
After Midnight

Aug 30th, 2019
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  1. ┏━━━━━━━━┓
  2. CITY 127
  3. ┗━━━━━━━━┛
  5. BIRTHNAME : Kwon Chaerin
  6. NICKNAMES : Chae | Rinnie
  7. AGE : 25
  8. BIRTHDAY : 2nd February 1994
  9. HEIGHT : 164cm
  10. BIRTHPLACE : Incheon, South Korea
  11. ETHNICITY : Korean
  12. NATIONALITY : Korean
  13. SEXUALITY : Heterosexual
  14. FACE CLAIM : Kang Seulgi
  15. BACKUP : reserved
  17. ┏━━━━━━━━┓
  18. VISION
  19. ┗━━━━━━━━┛
  21. PERSONALITY : She is known to be a pathological liar as she is always making up some kind of story to cover something up. She is very skilled at decieving people. She is someone who likes to think ahead, thinking of as many different outcomes as she can so she can think of the best plan. She is very intelligent and and shows it a lot when she intricately plans out heists. She can be very flirtatious and this is when playing a role during one of their heists or missions to get information from someone. She is only really flirty with someone that she likes and won't just flirt with anyone unless for a mission. She is forward and and confident and won't say no to anything as long as it is for the good of the mission. She is loyal and will do anything to make sure that her gang are safe from any possible threats. She is resourceful using anything she can to overcome problems. She uses her unique and beautiful to get what she wants. She is very outgoing
  23. BACKGROUND : Chaerin was born in Incheon and lived there most of her childhood. When she was 12, her mum left her and her dad for another family which caused them to get a divorce. Chaerin's dad was devastated but soon after, he remarried and had another child with his new wife. Her now stepmum was horrible to her behind his back and would insult Chaerin and shove her and hit her. Whenever he dad noticed bruises on her, she always had to lie about it because she was scared of what her stepmum would do. When she finally did decide to say something, her dad didn't believe her, saying she was only saying stuff for attention and to paint her in a bad light. She lived through this for 6 years until she finally moved out at 18 years old.
  26. + Acting
  27. + Taking lead
  28. + Going to the gym
  29. + Getting into trouble
  30. + Drinking but she is not an alcoholic
  32. DISLIKES :
  33. + Being disrespected
  34. + Foods that are too sweet
  35. + People who are addicted to their phones
  36. + People who talk too much
  37. + Bad hygiene
  39. SLOT : Marseille
  40. BACKUP : reserved
  41. TRIVIA :
  42. + She can play many roles because she did drama for about 6 and a half years. She is a really good method actor and improv actor. That is why she is usually the actor during heists.
  43. + Her boyfriend is Jung Hoseok however, he has no idea that she is in a gang.
  44. + Chaerin likes colouring her hair new colours.
  45. + She is actually quite good at cooking however she doesn't cook often since she is usually very busy.
  46. + She is ambidextrous but uses her left hand more often.
  48. HOW DID SHE GET INTO THE GANG : She saw a couple of the members acting a bit suspiciously so she decided to snoop around a bit. After a bit of snooping, she got caught by one of the members. When she was being questioned, she lied about everything including her name and where she was from. They seriously believed her until they did a background check on her and found out who she really was. They were impressed with her acting skills and decided it would come in useful in there missions so they decided to recruit her.
  50. HOW DOES SHE ACT AROUND THE GANG : When she is with the gang and it is a mission or briefing about a heist, she is very serious and focused however, when they are just relaxing, she a real jokester. She has dry humour or dirty humour and there is no imbetween.
  52. FAMILY BACKGROUND : She lived with her dad after her mum left him for a new family. He remarried and had a child with the woman. Her stepmum was very strict and Chaerin hated her.
  53. IS SHE STILL IN TOUCH WITH THEM : No, she moved away when she turned 18.
  55. ┏━━━━━━━━┓
  57. ┗━━━━━━━━┛
  59. LOVE INTEREST : B.I (iKon)
  60. BACKUP : reserved
  61. THEIR PERSONALITY : He is a very versatile guy being a fun-loving and witty idiot and then he can switch to a stone cold serious person when he has too. He is fair and doesn't like to be biased to anyone just because he may have known them for longer. He can be a bit of a party-animal and he is usually one to throw major parties. B.I is not one to disrespect women and will only flirt and get up close and personal with them once he is sure that they are okay with it. He has integrity. He is very intelligent and knows when he is being messed about.
  63. HOW DID THEY MEET : As the girls were celebrating a succesful heist, they went out clubbing and while they were in the club, she met B.I, they flirted and danced together and then at the end of the night, they exchanged numbers.
  64. ARE THEY IN A GANG : Yes
  67. ┏━━━━━━━━┓
  69. ┗━━━━━━━━┛
  71. USERNAME : @GlisteningHobi
  75. + The fighters of the gang teach each of the other members some simple fighting techniques.
  76. + As a way of celebrating a successful heist, they have a party or they go out clubbing where they meet some of the LI's.
  77. + Hoseok and Chaerin are hanging out at his house and they are flipping through different channels until he accidentally switches it to the news, a picture of Chaerin's face comes up along with the rest of her gang. She scrambles to change the channel but he has already seen. He switches it back and finds out about her secret gang life. He gets angry that she has been lying and they break up.
  79. MESSAGE TO ME :: You are the most amazing apply fic writer ever and I hope you aren't under too much stress. Love you girl and keep smiling.
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