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- import re
- input_list = []
- input_filename = "day19.txt"
- # input_filename = "sample_input.txt"
- part2 = True
- switch = False
- rules = {}
- messages = []
- with open(input_filename, 'r') as reader:
- for line in reader:
- if line == '\n':
- switch = True
- if not switch:
- temp_line = (str(line.rstrip())).replace('"', '').split(' ')
- rules[temp_line[0][:-1]] = temp_line[1:]
- else:
- messages.append(str(line.rstrip()))
- def build_regex(r: str):
- global rules
- if rules[r][0] in "ab":
- return rules[r][0]
- rx = "("
- for this_rule in rules[r]:
- if this_rule == "|":
- rx += this_rule
- else:
- rx += build_regex(this_rule)
- rx += ")"
- return rx
- my_regex = f"^{build_regex('0')}$"
- counter_p1 = 0
- for this_message in messages:
- if re.match(my_regex, this_message):
- counter_p1 += 1
- rule42 = build_regex("42")
- rule31 = build_regex("31")
- counter_p2 = 0
- for n in range(1, 5): # 5 was determined by trial-and-error; any lower and we start losing matches.
- my_regex = f"^({rule42}+{rule42}{{{n}}}{rule31}{{{n}}})$"
- for this_message in messages:
- if re.match(my_regex, this_message):
- counter_p2 += 1
- print(f"Part 1: {counter_p1}")
- print(f"Part 2: {counter_p2}")
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