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- //This is the fine tuned source code of the wind turbine
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using UnityEngine;
- using Verse;
- using RimWorld;
- namespace WindTurbine
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// This is a wind tubine building
- /// </summary>
- class Building_PowerPlantWindTurbine : Building_PowerPlant
- {
- #region Variables
- // ==================================
- public static Graphic[] graphic = null;
- private const int arraySize = 12; // Turn animation off => set to 1
- private string graphicPathAdditionWoNumber = "_frame"; // everything before this will be used for the other file names
- private int activeGraphicFrame = 0;
- private int activeGraphicFrameOld = -1;
- private int ticksSinceUpdateGraphic;
- private const int updateAnimationEveryXTicks = 10;
- public int updateWeatherEveryXTicks = 250;
- private int ticksSinceWeatherUpdate;
- private List<IntVec3> windPathCells;
- private bool windPathBlocked;
- private List<Thing> windPathBlockedByThings;
- private List<IntVec3> windPathBlockedCells;
- private const float powerReductionPercentPerObstacle = 0.2f;
- private float maxWindIntensity = 0f;
- private const string translateWindPathIsBlocked = "WindTurbineExample_WindPathIsBlocked";
- private const string translateWindPathIsBlockedBy = "WindTurbineExample_WindPathIsBlockedBy";
- private const string translateWindPathIsBlockedByRoof = "WindTurbineExample_WindPathIsBlockedByRoof";
- private static Vector2 BarSize;
- private readonly static Material BarFilledMat = SolidColorMaterials.SimpleSolidColorMaterial(new Color(0.5f, 0.475f, 0.1f));
- private readonly static Material BarUnfilledMat = SolidColorMaterials.SimpleSolidColorMaterial(new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f));
- #endregion
- #region Setup Work
- // ==================================
- /// <summary>
- /// Do something after the object is spawned into the world
- /// </summary>
- public override void SpawnSetup()
- {
- base.SpawnSetup();
- BarSize = new Vector2(def.size.z - 0.95f, 0.14f);
- maxWindIntensity = 0f;
- foreach (WeatherDef wDef in DefDatabase<WeatherDef>.AllDefs)
- {
- if (wDef.windSpeedFactor > maxWindIntensity)
- maxWindIntensity = wDef.windSpeedFactor;
- }
- CheckWindPathBlocked(ref windPathCells, out windPathBlockedCells, out windPathBlockedByThings);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// To save and load actual values (savegame-data)
- /// </summary>
- public override void ExposeData()
- {
- base.ExposeData();
- Scribe_Values.LookValue<int>(ref ticksSinceWeatherUpdate, "updateCounter");
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Import the graphics
- /// </summary>
- private void UpdateGraphics()
- {
- // resize the graphic array
- graphic = new Graphic_Single[arraySize];
- // Get the base path (without _frameXX)
- int indexOf_frame = def.graphicPath.ToLower().LastIndexOf(graphicPathAdditionWoNumber);
- string graphicRealPathBase = def.graphicPath.Remove(indexOf_frame);
- // fill the graphic array
- for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
- {
- string graphicRealPath = graphicRealPathBase + graphicPathAdditionWoNumber + (i + 1).ToString();
- // Set the graphic
- graphic[i] = GraphicDatabase.Get<Graphic_Single>(graphicRealPath, def.shader, def.DrawSize, def.defaultColor, def.defaultColorTwo);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Ticker
- // ==================================
- /// <summary>
- /// This is used, when the Ticker is set to Normal
- /// This Tick is done often (60 times per second)
- /// </summary>
- public override void Tick()
- {
- base.Tick();
- // Power off
- if ( powerComp == null || !powerComp.PowerOn )
- {
- activeGraphicFrame = 0;
- powerComp.powerOutputInt = -0.0f;
- return;
- }
- if (powerComp.powerOutputInt != 0)
- {
- ticksSinceUpdateGraphic++;
- if (ticksSinceUpdateGraphic >= updateAnimationEveryXTicks)
- {
- ticksSinceUpdateGraphic = 0;
- activeGraphicFrame++;
- if (activeGraphicFrame >= arraySize)
- activeGraphicFrame = 0;
- UpdateGraphicForAnimation();
- }
- }
- // Power update based on weather
- // This is used instead of TickRare to prevent the possibility, that all turbines check the wind path at the same time after loading
- ticksSinceWeatherUpdate++;
- if (ticksSinceWeatherUpdate >= updateWeatherEveryXTicks)
- {
- ticksSinceWeatherUpdate = 0;
- WeatherDef weather = Find.WeatherManager.curWeather;
- powerComp.powerOutputInt = -(powerComp.props.basePowerConsumption * weather.windSpeedFactor);
- // Just for a little bit wind randomness..
- powerComp.powerOutputInt += (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(-20, 20);
- // If obstacled, reduce production
- windPathBlocked = CheckWindPathBlocked(ref windPathCells, out windPathBlockedCells, out windPathBlockedByThings);
- if (windPathBlocked)
- {
- float reduction = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < windPathBlockedCells.Count; i++)
- reduction += powerComp.powerOutputInt * powerReductionPercentPerObstacle;
- if (reduction < powerComp.powerOutputInt)
- powerComp.powerOutputInt -= reduction;
- else
- {
- powerComp.powerOutputInt = -0.0f;
- activeGraphicFrame = 0;
- UpdateGraphicForAnimation();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Graphics / Inspections
- // ==================================
- /// <summary>
- /// This returns the graphic of the object.
- /// The renderer will draw the needed object graphic from here.
- /// </summary>
- public override Graphic Graphic
- {
- get
- {
- if (graphic == null || graphic[0] == null)
- {
- UpdateGraphics();
- // Graphic couldn't be loaded? (Happends after load for a while)
- if (graphic == null || graphic[0] == null)
- return base.Graphic;
- }
- if (graphic[activeGraphicFrame] != null)
- return graphic[activeGraphicFrame];
- return base.Graphic;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Draw power display
- /// </summary>
- public override void Draw()
- {
- base.Draw();
- GenDraw.FillableBarRequest fillableBarRequest = new GenDraw.FillableBarRequest()
- {
- center = DrawPos + (Vector3.up * 0.1f),
- size = BarSize,
- fillPercent = powerComp.powerOutputInt / (-powerComp.props.basePowerConsumption * maxWindIntensity),
- filledMat = BarFilledMat,
- unfilledMat = BarUnfilledMat,
- margin = 0.15f
- };
- IntRot rotation = base.Rotation;
- rotation.Rotate(RotationDirection.Clockwise);
- fillableBarRequest.rotation = rotation;
- GenDraw.DrawFillableBar(fillableBarRequest);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// This string will be shown when the object is selected (focus)
- /// </summary>
- public override string GetInspectString()
- {
- StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- stringBuilder.Append(base.GetInspectString());
- stringBuilder.AppendLine();
- if (windPathBlocked)
- {
- stringBuilder.Append(translateWindPathIsBlocked.Translate());
- stringBuilder.AppendLine();
- Thing blocker = null;
- if (windPathBlockedByThings != null)
- blocker = windPathBlockedByThings[0];
- if (blocker != null)
- stringBuilder.Append(translateWindPathIsBlockedBy.Translate() + " " + blocker.Label);
- else
- stringBuilder.Append(translateWindPathIsBlockedByRoof.Translate());
- }
- // return the complete string
- return stringBuilder.ToString();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Draw the wind path
- /// </summary>
- public override void DrawExtraSelectionOverlays()
- {
- base.DrawExtraSelectionOverlays();
- if (windPathCells != null)
- GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges(windPathCells);
- }
- #endregion
- #region Functions
- private void UpdateGraphicForAnimation()
- {
- if (activeGraphicFrame == activeGraphicFrameOld)
- return;
- activeGraphicFrameOld = activeGraphicFrame;
- // Tell the MapDrawer that here is something thats changed
- Find.MapDrawer.MapChanged(Position, MapChangeType.Things, true, false);
- }
- // Check if an object is blocking the wind flow
- // Check for Thing.def.altitudeLayer == BuildingTall
- // blockedThings are correlating to blockedCells, but can have null fields. This means that corresponding cell is roofed.
- private bool CheckWindPathBlocked(ref List<IntVec3> checkCells, out List<IntVec3> blockedCells, out List<Thing> blockedByThings)
- {
- if (checkCells == null)
- checkCells = new List<IntVec3>();
- if (checkCells.Count() == 0)
- {
- IEnumerable<IntVec3> tmpCells = GetCellsOfConeBeforeAndBehindObject(Position, Rotation, def.size);
- checkCells.AddRange(tmpCells);
- }
- blockedCells = new List<IntVec3>();
- blockedByThings = new List<Thing>();
- for (int i = 0; i < checkCells.Count; i++)
- {
- IntVec3 cell = checkCells[i];
- // roofed?
- if (Find.RoofGrid.Roofed(cell))
- {
- blockedByThings.Add(null);
- blockedCells.Add(cell);
- continue;
- }
- // blocked?
- List<Thing> workThings = Find.ThingGrid.ThingsListAt(cell);
- for (int j = 0; j < workThings.Count; j++ )
- {
- Thing workThing = workThings[j];
- if (workThing.def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.BuildingTall)
- {
- blockedByThings.Add(workThing);
- blockedCells.Add(cell);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return blockedCells.Count > 0;
- }
- // Find the cells of the wind path before and behind the wind turbine
- private IEnumerable<IntVec3> GetCellsOfConeBeforeAndBehindObject(IntVec3 thingCenter, IntRot thingRot, IntVec2 thingSize)
- {
- // Base cone:
- // +++ +xx+
- // +++++ ++xx++
- // XXXXX ++xx++
- // XXXXX ++xx++
- // +++++ ++xx++
- // +++ +xx+
- // Description:
- // X - Object
- // + - Returned cells
- int numBaseX1, numBaseX2, numBaseZ1, numBaseZ2;
- int num1X1, num1X2, num2X1, num2X2, num1Z1, num1Z2, num2Z1, num2Z2;
- int num3X1, num3X2, num3Z1, num3Z2, num4X1, num4X2, num4Z1, num4Z2;
- // change to resize wind path
- int extensionLengthFront = 5;
- int extensionLengthBack = 2;
- // Find base points to work with
- // X1 and Z1 are the lower values
- if (thingRot == IntRot.north)
- {
- numBaseX1 = thingCenter.x - (thingSize.x + 1) / 2 + 1;
- numBaseX2 = numBaseX1 + thingSize.x - 1;
- numBaseZ1 = thingCenter.z - (thingSize.z + 1) / 2 + 1;
- numBaseZ2 = numBaseZ1 + thingSize.z - 1;
- }
- else if (thingRot == IntRot.east)
- {
- numBaseX1 = thingCenter.x - (thingSize.z + 1) / 2 + 1;
- numBaseX2 = numBaseX1 + thingSize.z - 1;
- numBaseZ1 = thingCenter.z - thingSize.x / 2;
- numBaseZ2 = numBaseZ1 + thingSize.x - 1;
- }
- else if (thingRot == IntRot.south)
- {
- numBaseX1 = thingCenter.x - thingSize.x / 2;
- numBaseX2 = numBaseX1 + thingSize.x - 1;
- numBaseZ1 = thingCenter.z - thingSize.z / 2;
- numBaseZ2 = numBaseZ1 + thingSize.z - 1;
- }
- else //if ( thingRot == IntRot.west )
- {
- numBaseX1 = thingCenter.x - thingSize.z / 2;
- numBaseX2 = numBaseX1 + thingSize.z - 1;
- numBaseZ1 = thingCenter.z - (thingSize.x + 1) / 2 + 1;
- numBaseZ2 = numBaseZ1 + thingSize.x - 1;
- }
- IntVec3 intVec3;
- // Get the cells from here if the rotation is north or south
- if (Rotation == IntRot.north || Rotation == IntRot.south)
- {
- // Base cone, inner part
- num1X1 = numBaseX1 + 0;
- num1X2 = numBaseX2 + 0;
- num1Z1 = numBaseZ1 - 1;
- num1Z2 = numBaseZ2 + 1;
- // Base cone, outer part
- num2X1 = numBaseX1 + 0; // original: +1
- num2X2 = numBaseX2 + 0; // original: -1
- num2Z1 = numBaseZ1 - 2;
- num2Z2 = numBaseZ2 + 2;
- if (Rotation == IntRot.north)
- {
- // Extended dome
- num3X1 = numBaseX1 + 1;
- num3X2 = numBaseX2 - 1;
- num3Z1 = numBaseZ1 - 2 - extensionLengthBack;
- num3Z2 = numBaseZ1 - 2;
- num4X1 = numBaseX1 + 1;
- num4X2 = numBaseX2 - 1;
- num4Z1 = numBaseZ2 + (extensionLengthFront - 2);
- num4Z2 = numBaseZ2 + (extensionLengthFront + 2);
- }
- else //if (Rotation == IntRot.south)
- {
- // Extended dome
- num3X1 = numBaseX1 + 1;
- num3X2 = numBaseX2 - 1;
- num3Z1 = numBaseZ1 - (extensionLengthFront + 2);
- num3Z2 = numBaseZ1 - (extensionLengthFront - 2);
- num4X1 = numBaseX1 + 1;
- num4X2 = numBaseX2 - 1;
- num4Z1 = numBaseZ2 + 2;
- num4Z2 = numBaseZ2 + 2 + extensionLengthBack;
- }
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num1X1, 0, num1Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.x += 1;
- } while (intVec3.x <= num1X2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num2X1, 0, num2Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.x += 1;
- } while (intVec3.x <= num2X2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num1X1, 0, num1Z2);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.x += 1;
- } while (intVec3.x <= num1X2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num2X1, 0, num2Z2);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.x += 1;
- } while (intVec3.x <= num2X2);
- // Extended dome
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num3X1 - 1, 0, num3Z1);
- while (intVec3.x < num3X2 || intVec3.z < num3Z2)
- {
- if (intVec3.x < num3X2)
- {
- intVec3.x += 1;
- }
- else if (intVec3.z <= num3Z2)
- {
- intVec3.x = num3X1;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- }
- yield return intVec3;
- }
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num4X1 - 1, 0, num4Z1);
- while (intVec3.x < num4X2 || intVec3.z < num4Z2)
- {
- if (intVec3.x < num4X2)
- {
- intVec3.x += 1;
- }
- else if (intVec3.z <= num4Z2)
- {
- intVec3.x = num4X1;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- }
- yield return intVec3;
- }
- }
- // Get the cells from here if the rotation is east or west
- if (Rotation == IntRot.east || Rotation == IntRot.west)
- {
- // Base cone, inner part
- num1X1 = numBaseX1 - 1;
- num1X2 = numBaseX2 + 1;
- num1Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 0;
- num1Z2 = numBaseZ2 + 0;
- // Base cone, outer part
- num2X1 = numBaseX1 - 2;
- num2X2 = numBaseX2 + 2;
- num2Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 0; // original: +1
- num2Z2 = numBaseZ2 + 0; // original: -1
- if (Rotation == IntRot.east)
- {
- // Extended dome
- num3X1 = numBaseX1 - 2 - extensionLengthBack;
- num3X2 = numBaseX1 - 2;
- num3Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 1;
- num3Z2 = numBaseZ2 - 1;
- num4X1 = numBaseX2 + (extensionLengthFront - 2);
- num4X2 = numBaseX2 + (extensionLengthFront + 2);
- num4Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 1;
- num4Z2 = numBaseZ2 - 1;
- }
- else //if (Rotation == IntRot.west)
- {
- // Extended dome
- num3X1 = numBaseX1 - (extensionLengthFront + 2);
- num3X2 = numBaseX1 - (extensionLengthFront - 2);
- num3Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 1;
- num3Z2 = numBaseZ2 - 1;
- num4X1 = numBaseX2 + 2;
- num4X2 = numBaseX2 + 2 + extensionLengthBack;
- num4Z1 = numBaseZ1 + 1;
- num4Z2 = numBaseZ2 - 1;
- }
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num1X1, 0, num1Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- } while (intVec3.z <= num1Z2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num2X1, 0, num2Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- } while (intVec3.z <= num2Z2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num1X2, 0, num1Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- } while (intVec3.z <= num1Z2);
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num2X2, 0, num2Z1);
- do
- {
- yield return intVec3;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- } while (intVec3.z <= num2Z2);
- // Extended dome
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num3X1 - 1, 0, num3Z1);
- while (intVec3.x < num3X2 || intVec3.z < num3Z2)
- {
- if (intVec3.x < num3X2)
- {
- intVec3.x += 1;
- }
- else if (intVec3.z <= num3Z2)
- {
- intVec3.x = num3X1;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- }
- yield return intVec3;
- }
- intVec3 = new IntVec3(num4X1 - 1, 0, num4Z1);
- while (intVec3.x < num4X2 || intVec3.z < num4Z2)
- {
- if (intVec3.x < num4X2)
- {
- intVec3.x += 1;
- }
- else if (intVec3.z <= num4Z2)
- {
- intVec3.x = num4X1;
- intVec3.z += 1;
- }
- yield return intVec3;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
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