
Serving a Princess

May 16th, 2012
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  1. Tartann 05/16/12(Wed)12:08 No.1965507
  3. Anyway, while I'm here, instead of being fucked to write my own, I'm going to repost a classic written by anon.
  7. >You are Anon Anoninton, middle child and for some reason, kind of disliked among your family.
  8. >Though you have been successful throughout life, you never really felt like part of the family. Though they don't hesitate to demand or request something from you now that you are on your own, and like the semi-beta you are, you accept.
  9. >You are chilling at home during your day off, when a knock comes upon your door.
  10. >You open up and are greeted by your older brother.
  11. >"Hey Anon! I need you to look after Princess for a week." he requests.
  12. >He has a pink animal cage in his hand with a purple ball of fluff inside. Oh...Oh no.
  13. >Your brothers fluffy pony. Its not that you hate the fucks, you just don't like them.
  14. >"I..Bu-" you try to spit out before your brother steps inside, the cage in one hand and a box in the other.
  15. >Without even so much as asking, he makes a rush for your office closet, pulling things out and making a prompt safe room.
  16. >"This is kind of short notice." you manage to blurt out.
  17. >"Don't worry!" he shrugs you off, "It'll only be a week."
  18. >Oh...oh god no.
  20. >"Daddy wuvs you pwincess!" he coo's as he opens the cage, letting Princess out, "But daddy has to go away fow a wittle while."
  21. >"Wut?" Princess sulks "Nuuu! Pwincess wuv daddy! Don't weave pwincess!".
  22. >"I'll be back sweety-kins! Just one week!". He hugs the fluffy, its all too sickening for you. And without even telling you where he's going he leaves.
  23. >As he leaves you call up your mother to explain things to her...Only for her to tell you that everyone is going on vacation...And you weren't invited.
  24. >You sigh and look up to the portrait of your father, the only human being to actually ever show you love and make you feel welcome.
  25. >"What would you do, pops?" you ask the portrait before putting the phone down.
  26. >You suddenly catch princess in the corner of your eye, wandering around your house without a care in the world.
  27. >You suddenly realize you don't know how to care for a Fluffy Pone.
  28. >Fuck.
  29. >Princess suddenly decides to acknowledge your existence and approaches you.
  30. >"Wan pway!" she demands. The tiny fluffy horse just demanding something from you.
  31. >"Uh...Okay." you say as you rub the back of your head, "What do you want to play?"
  32. >"Wan pway hide n seeky!" She demands.
  33. >"Well aright.".
  34. >You close your eyes and count to ten, and when you open them you spot Princess right away, standing in front of you with her eyes closed.
  35. >"Uh...Found you.".
  36. >Princess puffs her cheeks, "Game stewpid! No wan pway with you anymowe!"
  37. >She's really bitchy for a fluffy pony.
  39. >You manage to set up everything your brother left behind for Princess.
  40. >You tossed some toys around the room, filled her litter box with fresh litter, and did all the other things you would think are necessary for taking care of a retarded baby.
  41. >Time passes and dinner rolls around.
  42. >"Pwincess hungy! Want nummies now!" Princess demands.
  43. >"Alright then. Let me get some fo-"
  44. >"Want sketties!" She yells out.
  45. >Sketties?...Spaghetti?
  46. >You decide to call up your brother.
  47. >"Hey bro, uh...I think Princess is hungry. You didn't seem to have left any food, do I go and get like....Is-..Is there some sort of brand of Fluffy chow or kibbles o-"
  48. >You have to pull your ear away from the phone with a yelp of "Ow, fuck!" as your brother begins to yell from the other side.
  49. >"No! Only the best for my precious Princess!" he demands, "She only gets spaghetti because thats her favorite food!".
  50. >You sigh and acknowledge, hanging up the phone and rubbing your eyes.
  52. >You go back into your kitchen and go through your cupboards.
  53. >All you can find is enough pasta for yourself and a stale piece of toast...Guess it has been rough lately.
  54. >You begin to boil up the spaghetti and look to Princess, who's staring up at you with expecting and impatient eyes.
  55. >"You wouldn't happen to want a piece of toast do you?"
  56. >"NO!" She screams, ringing your ears, "WANT SKETTIES! WANT SKETTIES! WANT SKETTIES!" she begins to chant as loud as possible.
  57. >"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Fuck..."
  58. >After a few minutes, Princess is happily chewing on spaghetti from her bowl while you stare at your toast.
  59. >You manage to get in two slow, sad bites before Princess finishes her plate.
  60. >Deciding to get some water, you get up a fill a glass, only to turn around to find princess on the table chewing on your toast.
  61. >She spits it back onto the plate with. "Twoast yucky!" she complains before leaving the table.
  62. >....
  63. >You let out a long exasperated sigh and go to watch TV, at least she can't eat that.
  64. >And at least she poops into her litter box too, thank whoever is watching your back on that one.
  65. >Time passes and its finally time for bed, day one over.
  67. >The next day you can't help but feel full of life.
  68. >Pay day, and that means food! And possibly a video game to play!
  69. >You head to the local super market, counting the money you have left after taxes.
  70. >You fill your cart and tally everything up...You have JUST ENOUGH to get that new game you wanted!
  71. >You almost skip to the electronic section, seeing it almost immediately.
  72. >But then it hit you...You still have to feed Princess.
  73. >...
  74. >You look at the game, so close but yet so far.
  75. >You sigh and turn around, picking up a few packs of pasta on the way to the cashier.
  76. >You sit on the couch after dinner.
  77. >You learned quickly and scarfed down your Hogie before Princess could find the opportunity to spit on that too.
  78. >You are watching TV and Princess is rolling a bright pink ball around the room.
  79. >After awhile she stomps on your foot with her marsh mellow hooves, not hurting you but getting your attention.
  80. >"Pway!" she demands again, "Hide n seeky!".
  81. >The same repeats from yesterday, only now she stomps a hoof and yells "Stoopid meanie!" and trots into her vacation safe room.
  82. >That night, you wake up to two hoofs being smashed lightly against the back of your head. You turn around to see Princess who pouts at you and hops off your bed, waddling away with a "Dat'll show stoopid meanie!"
  83. >....
  85. >Next day you come home from work.
  86. >Only to step in fluffy shit.
  87. >"What the fuck!" you yell out, Princess waddling around the corner and yelling at you.
  88. >"DAT WHAT MEANIE GET!" She shrieks at you. How is she still fucking mad about fucking hide and fucking seek!"
  89. >You take off your shoe and stomp past her, feeling a surge of anger, she follows you and threatens to give you "Owwies and boo-boo's!"
  90. >You go to your computer and google "Fluffy Pony discipline help."
  91. >The most common word is "Sorry stick" right before "mutilate".
  92. >Before reading any of the articles (With princess still bucking at your legs) you call up your brother.
  93. >"Hey uh...Princess has been acting up, how does the 'sorry stick' wo-"
  94. >"AH! FUCK!" You yelp as you pull the phone away.
  95. >"Don't fucking lie to me anon! Princess is a perfect angel and we don't use the sorry stick!"
  96. >After about ten minutes of yelling and insults from your brother, he gives the phone to your mother, who chews you out even further.
  97. >"Right...sorry.".
  98. >You hang up and once again...sigh.
  99. >You spend the night with Princess trying to find new ways to give you "boo-boo's" before going to bed. She finally stops at this point, deciding that you've learned your lesson after such a vicious beating.
  100. >As you drift to bed, you look at the picture of your father once more.
  101. >"What would you do, pops?".
  103. >Days become worse and worse, and you feel like the week will go on eternally.
  104. >Princess has come to realize that you can't punish her unless you feel the wrath of your family, so she takes this to full advantage.
  105. >She shits where she wants now, constantly tipping over and breaking objects, chewing on things (The little bitch just won't choke), she is hiding your posessions from you, tearing up work papers, and just having a grand old time.
  106. >All because you fucking didn't play hide and seek right.
  107. >You are a exhausted at this point.
  108. >Rage is a constant emotion, followed by a stream of helplessness. Being held hostage by a vermin that you could squash in a instant.
  109. >You decide to go to bed early, after cleaning up more messes that Princess had made.
  110. >You slowly drift to sleep, which has become a silence you have come to welcome, the world just turns off when you sleep and you feel at pea-
  111. >Music.
  112. >Thats fucking music.
  113. >That is LOUD fucking music.
  114. >Oh god why is it so loud?
  115. >You follow the full blast music, only to find Princess in your (now messy) office, with a brightly colored yellow and purple boom box on the ground.
  116. >She is dancing happily, hopping from her left hooves to her right over and over.
  117. >The song is fucking torture, the same sounds over and over again.
  118. >You turn it off, with Princess immediately freezing in place.
  119. >"Princess please. I'm tired and I have work tomor-"
  120. >She begins to shriek at loud as possible.
  122. >You cover your ears.
  123. >Its somehow louder than the boom box.
  124. >"STOOPID MEANIE!" She starts in between banshee wails, "PWINCESS WAN DANCE! PWINCESS WAN DANCE! PWINCESS WAN DANCE!"
  125. >You back pedal from the room, Princess letting out a "hmph!" before turning the boom box back on.
  126. >You are curled up in your room like a frightened child, a absolutely broken man. A pillow over each ear and a pain expression on your face.
  127. >As soon as you think the track is finally over, it just starts again with Princess letting out a audible "yay!" from the other room.
  128. >You look at the picture of your father, tears flowing from your eyes.
  129. >"Pops..." you sob out.
  130. >"Please help me...I miss you." you manage to choke out.
  131. >As things finally go silent, and you begin to drift away, you hear what sounds like your fathers voice in your ears, a faint, echo of a whisper.
  132. >"Grab em by the nose and kick em in the ass son!"
  133. >"Anonintons never surrender!".
  134. >You didn't say that...Didn't you pops?
  136. >You go to work a absolute wreck.
  137. >After about only two hours (With a hour of falling on your keyboard) your boss notices and says that you should take the rest of the day off.
  138. >You take as long as you possibly can on your way home.
  139. >You stop at your favorite comic book store.
  140. >Next your favorite video game store.
  141. >You go to the arcade and get in a few rounds.
  142. >And you have yourself a coffee at your favorite cafe.
  143. >You let it off for long enough, its time to go home.
  144. >You take in a deep breath, maybe the fucking devil choked and died somehow.
  145. >You enter your house, not greeted by shit or broken objects.
  146. >Desperate you call out Princess, hoping the bitch had bit the dust.
  147. >No answer.
  148. >Your heart begins to pump faster until you search through your house.
  149. >You finally hear a feint sound coming from your bedroom.
  150. >As you enter, you see princess at your side of the bed.
  151. >She's chewing on some-
  152. >Thats a picture.
  153. >And thats a broken frame.
  154. >Thats a picture of your father being torn apart by a giggling Fluffy Pony.
  155. >Of your father.
  156. >Of pops.
  157. >OF POPS
  159. >Something snapped, just fucking snapped.
  160. >You grit your teeth together, digging down on your gums until blood flows freely from your mouth.
  161. >Princess looks up at you and puffs her cheeks "Stoopid meanie! Get wost befow pwincess give you oww-"
  162. >Your pick her up by the scruff of her neck, carrying her from your room and throwing her down the hall.
  163. >She smashes into the wall violently, screaming in pain as she tries to get back on her feet.
  164. >She manages to do so and spots you approaching her once more, she shrieks in pure terror and tries to waddle to safety.
  165. You pick her up once more, this time by the tail.
  166. >You swing her around like Davids sling before throwing her across the house again, this time smashing into the cups on the kitchen table.
  167. >She's now crying her eyes out in pain, shrieking once more as she see's you come again.
  168. >"WHY HUWT FWUFFY!" She screams out, somehow she's still able to move.
  169. >"She's crying in terror as you slow down your pace to follow right behind her. She's waddling as fast as her battered body can take her.
  170. >You suddenly lift her again, smashing her face into the family portrait in your living room, specefically into your brothers face.
  171. >The glass cracks and is now stained with blood before you smash her into the ground.
  172. >"PWINCESS SOWWY!" she cries out, holding her hooves up to her face, her tears getting into her blood.
  173. >"Run." you order, Princess looking up at you with blood shot eyes.
  174. >"I SAID RUN.".
  176. >Princess is now waddling around the house, soiling herself in agony and terror as you slowly follow beside her.
  177. >"Pwease no mow owwies!" she begs, "Pwincess be gud!"
  178. >You have none of it. Smashing your foot into her side and sending her into a wall.
  179. >She's dragging herself now, still crying and begging for mercy.
  180. >You are now standing over her, kicking her in the side once more and sending her on her back.
  181. >You kneel down and hold her down by her belly and begin to slap her across the face.
  182. >"PWINCESS BE GUD!" She cries with every slap, getting louder as you continue your punishment.
  183. >"PWINCESS BE GUD! PWINCESS BE GUD!" she chants with every slap.
  185. >The next day, your brother comes to your door.
  186. >He immediately spots princesses toys and Fluffy furniture out on the side of the road.
  187. >What the fuck! I'm going to tear Anon to pieces for this!
  188. >He knocks on the door and you immediately answer, a look of intense disapproval on your face.
  189. >"I'm here for princess!" he starts before you turn around to get the Fluffy.
  190. >He's screaming at the door about the fluffy stuff on the side of the road before you turn the corner again.
  191. >He freezes in shock as you have a bloody, bruised, broken pile of fluff in your hand.
  192. >You toss it to him like a soft ball, and he catches it.
  193. >He looks down at a absolutely destroyed Princess, her fluff caked with blood and feces, and only one of her teary eyes not swollen shut.
  194. >She reaches up to your brother for huggies, since huggies make the pain go away.
  195. >"I-..." your brother starts, dumbfounded, "How-".
  196. >Before he can ask a question, your forehead smashes right onto his nose, he falls over unconscious with a mewling fluffy on his chest and blood flowing from his nose.
  197. >"Get off my property." you order before slamming the door in his face.
  199. END.
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