
Post thrall chat w/ dmex

Apr 15th, 2018
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  2. [22:40:25] Something was different about Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati. The Nagual walked up to Dmex, hips swaying with each step. A hum at her lips. A new staff held loosely in her left hand.
  4. Mythril armour now graced her willowy form. Though, admittedly, it was distinctly more form fitting and revealing than protective. So, hey. Perhaps not much had really changed. Lotlhuitl had, for as long as anyone had known her, left large chunks of her flesh exposed. Though, in the past an argument could have been made to that being a practical choice as well as fashionable.
  6. Her outfit was blatantly revealing.
  8. "Greetings, Great Spirit," the Nagual said. Tail swaying from side to side. "Noa told me that you have been with the demons, in their city."
  10. Idle chitchat. Pleasantries. The Nagual wanted something, but it seemed rude to just approach her patron and burden her with requests.
  12. Lotlhuitl's eyelashes fluttered as a thought seemed to tug her away from reality, as she threatened to discocciate mid conversation. 'Though, really. She was just a burden. Everyone around her had to take care of her.' Another slow blink, and suddenly the Nagual felt.. terse. Angry. She was drawing herself up to her full height, her fingers gripping her staff just a little harder.
  14. "I.. I wanted to know if I could be of any use."
  16. Expression deadly serious.
  17. (Lotlhuitl)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [22:44:41] Dmex nodded sharply at Lotlhuitl's first claim, briefly giving a look back over towards Noa further north in the square.
  22. "That's correct. I've spent about half of my time here, and half of my time there, as of late. It's..."
  24. She once again looked over the square, her otherwise neutral expression falling to visible disappointment.
  26. "So often empty, here. I need more. More eyes on me."
  28. After a shake of her head, Dmex looked back towards Lotlhuitl, but the disappointment hasn't left her face.
  30. "...That is one way you could be of use. Attention."
  31. (Dmex)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [22:50:40] --she felt so weak, she was so weak. everything she had ever wanted was going to be taken away from her--
  36. Lotlhuitl noted Dmex's disappointment. Heck, she almost felt it, like the knife which had been driven into her soul was being twisted. --useless, useless-- Her tail flicked back and forth, hands suddenly clasped in front of her.
  38. "I.. it will be done, Great Dmex."
  40. But how? Hmm.
  41. (Lotlhuitl)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [22:55:47] It's not clear whether or not Dmex noticed that Lotlhuitl wasn't exactly sure about what to do. Either way, she let out a deeper breath, and clasped her own hands ahead of her.
  46. "...I might be content to just talk. Stay focused on me, keep looking at me..."
  48. She trailed off, looking away from the Nagual ahead of her, and down towards the road. Through grit teeth, she continued, quieter.
  50. "Please."
  51. (Dmex)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [23:05:10] Lotlhuitl blinked. Talk? Dmex wanted to talk?
  56. "I.. I thought perhaps.." The Nagual started to explain that she had thought that her Spirit patron might have needed something more elaborate. Grander.
  58. She could talk. Keep her attention on Dmex. These were easy tasks! Lotlhuitl forced a smile to her lips, suppressing any doubt or anxiety she might have been feeling. {Perhaps Dmex doesn't think you capable of greatness.}
  60. "Very well, Great Spirit." Lotlhuitl corrected herself. "I would love to hear whatever wisdom you had to share with me." Her ears pricked up, plainly doing as Dmex had asked and focusing all her attention on Dmex. She.. she seemed off. This was not Lotlhuitl's doing, but Lotlhuitl felt some guilt that she had not been doing more to help Dmex. To serve her.
  62. "Especially wisdom in regards to the demons and their city."
  63. (Lotlhuitl)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [23:12:00] Oh. It was... spinning around back on her. She could handle this, of course, of course. Another deep breath!
  68. Dmex set a hand against her chin, trying to steady herself.
  70. "I didn't exactly want to talk much, myself. But - if you insist - "
  72. Once again, she looked off and away from Lotlhuitl, in the rough direction of the city on the far, far horizon.
  74. "Most often, I'm there to visit Effigy or talk about conflict."
  75. (Dmex)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [23:16:16] Tanka says, "Tanka...hungry."
  79. [23:20:32] Lotlhuitl almost flinched. The back of her neck prickled as she regarded Dmex. Dmex didn't want to talk. She wanted HER to talk.
  81. {Can you do anything right?} A voice, not her own, tormented the Nagual. She suppressed it. Pushed it away. But it was there. Along with a feeling like a knife in her soul.
  83. "Oh, ah. Effigy. I've met them once." Lotlhuitl remarked. "It is good of, Great Dmex, to visit them. And to protect Gehenna by walking into the den of corruption, so to speak, and get them to seek the wise path."
  85. Lotlhuitl tapped her fingertips together. "I.. hm.. I have been busy in Gehenna. Teaching people about you. One person I thought would be promising. He.. seemed to accept the token I gave him marking him as one of yours, but then he went and got baptised by Kaschei. And he's been since hiding from me. I intend on beating him for hisinsolence."
  87. (Lotlhuitl)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [23:25:39] Partway through Lotlhuitl's story, just about when Kaschei's name is dropped for the first time - Dmex mumbles something under her breath.
  92. "Beat him."
  94. Hearing that she apparently came to the same conclusion as her, Dmex nodded sharply, before just... staring off into the open air, for a short time.
  96. Eventually, she manages to come back from whatever the hell was distracting her, though.
  98. "I'd ask for his name, but I guess it's not necessary. He's irrelevant ever since he cast me away."
  99. (Dmex)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [23:33:20] "Beat Kaschei?" Lotlhuitl had blinked at that. Hesitating before nodding.
  104. "His name is not relevant. He was nobody before he accepted your blessings, and he is nobody once more. Kaschei is welcome to him, he's obviously unfaithful. If that fool wishes to devote himself to Kraus worship, well." A shrug. "A fool he shall remain. I do not seek to change this. I am merely looking forward to making him feel my displeasure at the slight he dealt you."
  106. A change of topic. But what topic? Dmex's favourite topics largely revolved around herself.
  108. "Great Spirit, you seem-" Distracted. Not all there. Stressed. Troubled. No, none of these things would please Dmex to hear. "-very busy with protecting Agartha from the scourge of Jianghu."
  109. (Lotlhuitl)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [23:38:27] Another few nods, before the abrupt switch in topic left her head spinning. It seems pretty easy to catch her off-guard, right now.
  114. "...Busy. Is busy the word we're using?"
  116. She rose a hand, motioning forward with it as if she was about to let it rest on Lotlhuitl's shoulder, but it just dropped instead.
  118. "Tell me more. And be honest with me."
  120. Something tells you it's better to lie.
  121. (Dmex)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [23:39:18] LOOC - Metztli: (i live!
  125. [23:40:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hello)
  126. [23:43:34] Lotlhuitl tensed.
  128. She was not a liar. She was honest and true, no matter what. Indeed, often, to a fault.
  130. "Mighty Dmex," the woman who called herself Dmex's handmaiden started. Gaze directed straight up to the Emaran warchief's mask, where her eyes would be. "You've seemed burdened ever since you became Ezmara's warchief." And that was putting it lightly.
  132. "I could say more, but I.. are you sure it is appropriate to discuss this here in the courtyard?"
  133. (Lotlhuitl)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [23:45:16] Tanka says, "Tanka return..."
  137. [23:45:16] Tanka says, "Tanka have gifts."
  138. [23:46:59] Lotlhuitl glanced at Tanka only for a second, perspiration dotting her brow as she resumed paying full attention to Dmex..
  139. (Lotlhuitl)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  142. [23:47:50] Finally awoken.
  144. Slowly, with quite a sum of mumbling, the small figure of the girl sat upright. Black bags sat under their eyes, and tired eyes flick around the square as if they hadn't just taken a several hour nap.
  146. "...Huh...."
  148. Shuffle, shuffle. The girl now sat upright, legs dangling off the edge of the bench, as opposed to their prior state of hugging around the bench.
  149. (Metztli)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [23:47:50] "...Burdened?"
  154. The word was repeated back to Lotlhuitl, once clearly audibly, and about three more times after that - progressively closer to an idle murmur.
  156. "If you don't want to discuss it here, I'd gladly handle this elsewhere."
  158. Gladly is stressed and forced out, the air around growing uncomfortably colder, in some barely perceptible way.
  159. (Dmex)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  161. [23:50:24] The Nagual would let his tail swish around. His eyes gazing at the two women. Was he ignored? Tanka was not sure. Though his weakness made him not care. He would simply not bother the higher ups. Like a weak animal he would simply put the items down.
  163. "Tanka...sorry for interruption..."
  165. He would say with a low tone.
  166. (Tanka )
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [23:52:57] "Yes, burdened."
  171. Lotlhuitl plainly stood by the word she had chosen earlier. Her voice was firm, though quiet. She didn't look away. Her hands clasped in front of her, fluffy tail wrapping around her bared middrift.
  173. "Oh.. ah. Dmex?" Lotlhuitl blinked, seeing Tanka behind her. "It.. looks like he wishes to gift you tribute."
  175. A change in topic. Unless Dmex pressed it, Lotlhuitl wouldn't continue explaining her concerns, her worries about her patron spirit. It.. it likely wouldn't be helpful. And she really wanted to be helpful. To change. To make it up to Dmex, and everyone else who had believed in her.
  177. Who she had so far failed.
  178. (Lotlhuitl)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  181. [23:54:40] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. might just pick those up for you."
  182. [23:54:40] {Item} You picked up Nyeshk x3.Dropped by Tanka . .
  183. [23:54:40] {Item} You picked up Sugarcap Mushroom.Dropped by Tanka . .
  184. [23:54:40] {Item} You picked up Poppylus x2.Dropped by Tanka . .
  185. [23:57:13] "Burdened."
  187. The word slipped through Dmex's grit teeth, along with a long, pained breath. Slowly, she shook her head, and opened her mouth to say something else -
  189. But the interruption came first, and after a flash she was staring dead at the pile of stuff left behind by Tanka.
  191. "I don't care about any of this. I don't care about him."
  193. Once again, she shook her head - more hurriedly, pressing a hand against her left temple to try and steady herself. Her other hand motioned off in Lotlhuitl's direction, before she snapped her fingers and pointed to Tanka.
  195. "Get him out of here. I was busy. Focused."
  196. (Dmex)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [23:58:04] {Item} You drop Mythril Cuisse.
  200. [23:58:04] Tanka says, "...."
  201. [23:58:56] {Item} You picked up Mythril Cuisse.Dropped by Lotlhuitl. .
  202. [23:58:56] Tanka says, "Tanka...wont be burden..."
  203. [23:58:56] Tanka says, "Tanka...sorry..."
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