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a guest
Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. NameBot: ImmoBot
  3. token: NjMwNzgwMTk3Nzc5NjY4OTky.XZtauA.psYD7a6S9GF5arEJFOB1vALCylw
  4. prefixes: /
  5. commandlinkdiscord: link
  7. Joueà: Link MC #Personnalise le joue à du bot !
  9. commandlink: /link
  10. commandunlinkadm: /unlink
  11. permissionunlink: perm.unlink
  13. PermissionViewHelp: essentials.helpop.receive
  15. Message.code1: Votre code de vérification : %{_e}%
  16. Message.erreurcode1: &cVous êtes déjà relié a un compte discord !
  18. messageaidediscord: Le joueur %event-member% souhaite obtenir de l'aide. [@here]
  19. messageaidemc: &8&l[&2Discord&8&l] &7Le joueur &b%event-member% &7souhaite obtenir de l'aide. %nl% &8[&6Move&8]
  21. on script load:
  22. login to "{@token}" with name "{@NameBot}"
  24. command {@commandlink}:
  25. trigger:
  26. if {discord::DISCORD::%player%} isn't set:
  27. set {_e} to random 6 char string from charset `a-zA-Z0-9`
  28. set {code::%{_e}%} to player
  29. message "{@Message.code1}"
  30. else:
  31. send "{@Message.erreurcode1}"
  33. command {@commandunlinkadm} [<offline player>]:
  34. permission: {@permissionunlink}
  35. trigger:
  36. if arg 1 is set:
  37. if {discord::DISCORD::%arg 1%} is set:
  38. clear {discord::MC::%{discord::DISCORD::%arg-1%}%}
  39. clear {discord::DISCORD::%arg 1%}
  40. send "&cUnlinked !"
  41. else:
  42. send "&cCe joueur n'est pas linked."
  43. else:
  44. send "&c{@commandunlinkadm} <player>"
  46. discord command {@commandlinkdiscord} [<text>]:
  47. prefixes: {@prefixes}
  48. executable in: guild
  49. trigger:
  50. if arg 1 is not set:
  51. reply with "Veuillez entrer votre code de vérification si vous en avez pas execute /link ingame."
  52. else if {code::%arg 1%} is not set:
  53. reply with "S'il vous plaît, tapez /link ingame pour obtenir votre code de vérification."
  54. else if {code::%arg 1%} is set:
  55. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  56. set {discord::MC::%discord id of event-member%} to {code::%arg-1%}
  57. set {discord::DISCORD::%{code::%arg-1%}%} to discord id of event-member
  58. reply with "Votre compte minecraft : %{code::%arg-1%}% à bien été relié à votre compte discord !"
  59. delete {code::%arg-1%}
  61. on voice channel join:
  62. if discord id of event-channel is "587009838911848449":
  63. join voice channel of event-member
  64. wait 2 second
  65. play "" in guild with id "582232653000998914" with "{@NameBot}"
  66. set the volume of event-bot to 10
  67. resume the track event-bot is playing
  68. if {discord::MC::%discord id of event-member%} is set:
  69. send "{@messageaidediscord}" to channel with id "624308661228929024" with "{@NameBot}"
  70. loop all players:
  71. loop-player has permission "{@PermissionViewHelp}"
  72. send "{@messageaidemc}" to loop-player
  73. else:
  74. stop
  75. on voice channel leave:
  76. if discord id of event-channel is "587009838911848449":
  77. make event-bot leave vc
  78. command /viewlink [<offline player>]:
  79. trigger:
  80. if arg 1 is set:
  81. if {discord::DISCORD::%arg-1%} is set:
  82. send "Le joueur %arg 1% est link avec le compte discord : %{discord::DISCORD::%arg-1%}%"
  83. else:
  84. send "Le joueur %arg 1% n'es pas link avec un compte discord."
  85. else:
  86. send "Erreur : /viewlink <joueur>"
  87. on voice channel join:
  88. if discord id of event-channel is "582630794195894295":
  89. add 1 to {private1}
  90. on voice channel leave:
  91. if discord id of event-channel is "582630794195894295":
  92. add -1 to {private1}
  93. command /private1:
  94. permission: op
  95. permission message: &cCommande non trouvée, faites /help
  96. trigger:
  97. send "&b%{private1}%"
  98. # ###################################################################"
  99. discord command $shutdown:
  100. executable in: guild
  101. trigger:
  102. if event-member has role named "『💻』Équipe de développement" or "『👑』Équipe d'administration" or "『🎓』Fondateur":
  103. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  104. reply with "Extinction des feux !"
  105. shutdown event-bot
  106. command /wakeup:
  107. permission: op
  108. permission message: &cCommande non trouvée, faites /help
  109. trigger:
  110. login to "{@token}" with name "{@NameBot}"
  111. send "&aBOT allumé"
  112. on direct message received:
  113. reply with "**Je ne prend pas en compte les messages privés !**"
  114. wait 5 seconds
  115. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  116. # ###################################################################
  119. discord command $addstaff <user>:
  120. executable in: guild
  121. trigger:
  122. if event-member has role named "『👑』Équipe d'administration" or "『🎓』Fondateur":
  123. loop {List_Of_Staffs::*}:
  124. if loop-value is discord id of arg-1:
  125. reply with "Le joueur %discord name of arg-1% fais déjà partie de la liste de staffs."
  126. stop
  128. add discord id of arg-1 to {List_Of_Staffs::*}
  129. reply with "Le joueur %discord name of arg-1% vient d'être ajouter à la listes des staffs."
  130. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  133. discord command $removestaff <user>:
  134. executable in: guild
  135. trigger:
  137. if event-member has role named "『👑』Équipe d'administration" or "『🎓』Fondateur":
  138. loop {List_Of_Staffs::*}:
  139. if loop-value is discord id of arg-1:
  140. remove discord id of arg-1 from {List_Of_Staffs::*}
  141. reply with "Le joueur %discord name of arg-1% vient d'être retirer de la listes des staffs."
  142. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  143. stop
  145. reply with "Le joueur %discord name of arg-1% n'est pas dans la listes des staffs."
  147. discord command $liststaff:
  148. executable in: guild
  149. trigger:
  150. loop {List_Of_Staffs::*}:
  151. set {_lu} to user with id loop-value
  152. add "%discord id of {_lu}% > %discord name of {_lu}%" to {_List_Of_Staffs::*}
  153. make embed:
  154. set the colour of the embed to Cyan
  155. add field named "List :" with value "%{_List_Of_Staffs::*}%" to embed
  156. set title of the embed to "List staff !"
  157. reply with last created embed
  158. delete event-message with "{@NameBot}"
  160. on join:
  161. if {discord::DISCORD::%player%} is set:
  162. loop {List_Of_Staffs::*}:
  163. if loop-value is {discord::DISCORD::%player%}:
  164. add player to {NonValidé::*}
  165. send "%{NonValidé::*}%"
  166. set {code.%player%} to a random alphanumerical text of length 9
  167. send "Voici votre code : %{code.%player%}%" to user with id {discord::DISCORD::%player%} with "{@NameBot}"
  168. while {NonValidé::*} contains player:
  169. if {Location.%player%} isn't location of player:
  170. teleport player at {Location.%player%}
  171. send "&cVeuillez entrer le code reçu sur votre discord. /Code <code>"
  172. wait 5 ticks
  173. on chat:
  174. loop {NonValidé::*}:
  175. if loop-value is player:
  176. cancel event
  177. send "&cVeuillez entrer le code reçu sur votre discord. /Code <code>"
  178. set {Location.%player%} to location of player
  179. on command:
  180. loop {NonValidé::*}:
  181. if loop-value is player:
  182. if command isn't "code" or "/code":
  183. cancel event
  184. send "&cVeuillez entrer le code reçu sur votre discord. /Code <code>"
  185. stop
  187. command /code [<text>]:
  188. trigger:
  189. loop {NonValidé::*}:
  190. if loop-value is player:
  191. set {_true} to true
  192. if {_true} is true:
  193. if arg 1 is {code.%player%}:
  194. send "Code validé !"
  195. remove all player from {NonValidé::*}
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