
Some random story (FAR FROM FINISHED)

Dec 19th, 2015
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  1. Cold. That is the first thought that enters my mind. Then hungry. I try to breathe, as i feel my eyes opening. A bright light shines in my eyes as i try to move my limbs. They're stiff and very hard to move. I manage to sit up and look at my suroundings. I see tall things all around me. Then something new enters my mind. No..not new..old, but it has returned. Is this what they call a "Memory" ? As a matter of fact, when i think about it, i cannot remember anything about myself. Who i am, what my name is, how tall i am, it's all gone. I do remember that i am a male. Not much more. I look around, and see, walk away from me. I try to shout, but only deep, strange sounds come from my mouth. So this is my voice, how very interesting. Now when i think about it, i am indeed in a very interesting place, i do belive that it is what you call a forest. But i suppose that doesn't matter at the moment, because now i am hungry. VERY hungry. It is also very cold. Now when i think about it, it's extremely cold.
  3. I try to stand, and i manage to do so, leaning againts a tree. I feel weak in my legs, and my body feels stiff. As i reach out for another tree, i notice a new feeling. It feels..strange, i suppose, but yet so familiar. Then suddenly a extremely loud sound rings in my ears and i fly backwards, as a shockwave is sent out from my hand, intro the tree, knocking it over.
  5. I wake several..well..later i suppose, even more hungry than before, but not cold. As i look around i see firm, wooden walls and a nice fire burning a few feet away from me. I try to sit, but fell a incredibly sharp pain in my chest. As i look down i notice a bandage wrapped around my chest, and a woman rushes over to me.
  6. "Ah, i see that you're awake! But don't try to sit, you're still badly wounded." - she says, with the most wonderful thing i have ever heard, another voice.
  7. "Ergh.." - I manage to mutter, as i cannot seem to remember how to speak correctly.
  8. "Hu..Hu-ng..hungry.." - I manage to bring myself to say
  9. "Hm? What's that dear?" - She says, as i now notice her face. She is a old woman.
  10. "I''a..m." - I manage to say, a bit louder, so that the old woman can hear me.
  11. "Oh you're hungry! Well i've prepared a nice stew with potatoes and some venison." - She'd smile and go to fetch a pot hanging over the fire.
  12. I lay down, deciding to get some rest while she fetches th-..wait..I sniff in the air, Is that..
  13. I begin to puke rapidly, as the smell of burnt filth fills my nose.
  14. I quickly stand, the only thing on my mind is to get out, away from the smell.
  15. "Oh dear!" - She yells as i rush past her, through the door, out into the blizzard.
  16. Finally..air..i can breathe, but what was that awefull smell? I then feel a much more wellcoming smell, coming from a pouch hanging at my belt. I take the pouch and open it, many, tiny snakefangs are laying inside. The smell from them are almost overwhelming, as i pour the pouch's insides into my mouth. A wonderfull taste begins to fill my mouth, and as i swallow, i can feel how my energy is spreading thorughout my body. And also how i rapidly begin to float..
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