
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything transcript

Aug 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [Description: a white nonbinary person with shaved hair sits in front of an image of a castle. Their face is animated with excitement as they speak.]
  3. Hey crew! I'm Sam de Leve, and if you know me, you know I love crunching into rules. So this fall, Dungeons and Dragons has brought me...well, pretty much the greatest gift they could ever give me: they're announcing a rules expansion for players and DMs! It's called Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and needless to say...I'm excited!
  5. I pulled out some magic items from this Cauldron and got take a look at them. Your average adventurer may be looking at your +1, +2 magic weapon, but *these* items are super flavorful and actually, mechanically, really good! There's everything from uncommon to legendary items, including a bunch of new class-specific ones: a tree limb spellcasting focus for druids and warlocks called a Bell Branch; a sneaky spellbook for wizards that SEEMS like a romance novel, but actually carries a bunch of illusion spells; and there's a whole bunch of extraplanar shards that each suit a different sort of sorcerer. And because a lot of these items operate off of renewable charges, it lets us spend our spell slots more freely--while still keeping some magic in reserve.
  7. But flavorwise, y'all, I gotta tell you: they made magical items as tattoos!! They're great for spellcasters (one improves your unarmored AC, which wizards and sorcerers will love); but my rogues can also be a little more magical, even if they're not arcane tricksters!!
  9. Normally, I'd be all impatience for Tasha's Cauldron to come out this fall--I mean, I want to use this stuff in-game right away! But thank goodness, I won't have to wait quite TOO long, because D&D is previewing some of this content: D&D is doing a virtual celebration on September 18-20, with games and panels from our faves...and apparently some other stuff they haven't told us about yet? Don't worry, crew, I'll see what I can find out. All the details for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and the D&D Celebration are available on Dungeons & Dragons .com. I'm going to be there--doing absolute no mischief, of course--and I hope you'll be there too!
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