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a guest
Dec 26th, 2017
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  1. #Annihilation
  2. options:
  3. #Phase time
  4. 1: 10 minutes
  5. 2: 10 minutes
  6. 3: 10 minutes
  7. 4: 10 minutes
  8. #Game
  9. AllminPlayers: 8
  10. maxPlayers: 50
  11. team: 2
  12. #Teams
  13. redPlayers: 4
  14. greenPlayers: 4
  15. #Nexus
  16. redHealth: 70
  17. greenHealth: 70
  18. Material: End Stone
  19. Tool: Pickaxe
  20. BreakSound: random.anvil_land
  21. AlertSound: note.pling
  22. #MySQL
  23. port: 3306
  24. user: nnn1
  25. pass: 47345
  26. host:
  27. name: stat1
  28. #Message prefix
  29. prefix: &6Annihilation &8>>
  30. suffix:
  31. #MOTD
  32. enableMOTD:
  33. Starting:
  34. Lobby: &e&lLobby
  35. Phase: &aPhase &e%{phase}%
  36. #ActionBar
  37. ActionPhase: &aPhase: &e%{phase}% &f&l| %{PhaseTime}%
  38. ActionStart: &7Game start in %{PhaseTime}%
  39. ActionEnd: &cTotal time: %{TotalTime}% &f| &aServer restarting in %{RestartCount}%
  40. #Title
  41. #Team-Title
  42. EnableJoinTeamTitle: false
  43. JoinTeamTitle: %{team.%player%}%
  44. JoinTeamSubTitle: に参加しました
  45. #Class-Title
  46. EnableClassTitle: false
  47. ClassTitleSelect: &e%{class.%player%}%
  48. ClassSubTitleSelect: に転職しました
  49. #Join-Title
  50. EnableJoinTitle: false
  51. JoinTitle: &7Anniへようこそ!
  52. JoinSubTitle: &e楽しんでください!
  53. #Map-Title
  54. EnableMapTitle: false
  55. MapTitle: MAPは &e%{MAP}%
  56. MapSubTitle: です
  57. #BossTitle
  58. EnableBossTitle: true
  59. SpawnBossTitle: ボス &a%boss% &fがスポーンしました
  60. SpawnBossSubTitle: &c倒しにいきましょう!
  61. #EndGameTitle
  62. EnableEndTitle: true
  63. EndGameTitle: &aCongratulation
  64. EndGameSubTitle: %TEAM% &fが勝利しました!
  65. #NexusTitle
  66. EnableNexusTitle: true
  67. NexusDestroyedTitle: [%TEAM%]&r%KILLER% が %ZNICEN% を
  68. NexusDestroyedSubTitle: 攻撃しています!
  69. #PhaseTitle
  70. EnablePhaseTitle: true
  71. PhaseTitle: Phase &e%PHASE%
  72. PhaseSubTitle: &aが始まりました
  73. #Tab
  74. EnableTab: true
  75. Header: &7Map: &e%{MAP}%
  76. Voting: &7Voting
  77. Footer: &aPhase &e%PHASE% &7&l| &b%TIME%
  78. #ScoreBoard
  79. LobbySB: &aVoting &f&l| &e/vote <ID>
  80. GameSB: &7Map: &6&l%{MAP}%
  81. #Menu
  82. #TEAM
  83. #Item
  84. JoinItemTeamName: &eTeams
  85. ItemTeamID: 340
  86. JoinItemTeamSlot: 1
  87. #Menu
  88. TitleTeamMenu: &0&l&nTeams
  89. TeamSlotMenu: 9
  90. #Teams Slot
  91. YellowSlot: 1
  92. RedSlot: 2
  93. GreenSlot: 3
  94. BlueSlot: 4
  95. #Teams name
  96. YellowName: &eYellow
  97. RedName: &cRed
  98. GreenName: &aGreen
  99. BlueName: &9Blue
  100. #Teams Lore VARIABLE: "≫" - %SIPKA%
  101. YellowLore: &e%SIPKA% &7Players: &e%YELLOW%
  102. RedLore: &c%SIPKA% &7Players: &c%RED%
  103. GreenLore: &a%SIPKA% &7Players: &a%GREEN%
  104. BlueLore: &9%SIPKA% &7Players: &9%BLUE%
  106. #Kits
  107. #Civilian Miner Archer Warrior Scout Acrobat Farmer Pyro Builder
  108. #クラス判定わからないから、必要なら直しておいて
  109. ######### civilian.yml #########
  110. on right click:
  111. if {class.%event-player%} is civilian:
  112. if player's tool is brick:
  113. if player's tool's name is "<yellow>Craft O' Matic":
  114. open workbench to player
  115. ################################
  116. ########### miner.yml ##########
  117. on break:
  118. if {class.%event-player%} is miner:
  119. if event-block is iron ore:
  120. chance of 80%:
  121. give player an iron ore
  122. if event-block is gold ore:
  123. chance of 80%:
  124. give player an gold ore
  125. ################################
  126. ########## archer.yml ##########
  127. on damage of player:
  128. if damager is set:
  129. if {class.%damager%} is archer:
  130. if "%damage cause%" is "projectile":
  131. if projectile is arrow:
  132. add 1 to damage
  133. ################################
  134. ########## warrior.yml #########
  135. on damage of player:
  136. if attacker is set:
  137. if {class.%attacker%} is archer:
  138. if attacker's tool is wooden sword or stone sword or golden sword or iron sword or diamond sword:
  139. add 1 to damage
  140. ################################
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