

Feb 14th, 2023
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text 1.03 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. How to make Replenishable Items (Refills at Grace points) by Jorb:
  3. 1. Duplicate the item you want to make Replenishable, this will be the Empty item
  5. Original Item:
  6. 2. Make the Original Item [Replace Item ID] = the [ID] of the Empty item
  7. 3. Set [Can Discard] and [Can Deposit] to 0
  8. 4. Set [Is Full Regenerative Item] to 1
  9. 5. Set [Regenerative Item Type] to 3
  10. 6. Set [Auto Replenishment Type] to 0
  11. 7. Set [Max Number] to the max number you want the player to be able to use before resting
  13. Empty Item:
  14. 8. Make the Empty Item [Replace Item ID] = the [ID] of the Original Item
  15. 9. Set [Is Consumed] to 0
  16. 10. Set [Is Regenerative Item] (NOT FULL REGENERATIVE ITEM) to 1
  17. 11. Set [Renerative Item Type] to 3
  18. 12. Set [Auto Replenishment Type] to 0
  19. 13. Set [Max Number] to the same as what you set the Original Item's [Max Number Stored in Itembox]
  20. 14. Set [Goods Use Animation] to an animation ID that displays that you can't use the item such as 14
  21. 15. (Optional) Set [Icon ID] to something that is not the same as the Original Item's [Icon ID]
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