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a guest
Oct 18th, 2012
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  1. [Oct 18 23:45:17 2012] Loading IRCD Protocol Module: [unreal32]
  2. [Oct 18 23:45:17 2012] status: [0][Module, Okay - No Error]
  3. [Oct 18 23:45:17 2012] Loading Encryption Module: [enc_md5]
  4. [Oct 18 23:45:17 2012] status: [0][Module, Okay - No Error]
  5. [Oct 18 23:45:17 2012] Anope 1.8.7 (3089) (ircd protocol: UnrealIRCd 3.2+) starting up
  6. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] MySQL: has been disabled.
  7. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Databases loaded
  8. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Info: Reflecting database records.
  9. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Connected to Server 1 (
  10. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Error: Your IRCD's link block may not be setup correctly, please check unrealircd.conf
  11. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Error: Your IRCD's link block may not be setup correctly, please check unrealircd.conf
  12. [Oct 18 23:45:18 2012] Read error from server: No such file or directory (error num: 2)
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