
Cveta's Adventure part 1: A plan to escape

Jun 11th, 2017
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  1. Russia. Cold, dark, and to some not to be trusted. And deep within its snowy plains there was a very good reason. Transcendence, a secret Communism organization. Within its walls held powerful Metas, some held against their will, others working under the Flying head of Stalin. However, one of them was getting tired of not being sent out to do anything. She was arguably one of the strongest there. The self proclaimed last of the Ala known as Cveta.
  3. She floated silently through the long hallways of the building. Looking for any sort of exit. "Those Humans can't keep me in here. I will go out into the real world!" The building was air tight, and she would draw too much attention to herself is she blasts her way out. She turned a corner, seeing a few guards near a door. "Could that be an exit?" she said to herself. Then From behind her came a new voice "No that's just Chain's office. Bad choice if you want out sweetheart"
  5. Cveta spun around at insane speeds, intending to punch whoever was behind her to oblivion. Her fist stopped inches away from a familiar face. "You, you're that Stone man." "Most just call me Ryan. Now tell me, why are you sneaking around here?" Cveta was unsure if she should tell this Ryan the truth. "I'm simply looking for a way outside" Ryan smirked "Why not just ask our 'glorious' leader Stalin, or burst into Chains office? Hell why not just blow up a wall?" Cveta stayed silent, looking away from him
  7. "Oooh, I get it. You don't want to leave, you want to Escape. That little Christmas visit must have left an effect on you." Ryan smugly said. "What!? How do you know of that?" Lighting sparked around her arms, but Ryan wasn't fazed. "They keep a close eye on all their 'employees' here. Unless you're good enough to know who and who isn't a spy. I believe the one who spotted you was the cashier." Cveta calmed down. Not because she wasn't angry anymore, she was furious in fact. "If I ever see that woman again I'll devour her body and soul!" "Can you Ala even eat those?" Cveta got closer to Ryan "Do you wish to find out?"
  9. Ryan backed up, it was becoming clear that he was just acting calmly. Cveta could still smell fear on him, even if it wasn't that much. "Now listen blueberry, I can help you get out of here and back to that Sisters of yours. All without being seen." Cveta started to calm down. If he was telling the truth then it could mean freedom. "How would you do it?" Ryan pulled out his wallet, it looked like it was ready to explode from just how much cash was in it. This didn't really impress Cveta though. She stll wasn't all that sure on the whole concept of money. "How will that help me?" Ryan pulled out a few hundreds "Its simple. We get the tracker out of you, get you a fake ID, and-" Cveta interrupted him "What in Baba's name is a tracker?" The rich man sighed. "Its something Trance injected into you during your first nights here. They do it to the Meta's they don't fully trust. Its a way for them to keep track of you in areas with no Spys. I almost got one but when you have one of the worlds greatest doctors on speed dial, they don't try to bother...Least I hope so."
  11. "So we must remove that from me first? Very well. Where is it? I'll rip it out!" Cveta showed Ryan her hand, slowly becoming more monstrous. Her nails growing into giant black claws. "Well unless you can survive your own gut I wouldn't recommend it." Cveta was in disbelief. "Was all this just a trick?! Nothing can survive an Ala's stomach." Ryan once more had a smug look on his face "Not unless its made from Adaptanium. That stuff just gets harder the more you try to damage it." Cveta placed her hand on her stomach. She squeezed it. And there it was. Normally her stomach would be an empty void, but she felt a small round object somehow still intact. "Very well. I'll do anything for freedom" Her mouth expanded, letting Ryan see the void before her left hand dove in! At the last moment Ryan managed to catch it "Now now, no need to lose an Arm over this. Listen, Chain is like 70% Adaptanium. And he can still get hurt." "So?" "So, he has a special surgery room with tools made from Adaptanium designed to be stronger then his. We get in there and I'll use a tool to get it out of you."
  13. "...Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to help me?" Ryan pulled out a brush and fixed the minimal error in his hair "You're incredibly strong. Most here fear you, and for good reason. And having someone like that owe me is what I strive for. Now come along, I'm sure you don't want to waste time" Cveta floated in the same spot for a few seconds, before finally deciding to follow him.
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