
Jul 17th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was enjoying the meal but was finding it a little hard to focus on the conversation with his mind thinking about the little black box in the pocket of his blazer. He was smiling and laughing as the conversation went, looking around at all the flowers which seemed to be over the top but they were nice at the same time. // Tae was barely eating anything and was spending more time talking to Adam and Hayley as she looked across the table at Drew, with the occasional smirk before her Mom or Dad caught it.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat with his wrists poised against the edge of the table, his fork in his right hand as he lifted it to his mouth to take another bite, his attention on Tae as he listened to her since she loved to talk so much. // Neil was seated beside Eli opposite Bliss because it was strategic and shit, listening to the conversations around the table before piping in. "Everything is wonderful, Prudence. Thank you so much for having us tonight." // Lisa picked up her glass of wine to take a sip, nodding along with her husband's words. "And this white is to die for. Where did you say you got it? I'll need to pick some up for myself to keep in the house."-
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss looked around at the flowers displayed everywhere, still looking curious about the whole set up. She smiled over to Eli and bumped him a bit with her hand on his shoulder. "This is delicious, right?" She asked him before looking around at the others. // Prudence nodded her head with a smile. "Oh thank you so much for coming." She said to Neil. "It's always a pleasure to have company." She went to sip from her glass of whiskey, only a little. "We go to a vineyard just outside of New York, well I go. These children barely learned anything about wine from me. Besides Bliss." She shook her head. // Persephone was more concerned with her food than anything. // Drew stared over at Tae while she spoke across the table. He smirked at her then cleared his throat as he lowered his head, picking at his food. // Hayley slouched as she stabbed her fork into her food. She exhaled lethargically before giving Tae a nod.
  4. Covet: "Hmm? Oh yeah, very nice. Perfect temperature on the meat and and everything. "He said taking a drink from the glass of beer he had for himself, "Great choice on the beer as well Prudence. Bliss has learned quite a lot from you. She kept me well informed on our cruise." He said giving Bliss a wink. // Tae looked over at her parents then down at her glass, "I wish I knew how good that wine is, you are all drinking." She mumbled then looked at Adam and Hayley, "Sorry for prattling on, How has your guys' summer been." She asked, but really her eyes and mental focus were across the table.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Adam smiled at Tae as he chewed the steak in his mouth, swallowing before setting his fork down to speak. "I've been enjoying having more free time to myself since class is out. It's given the opportunity to work more. What about you? Enjoying your Summer?" He asked her, moving his hand to Hayley's shoulder to give it a little rub. // Neil dipped his head as he listened to Prudence before slowly sliding a glance to Eli, feeling the tension on him. He moved his hand beneath the table, nudging his side and speaking from the side of his mouth. "Doing alright?" // Lisa took another sip of her wine. "I might just have to request you bring me back a bottle the next time you go if you get out there before we do. It's really wonderful." She quickly shot a glance across the table to Tae, shaking a disapproving mother look at her. "You will when you're old enough to drink."-
  6. Tsaaq: She waved her hand at Prudence. "Oh gram, stop." She laughed lightly then turned to Eli. "You stop too. I'm hardly an expert." She shrugged. // "Maybe we could make a trip of it if you're not too busy." Prudence offered. "Oh, I'm so proud." She sighed. "I'm so glad to hear you both had such a wonderful time."// Persephone let out a high pitched sigh. "Mimosas taste so much better... What grape is in that?" She asked vacantly. // Drew looked Tae right in the eye and licked his lips a moment. "Yeah, you're too young for that." Drew piped up with a small smirk then cleared his throat again as he lowered his head. //"It's fine. I don't care." She told Tae. She lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "It's okay so far I guess." She whispered. She looked over to Adam and nodded. "Uh, yeah."
  7. Covet: "I am.. Little nervous, going over what I intend to say, but over all good." He said with a slight nervous smile, before he focused back on his food working on getting it finished up. He swallowed hard and looked over at Bliss, "I can't stop, You know this, My Love." He told her with a chuckle. // Tae watched Drew, and gave him a challenging smirk before she pouted at her mom's comment, before adressing Adam and Hayley, " Busy, busy for me. Been working my tail off with some custom costume requests, but I find myself getting in some socializing every now and then. It'd be fun to have a backyard party or something for us young people."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Adam smiled, leaning back in his chair because he was done with his delicious dinner. "A backyard party would be fun. Like a cook out?" He asked, because he just assumed that's what she meant. He darted his eyes over to check on Eli briefly before focusing his attention back on Tae. // Neil nodded and gave Eli a quick pat on the shoulder before looking to Prudence. "A trip to New York would be great. We haven't been there in a while and a change of scenery is always nice." // Lisa smiled, her eyes lighting up. "I love New York. Maybe we could even catch a show while we're there. I heard [FUCKING BRENDON URIE] Kinky Boots is fantastic and I've love to see it." Slowly turning her head to look at Tae, she kept her smile fixed on her face, eyeing her daughter like a fucking psychopath because fuck your dig you little bitch.-
  9. Covet: [You can't think things like that about your own children Lisa! XD]
  10. Alexithymiaa: (She caught Tae's dig that shes not a young person so shes giving her a look, thats all!)
  11. Covet: [LMAO]
  12. Tsaaq: She shook her head at him again. "Oh my goodness." She sighed as she dabbed her lips with her napkin then put it down on her plate. "Well that was quite the lovely dinner." She said with a smile. "Oh I'd love to see Kinky boots too!"// Prudence swirled her ice around in the glass. "I'll arrange it in no time. We'll have a great time. No children allowed." She said as she gave Persephone a stern look. // Persephone began to whine because she was totally about to jump in on the idea of going to NY.// Drew looked over to Tae, glancing at the set of double doors that led back ointo the house then brought his gaze back to her face. Hoping she got the signal. He pretended to feel his phone vibrate and held his phone to his ear. "Hello?" He asked as rose from his seat and went inside the kitchen. // Hayley nodded her head in agreement though it was kind of obvious her mind was elsewhere.
  13. Covet: Eli watched as Drew got up from the table to answer a phone call, He thought about waiting for him to get back but at the same time wasn't all that concerned if he wasn't going to be a part of what happened next. He looked at Bliss and rubbed her shoulder, "Maybe you and some of your friends could go on a seperate girls trip? If no children are allowed." He said with a smile. Taking a deep breath to hype himself up. // Tae caught Drew's motion and waited for a moment before going to excuse herself from the table for some excuse or another, taking another bite of her dinner before she pushed it away, and finished off the glass of ice water she had for herself. Bathroom being her excuse.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to Tae when she got up from their conversation, turning his attention over to Hayley and looking into her face with a lowered voice. "Are you doing alright? You look uncomfortable." // Neil watched as Drew excused himself followed shortly by Tae, his eyes narrowing because he did not like that fucking guy. // Lisa returned her attention back to Prudence, nodding her head. "Maybe sometime in the Fall? I just love New York in the fall. I think the weather is perfect."-
  15. Covet: [Tae hasn't left yet.. She's going to wait for everyone to be distracted with the proposal and slip through the other doors XD]
  16. Alexithymiaa: (Oh. I misread that. Neil is still glaring at Drew though just because he doesnt fucking like him)
  17. Tsaaq: "I love New York in the Fall!" Bliss piped up with a grin. "Too bad I can't go. I think you guys are going to have a lot of fun." She glanced at Eli and gasped a bit. "Oh my goodness, that would be so lovely!" // Prudence sipped on the liquor in her glass as she smiled. "I love that idea. Great weather in the Fall. Makeup barely gets ruined around that time." She laughed. She furrowed her eyebrows at Drew as he got up then glanced to Eli, still waiting on the big moment. // Persephone sputtered her lips and whined again. "Oh my god, it's not fair!" She complained. "Where are you going?" She called Drew out immediately then frowned, glancing over to Eli and Bliss. // Drew waited in the kitchen for this bitch. // Hayley glanced over to Adam then nodded. "I'm fine. Just tired." She said to him quietly.
  18. Covet: Eli took a deep breath cleared his throat and went to stand up from the table. Taking the knife from his place setting he went about giving his glass of water a tap on the edge to get a slight ring before he gave a smile to everyone. He put his arm around Bliss' shoulders and gave her a gentle rub. "I would like to personally thank our families and close friends for joining us tonight for dinner. Bliss and I had a wonderful vacation, just the two of us. Thank you Prudence for putting together dinner tonight, definitely took the stress out of having to figure out what to make tonight after our flight back home this morning." He paused then smiled big as he held up his glass, "I would first like to toast to all of us, family and friends close enough they might as well be family, in hopes that you'll all join Bliss and I at a future date" He turned to Bliss, who he assumed was going to look confused at this point. "Bliss, everyday that I've been with you, since that party at a friends house a couple years ago, you've left me feeling like a better person who's able to accomplish anything with you by my side. We've had our struggles, but we didn't let those bumps in the road stop us from loving each other, or gaining a greater understanding of each other. I wouldn't be the compassionate person I am today, if it wasn't for you." He reached down to her hand and took off the dainty knotted rope promise ring that he'd given her as his lame ass half proposal over a year ago. Setting it down on the table he reached into the inside pocket of his blazer for the black velvet covered hinged box, holding it in his hand closed as he kept talking to her. "I gave you this ring as a promise to you after your dad walked out on you, that you would never be alone. That I would be there for you to help you through your recovery. I know I faultered, but you never gave up on me in that period, just as I never gave up on you during your recovery. Now that we're both in a better, happier place, I would like to extend that original promise." He said then kneeled down on one knee in front of her, opening the box with the fancy upgraded engagement ring. "Bliss Huberta Maverick, Will you give me the honor of marrying you?" He asked her looking up with his bright charming Eli smile. // Tae took the moment of everyone looking at, and paying attention to Eli's proposal, to slip into the house by the other set of double doors, whispering out loudly, "Drew?! Where are you?" She asked, then turned into the kitchen to see him standing there, she gave him a grin, "Oh.. Hey there."
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Adam slipped his arm around Hayley's shoulders, turning his attention over to Eli's little speech and proposal before lifting his own glass of water for the toast. He took a sip and set it down so he could continue to listen to Eli's speech, pleased with the way he went about it. // Neil smirked all smug as fuck since I'm sure Eli went over all these details with him prior, his hand reaching out for Lisa's because he knew that woman would be a fucking mess any second. // Lisa's eyes went bright and wide the more Eli spoke, tears filling the brims of her eyes as she grabbed for her napkin and immediately started to dab her face.-
  20. Tsaaq: She rose her glass of wine and smiled at the beginning of his toast. Bliss looked like a deer in headlights as he began to spoke. "Come again?" She asked softly with a nervous smile. She blinked slowly then looked to Prudence then back to Eli. She looked down at her hand at furrowed her eyebrows. Bliss put her glass down and covered her mouth with her hands. "Eli, why are you down there-" She began to whisper before gasping again. She sniffled and held her hands over her chest. "Oh my goodness." She whispered. She nodded her head too quickly. "Oh Eli... Of course I'll marry you." Bliss replied, getting choked up. // Prudence lifted her drink and gave Eli a firm nod, watching the proposal with a smile. // At first all was fine but then Persephone's mouth hung open at the proposal. She resisted the urge to stand up and scream. She just stared in shock. // Drew smirked as he pulled her along with him. "Come on." He grasped her by her wrist and pulled her body against his then grabbed the back of her head so he could kiss her. "Get on your knees-" He told her hurriedly. "You've been teasing me all night." // Hayley lifted her glass with a pout, thinking it was a regular toast. She furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up, paying attention as her eyes widened.
  21. Covet: [XD this post is life.]
  22. Covet: Eli grinned as he pulled the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger and wrapped his arms around her to give her a kiss. He was very happy and picked her up to spin her around before he pulled back. "I think You've just made me the happiest man alive, My Love." // Tae bit her lip as Drew grabbed her then kissed her, "We're missing something big out there" She said after he told her that she'd been teasing him all night and to get on her knees. She looked around and dropped down, "What if we get caught? They're going to notice we're not there." Asking these questions wasn't stopping her from following along with what he was asking.
  23. Alexithymiaa: (Tae you dumbass)
  24. Covet: [Just Ass in general. XD]
  25. Alexithymiaa: -When Bliss accepted Eli's proposal, Adam clapped his hands together because it seemed like the appropriate time to applaud. Reaching over for his glass, he held it up in the air, raising his voice just a little. "To Eli and Bliss." // Neil reached for his glass to join in the toast, holding it up and taking a sip before glancing around the table. "Where's Tae?" // Lisa continued to blubber into her napkin, not even bothering on the toast and just immediately standing up from her place at the table and walking over to Eli and Bliss, throwing her arms around them to give them a squeeze. "I'm so happy for you two." She spoke through her fucking mom tears.-
  26. Tsaaq: Bliss laughed then began to squeal with excitement. "You make me happy everyday." She sighed dreamily, clutching onto him as they spun. "And I know it for a fact." She kissed his cheek then nodded. "Thank you." She nodded to Adam and whoever else clapped. // Prudence stood up as she applauded. "Finally. A keeper." She said with a nod. // Persephone shot up to her feet then squealed obnoxiously. "You're getting married. Before me which I'm totally not thinking about because this moment is about you. I'm so excited." She plasted on a smile. //"You're missing something big right here." Drew replied with a smirk as he took out the peen which was more than ready for blowies. He basically just shoved himself into Tae's mouth." // Hayley nodded, looking a little confused. "Yeah." She said with her glass still raised then clanked it against the other people's glasses.
  27. Covet: Eli smiled and looked at Prudence, Neil and Adam, "Yes thank you three especially." He smiled taking a deep breath feeling completely elated and relieved at this point. He turned to give his mom a hug, "Mom, this is a happy thing, Why are you crying so hard. Save it for the actuall wedding" He laughed comforting her. // Tae was clearly busy now with this whole blowey situation and was giving it her all, beacuse one she thought this was hot and two because she didn't want to be caught.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Adam laughed as he watched Eli with his mother who was a mess, turning his head to look at Hayley. "Surprised?" // Neil shook his head despite being completely used to Lisa's shit, sliding back in his chair and pushing up from the table. "I'm going to go find Tae. She's been in the bathroom way too long and she probably got lost along the way." He rolled his eyes, turning to step into the kitchen as he shouted. "Tae?" // Lisa held onto Eli tightly, swiping at her face. "I am happy! I'm so happy for you two." She spoke through tears, releasing Eli and turning to Bliss to hug her as well. "Welcome to the family, Sweetheart."-
  29. Tsaaq: "She's overwhelmed with emotion Eli! Leave her be." She said. Bliss laughed a little, going to hug Persephone then doing the same with Lisa. "Oh my goodness, thank you for having me. As always." // Prudence went over to the couple then looked around as well. "I'm not too far behind. Drew missed the whole proposal." She went to go inside behind Neil. // She went to give Bliss a hug then did the same with Eli. "This is amazing! I can't wait to do all the planning! Oh and the bachelorette party! We should go to Las Vegas!" // Drew threw his head back. He went to shove her face further onto his peen. He heard Neil's voice and attempted to hide behind the wall as she blew him. "Yes, fucking keep going don't stop." // Hayley nodded her head as she stared at Bliss and Eli. "Not really but... I didn't think this would happen now. I knew eventually they would..."
  30. Covet: Eli pulled back out of his mother's clutches and let Bliss go around giving everyone else a hug. He laughed at Persephone's suggestion of planning the Bachelorette party, and her taking over all of that. "I'm sure Bliss will be happy for the help. I don't know the first step of planning a wedding, except for the proposal part." // Tae tried to keep moving as Drew slid down the wall in an attempt to keep them hidden, looking up at him with a shocked sort of desperate look as she heard her Dad's voice but she couldn't pull back because he had a hold of her head.
  31. Tsaaq: ((Bwahah Tae.))
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Adam furrowed his brows, leaning into Hayley a bit and lowering his voice. "You don't seem like you're okay with it. Do you want to head out? I know it's pretty late." // Neil glanced over his shoulder at Prudence when she followed him. "Where did that girl run off to? She missed the whole thing. This was a bit moment for Elijah and Bliss." He turned the corner into the hallway, seeing Drew and Tae with the fucking DICK MOUTH. "Tae Andrew Cohen!" He yelled in a super bass boomy voice, reaching down to grab her by the back of the shoulders, yanking her to her feet. "What the hell is going on here?" He shouted, almost immediately trying to drag her down the hallway away from Drew. // Lisa stepped back and fanned her face in a desperate attempt to get herself to stop crying. "This is going to be such a beautiful wedding. And of course if you need any help I'd be more than happy to assist."-
  33. Tsaaq: Bliss waved her hand at Persephone. "It's a little soon for the bachelorette party planning. We should have everything in order first but I'll let you know. You'll both be involved." She smiled. // Prudence furrowed her eyebrows and gasped. "You!" She growled, going to hit Drew on his blonde head. "What kind of behavior is this?" She asked. // Persephone's eye twitched as she rubbed her hands together. "Right, like bridesmaids and stuff. Which I know I'm party of." She scoffed. // Drew heard his voice. Once Neil pulled Tae off his crotch he hurriedly put his cock away. "Nothing." He replied loudly, only flinching a moment when Prudence hit him. "Nothing was happening!" // Hayley looked over to Adam and shook his head. "I am okay with it." She shrugged. "I'm always happy for them. They're my friends." Hayley told him. "Well, I guess I can head home. I need to take my meds..."
  34. Covet: Eli finished off his beer and looked over to Adam and Hayley, "Thanks for coming, I'm really glad you guys were here for this. Are you going to be heading out?" He asked them while Bliss was busy talking with his mom and Persephone. // Tae could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. She winced and closed her eyes as she was pulled away and both Prudence and Neil were on them. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. " was all she could say because what the fuck do you say in that situtaion. She was already starting to tear up a bit because of embarassment and just being generally ashamed for her own actions.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pushed up his feet and moved behind Hayley's chair to pull it back for her, offering her a hand. "I really appreciate you sharing this moment with us, Eli - Bliss. I know we have family in you." He smiled and looked back down at Hayley. "Let's get home and ready for bed." // Neil shook his head, staring at Tae as he pushed her toward the exit of the hallway. "Get in the car. Now!" He spoke with force, his words blunt as he pointed to the exit. "I don't want to hear another word out of you all night. Do I make myself clear?' He snapped before looking down at Drew like he was going to rip his fucking head off. Because he wanted to. Fuck you, Drew. // Lisa smiled and finished wiping the corners of her eyes to compose herself. "Oh thank you Bliss. I'm so looking forward to this." Looking over her shoulder, she furrowed her brows. "Where did they run off to?"-
  36. Tsaaq: Bliss looked over to Adam and Hayley with a pout. "Are you guys leaving? But we have so much to plan!" She called out to the two of them. // Prudence shook her head. "My sincerest apologies." She told Neil then glared at Drew. "Thank you for ruining a wonderful evening." // Drew pursed his lips and went to walk away apathetically. He wanted his dick sucked bro. // She smiled at Eli and gave him a half hug. "I love you guys." She said with a nod. "I'm so glad. Really." Hayley said before waving at Bliss. "Just text me." She called out then followed Adam.
  37. Covet: "No problem, get home safe you two." He said with a wave then looked at Lisa, "Dad and Tae? I'm not sure...But I assume you're going to go find them and head out so I'll get my hug now." He said giving her a hug then moved next to Bliss taking her hand and putting an arm around her shoulders to press a kiss to her head. // Tae nodded her head and moved quickly out to the car to sit there knowing she was going to get an earful the whole way home and have to deal with more of her mom's waterworks.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "We'll discuss more tomorrow." Adam spoke as he led Hayley back into the house, thanking Prudence on their way out before heading back to his truck for home. // Neil shook his head, turning to Prudence. "It's not your fault. But I can assure you, it won't happen again." He darted a glare back at Drew before turning, waiting on Lisa before going out to the car to fill her in on the events of the night so they could both yell at Tae on the way home.-
  39. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded her head. "Night you guys. Thank you." She sighed as she looked to Persephone. "I think I already know who my maid of honor is." She smiled and waved as Lisa left. // Persephone exhaled in relief. "Good. I thought that would be a problem." She smiled, this bitch assumed it was her. "I'll talk to you tomorrow about everything!" // Drew went to hide in his wing of the house, upset about his lack of blowie.
  40. Covet: [No blowie for Drew]
  41. Covet: Eli probably went about helping get things cleaned up while he and Bliss acted like twitterpated lovebirds because you know he took her home and they celebrated properly.
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