
FoE RPG G0-2 - #034 Memories from Another World

Apr 18th, 2015
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  1. 21:20<LuckyLeaf> Group 0-II: *Freedom's Price* - Session #034 starts now
  2. 21:20<LuckyLeaf> =======================================================
  3. 21:31<LuckyLeaf> Hours pass, Swiss is flown post-haste back to Nebulous. Snow herself patches Swiss_Provoleta up to the best of her ability.
  4. 21:33<LuckyLeaf> Royal_Lace arrives, landing from her long flight. She sure isn't used to this kind of thing but she finds the clinic with the help of her friends and some luck.
  5. 21:34<LuckyLeaf> Inside, the sand raider tries to not look too scared in front of the terrifying scaled guardian of the white hall.
  6. 21:36* Royal_Lace Searches the outside of the building for an entrace, she folds her wings under her cloke and pulls it close.
  7. 21:36<LuckyLeaf> Ignis, Full_Physical and Firefly are inside as well, along with Sieglinde who observes the chip of her sibling, her eye glowing slightly.
  8. 21:37* Firefly has gone back to napping.
  9. 21:41<LuckyLeaf> The back door of the building is open
  10. 21:44* Royal_Lace Pulls her hood up and trots around to the back of the door, aproching it stealthfully she nocks on the door frame as she steps into view, "I belive I was called?"
  11. 21:45<LuckyLeaf> Turns out Snow's ability is good enough to patch Swiss up with some magical bandages
  12. 21:45* Ignis gestures towards the mare. "Believed right, got some debriefing to do do my guests..." The dragon said.
  13. 21:46* Full_Physical smiles brightly and waves
  14. 21:47* Swiss_Provolone "Thanks for the quick pick-up there Snow, a few more minutes and I would've brought the whole place down on my head." she says, taking off Lace's armour
  15. 21:48* Royal_Lace nods and takes in the 'guests', "A pleasure to be of service, now who are these guests you mentioned?"
  16. 21:48<LuckyLeaf> There are two unknown colts on the entrance hallway, a disheveled slim one holding an empty old bag, and a punk wearing sports armor and a bat. "Yo." The latter says
  17. 21:51* Royal_Lace blinks and addresses Ignis and Physical without looking away from them, "I... see, and why are they here now?"
  18. 21:51<LuckyLeaf> "I'm glad you got out alive. What happened there?" Snow adjusts the bandages on Swiss
  19. 21:52* Ignis nods. "The lot of them sand raiders, some unanswered questions and stuff linking to other stuff I've figured while digging around the place..." The dragon chews his lips. "Ah, a difficult one...the right question linking to that one would be, how and on which manner are the sand raiders linked to the stable."
  20. 21:56* Royal_Lace lace cocks a brow and cuts an eye at Ignis, "Stable? Im not entirely sure, I wasnt ware they were still a concern, In any case I think I can find out what I want", Lace steps forward before the two of them, raising a hoof she points between them, "Which of you is in charge?"
  21. 21:57* Ignis hmhmms. "Yeah, that's what I meant, knock yourself out."
  22. 21:58* Swiss_Provolone "A couple of guards gots me in a bind, had to either risk taking down two hounds on my own, or have a whole group of them on me at once." she replies, "They're damn hard to kill, and their claws weren't hampered by this armour at all."
  23. 22:00<LuckyLeaf> "I am!" The bat wielding raider says. "So, what's the test? We've been waiting forever, dude."
  24. 22:03<LuckyLeaf> Snow grimaces. "Facing them is going to be pretty difficult."
  25. 22:05* Royal_Lace Pauses and lowers her hoof, "You dont say, well then I suppose your willing to take the most dangerous test then, the kind that gets you the most prestige? I am sure that is what my scaley friend saw when he called me, what I see in you. A feirce competitive sprit, not everyone can handle my tests, but those that do... are legend!"
  26. 22:05* Swiss_Provolone nods, taking off Lace's armour, "We'd need some bigger firepower on our side, they're running with some high powered weapons. My ten millimeter rounds weren't doing enough to them as they would a normal pony."
  27. 22:09<LuckyLeaf> The sand raider smiles wide and his eyes sparkle. "Really? Wow. I'm ready!"
  28. 22:11* Royal_Lace nods, "Right, and the first part is easy, I am going to search your mind for something, something I need to know for the test. You dont even have to do a thing but relax cor a moment and dont fight it, after that I will take you outside for the test. Simplisity itself, right?"
  29. 22:13<LuckyLeaf> "Uh, yeah?" The raider seems confused, but willing
  30. 22:13* Royal_Lace Nods, steping forward as her horn flares, "Oh yes, I am the specialist after all, Trust me"
  31. 22:15<LuckyLeaf> "So, what did you discover? You must need some rest now, but we should tell the others as soon as you can." Snow asks Swiss
  32. 22:19* Royal_Lace Unleashes her spell with a blinding flash, eyes glowing as she peers past the Raiders eyes and into his minds eye
  33. 22:20* Swiss_Provolone "The slaves are all kept in line by some transmission tower - it broadcasts the signal that keeps their collars active. The tower itself is powered by a generator in the north end of the compound, but its well guarded. Also, the coal mines could be blown up if we want to end their operation outright, but it would take any slaves down there with it."
  34. 22:21* Swiss_Provolone snorts, "And their leader like to wear a crown; gonna make for a nice target." she says with a grin
  35. 22:26<LuckyLeaf> ooooOOOoooo
  36. 22:33<LuckyLeaf> Flashes of brutality, companionship and pain fly past Royal_Lace's eyes until they settle in a littered street where she speaks to another sand raider.
  37. 22:34* Royal_Lace follows along with the memory
  38. 22:36<LuckyLeaf> "I looked at the place once, it's all bones and meat. I'm not going." A mare in sports gear says.
  39. 22:40<LuckyLeaf> "So what? You make it, and then you have sick chems, all food and cheerleaders you want. It's where they made the Arbiter the badass he is." Royal_Lace feels her voice say
  40. 22:41<LuckyLeaf> "She. The Arbiter is a mare, and she was a badass before she went, that's why she's alive." The mare says.
  41. 22:42<LuckyLeaf> "Did you ever see a pussy there?" Royal_Lace feels herself saying in the raider's voice
  42. 22:44<LuckyLeaf> "No, but you won't see a dick in that tin can either. Whatever Swing. You are a dumbass and I'm not going." The mare trots away.
  43. 22:45<LuckyLeaf> "Hey! It's better than just having the wind knock you out like all those wimps." Royal_Lace says, but the mare ignores him.
  44. 22:49<LuckyLeaf> Royal_Lace shrugs and starts to turn away. The corner of her eye can see a passed out raider, looking starved to bone, but her eye doesn't focus on that. She stops and shrugs. Then she raises an eyebrow slightly for a moment, before shuddering. After enough hesitation he dashes away.
  45. 22:52<LuckyLeaf> The streets are marked by vandalized buildings, broken and bloodied. There is the occasional sand raider stumbling about, seeming somewhat drunk. His eyes spot a more composed group turning a corner, so he promptly jumps into a dark corner of a nearby building
  46. 22:53<LuckyLeaf> After waiting a few minutes he dashes off, rushing through the streets until he finds an open sewer hole. He jumps in.
  47. 22:55<LuckyLeaf> His hooves step on the foul sludge, as he turns and finds his way on these narrow tunnels. Finally he climbs back up.
  48. 23:00<LuckyLeaf> He finds himself inside a well lit, clean-ish building. It looks like a company lobby, but the entrance is crumbled and covered in rubble. Though he is out of the sewers, something still smells wrong here. He sees the other colt, the same who would later come along with him to the clinic, but does not give him any attention.
  49. 23:02<LuckyLeaf> He passes by a sign saying Eggplant Pharmaceutics and turns to a closed door beyond the lobby. He raises his bat, but hesitates again.
  50. 23:07<LuckyLeaf> Another unarmed pony comes from behind him and opens the door, carrying a box full of plants and bottles. The pony has a bandaged leg and looks somewhat stressed.
  51. 23:07<LuckyLeaf>
  52. 23:17<LuckyLeaf> Royal Lace gets a glimpse of a laboratory, full of tubes and vials, and boiling beakers and a table covered in cloth in a corner. There is a faint hissing sound in that room, and a raspy voice says some gibberish, followed by. "will cure sleep afflictions by..." he describes the pharmacological effects of some sort of sleeping drug. "Approximately a hundred doses were synthesized, to be administered by the nurses."
  53. 23:19<LuckyLeaf> "Finally." The raspy voice says, grumpily, to a whisper inside as the door closes again by itself. "Work never, never ends. Don't make me wait. Don't make me wait."
  54. 23:25<LuckyLeaf> Royal_Lace pokes her muzzle in to peek inside. He sees an old decayed donkey in an equally old labcoat. "Who?" The donkey looks at the peeking raider. "The courier, yes, it must be." The donkey's neck twitches oddly and he sets two flasks of healing potion on the cloth covered table. The cloth moves a bit.
  55. 23:28<LuckyLeaf> Royal_Lace looks behind herself then at the donkey again. A flask falls and spills. "Danged rats, these danged rats. Nurse, get another!" He shouts. "These danged rats."
  56. 23:32<LuckyLeaf> The pony who was on the lobby comes in and fetches another clean flask and fills it with the contents of a beaker. "Thanks, young lady, you're a lovely young lady." Though the assistant, as Royal_Lace can see, is a colt.
  57. 23:33<LuckyLeaf> "What the fuck?" Royal Lace says.
  58. 23:35<LuckyLeaf> "They are new. These kids, what are they wearing? No matter. Nurse, show them the exit! Show them the way!" He turns back to check on a beaker. "The arrangement, it must be accomplished. It must."
  59. 23:37<LuckyLeaf> The colt picks the two flasks and puts them in a bag, offering it to the raider. "Uh, I don't know where the place is."
  60. 23:38<LuckyLeaf> The colt trots past him. Royal_Lace can see deep puncture marks on him. The colt keeps some distance from the raider and points down back to the sewer.
  61. 23:40<LuckyLeaf> "Hey, hey! You better show the right way. Don't I even get chems and- Wait!" The colt had climbed down to the sewers
  62. 23:43<LuckyLeaf> Royal Lace hears a barked Hellhound voice coming from a radio in the back. <<How is it coming along?>>
  63. 23:43<LuckyLeaf> "Boss, throat medicine. The throat medicine." The donkey says.
  64. 23:43<LuckyLeaf> <<No, not the throat medicine!>>
  65. 23:44<LuckyLeaf> The raider jumps down back to the sewerss
  66. 23:44<LuckyLeaf> ooooOOOoooo
  67. 23:45<LuckyLeaf> Royal Lace is back to her own body in the clinic
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