
mermaid 27

Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. so fmc asks about their morning sex. she gets all hyped mc looks really cool shaved. wants to eat later and have sex but mc is all no cause he has to go out. asks where he's going today and he refuses to tell her. she thinks he has low sexual desire and how doesn't he wanna have sex all day and reads porn mags to see what's up there and how can she raise it. cunt comes all friendly with hello and what u doing. remembers pinky and how she gave him tips on getting close to fmc and she told him not to rush it, to go in slow with small things and being friendly and above all else not to leave her alone. fmc is all u're a guests u cant, but he insists cause he loves/likes being with/around her. cunt thinks she's pretty and tells her she looks like her older sister and fmc remembers she dragged him there and forgot about it and tells him sorry. cunt again remembers pinky's advice, how the key to her heart is not to leave her alone cause she is vulnerable when lonely. cunt then goes how she doesn't have to do it/be alone and how no matter what she does, he will always do it together with her. fmc gets flushed and asks him to help her clean the rooms later and cunt agrees and remembers what pinky said about the important thing. mc remembers he cant stay at home all the time 'always by your side!'(cunt too thinks this but on the contrary to mc's pov).
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