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Supergirl Download

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  46. Kara Zor-El was sent to Earth from Krypton as a 13-year-old by her parents Zor-El and Alura. Krypton was exploding, and Kara's parents sent Kara in a spacecraft to Earth after her cousin. Kara was meant to protect her infant cousin Kal-El, but her spacecraft was knocked off course and forced into the Phantom Zone, where it stayed for 24 years. By the time the spacecraft crash landed on Earth, Kal-El had grown up and become Superman. The series begins eleven years later when the now 24-year-old Kara is learning to embrace her powers and has adopted the superheroic alias "Supergirl". In the first season, Kara is forced to reveal her powers, and becomes National City's protector. Kara discovers that hundreds of the criminals her mother imprisoned are hiding on Earth, including her aunt Astra and Astra's husband Non. Kara works with her adoptive sister Alex Danvers to fight these criminals, alongside the Green Martian J'onn J'onzz, her cousin's friend James Olsen, and tech genius Winn Schott, Jr. In the second season, Kara and her allies deal with feuds between Earth's native populace and extraterrestrial community, and investigate the shadowy organization Project Cadmus, masterminded by Lillian Luthor, mother of Lex Luthor. At the same time, Kara befriends Lillian's stepdaughter Lena Luthor, the new CEO of LuthorCorp, and struggles with romantic feelings for recent Earth arrival Mon-El, a princely survivor from Krypton's neighboring planet Daxam whose parents wish to reclaim him. James becomes the masked streetfighting vigilante Guardian; Alex begins dating Maggie Sawyer; and J'onn befriends a younger Martian, M'gann, from the White Martian race that killed his people. In the third season, Kara struggles with the loss of Mon-El after he is forced to leave Earth. When Mon-El returns, he reveals that he has time-traveled to the 31st century and founded the Legion, alongside marrying Imra Ardeen. J'onn discovers his father M'yrnn Jonzz is alive and Alex deals with her heartbreak after breaking up with Maggie. Kara and Alex's new friend, Samantha Arias, is unknowingly another Kryptonian survivor, and begins a transformation from a loving single mother into the worldkilling weapon known as Reign.
  47. National City's new hero, Supergirl, takes on the responsibility of keeping the people safe. Going on adventures filled with action, hope and love. She is determined to make a difference by bringing not only her super powers, but her heart to the table as well.
  48. (minor spoilers) Supergirl and Jimmy Olsen ? what a joke. No chemistry between them. Not even a real romance scenario outside &quot;clichΓ©s&quot;. It&#39;s only there for anti-racist agenda. Why does Supergirls like Jimmy ? nobody knows ... ho wait, he has abs ! <br/><br/>It&#39;s obvious when Blake Jenner her real husband in live comes in the show, suddenly, there are sparks. We hope that he stays but ...<br/><br/>The show is obviously for teenager. Bearly watchable, even if getting a little better with time.<br/><br/>No real innovations, no suspense even when there is a countdown.<br/><br/>Good fun moment with Barry Allen. This episode, we feel like the actors are really having fun.
  49. This show is basically &quot;Let&#39;s shove the pro-LGBTQ lifestyle in people&#39;s faces&quot;, with some aliens here and there. I mean, while I may not agree with that crowd&#39;s lifestyle choices, I do agree it&#39;s their choice to make. Where I draw the line, however, is when those lifestyle choices get incessantly shoved down the throats of viewers. Why does this ~4% minority get such a disproportionately-large representation in Hollywood?<br/><br/>Also, in this show, the pseudo-liberal, &quot;Anything goesβ€”as long as you don&#39;t disagree with us&quot; viewpoint reigns supreme. Anyone with traditionally-conservative points of view is depicted as a malicious, evil monster.<br/><br/>If that&#39;s the auto-delusional echo chamber you want to inhabit in your downtime, then this is the show for you. Literally the ONLY reason I&#39;ve watched past the first few episodes were the inevitable crossovers with Arrow/Flash/Legends. I&#39;m no longer sure it&#39;s worth continuing doing so.
  51. Kara was sent in a separate escape pod from Kal-El. Her pod became stuck in the Phantom Zone, where time does not pass. After twenty four years her pod left the zone and arrived on Earth. Yes and No. Supergirl is in what is called the &quot;Arrowverse&quot;. The &quot;Arrowverse&quot; is a group of shows that share continuity and who&#39;s characters interact with each other across the different shows. However within the &quot;Arrowverse&quot; the character of Supergirl is from a different universe and a different Earth then the characters in the rest of the shows. Within the &quot;Arrowverse&quot; there are multipule universes that are all slightly similar to each other in different ways. Most of the shows take place in what they call &quot;Earth 1&quot;, Supergirl takes place in another &quot;Earth&quot;, but can come visit &quot;Earth 1&quot;. There are three long-running iterations of the Supergirl character, the first being the original Kara Zor-El, Superman&#39;s cousin from Krypton, who died in the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, after DC Comics decided that Superman should be the sole Kryptonian survivor.<br/><br/>After continuity was rebooted, she was replaced by a protoplasmic, shapeshifter Supergirl also known as Matrix, created in another universe by that world&#39;s Lex Luthor. Matrix saved a girl named Linda Danvers and the two merged, becoming a new Supergirl. Linda eventually developed angelic powers, and after failing to save the original Kara Zor-El from her death, quit the Supergirl mantle.<br/><br/>After another DC universe reboot, the Kara Zor-El version of the character was re-introduced, and remains to this day.<br/><br/>Kara also has an Earth-2, more matured version of herself, Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. This is answered in season one episode sevenAlex confronts Henshaw about the death of her father, which she believes Henshaw may be responsible for. He reveals instead that he is not, in fact, the Hank Henshaw who had been her father&#39;s partner. Henshaw and Mr Danvers had been tracking an alien refugee with Henshaw intending to kill it. Danvers had tried to stop him and both ended up dead. Instead, the man who Alex knows as Hank Henshaw is the alien they had been tracking: J&#39;onn J&#39;onnz, the last surviving Martian. <br/><br/>In the comics the character is known as the Martian Manhunter and has been a long time member of the Justice League. Beginning in the late 1980s he was the group&#39;s leader at a time when they were sponsored by Maxwell Lord, who is an antagonist to Supergirl on the show. J&#39;onn has powers which are similar to Superman&#39;s but also include shapeshifting (as seen in this episode) and telepathy.<br/><br/>His civilian identity as Hank Henshaw is a bit of misdirection, since Henshaw is a known Superman villain in the comic books. The ambiguous nature of the real Henshaw&#39;s death in the show leaves open the possibility that the character will return in something close to his comic book state. <br/><br/>In the comics, Henshaw first appears as the commander of a space mission which encounters a burst of unusual stellar radiation. In a pastiche of the origin of the Fantastic Four, the crew begin undergoing strange changes, which eventually lead to the decay of all of their bodies. Henshaw manages to transfer his mind into the Lexcorp computers and is then sent into space when his consciousness begins interfering with Earth&#39;s communication systems.<br/><br/>In space, Henshaw becomes obsessed with revenge on Superman, who he blames for the death of his crew, including his wife. He next appears during the &quot;Death of Superman&quot; arc when Superman was believed killed by the monster Doomsday. At the time there were several beings who claimed to be a resurrected version of Superman. Henshaw had managed to recreate a body based on Superman&#39;s genetic code, but with cybernetic replacements for some body parts. He eventually gained recognition as the &quot;true&quot; Superman, but it turned out that he was working in conjunction with the alien warlord Mongul. <br/><br/> a5c7b9f00b
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