just wanted to tell you that
  21. bbu: Im sure you don't its why you getting a little heated.
  22. Infecting: na
  23. Infecting: im always like that
  24. Infecting: bc im hot
  25. bbu: Doubtful dude, but whatever.
  26. Infecting: ur not on my level
  27. Infecting: trash ass lil girl
  28. bbu: because my level surpasses yours obviously.
  29. Infecting: ur the same as ur ugly ass bf
  30. bbu: Why stoop so low to pester someone who doesn't give to shits, and has no quarrels with you?
  31. bbu: Go to the source
  32. Infecting: he look like a freaking monkey
  33. Infecting: that escaped from a zoo
  34. bbu: Such a great insult dude.
  35. bbu: Good thing I love monkeys.
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