
Choose a Future

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. >You are Fluttershy. Shy mare, living near the woods
  2. >Alone, with no one to share your love with.
  3. >It’s night time, and you lay awake in your bed.
  4. >You so dearly wish for someone to hold.
  5. >But at least you have a few new flowers in your back yard.
  6. >Thanks to that cute human, Anonymous.
  7. >He’s so dreamy and wonderful; so kind and smart.
  8. >He said that the flowers you planted were somehow toxic, and a drug.
  9. >He’s just silly! Celestia would never allow such a thing in Equestria. Surely Zecora would know about the OP-M too!
  10. >Was that what Anonymous called it?
  11. >Besides it really can’t be that bad, can it?
  12. >You’ve had salt before, but…that wasn’t too bad.
  13. >Well…it’s in the past at least.
  14. >Flower drugs.
  15. >How would you even take such a thing? Eat it?
  16. >You try to roll over and induce sleep…but it doesn’t come easily.
  17. B-better go make sure they’re st-still planted…
  18. >You roll out of bed and rub your sleepy eyes.
  19. >Through the back window, the unbloomed flower bulbs bask in the cool moonlight.
  20. >They’re so green and precious looking. You can’t wait to see them bloom.
  21. >They sit there, still and roots firmly planted into the ground.
  22. >You fidget.
  23. >You know Anonymous said that these flowers were bad news…but they’re only flowers.
  24. Anonymous l-loves me. Even though he’s just looking out for my best interest, h-he’d forgive me if s-something happened.
  25. >you jiggle the doorknob, and slowly creep the door open. It’s cold outside.
  26. >You pace over to the freshly disturbed dirt where the flowers reside.
  27. >You sneak up on them for some reason, and nudge them with your hoof.
  28. T-they seem pretty normal…
  29. >You look around to make sure no one is watching.
  30. Celestia, forgive me.
  31. >The coast is clear.
  32. >You kneel down to inspect the bulbs.
  33. >You furrow your brow in confusion.
  34. H-how do I…?
  35. >You slide your tongue up the side of the plant, hoping to get some sort of buzz.
  36. >You open your eyes, but everything is still vivid and normal.
  37. >Disappointment.
  38. M-maybe I need to inject it.
  39. >You take one of the flowers’ leaves and try to ram the tip into your arm.
  40. >It bends, and you feel nothing.
  41. >you let out a frustrated groan.
  42. T-this sucks!
  43. >You kick the bulb into the dirt in anger, then stomp on it…feeling the flower spew its innards onto the dirt.
  44. >You stomp back inside into your bed.
  45. Wh-who needs those stupid flowers anyways? N-not me.
  46. >You feel tears start to form as you cover your face with your hooves.
  47. I-I just…wanted Anonymous to care…
  48. >You start to sob. You wipe the warm tears from your face.
  49. >You sniff, and notice something sticky on you.
  50. >In the dim light you make out a white liquid on your hooves.
  51. >You sniff it. It must have come from the flowers.
  52. I-it doesn’t smell that bad…
  53. >You poke your tongue out and inch it towards your hoof.
  54. >Could this be what Anonym-
  55. >Your tongue makes contact with the dripping flower blood.
  56. >You are instantly…warm. At peace.
  57. >You swallow it all, and lick the remainder off of you.
  58. >It’s…it’s delightful…
  59. >You feel like you’re sinking into your bed…
  60. >Everything is still. It feels…
  61. >Good.
  62. >Your heart no longer aches; you miss Anonymous…but you know he’ll love you now.
  63. >You miss him. You want him to be your boyfriend so very badly.
  64. >Time seems to pass so slowly…you giggle at the thought that you’re the only one aware of time even existing.
  65. >Everyone else is just silly.
  66. >You laugh at the silence.
  67. Oh, Anonymous…
  68. >Your eyes are heavy and your body goes limp.
  69. >Sleep comes easily.
  70. I…I l-love you…
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