
Law and Order: Portland - The Statements

Dec 29th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: The crowd of people piled into the seats of the courtroom along with the jury who took their seats in their little cubby to the side of the stand. The news cameras had been positioned strategically around the courtroom. // “Don’t say anything Thad. You remember what Marty said. You have to look as pathetic and mentally unstable as possible.” Wyatt instructed before patting his brother on his back. “Alright. Here we go.” He whispered. Wyatt went in to sit with the crowd with his parents. Thad’s father had a look of contempt while his mother sobbed uncontrollably.// Thaddeus nodded reluctantly. He didn’t want any of this. He wanted to serve his time for the things he’d done. His expression was that of weariness as he dragged his cuffed feet into the courtroom behind his brother’s attorney. He sat down and sighed. // Remy walked in with Cadence, his hand on the small of her back as they got some good seats behind the two tables in front of the stand. “Are you okay?” He whispered to her. //Hayley I’m assuming came with Adam but I’m guessing Sedrick instructed them to all sit together so she dropped down beside Cadence and looked up, waiting for Adam to sit as well. //“All rise for the honorable Judge Gregory Frederick.” The bailiff announced as the crowd along with the jury stood up. // Bliss held close to Eli as she, Prudence and Sedrick walked up the court steps. Reporters bombarding Sedrick with a billion questions as they made their way inside. “They’re ravenous today, aren’t they?” She whispered.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam walked into the court room with Hayley at his side, his hand positioned on her shoulder as if half for stability and half to direct her to follow Remy and Cadence to their seats. Sliding into the aisle, he sat down on the end and folded his hands in his lap, his eyes jumpign up when the baliff instructed them to stand. He pushed up to his feet, leaning his head to the side so he could be close to Hayley's ear enough to keep his voice to a barely audible whisper. "If you want to step out at all, just tell me and we can go, okay?"-
  3. Covet: Cadence sat down on the bench and nodded her head, looking around. Course for as long as she was sat down, they had to stand back up again for the judge as he came in. Her stomach was churning, most likely nerves from all of this. It'd been a struggle to walk in with how the reporters were flocked. // Eli looked over at Bliss holding onto her hand as he walked up with the rest of the Maverick's. He leaned into hear Bliss's comment and nodded, " Of course, it's feeding hour for them. pirahhna's just waiting for blood." He whispered back to her.
  4. Tsaaq: Everyone in the crowd stood up solemnly at the announcement. Thaddeus’ mother’s tears had calmed by then as Wyatt comforted her. // Thaddeus pushed up to his feet but kept his head down. // Remy rose to his feet, looking for Sedrick. “Babe?” He whispered to Cadence as he leaned in closer to her. // Hayley stood up and kept her arms to her front with a frown. “I’ll be fine.” She said with a nod. // Bliss heard the announcement just as they entered the courtroom. “Well, it’s kind of unsavory to witness in the flesh I suppose.” They slipped in the same row as the others and gave an awkward wave.// Sedrick shuffled into the courtroom. “Sorry we’re late.” He whispered as he watched Judge Frederick enter the courtoom. // “Good evening everyone. You may be seated.” Judge Frederick said as he took his own seat. He glanced down at his paper. “Today we’ll begin the cause of the city of Portland, Oregon V. Thaddeus Blaise Wright. Mister Wright, who is charged for: The felonies of second degree kidnapping of five female students of North West University. First degree rape. First degree sodomy. First degree unlawful penetration. Aiding and planning the first degree sexual assault of Jamie Saunders. And the second degree murder of Devin Vogel. The misdemeanors of misimprisonment of Ivy Kinsington, robbery, and unlawful possessions of firearms along with the violation of the concealed and carry laws of the state of Oregon. The victims of the kidnapping have filed a civil suit against Wright. If anyone has questions address their lawyer: Sedrick Maverick. Mister Wright has plead guilty but by insanity. You may begin your opening arguments.”
  5. Tsaaq: ((North West State U. whateves.))
  6. Covet: [XD]
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Adam took his seat again and moved his hand to Hayley's knee to give her a reassuring little pat before lifting his head to listen because despite the circumstances, he was very interesting in listening to the trial. Prelaw and shit.-
  8. Covet: "Hmm?" she asked him as he spoke to her, "Just nerves... It's okay." Cadence said putting a smile on her face. She looked towards the front then listened to the charges and what he was pleading. Her eyebrows furrowed together, "insanity? That's a joke right?" She whispered to Remy, sliding her hand into his as she sat back down. // "Which is why I could never get into Media Journalism. To vicious of a world for me." Eli said to her, as he put his arm around her shoulders in a comforting way, nodding down at Adam and everyone. He turned his attention back to the front as the proceedings got underway.
  9. Tsaaq: Remy furrowed his eyebrows. “I knew some bullshit would happen.” He muttered. “Who the fuck is he fooling?” He scoffed. He rubbed Cadence’s back while listening to Frederick then the prosecutor. // She sat and her face went vacant at the plea. She frowned and lowered her head. Her mind swimming while listening to the first opening statement. // Bliss pursed her lips and turned to Sedrick. “Can he win with pleading insanity?” She asked, looking between Eli and her Uncle. // Sedrick let out an exasperated sigh. “This kid’s lawyer is a bastard.” He whispered. // Shame fighting to show on his visage but he tried to keep a neutral expression. Lest the jury would look over and try to feel sorry for him. // “Judge Frederick, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. It is our consensus that Thaddeus Blaise Wright is a danger to society. The prosecution argues this: That this young man is not only a monster but uncaring of human life. He would much rather unravel lives and cause suffering than better himself. That conscience that we all have? Does not exist within him. We are better off as a society if we lock him away and throw out the key. That’s why he should spend his life in prison. For the hearts he’s broken. For the families who have lost their children physically and mentally. He should pay for all of his crimes and more. And during this trial I will give you all of the evidence that will support this decision. Though honestly, we barely need that. Do we? We’ve seen the news that recently we’ve found was all his doing all along. Devin Vogel: dead. Desdemona ( I forgot her last name): dead. Briar Rose (I forgot her last name): dead. Ivy Kinsington: Wrongfully incarcerated. And these are the names of his friends. Imagine the pain he’s brought to the ones who weren’t as lucky? Will we bring justice to these victims? Or will the system fail them as they’ve done in the past? That’s for you to decide.” Anderson said
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Adam shifted in his seat a little uncomfortably as he listened to the opening statement. His eyes flicked over to Hayley to gauge her reaction before leaning in so he could whisper. "There's no way he's going to get away with all of this on an insanity plea. His lawyer would really need to scrape together some pretty ridiculous evidence to effectively convince the jury he's anything, but a monster."-
  11. Covet: Cadence listened and squeezed Remy's hand tightly while they continued. Her stomach felt like it was in her throat while she listened to the Prosecution started with their opening statements. She glanced at Thad's Lawyer's and his family shaking her head. // Eli gave Bliss's shoulder a squeeze, "I would hope not. That really can't work in his favor though, can it?"
  12. Tsaaq: “This guy doesn’t seem like a dumbass.” Remy said with a comforting smile and nodded at the prosecution. “He’s got us covered. Watch? He’s basically already fucking up this guy’s argument.” He squeezed her hand back. // She bit the inside of her cheek and nodded her head. “I don’t know…” She said quietly. “The positive lawyer guy seems to know the score.” Hayley said. “But people are also idiots.” She sighed. // “I have no idea.” Bliss answered, her eyes widening when listening to Marty’s statement. // “Thaddeus Wright was born on June sixth nineteen ninety six. No history in his family of mental illness. A seemingly healthy baby but what lied in his mind was something darker. Dormant disorder just waiting to be triggered. A psychosis in a cocoon just waiting to develop then emerge. Yes, mental illness is a sickness just like anything else. Yes, Mr. Wright is guilty. But he is also mentally ill. And due to neglect and isolation he has been a tortured soul. Acting out for attention until it went to extreme measures. All because he was rejected by society. It’s that funny argument of nature versus nurture. Young Thaddeus would never know if he could be better, or helped if he’s sitting in a cell the remainder of his life. We should see that he gets the help he needs. Nay the help he’s deserved since the day he was born. Do you want to deprive him of the help he’s needed? Doesn’t this young man deserve a chance? His whole life ahead of him. His mother in tears as she stares at the back of her baby’s head. His body draped in orange. Is this really what he deserves? Is the cure to pain more pain?” Marty turned to look at Thaddeus. “You know, he went to LaGuardia high school. He attended North West State University on academic and athletic scholarship. Two jobs. One where he’s the manager of the store. The other where he is shift leader.” Marty looked out into the crowd. “He’s not bad. He’s been scarred, mentally.” He pointed at his head. “I’ll ask again. Should we throw away his life? Or should he have a fighting chance? You see. For most of his life Thaddeus’ family has been low income. He can’t afford the mental health programs he’s probably needed to prevent this. Nor has anyone looked or attempted to help.” Marty then pointed at the prosecutor (Anderson) “Henry would like you to believe he doesn’t deserve any of it. But what is he perpetuating? Systematic oppression, perhaps? Henry’s precious system that is broken. That puts innocent people away. That breaks mother’s hearts. Destroyed families. A prison pipeline of boys the same color as Thaddeus having to serve time instead of being given a second chance? How is that fair? Yes the system has failed. Yes, he has done so wrong. But wouldn’t you just like a chance if you were in his shoes? I’ll let all of you decide.” His voice was very smug, though he couldn’t smirk you could tell he was pleased with his defense. He went to retake his seat. The cherry on top? Him giving Thad a comforting pat.
  13. Tsaaq: ((Yikess thats long.))
  14. Covet: Squeezing Remy's hand even harder, Cadence set her jaw listening to Marty's defense, "Innocent? Innocent my ass. That kidnapping was fully planned out there's nothing innocent about that... fuck his "illness". There's got to be accountability somewhere, regardless of his mental status." She whispered sharply to Remy, feeling sicker by the moment. // Eli shook his head at most everything Marty was saying, completely shocked that there was scum that could turn all the sick thing's Thad had done into something that could so easily be brushed off. "Wow..." was all he could muster.
  16. Alexithymiaa: (You're fine lmfao)
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pursed his lips as he listened, taking a deep breath because listening to this shit was frustrating, especially when you actually know Thaddeus. He reached his hand out for Hayley's, lacing their fingers together tightly because you can't just yell 'bullshit' in the middle of a trial even though they're all thinking it.-
  18. Tsaaq: ((Lmaoooo. No yelling guys.))
  19. Tsaaq: "It's okay, it's okay. He sounds like a dumbass." He told Cadence quietly and kissed her cheek. // She frowned as she looked to Adam. “Oh my god. His lawyer is so much more charismatic than the smart guy what if people listen to him?” She asked with a pained look.// Bliss' mouth hung open with surprise. "How shameless..." // “The defense may present the evidence.” Frederick announced. // Henry rolled his eyes when he knew no one was looking and stood up, going towards the stand with his hands in the pockets of his slacks. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury observe exhibit A: Probably the least heinous thing we could find associated with Thaddeus Wright. This is a blown up copy of a printout of his internet history from the twenty third of March, twenty sixteen: Pornography that imitates sexual assault. Along with a genre known as ‘snuff’. If you don’t know what snuff means. It is a genre wherein people in the film rather than pretending to be abused and/or die like an actor would are actually being abused, raped, or murdered or forced to suicide. I want you all to note his google search history, that’d be Exhibit A1. Please note the things he’s searched. ” He turned to show the second blown up screenshot to them. “’Exhibit A2: With an unrecoverable a 404’d forum thread from a currently down deep web address. The search history lists the title ‘I’ve raped more girls than’ ellipsis. The rest of the title could not be recovered.” He said sternly. He inhaled, switching between the blown up posters. “In twenty sixteen. His most frequented website is: TheRealDealMarketplace a deep web forum wherein you can obtain illicit drugs and weapons.” He explained. “If this is not enough to convince you that he isn’t some poor kid who isn’t healthy? I don’t know what?” Anderson paused. // “Objection your honor. Anderson’s statements are inflammatory to my client.” Marty waved his hand at Thaddeus who was sinking deeper into his chair. // Frederick rose his hand. “Sustained.” He muttered. “Go ahead mister Anderson.”
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Adam swalllowed hard and leaned over to Hayley, shaking his head. "They won't. They're going to see right through all of this." He tried to sound reassuring, but he honestly wasnt so sure himself.-
  21. Covet: She nodded her head as she looked at Remy. Her grip didn't relax much but she was getting this clammy feeling and her hands were sweating as she watched the Evidence be brought to light. It wasn't doing anything to settle her stomach. // Eli's whole world was being opened up right now about the guy he used to room with, let alone to the dark side of pornography. He pulled Bliss a little closer for comfort.
  22. Tsaaq: Remy frowned as he gagged a bit. "Jesus fucking Christ Fag-eus." He said under his breath. "Cadence. Look, look at how grossed out everyone is. There's no way. ANYONE can see past this." Remy began to whisper to her in an attempt to comfort her. // Bliss looked over to Eli. “Did you ever have an inkling that it was this bad?” She asked him quietly. “When you were friends?” // “Exhibit B is a burner phone used during the plotting of the sexual assault of Hayley Trinity Iris Berkoff. Thaddeus also used this phone to harass other students with abusive texts, along with sending out all the video evidence of Ms. Berkoff’s gang rape. Which he THEN sent to over a hundred numbers a few days later. Participants of the rape were Devin Vogel, Marcus Grant, Xavier Klein.” He picked up the plastic baggy with the cellphone inside. “Together the defense and I charged the phone and browsed through the messages. October thirteenth two thousand and fifteen, the day before the perpetration of the rape itself.” He explained. He went to his table and picked up a piece of paper. “This is a copy of a quick conversation between Devin Vogel and Thaddeus Wright. ‘Wright: Hey, you like pussy right? Vogel: Who doesn’t? Wright: Come to the lots on Tuesday if you're looking for a quick poke. Vogel: Who is this? Wright: Just an anonymous tipper. There's gonna be a girl in the seedy van there and she will be good to go. I promise.’” He read outloud in a monotone. Anderson rose his head and heard the murmuring of the crowd as half of the members of the jury stared with horror. // Hayley gave Adam a trusting nod. Once hearing the second example of evidence her face went pale and her stomach dropped. Hayley let out a gasp and choked, trying to to cry as she leaned forward. // Frederick banged his gavel. “Order, order please!” He said loudly, since the murmurs and other noise that was overpowering the climate of the courtroom.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Adam lowered his eyes as Anderson continued to speak, chewing on the tip of his tongue because listening to this shit was nauseating. // Mr. and Mrs. Vogel were seated toward the back of the court room where Mrs. Vogel could audibly be heard in hysterics. That definitely adds to this nice ambience we have going on here.-
  24. Covet: All she could do was sit there. Her eyes started to tear up when she heard the evidence from the cell phone. She reached her hand out to grab Hayley's hand, giving it a squeeze. Cadence was doing her best to keep her stomach in check while taking in all of this information // Eli shook his head, "No idea at all. If I had, I never would have had you stay the night." He whispered to her.
  25. Tsaaq: Remy heard the content of the texts and now he was squeezing Cadence's hand. Lest he run over to Thaddeus and beat his fucking ass. // Bliss gasped loudly as she looked to Hayley, reaching over to put his hand in her lap, trying to soothe her. // Hayley sat up straight but her lower lip had been trembling. She heard Mrs. Vogel freaking the fuck out. // Anderson looked around, the second piece of evidence providing the desired effect. // Frederick kept banging his gavel since when he shouted: ' Order' everybody else heard: 'Okay, you proceed to freak the fuck out'
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned in his seat to look at Hayley, his arm slipping around her shoulders as he pulled her into his side and tipped his head down to kiss her forehead, his voice a small whisper. "You're doing just fine. You don't even have to listen to any of this if you don't want to."-
  27. Covet: Cadence rubbed her thumb against Remy's hand that was squeezing her's now. She closed her eyes, trying to ignore all the chatter by the rest of the room, just waiting for it to all die down. // Eli sat up and looked around, giving Hayley a sympathetic look. He couldnt' even imagine what she was feeling right now.
  28. Tsaaq: Remy looked over to Cadence. “Just keep your cool.” He said softly. // Hayley inhaled deeply. “It’s fine. I’m fine… It’s just hard to hear…” She trailed off. // Once the court was settled down he resumed showing his A+ evidence. “We must remind ourselves that Thaddeus turned himself in. When he did? He gave us his phone where we extracted concrete evidence of him planning and executing his crimes. Exhibit C contains the conversation betwixt Vogel and Wright, planning a breaking and entering. C1 is the post conversation when their plan went awry.” Anderson shuffled the poster boards. “No surprise, Thaddeus shot Devin. His ‘friend’ and went Devin expressed his betrayal? Wright responded with: ‘Okay, I know that was a little harsh. But you have to understand that when I'm pissed off and right I do irrational things. Besides that was like two days ago stop living in the past.’” He read. Anderson paused as he looked over to Cadence and Hayley in the audience. “Wednesday, January sixth, twenty sixteen… Was when Devin Vogel and Thaddeus decided they would take girls from their homes… and assault them.” He said solemnly. “Exhibit D. The conversation itself. ‘Wright: Okay we can't just fuck them and wait until the drug is out of their system so we have to figure this shit out. Maybe cover it up with real drugs or alcohol so they look like drunk bitches. Vogel: Okay lets do that. Wright: Greeeat, good talk.’ Further down in the text messages? ‘ Wright: Pick like five, mother mary. Vogel: Ugh fine. Tony's whore, Ash's bitch, that Harper chick, Remy's fucking bitchy slut, and Bryan's fat ass chick. Wright: Alright, so buy some chloroform wait, don't buy shit. I can't get you to buy shit. You'll be in charge of bitch transportation.’” Anderson looked up from the log and the courtroom was in an uproar once more. “This evidence without a doubt proves that Thaddeus Wright is YES, a psychopath. But NO, is not entitled to redemption because he’s psychotic.” He said over the sounds of the courtoom. “He shows a blatant disregard for human life, over and over again!” // Marty shot up from his seat. “Objection your honor! Inflammatory language regarding the character of my client and reference to my opening statement-“ He began to yell over the people as well. “Vogel isn’t on trial. My client is. It could be argued that the initial plans of crime were initially his ideas!”
  29. Covet: Swallowing hard, Cadence listened to the conversation exchange brought up as evidence. Her hand was shaking as she saw Marty object to the statements made. She took a few deep breath's through her nose nodding at Remy. // Eli was just shook at this point.
  30. Covet: [FUCK ME AGAIN REALLY!?]
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Adam set his jaw as he listened to the recited messages, growing irritated with the description of the girls by Devin, but also the fact that Thad had even more malicious intent than he'd initially realized. He looked up to stare at the back of Thad's head across the court room, very slightly shaking his head.-
  32. Tsaaq: Remy stood up and let go of Cadence's hand because he was running over to where Thaddeus was. After hearing the texts he saw red. The people seated behind him were screaming and ducking out of his way. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled. He was pulled back a security gaurd immediately. "I waited up all night for her! I thought I DID SOMETHING WRONG YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled. // Hayley began to hyperventilate. “Oh my god.” She sobbed. She took Adam’s hand and held it tight. // “Order! Order! Order in my courtroom.” Judge Frederick yelled while banging his gavel. “Mr. Berkoff! If you can’t control yourself with the sensitive information that will be put in the open in this courtroom I might have to ask you to excuse yourself.” He told Remy sternly, pointing his gavel at him. “If he’s ready to calm down you may let him go.” He said to the gaurds.“Mr. Goldsmith, if you would like to explain what you JUST SAID admist the chaos? You may during your cross examination. Prosecution… Are you finished?” He inquired as he looked to Anderson. // “The prosecution rests sir.” Anderson went to sit down at his little table, crossing his arms over his chest. // Marty remained standing as he walked to the stand. “I don’t have much to dispute with his search history. Though we all find ourselves on dark corners of the web.” He shrugged. “As for the text messages… I think you can tell who was convincing who of what? In fact, in Exhibit C? If you look further you’ll see ‘Vogel: Yo Im fucking done with all of these fucks. I want them all fucking dead. Especially that Ash dude.’” Marty read out loud. “And that time… Unlike the gang rape. Vogel had reached out to my client. Who’s idea was this really? Can you be sure?”
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Adam held onto Hayley's hand tightly, his other hand rubbing over her back trying to calm her in any way he could. "Would you like to step out?" He asked her softly, leaning down so he could look into her face.-
  34. Covet: Cadence went to reach after Remy, because this guy just told her to keep her cool and he just lost his. When she stood up she felt her stomach lurch and she made her way quickly towards the door to walk out, looking green in the face. Thankfully there was a trashcan right outside that she was able to duck her head into as she lost the battle with her stomach. // Eli sat up a bit as Remy got up and went after Thad. He honestly couldn't blame the guy, If someone had done anything like that to Bliss or his sister, he's sure he wouldn't be any better.
  35. Tsaaq: Remy shrugged off the security guard and scoffed at Marty. He saw Cadence run out and came up behind her. "Babe, are you okay? I'm so sorry. Sed is going to be pissed." He whispered. // Hayley looked at her brother then back at Adam. She kept a brave face. "No. I can sit here until this is done." She answered firmly. // Bliss was tearing up as she turned to Eli. "This is awful." She whispered. // "All of these text messages after the incident in October? All initiated by Vogel. Is there a beyond a reasonable doubt that Thaddeus should be incarcerated? Or sent to a mental facility to be rehabilitated?" He asked the jury. He glanced at the crowd in the audience then back at Judge Federick. // "I think we've heard enough for the evening... We'll adjourn for the night. We will continue with the testimonies on Sunday. Enjoy your weekends... And try to have a happy New Year." Frederick banged the gavel and stood.
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Once they adjourned for the evening, Adam pushed up, holding onto Hayley's hand as he led her out of their row to start back toward the exit of the court room. "I'm really proud of you." He said as he kissed her cheek, leading her out so he could get her home while trying to shield her from press.-
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