

Oct 20th, 2013
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  1. [1:10:16 AM] PurpleKoopa: ROXY LALONDE is spending her lunchtime at America's favorite restaurant, MCDONALD'S. (This has not been a paid advertisment. Honest.) The only reason she is eating here instead of a BETTER RESTAURANT is she is expecting some of her FRIENDS to join her. Also, she is on a COLLEGE STUDENT BUDGET, which is already severely diminished what with all the VIDEO GAMES and PARTY SUPPLIES she purchases on a regular basis.
  2. [1:10:24 AM] Nitro: [omf]
  3. [1:10:29 AM] ZZ: (DAMN)
  4. [1:10:29 AM] Nitro: [meanwhile PK actually does it]
  5. [1:10:34 AM] Nitro: [u go boy]
  6. [1:12:01 AM] IBLiS: (roxy you gotta stop all these party city binges)
  7. [1:12:25 AM] Nitro: [what would she order though, is the real question]
  8. [1:13:00 AM] PurpleKoopa: What will she do? That's not up to you to decide, DONKUS. She is going to choose to wait here out of her own FREE WILL, and maybe wonder why there's no MCVODKA on the menu.
  9. [1:13:14 AM] ZZ: DAVE STRIDER thinks occasionally typing things in CAPITOL LETTERS is kind of WEIRD and OFF PUTTING so he's not going to do that. Instead he's going to be waiting for his so called friends to come pick him up. Wherever the hell they were, he didn't know, frankly, with Mickey D's being about two blocks down he probably shouldn't care... He COULD just walk, but who even DID that?
  10. [1:14:05 AM] Nitro: (If he got his way, VERGIL would and you know it. But.)
  11. [1:14:08 AM] Nitro: (/Not/ /today/.)
  12. [1:14:20 AM] Nitro: (/Siiiigh/.)
  13. [1:16:33 AM] * IBLiS Ah, the beauty of spring. It is a timeless and precious wonder no matter the hour, the season, the rhyme or reason... but none so cherished as it was at the end of the harrowing ordeal that is the winters. Whether the blistering colds of the northeast, the humid disasters of the south, or the general dreary struggle of the west, the winter season brings the suffering in all of us.
  14. [1:17:55 AM] * Nitro Meanwhile, behind the counter of AMERICA'S AFOREMENTIONED FAVORITE RESTAURANT! "Hello, ma'am!" greets the handsome, friendly cashier, smiling with a very honest pleasantness. "Welcome to McDonald's, a franchise built on terrible children's toys and rather /terrifying/ clown mascots! We hope that your experience today will be one of pure childish whimsy and joy, unless, of course, you are the adult paying for your child's whimsy and joy, in which case we encourage you to pay attention to the smile on your son or daughter's face!"
  15. [1:18:00 AM] * Nitro "May I take your order?"
  16. [1:19:04 AM] * IBLiS But nay, look, look at the buds crawling out of their long enduring shelters. Look at the clouds of gloom and devastation beginning to eke away, letting blue skies of yore soar once again. Look at the birds! They are singing! Singing, singing, singing once more to their heats content. The harmony of nature is returning to the once barren City of Angels. Isn't it beautiful? Is--
  18. [1:19:25 AM] * IBLiS /WHUMP/
  19. [1:19:30 AM] * IBLiS ...No. No it's not.
  20. [1:19:34 AM] * Nitro /Sigh/.
  21. [1:19:49 AM] * IBLiS Not with that smoking piece of /junk/ in the way. Jesus fuck, what is that.
  22. [1:19:56 AM] * IBLiS Is that supposed to be a /Jeep/?
  23. [1:19:58 AM] * IBLiS Christ.
  24. [1:20:00 AM] * IBLiS Maniacs.
  25. [1:20:07 AM] * Nitro He wanted to walk.
  26. [1:20:10 AM] * Nitro He /really/ did.
  27. [1:20:19 AM] * IBLiS "...Are we dead."
  28. [1:20:29 AM] * Nitro "Unfortunately not."
  29. [1:21:20 AM] * IBLiS "We're dead aren't we. We're dead. We're so dead. Dante-- /Dante/-- /God/-- You killed us!"
  30. [1:21:26 AM] * IBLiS He was always a little slow on the uptake.
  31. [1:21:57 AM] * IBLiS "...naaaaah. not enough hellfire n' pitchforks f'that."
  32. [1:22:00 AM] * IBLiS "n'taxes."
  33. [1:22:26 AM] * IBLiS WHEEZE.
  34. [1:22:49 AM] * IBLiS SPLUTTER.
  35. [1:23:12 AM] * Nitro The latter speaker, for his part, does not seem especially fazed by the event, elbow propped on the narrow ridge by the window and hand splayed across his cheek. "He's not managed to kill anyone by recklessness in twenty-one years."
  36. [1:23:25 AM] * Nitro Maybe his brother's sanity.
  37. [1:23:32 AM] * Nitro But /basically/ not anyone.
  38. [1:23:46 AM] * IBLiS "n' still no gold star. /tch/. what a gip."
  39. [1:23:54 AM] * IBLiS "(We're deeeeeead.)"
  40. [1:24:03 AM] * Nitro /Eyeroll/.
  41. [1:24:53 AM] * IBLiS To give the little blue ball of clothes and hair and tiny spinning birds credit, knocking head first into the driver's seat tends to bring the worst out in people. Oh, no, don't worry. He'll be fine. Really. Just.
  42. [1:25:03 AM] * IBLiS Give him a little time down here.
  43. [1:25:05 AM] PurpleKoopa: (Roxy is not advised to drive most places because of her rampant alcoholism. She is also not advised to carpool most places because of her tendency to sing along with the radio. She walked here today.) Roxy saunters up to the counter and sizes up the cashier, paying more attention to how he fits in his uniform than his automated sales pitch. "yeah id like to take YOU for takeout lol" She waves back a lock of blonde hair and goes, "but 4 real tho can i take a hamburger w/ med fries and a drink"
  45. Then she leans in and whispers: "(make it a mcwodka) (;"
  46. [1:25:06 AM] * IBLiS On the floor.
  47. [1:25:17 AM] * IBLiS He's hardy.
  48. [1:26:19 AM] * IBLiS "...uh--"
  49. [1:26:26 AM] * IBLiS Shit, maybe he should just--
  50. [1:26:58 AM] * Nitro /Snap/. A copy of To Kill a Mockingbird (a classic) clapped audibly shut and the apparently most composed and responsible of the dubious trio peered back at the lump of trauma and terror. "You should get out to check on the dog."
  51. [1:27:02 AM] * Nitro (There wasn't a dog.)
  52. [1:27:06 AM] * Nitro (The dog was a lie.)
  53. [1:27:21 AM] ZZ: Well, that obnoxious screeching noise SOUNDED like them... Just gonna look up from his phone for a second to see if it was indeed his friends. If so, then good, finally time to get some food. If not then he'll just bitch and moan about how long he had to stand on the sidewalk once they actually did arrive.
  54. [1:28:04 AM] * PurpleKoopa it was the dog they always wanted but never had))
  55. [1:28:57 AM] * IBLiS Turn around a little and peer down at that fuzzball. Guess the seatbelts were a no go anymore. Among other things. Man, baby, /Jessebelle/, you're on your last legs. Baby, baby, /baby/--
  56. [1:29:49 AM] * IBLiS Oh, and Rock too. That's-- he's-- maybe not in a way past cool way. Seriously.
  57. [1:30:41 AM] * IBLiS (no seriously that looked like a concussion)
  58. [1:32:18 AM] * IBLiS "''ey--" WAVE WAVE. "'eeeeey, blue blur, y'there? how many fingers am i holding up?"
  59. [1:32:31 AM] * IBLiS (Trick question: He wasn't holding any fingers.)
  60. [1:32:37 AM] * IBLiS (...Looked it /worked/, okay?)
  61. [1:34:32 AM] * IBLiS Wait-- no, he's not gonna--
  62. [1:34:40 AM] * IBLiS ...Yeah, he's gonna alright.
  63. [1:35:21 AM] * IBLiS You /earned/ that look, Verge, earned it good. /Geeze/.
  64. [1:35:37 AM] * IBLiS (s'not even gonna work anyw--)
  65. [1:36:51 AM] * IBLiS "Wh--"
  66. [1:37:39 AM] * Nitro Ohoho, Mickey D's guy's expression says in the form of a wiley smirk, a /troublemaker/. "Dude! Get me a sexy heifer bun on the baked remnants of a violently mutilated grain and a middleweight cut-up boxcutters champ with a..." He pauses, glances down at the counter and then grabs a medium cup from the stack and passes it to her. "NEVERMIND, I got the drink!"
  67. [1:37:58 AM] * Nitro ("/Shawn/, I /told/ you to just /enter/ it in the /register/ --")
  68. [1:38:55 AM] * IBLiS ...Oh, oh, wait, there he goes. Slowly uncrumpling himself from the ball of trauma and horror and hoodies to crawl up the side door. Pretty amazing for a guy who just knocked his noggin on the back of a hard plastic seat. Unprotected.
  69. [1:39:00 AM] * IBLiS
  70. [1:39:00 AM] * IBLiS
  71. [1:39:01 AM] * IBLiS
  72. [1:39:02 AM] * IBLiS
  73. [1:39:16 AM] * IBLiS "..."
  74. [1:39:23 AM] * IBLiS "dude, um."
  75. [1:39:29 AM] * IBLiS "sorry t'rain on y'pooch parade but--"
  76. [1:39:35 AM] * IBLiS "/What/."
  77. [1:39:46 AM] * IBLiS "(there's no dog.)"
  78. [1:39:59 AM] * IBLiS "/What/, no, he-- he /just/--"
  79. [1:41:15 AM] * IBLiS "(yeah, no, he-- ok would y'stop y'look like y'lookin' f'atlantis.)"
  80. [1:41:18 AM] * Nitro "Dude, you gotta /work/ with me here!" As if the guy he's arguing with is right in front of him, Shawn's expression becomes one of irritation and impatience. His voice lowers, almost to himself, evidently confounded. "How are we supposed to --" His hands wave a few moments in wordless emphasis, and then -- /huff/. "/Sorry/ about that, miss."
  81. [1:42:05 AM] * Nitro Roxy receives a charmingly sheepish smile! The cashier lowers his voice conspiratorially, even going so far as to cup a hand to his mouth and lean forward while motioning vaguely to the back. "(He's new here --)"
  82. [1:42:13 AM] * Nitro ("sHAWN --")
  83. [1:42:30 AM] * IBLiS "...B-but, /ugh/, /but/--"
  84. [1:43:24 AM] * IBLiS Pat pat. It's okay, dude, doofus does this to him /all/ the time.
  85. [1:43:30 AM] * Nitro Meanwhile, back in the car, Vergil was far too busy returning to his book to pay any special attention to his brother or their tagalong. "Welcome back."
  86. [1:44:03 AM] * IBLiS The pizza delivery girl is here! The pizza delivery girl is here! In short shorts!
  87. [1:44:19 AM] * IBLiS Cheatin' /scumbag/.
  88. [1:44:32 AM] * IBLiS (...Ok for real, just-- let him get a good look at those pupils--)
  89. [1:44:38 AM] * IBLiS (...No? No.)
  90. [1:44:40 AM] * IBLiS (Huh.)
  91. [1:45:10 AM] * Nitro "You may want to keep your arms at the ready in the future," he commented, not looking up from his book as he cranked down the wi--
  92. [1:45:35 AM] * Nitro Nnnnnnope that was not the sound of a window that was going to stay on track better roll it back up
  93. [1:46:10 AM] * Nitro He /opens/ /the/ /door/ instead. "Get in the back. I recommend sitting in the middle if you value your glasses."
  94. [1:47:36 AM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy offers the cashier a forgiving smile, not at all upset with the antics going behind the counter. She's not about to make a fuss or anything. "lol its ok dude i didnt know this lunch rush came with a show" Roxy takes the cup, somewhat disappointed that she didn't get her special order, and steps away to let the rest of the line move forward. Oh yeah, and so she can get a good look at the farce comedy backstage.
  95. [1:48:14 AM] * IBLiS Hey, /hey/, jerkface, you know this blueball's glaring at you, right? Yeah, you better get a good look at this. A good /long/ llllllhe's not paying attention is he.
  96. [1:48:18 AM] * IBLiS No. Not paying attention.
  97. [1:48:28 AM] * IBLiS ...
  98. [1:48:30 AM] * IBLiS (Jerk.)
  99. [1:48:46 AM] * IBLiS Well at least he still had Da-- oh no there he goes too.
  100. [1:49:19 AM] * IBLiS He'll just. Slink in to the back. With his headphones.
  101. [1:49:22 AM] * IBLiS (He's really mad though.)
  102. [1:49:25 AM] * IBLiS (Bet on it.)
  103. [1:49:27 AM] * IBLiS (Really!)
  104. [1:49:29 AM] * IBLiS (So mad.)
  105. [1:49:48 AM] * Nitro (Yeah ok.)
  106. [1:50:13 AM] * IBLiS (These better not be broken you kn-- oh ok they're not broken.)
  107. [1:51:08 AM] ZZ: Giving his best shit eating grin Dave climbed in the back. "man you fuckers really know how to make an entrance but shit you know i could get bro to like buy you guys a new fucking jeep right? this tin can isn't going to last forever and i know shes your like metal motor baby but shes gonna die some day." Slamming the door, so as to make sure it was closed, Dave smiled over to his back seat buddy. "come on man dont be so antisocial enjoy my company"
  108. [1:51:53 AM] * Nitro (If you'd /prefer/ to have a malfunction in the wiring for the remainder of the ride, he'll happily leave you to be a twitching mess of trauma.)
  109. [1:53:03 AM] * IBLiS "'eeeeeey, 'sup strudabagel!" And there goes the smack of broshipping approval. Totally forgetting about that whole other thing, apparently! Nah, he'll-- he'll be fine. He's hardy. You know, like a rock!
  110. [1:53:07 AM] * IBLiS ...Heheh.
  111. [1:53:32 AM] * Nitro "Jessebelle has quite a bit left in her, according to some."
  112. [1:53:39 AM] * Nitro Not Vergil, if that tone was any indicator.
  113. [1:53:40 AM] * IBLiS "'sorry f'th'mess but, haha, what can i say? m'a sucker f'th'dramatics."
  114. [1:53:49 AM] * IBLiS !!!
  115. [1:54:54 AM] * IBLiS "'ey, how can y'say that? after all th'good times we've been through? after everythin' she's done f'us? y'jus' wanna /replace/ her?"
  116. [1:55:01 AM] * IBLiS "man, that's /cold/."
  117. [1:55:31 AM] * IBLiS Sssssh, ssssh, he didn't mean it. You know he never means it. He's just mad.
  118. [1:55:35 AM] * IBLiS Just a little mad.
  119. [1:55:46 AM] * IBLiS COUGH.
  120. [1:55:50 AM] * IBLiS (/Yeah/.)
  121. [1:56:00 AM] * IBLiS Is he stroking the wheel?
  122. [1:56:04 AM] * IBLiS Yeah, yeah, he's stroking the wheel.
  123. [1:56:06 AM] ZZ: SNRK.
  124. [1:56:20 AM] * IBLiS No one should be surprised by this.
  125. [1:56:27 AM] * Nitro Vergil resists the urge to hide his face in his hands.
  126. [1:58:00 AM] * Nitro SHAWN, meanwhile, appears to have relented and indeed tallied up the cost via the cash register -- which in turn displays the order on a screen for the poor kitchen workers to have instead of his...weird mashed-up attempt at diner talk. (Interestingly, he does not need to ask for a repeat of the order, despite it being rather simple. /Huh/!)
  127. [1:58:53 AM] ZZ: "so are we going to actually go and eat some shitty food or what? because i just got paid yesterday so if you want free food now would be the time to get it" Sure he didn't like to flaunt his wealth, but he knew it was generally... Hard for his friends to buy shit when they had college to pay for.
  128. [1:59:09 AM] * IBLiS As for the possibly /injured/ blue midget elf over there, he's still a little bit too out of it to notice DAVED'S at first. Too busy checking his headphones and mumbling something or other about the wiring. Or maybe how all of Jessebelle's /good/ /times/ seem to end in attempted murder.
  129. [1:59:12 AM] * IBLiS It could go both ways.
  130. [1:59:24 AM] * IBLiS You've probably /heard/ it both ways.
  131. [1:59:51 AM] * Nitro "Order down!" he announces at an unnecessary volume after returning to the counter with a bag.
  132. [1:59:59 AM] * Nitro ("It's order /up/ --")
  133. [2:00:03 AM] * IBLiS But when he does, he is understandably taken aback by the sudden albino that has teleported into the car. No, uh, no, the other albino.
  134. [2:00:09 AM] * IBLiS No-- /no/-- the /other/--
  135. [2:00:14 AM] ZZ: Rude.
  136. [2:00:33 AM] * IBLiS THE NEW GUY, OKAY.
  137. [2:00:37 AM] * IBLiS /THAT/ GUY.
  138. [2:00:43 AM] * Nitro "/No/, Jack! It is order /down/! Because we got it /down/ as in /perfect/, and it is /downright/ /fantastic/ too!"
  140. [2:01:28 AM] * IBLiS His response is perfectly succint.
  141. [2:01:33 AM] * IBLiS "Uh."
  142. [2:01:37 AM] ZZ: "sup"
  143. [2:02:07 AM] * IBLiS "Um."
  144. [2:02:11 AM] * IBLiS Give him a moment.
  145. [2:02:17 AM] * IBLiS Head's still stinging a bit.
  146. [2:02:21 AM] * IBLiS (Or a lot.)
  147. [2:02:23 AM] * Nitro Roxy receives another charming smile despite the grumbling in the back ("/up/ /yours/, Spencer"). "Besides."
  148. [2:02:29 AM] * Nitro "I've heard it both ways."
  149. [2:02:44 AM] ZZ: "nice headphones man whered you pick those up?"
  150. [2:03:05 AM] ZZ: He's certainly an observant little fucker isn't he?
  151. [2:03:53 AM] * IBLiS "c'mooooon, dude, i told y' we were meetin' up with my favorite lil' shitlord."
  152. [2:04:02 AM] * IBLiS "...Oh. So, uh, this is the guy?"
  153. [2:04:06 AM] * IBLiS "The, um, the guy?"
  154. [2:04:07 AM] PurpleKoopa: "thx sshhhaaawn" she says, reading his name tag as she takes her bag away. "dont worry buddy im sure the job only gets easier from here (;" Might as well cut the new guy some slack, right?
  155. [2:04:19 AM] * IBLiS "sure is! don't be shy, he don't bite."
  156. [2:04:38 AM] * IBLiS "...well, sometimes he does but he's got like, tiny baby teeth."
  157. [2:05:15 AM] * IBLiS "Oh."
  158. [2:05:25 AM] * IBLiS ( know maybe he should check those pupils again)
  159. [2:05:25 AM] ZZ: "wow man what have you said about me? like fuck im not that horrid i only make the most spectacular pu-hey hey hey you know i have the most manly motherfucking teeth just because i aint got fangs like some people doesnt mean shit"
  160. [2:06:35 AM] * IBLiS "heh heh /heeeeeh/, tell that t'th'steakhouse."
  161. [2:06:40 AM] ZZ: "you know how much money has been put into the care of these motherfuckers? pearly whites like these cost a fortune"
  162. [2:06:57 AM] ZZ: "do you want to eat tonight or not?"
  163. [2:06:58 AM] * IBLiS Couldn't even cut a steak. A /rare/ steak.
  164. [2:07:12 AM] * IBLiS Best money he ever wasted.
  165. [2:07:47 AM] * IBLiS "Wh--" Okay, he's just gotta-- hold on--
  166. [2:08:07 AM] * Nitro "It can't get easier on the eyes," Shawn remarks cheekily, resting an elbow on the counter and his chin on his hand. The meaning of his words is probably QUITE CLEAR to a flirtationist of Roxy's calibre. He means, /c'mon/. Pretty girl in a shabby McDonald's?
  167. [2:08:13 AM] * IBLiS Just gotta shake his head a little. Or a lot. Okay, he's. He's doing better. Catching up with the words now. Something about teeth. Maybe? He thinks?
  168. [2:08:36 AM] * IBLiS "Um, sorry, I just-- you know-- he's /crazy/ and-- well--"
  169. [2:08:43 AM] * IBLiS
  170. [2:08:52 AM] ZZ: Gives his backseat buddy a look, though, it can't really be seen what with the shades and all. "dude you aight?"
  171. [2:08:53 AM] * IBLiS "I'm Rock."
  172. [2:09:06 AM] ZZ: "you got a last name rock?"
  173. [2:09:14 AM] * IBLiS A+ intro.
  174. [2:09:19 AM] * IBLiS /A/ /+/
  175. [2:09:24 AM] * Nitro California always had those pretty girls to offer, he'd found, the more he travelled. He liked the accents out in Mississippi the best, though.
  176. [2:09:54 AM] * Nitro (...ok brother please)
  177. [2:10:03 AM] ZZ: "or are you like madonna and only go by rock? or is that like your stripper name? damn dante you didnt tell me you were bringing a stripper"
  178. [2:10:12 AM] * Nitro (he knows you're concerned and all but sitting here is not helping)
  179. [2:10:14 AM] * IBLiS "/What/--"
  180. [2:10:27 AM] * Nitro (and he will be fine so would you please drive)
  181. [2:10:54 AM] * IBLiS (fine /fine/, we're going, we're /going/)
  182. [2:10:58 AM] * IBLiS (just.)
  183. [2:11:04 AM] * Nitro Vergil glances over at his brother and this probably doesn't mean anything to their two passengers! But.
  184. [2:11:04 AM] * IBLiS (keep an eye on him ok)
  185. [2:11:08 AM] * Nitro (He's got an eye on him, ok?)
  186. [2:11:53 AM] * IBLiS (...ok.)
  187. [2:11:56 AM] * IBLiS Just gonna--
  188. [2:11:57 AM] * IBLiS Wait--
  189. [2:12:01 AM] * IBLiS /Hold/ /on/--
  190. [2:12:16 AM] * IBLiS VRRRRRRRR-- VRRRRRRR- /VRRRRRR/-
  191. [2:12:32 AM] * Nitro (...and if you drive like that again he /will/ take the wheel.)
  192. [2:12:39 AM] * IBLiS Come on come on c'monc'mon/cmoooooon/--
  194. [2:12:55 AM] * IBLiS /Yeeeeeeah/.
  195. [2:13:05 AM] * ZZ Thumbs up.
  196. [2:13:15 AM] * IBLiS (u can't do that he has rIGHTS)
  197. [2:14:00 AM] * IBLiS Alright, they were /rolling/. Radical. Time to break the ice. Not like he was suprised or anything. He knew this was gonna happen.
  198. [2:14:03 AM] * Nitro Ahh, /lovely/. Accompanied by the scent of all of their money in nauseating gaseous form.
  199. [2:14:19 AM] * IBLiS Dave was a, uh, interesting guy sometimes.
  200. [2:14:24 AM] * IBLiS That's the smell of /America/.
  201. [2:14:41 AM] * Nitro America and poverty.
  202. [2:14:48 AM] * IBLiS America!
  203. [2:15:00 AM] * ZZ Dude, I can pay for gas, I've told you a million times.
  204. [2:15:28 AM] * IBLiS "haha, nah dude, rock's ain't got th'gams t'be a stripper. more of a d20 kind of guy, if y'catch my drift."
  205. [2:16:06 AM] * IBLiS "/Hey/--"
  206. [2:16:34 AM] ZZ: "hmmm i dunno some people go for that shit"
  207. [2:16:42 AM] * IBLiS "Listen, he's just dumb. I'm not Madonna. Or a-- /uh/-- stripper."
  208. [2:16:52 AM] * Nitro Like your brother, perhaps.
  209. [2:16:59 AM] * IBLiS "(/Seriously/?)"
  210. [2:17:02 AM] ZZ: "but you gotta have some serious chops if you wanna be a str-oh"
  211. [2:17:07 AM] * IBLiS Hey, hey, /hey/, he is /not/ a nerd.
  212. [2:17:10 AM] * IBLiS He's vintage.
  213. [2:17:25 AM] * IBLiS In a really dumb old grandpa kind of way.
  214. [2:17:29 AM] * IBLiS But, you know, still vintage.
  215. [2:17:32 AM] * IBLiS Old school vintage.
  216. [2:17:35 AM] * IBLiS (Really old school.)
  217. [2:17:52 AM] Nitro: [lack of colors makes life hard but for the record I was referring to Bro by "your brother"]
  218. [2:17:59 AM] Nitro: [and would've put it in orange if I could]
  219. [2:18:26 AM] IBLiS: (vintage in a dumb old grandpa kind of way)
  220. [2:18:28 AM] * ZZ Vergil we both know you only wish you had the job my brother does.
  221. [2:18:35 AM] IBLiS: (truer words have never been spoken)
  222. [2:19:00 AM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy actually moved here all the way from Rainbow Falls, New York! Not that she could read his mind. She could fit in with the rest of those California girls! Anyway, his words are right on the money, but Roxy laughs it off and tells him "you have a good day mr. shawn i know i am" Leaving Shawn with a parting wink, she walks off to fill up her cup with Diet Coke, then heads outside to see what all those dying motor sounds are about. It's probably who she thinks it is.
  223. [2:19:02 AM] * IBLiS "I'm a midget, ok? I'm not a stripper. It's, um, Light. Rock Light."
  224. [2:19:34 AM] * IBLiS "(...And before you say anything I'm not a /beer/ either.)"
  225. [2:19:39 AM] * IBLiS "li--"
  226. [2:19:45 AM] * IBLiS Aw, /man/.
  227. [2:19:46 AM] * ZZ and we also both know that just because he's in the sex industry doesn't mean he lacks STANDARDS geeze. Though, the whole midget thing could be useful...
  228. [2:20:06 AM] * IBLiS He's starting to know too much.
  229. [2:20:29 AM] ZZ: "(why are we whispering?)"
  230. [2:20:48 AM] IBLiS: (it was more like an aside <8y)
  231. [2:21:30 AM] * IBLiS MAN.
  232. [2:21:33 AM] * IBLiS /DRIVING/.
  233. [2:21:35 AM] * ZZ snrk.
  234. [2:21:56 AM] * IBLiS What are you talking about?
  235. [2:21:59 AM] * IBLiS He didn't say anything.
  236. [2:22:01 AM] * IBLiS Too busy driving.
  237. [2:22:14 AM] ZZ: "aight man so how do you know these dorks? i mean they dont just let anyone chill with them for some odd reason"
  238. [2:23:02 AM] * IBLiS ...Man, this stuff always looked cooler in his head.
  239. [2:23:33 AM] * IBLiS Why couldn't driving be like /Hollywood/ driving.
  240. [2:23:50 AM] * IBLiS All he had were these dorky sunglasses.
  241. [2:23:57 AM] * IBLiS Wasn't even wearing at them at night.
  242. [2:24:00 AM] * IBLiS /Huff/.
  243. [2:24:27 AM] * IBLiS (People don't mess around with the guys in shades, you know?)
  244. [2:24:29 AM] * Nitro You look cool enough to be a movie, brother. Just don't drive like it.
  245. [2:24:34 AM] * ZZ Just because YOU don't wear your sunglasses at night doesn't mean the same for the rest of us.
  246. [2:24:36 AM] * IBLiS (They don't pull a blade on the guy in shades, oh no.)
  247. [2:24:59 AM] * ZZ (Dante, that's normally because we guys in shades carry katanas with us.)
  248. [2:24:59 AM] * IBLiS Aw /man/ look at that big ass ramp--
  249. [2:25:09 AM] * IBLiS He's gonna--
  250. [2:25:11 AM] Nitro: [he actually does wear them at night]
  251. [2:25:12 AM] * IBLiS Gonna--
  252. [2:25:17 AM] * IBLiS ...Gonna ignore it.
  253. [2:25:18 AM] * IBLiS Just.
  254. [2:25:22 AM] * IBLiS Drive on past it.
  255. [2:25:22 AM] Nitro: [/especially/ at night]
  256. [2:25:30 AM] * IBLiS There it goes.
  257. [2:25:32 AM] * IBLiS /Sigh/.
  258. [2:25:36 AM] * IBLiS (you happy now or what)
  259. [2:25:38 AM] * Nitro Good man. He's proud.
  260. [2:26:04 AM] * IBLiS "Oh, uh, you know. Just. Hanging around."
  261. [2:26:17 AM] * IBLiS "We live in the same dorm. Sort of. You know how that goes."
  262. [2:26:31 AM] * Nitro (He would rather like to keep both passengers from suffering severe concussive trauma.)
  263. [2:26:36 AM] ZZ: "not really i live off campus for the moment"
  264. [2:26:48 AM] * IBLiS Ohhhh man he hoped that was enough. Please please /please/ let that be enough. His head was still dizzying and he knew he wasn't at his best and his words were slipping but--
  265. [2:26:49 AM] * Nitro (And to avoid being /arrested/. You are not above the law.)
  266. [2:27:09 AM] * IBLiS (I /am/ the law.)
  267. [2:27:10 AM] ZZ: "gonna be moving in next semester but my bro is in japan right now so im holding down the fort until he comes back"
  268. [2:27:11 AM] * IBLiS (B[)
  269. [2:29:32 AM] * IBLiS "y'wouldn't believe his place, man. y'd go nuts."
  270. [2:29:46 AM] * IBLiS "it's a freakin' ballroom palace of shitty swords n' take out n'."
  271. [2:29:49 AM] * IBLiS "/puppets/."
  272. [2:30:01 AM] * IBLiS ...You know, with the way he said, Rock could've sworn he--
  273. [2:30:04 AM] * IBLiS
  274. [2:30:06 AM] * IBLiS Nah, that's silly.
  275. [2:30:12 AM] * IBLiS They're puppets!
  276. [2:30:22 AM] ZZ: "hey the take out has been cleaned the fuck up since bro left for asia"
  277. [2:30:25 AM] * IBLiS Just. Kind of weird. That's all.
  278. [2:30:32 AM] ZZ: "you know i cook for myself"
  279. [2:30:34 AM] * Nitro (/Hff/.)
  280. [2:30:40 AM] * Nitro (Yeah, /puppets/.)
  281. [2:30:57 AM] ZZ: "but fuck ugh yeah no way i can clean up all that shitty smuppet ass"
  282. [2:30:57 AM] * IBLiS ...W-- Wait what was that about the take out.
  283. [2:31:05 AM] * IBLiS /Um/.
  284. [2:31:21 AM] * IBLiS "Shitty smuppet ass?"
  285. [2:31:31 AM] * IBLiS Oh no, he's. He's gonna regret this isn't he.
  286. [2:31:39 AM] * IBLiS His dad told him about talks like this.
  287. [2:31:39 AM] * Nitro Yes.
  288. [2:31:51 AM] ZZ: "you know how many god damn traps bro set up for me? like i think ive got them all but then boom puppet rump right in my god damn fa-huh? oh man..."
  289. [2:31:56 AM] * ZZ SNRK
  290. [2:32:01 AM] IBLiS: "...Wait."
  291. [2:32:06 AM] IBLiS: "/What/?"
  292. [2:32:16 AM] IBLiS: "You're-- you're not /serious/, right?"
  293. [2:32:22 AM] ZZ: "about what?"
  294. [2:32:29 AM] ZZ: "what am i not serious about in particular?"
  295. [2:32:47 AM] IBLiS: "Your home is a /deathtrap/?"
  296. [2:32:55 AM] IBLiS: "Of /death/?"
  297. [2:33:01 AM] ZZ: "and puppet ass yes"
  298. [2:33:16 AM] * IBLiS What.
  299. [2:33:18 AM] * IBLiS What in the /world/.
  300. [2:33:49 AM] * Nitro "I believe we have a right coming up and then we will have nearly arrived," Vergil threw in, helpfully. He'd really rather be able to slink off to the corner and mostly ignore this conversation.
  301. [2:33:52 AM] * IBLiS You see this face? This face, is disbelief. Pure and unconcentrated.
  302. [2:33:56 AM] ZZ: "dude you should see the place now like i have taken hold of the kitchen its fucking free of all that shitty weaponry"
  303. [2:34:01 AM] * Nitro Of Dante's friends, Rock was tolerable enough, but.
  304. [2:34:35 AM] * IBLiS Ohhhhh, boy. He. Better take that right. Let's just. Get to the Mickey D's.
  305. [2:34:36 AM] * Nitro This conversation just keeps getting more /gratingly/ /awkward/.
  306. [2:34:36 AM] * IBLiS /Quickly/.
  307. [2:34:43 AM] ZZ: "youd appreciate it verge its like sanitary"
  308. [2:34:54 AM] * IBLiS ...Or not.
  309. [2:34:57 AM] * IBLiS /Huh/.
  310. [2:35:06 AM] IBLiS: "...Oh."
  311. [2:35:30 AM] IBLiS: "Well that's, uh, good. I guess."
  312. [2:35:35 AM] IBLiS: "/Great/."
  313. [2:36:03 AM] IBLiS: "But-- but why do you /let/ /him/--"
  314. [2:36:19 AM] IBLiS: "nnnnnnnn' we're here!"
  315. [2:36:25 AM] * IBLiS Fancy that.
  316. [2:36:33 AM] IBLiS: "outta th'ride, gentleman. show's over."
  317. [2:36:39 AM] * IBLiS HRK.
  318. [2:36:46 AM] * IBLiS You did good, Jessebelle, you did good.
  319. [2:36:55 AM] * IBLiS /Pat/.
  320. [2:37:14 AM] * Nitro Thank /Christmas/.
  321. [2:37:15 AM] ZZ: Sliding out of the car and completely missing any and all confusion on Rock's part, Dave stretched his arms in the air. "mmm smells like fried shit lets go"
  322. [2:37:32 AM] * IBLiS /Cough/.
  323. [2:37:38 AM] * Nitro SLAM, echoes Vergil's door, not because he wishes to treat Jessebelle cruelly but because it.
  324. [2:37:45 AM] * Nitro Doesn't close very well in general.
  325. [2:37:55 AM] * Nitro Gotta be firm with her.
  326. [2:38:31 AM] * IBLiS God, what are you /doing/. Don't be like that, bro. Don't be a hater. You just gotta treat her right. Slip /gently/ out, give her a good stroke, and then let her go gently into the good night.
  327. [2:38:33 AM] * Nitro He periodically had to open and re-close it while driving to ensure it did not fly open.
  328. [2:38:36 AM] * IBLiS /Click/.
  329. [2:38:38 AM] * IBLiS ...Click.
  330. [2:38:43 AM] * IBLiS Clickclickclickclickclickclick--
  331. [2:38:47 AM] * IBLiS SLAM.
  332. [2:38:59 AM] * IBLiS ...She doesn't mind it rough, sometimes.
  333. [2:39:16 AM] * Nitro /Right/.
  334. [2:40:49 AM] * IBLiS Rock, being a creature of observation that knew clearly when shit /didn/'/t/ /work/, had learn long ago to just jump out of the thing and give her a hard-- but not /too/ hard-- shove. After, you know, a few wobbles or two.
  335. [2:40:51 AM] * IBLiS Hard ground is hard.
  336. [2:40:56 AM] * IBLiS It's really hard guys.
  337. [2:40:57 AM] * IBLiS /Anyway/.
  338. [2:41:00 AM] * IBLiS CLICK.
  339. [2:41:06 AM] * IBLiS
  340. [2:41:07 AM] * IBLiS
  341. [2:41:07 AM] * IBLiS
  342. [2:41:22 AM] * IBLiS Haha, /got/ /it/.
  343. [2:41:26 AM] * ZZ Well aren't YOU just a special snowflake?
  344. [2:41:29 AM] * IBLiS (how does he /do/ that)
  345. [2:42:13 AM] * Nitro "You're wasting our time before the lunch rush floods in properly."
  346. [2:42:16 AM] * IBLiS (s'not /fair/.)
  347. [2:42:30 AM] * Nitro Just thought he'd kindly point that out. From the door.
  348. [2:42:36 AM] ZZ: Walking up to the entrance Dave plays doormaid and holds it open. "after yall"
  349. [2:43:07 AM] * IBLiS Yeah, yeah, he's there. Just give him a minute. Gotta take time to marvel at Carboy here.
  350. [2:43:13 AM] * IBLiS /Jesus/. Every single time.
  351. [2:43:27 AM] * IBLiS (And maybe, you know, help guide him along to the door.)
  352. [2:43:56 AM] * Nitro FUCK YOU, NOOKSHITTER, says Vergil's subconscious as he sweeps past the doorstop.
  353. [2:44:09 AM] * Nitro (But he does hold the second door.)
  354. [2:44:11 AM] * ZZ I LOVE YOU TOO VERGE.
  355. [2:44:52 AM] IBLiS: "hmmmmm, s'almost like y'say that like y'go here /allllll/ th'time."
  356. [2:45:17 AM] IBLiS: "is there somethin' y'not /tellin/' me, /brother/ /dearest/?"
  357. [2:46:15 AM] IBLiS: "y'know, s'okay, i won't judge. not everyone can say no to that /big/ /meaty/ /hunk/ of a big mac."
  358. [2:46:20 AM] IBLiS: "/i/ /understand/."
  359. [2:46:25 AM] IBLiS: (therrrrre we go)
  360. [2:46:45 AM] * Nitro "I believe I've quite /thoroughly/ made my stance with regard to being here clear." Not impressed, brother. Not impressed at all.
  361. [8:56:46 PM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy Lalonde spies her friends entering through the gilded gateway of America's Finest Eatery -- or at the very least, she sees Dave holding the door open. She walks over with a smile on her face and her bag and drink in hand. "heya guys! glad u could make it to the mcparty" she says, greeting the gang with a wave. "i was kinda worried you wouldnt make it for lunch what with our schedules & all"
  362. [9:05:12 PM] * Nitro Vergil raises a hand unenthusiastically. It is very undignified and yet he still manages to look refined. "Nonsense," he says, eyeing the cleanliness of the facility critically. "Schedules are, apparently, for the successful and boring, neither of which we are permitted to be."
  363. [9:05:30 PM] * Nitro Seems he might kind of not be enthusiastic about this meet-up!
  364. [9:05:34 PM] * Nitro If you didn't notice.
  365. [10:32:54 PM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy opens her mouth to say something about Vergil and his supposed lack of boringness, but thinks against it. That guy already gets enough of that crap from his brother. His likable, more approachable brother. Better talk about something else, even though he was bound to join them. "well so far this get-togethers a rousing success even tho were like 5 seconds in. so id say were off to a good start (:" Her smile is hardly composed, almost breaking into a full-blown giggle. What can she say? He was fun to tease. "you wanna go ahead and make your order or is mickey d's not gonna cut it for you mr fancy pants?"[8:56:46 PM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy Lalonde spies her friends entering through the gilded gateway of America's Finest Eatery -- or at the very least, she sees Dave holding the door open. She walks over with a smile on her face and her bag and drink in hand. "heya guys! glad u could make it to the mcparty" she says, greeting the gang with a wave. "i was kinda worried you wouldnt make it for lunch what with our schedules & all"
  366. [9:05:12 PM] * Nitro Vergil raises a hand unenthusiastically. It is very undignified and yet he still manages to look refined. "Nonsense," he says, eyeing the cleanliness of the facility critically. "Schedules are, apparently, for the successful and boring, neither of which we are permitted to be."
  367. [9:05:30 PM] * Nitro Seems he might kind of not be enthusiastic about this meet-up!
  368. [9:05:34 PM] * Nitro If you didn't notice.
  369. [10:32:54 PM] PurpleKoopa: Roxy opens her mouth to say something about Vergil and his supposed lack of boringness, but thinks against it. That guy already gets enough of that crap from his brother. His likable, more approachable brother. Better talk about something else, even though he was bound to join them. "well so far this get-togethers a rousing success even tho were like 5 seconds in. so id say were off to a good start (:" Her smile is hardly composed, almost breaking into a full-blown giggle. What can she say? He was fun to tease. "you wanna go ahead and make your order or is mickey d's not gonna cut it for you mr fancy pants?"
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