
Anon the Valet V

Nov 17th, 2014
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  1. >You arrive in your room and flop down on the bed.
  2. >You feel like tearing your hair out.
  3. >You don't need another princess giving you a headache.
  4. >You try to banish all thoughts of Cadance from your brain.
  5. >What does she want? Is this a Princess of Love thing or is she just oblivious?
  6. >Is she interested in you?
  7. >How will her husband react if he finds out?
  8. >Hell, what will Luna and Celestia say?
  9. >You doubt that it's going to be 'sure, Anon, go for it'.
  10. >You need to discuss this with them and preferably with Cadance as well, but not right now.
  11. >It's probably time for you to go work for Luna, but you don't care.
  12. >If it's something important, she'll send someone to fetch you.
  13. >You don't notice when exactly you fall asleep.
  15. >You wake up when someone knocks on your door.
  16. >"Anon? Sir, please open up!"
  17. >You know that voice.
  18. >You plod over to the door and crack it open.
  19. >"Hi, Amethyst."
  20. >There she is, looking chipper.
  21. >At least you're wearing clothes this time.
  22. >"What is it?"
  23. >"Princess Celestia sent me, Sir," Amethyst says. "She expects you in the Great Hall this evening."
  24. >"I'll be there," you say. "Thanks, Amethyst."
  25. >She doesn't leave.
  26. >"Is there something else?"
  27. >"I'm sorry, Sir," she says,"I thought - maybe we could talk?"
  28. >You sigh. "I already told you, I can't-"
  29. >"Not like that," she says. "Just - I wanted to apologize, and talk this situation through." She blushes, twirling a strand of hair.
  30. >You think for a moment.
  31. >"Say, Amethyst, you're a woman."
  32. >A corner of her mouth quirks up. "How observant of you."
  33. >"Haha. You know what, maybe we should have a chat. I think I could use someone to talk to."
  34. >Amethyst draws in a breath between clenched teeth.
  35. >"Woman trouble?"
  36. >"You don't know the half of it. Please, come in."
  38. >Amethyst sits down on the little chair next to your little desk.
  39. >You sit down on the bed.
  40. >"You start," you say.
  41. >"Why?"
  42. >"This was your idea."
  43. >"But you invited me- oh, alright."
  44. >She takes a deep breath, straining the seams of her uniform.
  45. >"Here goes. I realize I may have been a bit straightforward this morning."
  46. >"A tiny bit, yes." You chuckle.
  47. >"That's what I meant," she says. "You made it abundantly clear that you're not interested."
  48. >She pauses for a moment, as if she expects you to protest.
  49. >You almost do, but you don't want to give her false hopes.
  50. >"Anyway, I wanted to apologize again for that," she says, quickly, as if to cover up the pause. "I mean, you're my superior, and even though I can say you look great without a shirt on, I shouldn't have been...have tried..."
  51. >"To jump my bones?", you supply.
  52. >So very helpful, Anon.
  53. >"Exactly." Amethyst Star smiles a little sad smile. "And you said you're in a relationship, so it was even more inappropriate."
  54. >"Well, you couldn't have known that," you say. "But I understand. I think."
  55. >Her smile grows. "So we're good?"
  56. >"We are."
  57. >"Thank you, Sir."
  58. >"Please, you can call me Anon," you say. "'Sir' is for dukes and officers."
  59. >Amethyst blushes at the word 'officer'.
  60. >Right, there was something you wanted to know.
  61. >"Amethyst, can I ask you a question?"
  62. >"Uh, sure?"
  63. >"A somewhat private one."
  64. >She brushes over her skirt. "Okay. It's not a weird one, is it? There was this one guy once who asked me for my- ah, forget it."
  65. >"I hope it isn't." You lean forward and steeple your fingers.
  66. >"Why did you ask me about Shining Armor earlier today?"
  68. >Amethyst Star shifts around in her chair. A lot.
  69. >"That was - I - can we talk about something else?"
  70. >You say nothing.
  71. >"Fine," she sighs. "I saw him when he arrived yesterday, and he's kind of my type."
  72. >She runs her hands over her skirt again.
  73. >"So I went up to their room after dinner, said I had to clean something, and turned on the charm."
  74. >Did she now.
  75. >"You know-" She stands up. "Like this."
  76. >Her voice changes to a sweetly, all-too-innocent tone. "Oh my, what is this?"
  77. >She spots an imaginary piece of trash on the floor and bends down.
  78. >Very slowly.
  79. >Showing off long, long legs covered by a skirt that goes down just far enough.
  80. >You don't believe that that is the standard uniform in this castle.
  81. >If it is, you may have to thank whoever decided on that.
  82. >Amethyst turns around, still bent over.
  83. >That gives you deep insights.
  84. >Yep, red is definitely her color.
  85. >She straightens again in a lovely motion, thrusting out her chest.
  86. >"It seems I have been doing bad work. I am so sorry, master."
  87. >Her voice is like honey for your ears.
  88. >You blink a few times and focus on her face again.
  89. >It's not as easy as you make it look.
  90. >"You know, like that," she says, dropping back into a more normal voice.
  91. >You cough. "I see. And what happened then?"
  93. >"He got kind of red," Amethyst says. "Like you."
  94. >You grin like the idiot you are.
  95. >"But he didn't really do anything. He was drunk, so I thought I might have been too subtle."
  96. >You try not to let your expression derail too much. "That was /subtle/?"
  97. >"I think it was," she says. "So I thought I'd go like this."
  98. >She sits back down and looks at you with huge eyes, hands folded in her lap.
  99. >"I'm sorry for my incompetence, your Majesty." The voice is back. She puts her hands on her legs and spreads them just a little bit.
  100. >You have never focused so hard on a single right eye in your entire life.
  101. >Your neck is practically locked in position.
  102. >You will not give in.
  103. >"He looked," she says. "Unlike you." She doesn't drop out of the voice this time.
  104. >"But he didn't do anything other than stare."
  105. >Your peripheral vision tells you that her legs are farther apart now.
  106. >Red-black is an interesting contrast.
  107. >Positively eye-catching.
  108. >Not that you look. No, not at all.
  109. >"So I said," Amethyst leans forward a little,"do you want to punish me? For my failure?"
  110. >You bite your lips. "I see. And he-?"
  111. >"He liked that idea," Amethyst says. "So I came over to him."
  112. >She gets up and settles down next to you.
  113. >"And I asked him what he wanted to do."
  114. >You swallow heavily. "What did he say?"
  115. >Amethyst is close. You can feel her hand next to yours, touching it ever-so-slightly.
  117. >"He thought about it out loud. I heard him speak to himself. 'Paddle', he said. 'Whip.' 'Hands, maybe.'"
  118. >"And I said to him 'Hands are good'."
  119. >"He agreed."
  120. >"So I lifted up my skirt-"
  121. >She may have actually done that. You've closed your eyes.
  122. >"-and let him spank me, like the bad girl I am."
  123. >You say nothing for a few moments.
  124. >You can hear Amethyst's heavy breathing on your side.
  125. >She takes your hand, and before you can pull it back, smacks herself with it.
  126. >The contact lasts only for a fraction of a second, but the impression is only improved by your eyes being closed.
  127. >Bare skin, heating at the impact of your hand. Smooth, giving way just enough to give you a mental image of it jiggling. Lace at your fingertips.
  129. >You pull your hand back like you've had it on a stovetop.
  130. >"And he continued," Amethyst says. "I was still red this morning."
  131. >You open your eyes. She's turned halfway away from you, skirt pulled up, chest heaving.
  132. >A single red handprint slowly forms on her buttcheek.
  133. >"Again?" she begs.
  134. >"Amethyst, we really shouldn't-"
  135. >She grabs your hand again.
  136. >Another slap echoes in the room.
  137. >Amethyst draws in a sharp breath. "Yes, exactly like that."
  138. >"And he didn't have it in himself to go further, the poor thing," she says. "But if he did, I'd have..."
  139. >She throws herself on your lap and starts tearing at your belt.
  140. >You snap out of your state of shock and push her away as gently as you can.
  141. >"Amethyst, listen. We've been over this."
  142. >She blinks at you, like she hasn't heard correctly.
  143. >"But I want you," she whines. "Shining Armor sent me away. You won't do that, I know it."
  145. >"I told you, Amethyst, I'm taken. This isn't right."
  146. >She practically crumbles. "All I wanted - needed..."
  147. >You sigh. "I'm not the one to ask. I'm sure there's a nice, perfectly single guy for you out there somewhere."
  148. >"I don't want some guy, I want you."
  149. >Or Shining Armor, apparently, but you don't say that out loud.
  150. >She stands up and gets her uniform back in order. "I'm sorry, Anon. When I came in here, when I saw you...something snapped."
  151. >Amethyst walks over to the door and looks back at you. "Maybe when you're free again?"
  152. >And then she's out the door.
  154. >Splendid work, Anon. Call her back in, give her more ideas, why don't you.
  155. >Although you're not sure how you sent the signal of 'please have sex with me'.
  156. >Was it something you said that she got wrong?
  157. >Was it just desperation on her part?
  158. >You'll never know.
  159. >At least you know what that Shining Armor business is about now.
  160. >From what Amethyst told you, it doesn't seem like anything major happened (thanks to your dutiful drink serving, apparently), but you can't help but wonder how Cadance would react to the news.
  161. >Then you remember that this incident must've happened when she was waiting in your room.
  162. >That kind of evens out, you think.
  163. >You'll have to watch out for Amethyst in the future.
  164. >Not in that way.
  165. >You're involved with two stunning princesses, that is more than enough.
  166. >You wouldn't cheat on them in a thousand years, whether the relationship has to be kept behind closed doors or not.
  167. >You laugh at yourself in the empty room.
  168. >Here goes Anon, moaning about how every attractive woman this side of the Everfree Forest is after him.
  169. >Truly a tortured soul.
  170. >You take a look at the clock on your nightstand.
  171. >Best get ready for this evening.
  173. >You tiptoe towards the Great Hall, constantly on the lookout for a certain maid.
  174. >To your relief she's nowhere to be seen.
  175. >You make it inside the hall unscathed and take your position at the drinks table.
  176. >You're almost late. Everything has already been set up.
  177. >No more work for you, then. What a tragedy.
  178. >Today's feast is far smaller in scope, anyway. There are only a few tables set up for the commoners, probably for the high-but-not-high-enough-ranking ones.
  179. >Shortly after you arrive, the guests enter.
  180. >The royals take their seats and dinner is allowed to begin.
  181. >They're in semi-formal clothes again, Celestia in a tight white dress, Luna in her corset-like getup.
  182. >Cadance is wearing a /very/ airy pink dress. You don't look as long as you'd like, because you remember the look Shining Armor's given you this afternoon.
  183. >He's polished his medals extra bright for the occasion, as it seems.
  184. >As soon as the plates for the first course are set down, Celestia waves you over.
  185. >"A glass of the Maretonian red for each of us, please."
  186. >You nod and get the bottle.
  187. >The seating order is the same: Luna on the far right, followed by Celestia, Cadance and finally Shining Armor.
  188. >You pour Luna a glass.
  189. >"Anon?", she whispers. "I hope you're prepared for a long evening."
  190. >Well, that oughta be fun.
  191. >"I am," you whisper back.
  193. >Celestia is next.
  194. >"Glad to see you're alright, Anon. Did you recover from this afternoon?"
  195. >You try to suppress a smile. "Only wounded my pride."
  196. >She beams at you.
  197. >Such a lovely smile.
  198. >You continue on to Cadance.
  199. >"A little more, Anon," she says as you stop pouring.
  200. >"Of course, your Highness." You give her a little extra.
  201. >"Thank you," she says, ever the proper lady.
  202. >However, a proper lady would most likely not pinch you in the rear when you pass her on the way to her husband's glass.
  203. >You ignore that and focus on not spilling wine on Shining Armor's uniform instead.
  204. >He nods, and you retreat back to your waiting position.
  205. >You set the bottle down and turn back around.
  206. >Cadance catches your eye and gives you a little wink over the rim of her glass.
  207. >You pretend not to notice.
  208. >Instead, you look over to Luna.
  209. >In response, she straightens her back a little and thrusts out her chest a tiny bit.
  210. >Her breasts strain against the fabric.
  211. >That dress sure is laced tight.
  212. >She gives you a conspiratory grin and mouths 'like?'.
  213. >You answer with a tiny nod.
  215. >Again, Cadance is the first to wave you over for a refill.
  216. >You do your duty, and she watches your hands closely.
  217. >She leans forward, and you're sure you could get closely acquainted with her choice of brassiere, if you wanted Shining Armor to quarter you.
  218. >"Here you are, your Majesty," you say.
  219. >"I thank you," she says, still bent forward.
  220. >Someone surely has noticed that by now, haven't they?
  221. >Cadance's voice drops in volume. "Oh, don't worry, Anon I don't mind you looking."
  222. >You can feel your ears burning.
  223. >"Uhm, that, your Majesty, I-"
  224. >She giggles softly. "So easily flustered. There's no need for shame, Anon. What happened, happened."
  225. >Instead of answering and putting your foot in your mouth, you bow and stalk back to your table and your drinks.
  226. >The bottle of Dragonsbreath sits atop the pile of liquor, glinting in the light of the chandeliers.
  227. >You may have to get that later.
  229. >Dinner continues.
  230. >The smaller circle of guests has a definite effect on the atmosphere: Everybody seems more relaxed, the entire event less formal.
  231. >The royals chat amongst themselves, about some past meetings and what sort of funny things happened there.
  232. >Even though it's only the second course, everybody is at least on their third drink.
  233. >Cadance in particular tells her story animatedly, with her arms spread out, imitating some stuffy diplomat.
  234. >"So I say to him, 'Excuse me, Ambassador, but where I come from, we don't put sheep in prison!'"
  235. >The table dissolves in laughter.
  236. >After it dies down, Cadance turns towards her husband.
  237. >"Say, Shiny, I have a story to ask from you."
  238. >He lifts an eyebrow. "Really? Which one?"
  239. >"One from your military days." Cadance smirks. "You see, this afternoon, Anon told me about an interesting incident..."
  240. >Oh dear. Please don't.
  241. >"Has he?" Shining Armor tries to reduce you to ash with his stare.
  242. >He almost succeeds, too.
  243. >"Yes. Something about you and a chicken in the barracks?"
  244. >Shining Armor puffs out a breath. "He mentioned that one. Of course."
  245. >You have to intervene.
  246. >You stomp over to their table. "More wine?", you ask a little too loudly.
  247. >Cadance holds out her glass dutifully, but doesn't take her eyes off of her husband.
  248. >"Oh, come on, Shiny. Just tell it this once?"
  249. >You couldn't resist that silky voice, and neither can Shining Armor.
  250. >He sighs. "Fine. But only once."
  251. >He glares daggers at you. "I'm sure we'll have a laugh."
  253. >You slink away before he can murder you.
  254. >Besides, when he tells the part with the mop, you might have to laugh at the regent of the Crystal Empire, and that won't do.
  255. >You'd like nothing so much as opening your collar, but for now that is not an option.
  256. >Instead, you use years of training in stealth (and the fact that nobody is looking at you) and grab the bottle of Dragonsbreath.
  257. >The amber liquid swirls in the glass, filled to about a width of your finger.
  258. >You pour as much again.
  259. >You down the drink with a single quick gulp.
  260. >It warms you from inside. Maybe it'll help get you through the evening.
  261. >You can hear Shining Armor getting to the part where the chicken won a game of dice.
  262. >You hope he won't see your shoulders shaking.
  263. >The royals are roaring with laughter.
  264. >You turn around. Even Shining Armor himself seems to be getting into it.
  265. >His glass is empty. He waves you over, grinning.
  266. >"Something stronger this time!", he says. "There is something stronger, isn't there?"
  267. >"Of course, Sir." You peer over to the table. Hey, is that a bottle of-
  268. >"Soldier's Friend sound good, Sir?"
  269. >Celestia quirks an eyebrow. "What's that?"
  270. >"The worst sludge that has the guts to call itself a drink between here and Saddle Arabia," Shining Armor says. "It's the guards' traditional drink."
  271. >He stares off wistfully into the distance. "I haven't had any in ages."
  272. >You have an idea. You have to tread carefully, but maybe you can use his nostalgia to your advantage. Make yourself a bit more amicable to him.
  273. >"Sir, remember Ten Towers?"
  274. >An evil smirk flits across his face. "Do I ever."
  275. >You respond with a grin of your own. "You up for a round?"
  277. >"Honey, what is 'Ten Towers'?", Cadance asks.
  278. >"A drinking game," Shining Armos says. "It''s a guard thing."
  279. >"Ooh, can I play?"
  280. >And here you thought royalty was committed to dignity.
  281. >Then again, this isn't exactly an official event.
  282. >"I wouldn't recommend it, your Highness," you say. "It's a game that takes practice. And a strong stomach."
  283. >"Well, how does it work?"
  284. >"It's simple," you say. "Each player gets ten glasses. Each glass is filled more than the one before it."
  285. >"A referee counts down, and the players start drinking their ten glasses in a row," Shining Armor says.
  286. >"And whoever finishes first is the winner?", Cadance asks.
  287. >"Technically, yes," you say. "But usually, the winner is the one who can stay upright longer."
  288. >Luna snorts. "Definitely a guards' game. How charming."
  289. >You decide not to tell her about the variant they play in the brothels.
  290. >You'll have to keep it in mind for a more private setting, however.
  291. >"So, how about it, Sir?"
  292. >Shining Armor cracks his knuckles. "A challenge to Ten Towers is a challenge of honor."
  293. >He waves over a servant carrying a tray of stout glasses. "Pour."
  295. >Ten glasses filled with dark brown liquid stand before you.
  296. >You stare at Shining Armor through the fumes.
  297. >You take a deep breath.
  298. >Ah yes, the unmistakeable caustic aroma of Soldier's Friend.
  299. >Come to think of it, your last game wasn't that long ago.
  300. >You won, by virtue of not falling off your chair.
  301. >Cadance has taken referee duty.
  302. >She counts down from five.
  303. >"...And go!"
  304. >You chug.
  305. >It burns, in a good way.
  306. >The first glass is normally the slowest, when you have to force yourself to swallow the stuff.
  307. >"Come on, boys!", Cadance shouts. "Show me what you've got!"
  308. >The second through sixth ones are alright.
  309. >Luna and Celestia start a little chant of "A-non, A-non..."
  310. >You grin into your glass, a little gleeful at Shining Armor's expression.
  311. >The last four are the hardest ones. You can't really down those with a single swallow.
  312. >The princesses are banging on the table by now.
  313. >Dignity your ass.
  314. >That moment is also when you start to notice the effects of the third glass.
  315. >You take a moment to peer at Shining Armor.
  316. >His face is red, but he keeps chugging valiantly.
  317. >The both of you take on the last glass.
  318. >You finish an iota earlier and slam the glass down.
  319. >"That hit the spot," you say.
  320. >Well, you try to. It may have come out a bit slurred.
  321. >"Uh-huh," Shining Armor responds.
  322. >You look in the vague direction of each other for a moment.
  323. >"I think I won," you venture.
  324. >"Uh-huh," Shining Armor agrees. "Technic'ly."
  326. >And then he slowly slumps in his chair.
  327. >To be fair, he doesn't fall asleep.
  328. >He just looks slightly vacant.
  329. >You turn towards your beautiful three princesses, smiling.
  330. >It takes your eyes a moment to focus on them.
  331. >They're clapping. Even Cadance.
  332. >"And that is how the guards do," you say. Your tongue starts working again.
  333. >"Another round? Sir?"
  334. >Shining Armor only shakes his head, barely keeping his eyes open.
  335. >You let out a giggle. It's a manly one, definitely.
  336. >Cadance takes a closer look at the bottle and passes it to Celestia.
  337. >"Think we should try it?"
  338. >"Can only recommend it," you say.
  339. >"I'm not sure," Celestia says. "I'm not really used to such strong-"
  340. >Strong Anons? Hurhur.
  341. >Cadance knocks back the rest of her wine. "Oh come on. Can't hurt to try!"
  342. >Luna finishes her drink as well. "Just one, Tia. We can't let Anon have all the fun, can we?"
  343. >Tee hee.
  344. >Fun.
  346. >The princesses eye their beverages with suspicion.
  347. >"What is this made of again, Anon?", Celestia asks.
  348. >You shrug. "I never asked, your Highness. I don't think I want to know, if I'm honest."
  349. >"I see."
  350. >"Probably weapon-grade, though."
  351. >Luna sniffs at her glass.
  352. >Tears well up in her eyes.
  353. >"Well, it's definitely...aromatic."
  354. >Cadance holds it up against the light. "It looks like oil."
  355. >She grins at you. "I like it."
  356. >"Will you have another one, too, Anon?"
  357. >Oh hell, why not. You're not as drunk as you thought you'd be.
  358. >You pour yourself a generous amount.
  359. >"Here's to the princesses!", you say as you raise your glass. "May their reign be prosperous, their decisions just and their beauty eternal!"
  360. >Okay, so that last one didn't really fit.
  361. >It probably was better than mentioning their sexual appetite, though.
  362. >You drink.
  363. >The princesses sit there stunned.
  364. >"Did I say something wrong?", you ask. "Your Highnesses?"
  366. >"A lovely compliment," Luna says eventually.
  367. >"Thank you, Anon," Celestia adds. "That was...oddly poetic."
  368. >"It was," Cadance says. "I feel flattered."
  369. >"Only speaking the truth, your Majesticities," you say. "How goes the saying? From the mouths of drunks."
  370. >They giggle. "Something like that," Cadance says.
  371. >She raises her glass. "To Anon!"
  372. >"To Anon!", Luna and Celestia respond.
  373. >As they drink, the phrase 'bottoms up' comes to your mind.
  374. >Your imagination takes it and runs with it, given the ample display of royal loveliness before you.
  375. >You briefly entertain the question of whose bottom would look best up.
  376. >It's a hard decision.
  377. >You'll need research material to answer.
  378. >The glasses hit the table again, bringing your thoughts to a halt.
  379. >There's lots of coughing and gasping and teary eyes.
  380. >You almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
  381. >Soldier's Friend. A drink worth fighting with.
  382. >Cadance is the first to be able to speak again.
  383. >"That was...something else."
  384. >"Interesting," Luna says.
  385. >"I think there was a note of burnt rubber," Celestia says. "Anybody up for another round?"
  386. >The table breaks out in giggles.
  387. >"Why not," Cadance says. "Shiny, one for you, too?"
  388. >Shining Armor's eyes have closed by now, his head tilted back.
  389. >You think you see a small trickle of drool.
  390. >He notices that he's being talked to, however.
  391. >"Mmmfnomoreplease..."
  392. >"Maybe it's time for you to go to bed, honey," Cadance says.
  393. >Shining Armor nods.
  394. >You shake your head. Officers.
  395. >No practical skills at all.
  397. >Celestia waves over one of the few servants still left in the hall.
  398. >You haven't really noticed, but it has emptied considerably.
  399. >The servant arrives.
  400. >"If you would be so kind as to escort Shining Armor to his room," Celestia says. "He may need some rest."
  401. >"Of course, your Highness." Wait, you know that voice. "It would be an honor."
  402. >You take a closer look at the servant.
  403. >No, it's not a servant. It's a maid.
  404. >A maid with telltale violet hair.
  405. >"Amethyst?"
  407. >"S-Sir? Is there a problem?"
  408. >"No, not at all," you say. "Please, continue."
  409. >"You know each other?", Cadance asks. "How interesting."
  410. >"Anon gets around, given his job," Luna says.
  411. >She fails to keep the amusement out of her voice.
  412. >Well, noone ever claimed liquor made you more subtle.
  413. >"We've met once or twice during work," you say.
  414. >"You've 'met'," Cadance says. "Is that what they're calling it now?"
  415. >You can feel the heat creeping up on your cheeks. "That's not what I-"
  416. >Amethyst's face has turned a deep shade of red. "Your Highness..."
  417. >Cadance cuts the both of you off with a wave of her hand.
  418. >"No need to hide it. They don't call me the Princess of Love for nothing, you know."
  419. >You sink into your chair.
  420. >You glance over to Luna and Celestia.
  421. >They don't seem amused.
  422. >Luna is frowning, while Celestia's expression is torn between quizzical and...disappointed.
  423. >Oh no.
  425. >You should do something.
  426. >You should /say/ something.
  427. >But you can't really say "No, don't worry, I haven't banged anyone but you two this week", can you?
  428. >Not if Cadance and Amethyst are listening.
  429. >Maybe Shining Armor, too.
  430. >That could be bad for Celestia's and Luna's reputation and bad for your health, probably in that order.
  431. >So you try to get their attention with a pleading look and a tiny shake of your head.
  432. >They don't notice.
  433. >Crap.
  434. >Cadance is oblivious of the change in mood.
  435. >She caresses Amethyst's arm.
  436. >"She /is/ pretty. Congratulations, Anon."
  437. >Amethyst jerks her arm away. "Please, your Highness, I assure you, there has been no...fraternization."
  438. >"Oh?" Cadance smirks. "I thought I'd felt a certain tension between you two."
  439. >Celestia crosses her arms and bites down on her lip.
  440. >Luna's expression darkens further.
  441. >"You," she grates out, pointing to Amethyst Star. "Take Shining Armor to his room. Return here afterwards."
  442. >Amethyst gulps, bows and picks up Shining Armor.
  443. >She drags him towards the exit, her arm around his waist, his around her shoulders.
  444. >"Now, Anon," Luna says, leaning forward. "About what Cadance said."
  445. >"I assure you," you say. "Amethyst and I. Are. Not. Involved."
  446. >You keep eye contact with Luna.
  447. >She has to believe you.
  448. >You can see the doubt dissolving, slowly but surely.
  450. >A hint of it remains, however.
  451. >You look over to Celestia.
  452. >You almost wish you hadn't. The disappointment on her face nearly kills you.
  453. >Are those tears in the corners of her eyes?
  454. >She reaches out and takes your hand.
  455. >"Anon, tell me the truth. Did you and Amethyst-"
  456. >"No." You put every ounce of sincerity you can muster in that word. "Never."
  457. >Celestia holds on for a moment, searching for the signs of a lie on your face.
  458. >You grip her hand tighter.
  459. >She seems to reach a conclusion.
  460. >She lets go with a little smile and leans over to Luna. "I believe him."
  461. >Luna stares at you, then at Celestia.
  462. >Slowly, her frown disappears.
  463. >"Alright," she says in a tiny voice, but you can hear the relief. "Good."
  464. >You release the breath you held.
  465. >Crisis averted.
  466. >"I didn't know you'd take fraternization so seriously," Cadance says, twirling her hair.
  467. >You allow yourself a drink.
  468. >"If I'd known, I wouldn't even have started pursuing Anon."
  469. >Your drink almost redecorates the tablecloth.
  471. >Cadance finds herself stared at by Luna and Celestia.
  472. >"What? You didn't notice?"
  473. >You decide to keep yourself out of this conversation.
  474. >"He caught my eye when we arrived," Cadance continues. "So I thought I'd have a little fun with him. It being my vacation and everything."
  475. >"What, you wanted some revenge on your husband?"
  476. >Someone must've disabled your brain-to-mouth filter.
  477. >The attention shifts to you.
  478. >"What are you talking about, Anon?", Cadance asks.
  479. >Luna and Celestia are just staring.
  480. >Screw it, you're in too deep.
  481. >"You felt something earlier when Amethyst came over here. Guess what? She tried to get it on with your husband before throwing herself at me. That's what you felt."
  482. >Cadance doesn't move a muscle.
  483. >Luna and Celestia's jaws drop.
  484. >"Should've told you earlier," you say to them. "Sorry."
  486. >"How do you know about Amethyst and my husband, Anon?", Cadance asks.
  487. >"She told me."
  488. >"And did she tell you what happened between them?"
  489. >"She said she came up to his room and tried to seduce him," you say.
  490. >"She told me nothing serious happened, but who knows? I wasn't there."
  491. >You cross your arms. "And neither were you."
  492. >Cadance looks like a little kid caught eating candy after bedtime.
  493. >"That-"
  494. >"You were in my room, waiting for me. And I think you just told us why."
  495. >Cadance blushes.
  496. >"Wait, Anon," Celestia says. "You knew that this maid had...certain intentions towards Shining Armor and didn't say anything when she CARRIED HIM OFF TO HIS ROOM?"
  497. >You shrug. "I doubt he'll be of much use to her after Ten Towers."
  498. >Celestia nods.
  499. >"Cadance," she says, "if you want us to deal with her, we'll do it."
  500. >Cadance shakes her head. "No, it''s fine."
  501. >"I just didn't think he'd take /her/. And so soon," she mutters under her breath.
  502. >"Wait," Luna says. "You expected him to cheat on you?"
  504. >"'Cheat' is such an ugly word," Cadance says. "This...I told you we saw this as a vacation, didn't I?"
  505. >Luna nods.
  506. >"So Shiny and I agreed on something. We're usually don't do this, but for this week, we could have sex with anyone we liked."
  507. >She shrugs. "Princess of Love, remember? We thought we'd have some fun, maybe get a third, and see how we felt about it."
  508. >You try to wrap your head around this.
  509. >So you didn't misinterpret her intentions, they just were more innocent than you thought.
  510. >You're not sure how that makes you feel about yourself.
  511. >Maybe you can chalk it up to the last few days being just a little weird.
  512. >You bite back a grin.
  513. >The Crystal Empire, a bastion of free love.
  514. >Who knew?
  515. >And what are Celestia and Luna going to do with Cadance?
  516. >You may have to get a mud pit.
  517. >"So apparently Shiny went for Amethyst, and I thought I'd see where things might go with Anon," Cadance says.
  518. >"I expected him to tell me, though," she says, sounding a little dejected. "I told him about you, Anon."
  519. >"He might've wanted to keep what happened between him and Amethyst to himself," you say. "She told me he encountered some...problems."
  520. >"Hold on," Celestia says. "I think I understand your plan, Cadance, but why Anon?"
  521. >You might take offense at that, if she hadn't said it with more possessiveness than incredulity.
  522. >"Well, look at him." Cadance smiles, blushing. "If you were in my position, what would you have done?"
  524. >Oh, this should be good.
  525. >Celestia looks over to you, quite red herself.
  526. >"I- I would..."
  527. >Luna nudges her, giggling. "You would, wouldn't you."
  528. >You try to look appropriately bashful, but Luna just winked at you and it's hard not to laugh.
  529. >Celestia's words break up into grumbling noises.
  530. >"So on the night of our arrival," Cadance says, "I waited for Anon in his room, with a bottle of sparkling wine. See what might happen."
  531. >"Where were you that night, by the way?", she asks you.
  532. >Too perfect.
  533. >The laugh bursts out before you can stop it.
  534. >"I...I..." You can't even choke out one word.
  535. >Celestia and Luna shift in their seats.
  536. >Cadance looks slightly confused.
  537. >"I was...working," you manage.
  538. >"I knew I should've waited longer."
  539. >You keep laughing. "Took...Took all night. Wouldn't have been much use anyway."
  540. >Luna and Celestia's faces are practically glowing by now.
  541. >They exchange a quick whisper.
  543. >"Cadance?", Luna says. "I think we should clear something up. But you have to promise to keep it between us."
  544. >"I will," Cadance says. "What is it?"
  545. >"Anon was busy that night," Celestia says, "because he was with us."
  546. >Cadance arches an eyebrow. "Yes, I thought so. I mean, he is...your...valet..."
  547. >She swivels back to you.
  548. >You smile like an angel.
  549. >Oh yes, you are the very picture of innocence.
  550. >"You mean," Cadance says, "he was /with/ you while I was...and..."
  551. >You shrug. "Sorry, your Highness. I operate on a 'first come, first serve' basis."
  552. >"So I was waiting for nothing, and...both of you?"
  553. >She looks back to the sisters.
  554. >Luna grins at her. She has that wickedness again, finally.
  555. >"Both of us. Didn't I mention how capable Anon is?"
  556. >Ah yes, she's definitely back.
  557. >"If only I'd known," Cadance says. "Why didn't you tell me, Anon?"
  558. >"Not exactly something everybody needed to know, your Highness," you say.
  559. >"I see," Cadance says.
  560. >Everyone is quiet for a moment. Drinks are sipped.
  561. >You're just glad it went so well.
  562. >You did not expect Luna and Celestia to spill the beans on your relationship, but at least you don't have to watch yourself around Cadance anymore.
  563. >And she promised to keep quiet, so there should be no repercussions.
  564. >You vow to give the sisters your thanks.
  565. >Intensely so.
  567. >"So," Cadance says. "Now that that's cleared up, I have a question."
  568. >"Could I have him for a night?"
  569. >Why are you not surprised?
  570. >More amused, really.
  571. >Celestia and Luna, on the other hand, gasp for air.
  572. >"Why would you-"
  573. >"He's ours-"
  574. >"Ask him, at least-"
  575. >"No shame-"
  576. >Cadance holds up a hand. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry."
  577. >Luna and Celestia stop their verbal barrage, breathing heavily.
  578. >There are red spots on their cheeks.
  579. >Must've really rattled them.
  580. >"I shouldn't have said that," she says.
  581. >"Anon, would you-"
  582. >She can't finish her sentence, because that is the moment when Amethyst Star returns.
  583. >She looks a little shaky, but bows before the princesses nonetheless.
  584. >"You told me to come back here, your Majesty?"
  586. >"I did," Luna says, smiling like the cat before the mouse. "We'll talk. Sit here, dear."
  587. >Amethyst frowns, but sits between Cadance and you.
  588. >"Now, Amethyst Star," Luna says, "do you realize why you're here?"
  589. >"I told you, your Highness, Anon and me, we never-"
  590. >"Don't lie to me," Luna cuts her off. "You tried to force yourself on him, well knowing that he was in a relationship."
  591. >"I didn't! I mean, he even pushed me away!"
  592. >That's a confession if you ever heard one.
  593. >"So you admit that. Well, Amethyst Star, Anon happens to be my favourite employee, and I don't like what you did to him."
  594. >"Besides, maybe there is something you should tell Princess Cadance?"
  595. >Amethyst gulps.
  596. >"Maybe something to do with her husband?"
  597. >Cadance slaps her hand on the table. "Oh, stop torturing her, Luna."
  598. >She turns to Amethyst. "It's alright, I know what happened."
  599. >Amethyst looks like she'd rather be six feet below ground.
  600. >"Am I in trouble, your Majesty?"
  601. >"You would be," Cadance says, "but fortunately for you, my husband and I have an agreement on...extramarital relations."
  602. >She gives Amethyst a warm smile, who doesn't seem sure whether Cadance is serious or just waiting to kill her.
  603. >"So that's settled," Luna says. "Wonderful. Stay here, Amethyst, this should be interesting."
  604. >You think you know what she's doing.
  605. >"You were going to ask Anon something, Cadance?" Luna steeples her fingers, still smiling.
  606. >Cadance looks at Amethyst and shifts around in her seat. "I...yes."
  607. >"So please, go ahead, ask him."
  608. >Cadance turns to you, nervousness in her eyes.
  609. >"Anon, I wanted to know...would you like to accept my offer?"
  610. >"Which offer was that again?", you ask. "I've gotten so many these past few days."
  611. >You take a long look around the table.
  612. >Luna and Celestia both grin with glee.
  613. >Cadance is chewing on her lip, a blush creeping up her neck.
  614. >Amethyst can't even look you in the eye.
  615. >"I wanted you join me in bed."
  617. >Amethyst gapes.
  618. >"Wait, so you can sleep around, but Shining can't?"
  619. >"I told you we had an agreement," Cadance says. "And don't call him Shining. He hates that."
  620. >Amethyst Star promptly shuts up.
  621. >"So, the way I see it, the both of you want a piece of me," you say.
  622. >You're playing up your confidence, but a quick look over to Luna and Celestia reassures you.
  623. >"Unfortunately, you've forgotten that I'm already with someone."
  624. >"And we don't like being overlooked," Luna says.
  625. >Amethyst's head hops between the sisters and you.
  626. >"That's the relationship you told me about?"
  627. >"It is." You catch Luna whispering something to Celestia, and Celestia whispering back.
  628. >You catch a wink from them. Good.
  629. >"Anyway, the point is, my partners and I can forgive you that. Maybe we'll even allow one of you to join us."
  630. >Oh, you have their attention now.
  631. >Cadance's eyes have positively lit up.
  632. >"But," you say.
  633. >Pause for dramatic effect.
  634. >"You'll have to convince us of your merits. All three of us."
  635. >You savor the pure shock on Amethyst's face, and the traces of excitement on Cadance's.
  636. >The sisters meet your eyes.
  637. >Luna is full of unbridled glee.
  638. >Celestia is more reserved, but you can feel the want in her eyes.
  639. >You return your view on Cadance and Amethyst.
  640. >"Do you like that offer?"
  641. >They nod before you've said 'offer'.
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