
Negativity, Teams,, and Space

Dec 12th, 2015
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  1. 14:10 AnnaClaskovic I'd be more open to talk about the gods but there's always retaliation or some kind of huge disagreement and passive aggressiveness that it brings, which is why I'm less confident to talk or even go near the godstuff anymore.
  2. 14:10 Isidora I find that bullshitty. We're all friends here I thought we were above petty shit like that.
  3. 14:11 Sylum Friends still argue and have different opinions
  4. 14:12 Isidora Sitting back and just slinging negativity isn't getting anything done that's why we haven't had a proper story going on here for ages. Its just been short one offs that don't even get completed most of the time.
  5. 14:12 Isidora and even then it isn't consistent
  6. 14:13 Isidora people being aggressive over things other people are doing is why Chop is gone
  7. 14:23 Isidora if people can't speak their mind about things because they fear passive aggressive bullshit what is the point
  8. 14:26 Wells I dunno what to say that hasn't already been said
  9. 14:26 Isidora I know what to say
  10. 14:26 Wells There is no perfect way to fix things I suppose
  11. 14:27 Isidora the best way to fix things is stop being pretentious cunts
  12. 14:27 Isidora putting noses up to everything as if there's a standard not being met
  13. 14:27 Isidora when we don't even fucking have anything set
  14. 14:27 Isidora and accepting that as the way of things is no different than doing it
  15. 14:28 Wells I guess we do have standards we don't even attempt to personally achieve
  16. 14:28 Isidora y'know unless you like sitting around two hours going "hey guys we should do something" with a solid 2 ideas maybe brought up during that time both of them getting memed on or brushed off
  17. 14:29 Isidora then half the people going to bed or playing video games
  18. 14:29 Wells Putting down what we don't think will reach far, and ultimately putting down the idea of reaching far in general.
  19. 14:29 Isidora then that is a night
  20. 14:29 Isidora we definitely have standards and we don't even try to touch them
  21. 14:30 Wells I've been coming to realize this lately as well.
  22. 14:30 Isidora and usually that standard includes
  23. 14:30 Wells Things are getting pretty patternlike
  24. 14:30 Isidora "something run by me" in the thinker's head
  25. 14:30 Isidora so it has to reach some high set standard we've never touched before and nobody explains
  26. 14:31 Isidora and it has to be of direct gain to the self
  27. 14:31 Isidora and newsflash we can't make every rp about one person, or make every rp about everybody
  28. 14:31 Isidora because if its one person but there's a group? group is mad
  29. 14:31 Isidora if its supposedly about everybody
  30. 14:32 Isidora its MMO tier where nobody stands out especially as doing anything different, and everybody is competing to be the one that is different
  31. 14:32 Isidora because everybody secretly wishes it'll be them
  32. 14:32 Isidora and if it clearly doesn't fit then
  33. 14:32 Isidora pfff nah that is too narrow
  34. 14:33 Wells That's a pretty agreeable analysis
  35. 14:34 Isidora I just want people to wing things y'know. Broader horizons. And if it doesn't fit them still, that's alright too
  36. 14:34 Isidora we are a big group
  37. 14:34 Isidora we can accommodate several things
  38. 14:34 Isidora it isn't a DnD session where everybody shows up at once
  39. 14:37 Isidora I'm also gonna get controversial
  40. 14:38 Isidora the reason the xenon group got so much done when they weren't kicked out
  41. 14:38 Isidora was that they had a solid base of knowing each other
  42. 14:38 Isidora nobody ever is like
  43. 14:38 Isidora hey Aegis hangout
  44. 14:38 Isidora no its always bring random fuck who do you think works?
  45. 14:39 Isidora the xenon foundation was totally toxic and made by heap, a fuckin madman
  46. 14:39 Isidora but it at the very least allowed for a common basis for several stories to come out of for them
  47. 14:40 Isidora we don't have common basis usually, we don't group people
  48. 14:40 Isidora so everybody is their own story
  49. 14:40 Isidora clashing with everybody else
  50. 14:40 Isidora It isn't a team comic, things these days
  51. 14:40 Isidora it is a crossover comic
  52. 14:41 Isidora unrelated stories touching together
  53. 14:41 Wells so group dynamic is dying
  54. 14:41 Isidora and it isn't consistent either
  55. 14:41 Isidora so you can't even have crossover storylines
  56. 14:42 Isidora it is just "WHAT IF X AND Y MEET UP HERE" scrambled every time
  57. 14:42 Isidora which makes GREAT foundation for a team to come out of, like when we tried kidvengers
  58. 14:42 Wells And dad squad
  59. 14:42 Isidora buuuuut does nothing but provide filler otherwise
  60. 14:42 Wells possibly
  61. 14:42 Wells Yeah
  62. 14:43 Wells We don't intend anything too serious when it comes to that stuff
  63. 14:43 Wells But they end up working
  64. 14:43 Wells Ironic
  65. 14:43 Isidora and if people aren't in an kind of grouping then people don't usually get invested in other people's characters
  66. 14:43 Isidora I mean shit
  67. 14:43 Isidora Anna has had more interaction with Isi than she has her own teammates
  68. 14:44 Sylum So, how would you suggest fixing htis
  69. 14:44 Isidora Fuckin'
  70. 14:44 Isidora teams
  71. 14:44 Isidora we need more of them
  72. 14:44 Isidora What happened to round table
  73. 14:44 Isidora kidvengers
  74. 14:44 Isidora aegis
  75. 14:45 Isidora jesus christ Evos looks like the only superhero team around because it at least has them showing up together
  76. 14:45 Isidora When Prince and Goody and Haze were in the Irish rps they sparked conversations and had a ton of chemistry because they had some common basis
  77. 14:46 Wells Evos looks like the only team really doing anything
  78. 14:46 Wells But it's only ever handled by one person
  79. 14:46 Wells And I agree teams will force cooperation
  80. 14:46 Wells And main character syndrome will die a lot more
  81. 14:47 Wells because everyone already has a place in a tem dynamic
  82. 14:47 Wells not tagging along to see if they can get a shot in a random story
  83. 14:47 Isidora Isi I probably would have dropped by now if it wasn't for cveta and drago existing, because even if she is predominantly solo there are other people with /common/ /basis/
  84. 14:48 Isidora there's stories to be done
  85. 14:49 Isidora I have always hoped people would like join up with SS and make androids or something. I added Symbol to Aegis because otherwise he'd just be loner kung fu man.
  86. 14:49 Sylum No one ever seems to join stuff, Argon and Trance are just like, 2 or 3 people just having on character
  87. 14:50 Isidora Argon and Trance are also
  88. 14:50 Isidora mostly NPCs
  89. 14:50 Isidora villain characters
  90. 14:50 Isidora meant to be the focus to which people go against
  91. 14:50 Isidora we haven't had a meeting of the argon heads
  92. 14:51 Isidora trance meetings were briefly a thing but they tittered away
  93. 14:51 Isidora the trance plot being sorta ignored alongside the irish one distresses me
  94. 14:52 Sylum Well, the Trance invasion is actually almost ready
  95. 14:52 Sylum But, its more of an attack then a full on invasion now
  96. 14:52 Isidora we haven't even completed the dmitri rp
  97. 14:53 Sylum I'm disheartened by that agreed
  98. 14:53 Wells I realize now the things we sometimes criticize for lack of development are the way they are because we don't truly care to put a hand in them
  99. 14:54 Wells Everything as far as I see it is fair game, and people who start things generally love other people's input
  100. 14:54 Wells But we don't cuz, don't fucking know
  101. 14:54 Wells Maybe we're focused on character specific stuff that usually go nowhere
  102. 14:55 Isidora like really I am tempted to say that the Bull RP is a thing strictly for the Round Table, as it might be a reason for them to band together in the first place
  103. 14:55 Isidora taking all the knights and pseudo religious folk and setting them on a single journey
  104. 14:55 Isidora having the ending be a moment that gives them a reason to stick together
  105. 14:56 Wells They would probably be rather versed in history and know the enemy a lot more than others
  106. 14:56 Wells I think we try to hard to make our heroes appropriate for the villains
  107. 14:56 Wells When we could just make the villains more appropriate for the heroes
  108. 14:57 Wells End up snowballing a bunch of people into something
  109. 14:57 Wells And dynamic is shot
  110. 14:57 Isidora like, bam, a bunch of historical protectors and religious scions get called together to take on the oldest threat in recorded history that stands to defy all they stand for
  111. 14:57 Isidora at the end of it they probably get the tablet of destinies that they keep safe so it can't be used again
  112. 14:57 Isidora become a proper team
  113. 14:58 Sylum That sounds like a great idea
  114. 14:58 Isidora Sinclair I've been DYING to have against a real team
  115. 14:58 Wells May be wishful thinkng but I find it hard to not call that perfect
  116. 14:58 Isidora like, I don't know I might have Aegis vs Sinclair sometime
  117. 14:58 *** Vect quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  118. 14:58 Isidora classic heroes
  119. 14:58 Isidora classic villains
  120. 14:58 *** VectPhone joined #Covengers
  121. 14:58 Isidora no bullshit
  122. 14:59 Wells Sinclair could very well fuck with Aegis for shits and giggles
  123. 14:59 Wells He could start shit with Symbol's gang
  124. 14:59 Wells Blackmail Wells
  125. 14:59 Isidora he already knows Wells who at this point is
  126. 14:59 Isidora basically the leader of Aegis
  127. 14:59 Isidora like dude
  128. 14:59 Isidora you are the leader piece of it
  129. 14:59 Wells Maybe even something petty like hire Anna to work as eyecandy
  130. 15:00 Isidora Yeah, screw with them and start building up a relationship back and forth
  131. 15:00 Wells Same goes for other teams and villains
  132. 15:00 Isidora like Doom MAINLY fucks with the Fantastic Four. He shows up to fuck with other people sometimes too so he ain't limited, but he has a very specific built up relationship with them and them alone
  133. 15:01 Wells Rentavengers could have reoccurring conflicts with bug street toughs
  134. 15:01 Wells Like Ronin or other gang leaders
  135. 15:02 Isidora Yeah. Although rentavengers might need a bit of bolstering of ranks since Lanny doesn't show much.
  136. 15:02 Isidora So if Bud ran it it'd be Ronin vs Oyu
  137. 15:02 Isidora I honestly have tried to put people in every team
  138. 15:02 Wells RIP Best Team 2014
  139. 15:03 Sylum well, is it open to add to?
  140. 15:03 Wells Yeah dude
  141. 15:03 Isidora Oh of course
  142. 15:03 Wells Dont ever think it's not
  143. 15:03 Wells That seems like another problem
  144. 15:03 Sylum I can probably have someone like Thomas or Punishment join if wanted
  145. 15:03 Wells People thinking others don't want them involved in their shit
  146. 15:04 Isidora Evos and Rentavengers being mainly one-two people is a problem that can be fixed
  147. 15:04 Isidora Aegis already has a fairly sized bunch
  148. 15:04 Isidora Round table everybody has a little something, or can make some for it
  149. 15:04 Wells I'm trying to get my head in the game so GEIST can return
  150. 15:05 Isidora Chimera is about to be molded into the police so law aligned heroes like Patriot and such, that can be a team
  151. 15:05 Sylum I remember asking if Patriot could join the Regulators and was denied
  152. 15:06 Isidora that was a long while ago back when the regulators were like
  153. 15:06 Isidora some kind of proposed npc force
  154. 15:06 Sylum Yeah
  155. 15:06 Sylum as for Round table, either robot knight angle or King Golem being an enemy
  156. 15:07 Isidora the Six Star System I have makes regulators more or less specialized commandos or metas working with the law
  157. 15:07 Sylum if people are cool with the secon thing
  158. 15:07 Isidora cool cowboy outfits encouraged but optional
  159. 15:07 Isidora Every level of the Six Star System people can touch
  160. 15:07 Isidora Police, SWAT, Buffers, Regulators, Commanders, and... okay maybe having US military leaders as options is a bit much
  161. 15:08 Isidora that is NPC stuff
  162. 15:08 Isidora but the rest is fair game
  163. 15:08 Isidora and I've been hoping Haze adds Blackout to my SSS thing because they'd fit well, since he is reinvisioning them as an MGS specialist team with codenames and shit
  164. 15:09 Wells that would be neato
  165. 15:09 Wells Corruption could very well be an Aegis Enemy
  166. 15:09 Sylum I am wanting to use Corruption more yes
  167. 15:10 Wells I always intended Chloran to see an enemy in Chemist, but they both seem to be collecting dust.
  168. 15:10 Isidora I feel like if we had an Argon team more would happen there
  169. 15:10 Wells And Chloran is pretty independent
  170. 15:10 Sylum Why Chemist?
  171. 15:10 Isidora Chemist would be a great enemy for an Argon group, or peoples
  172. 15:11 Wells Because disgusting drugs is something he's against as one so supportive of Nature.
  173. 15:11 Wells And she would
  174. 15:11 Sylum The Resisters
  175. 15:11 Isidora and Bull I really don't even WANT to bring out for his arc until we see what life is like in Argon with him around
  176. 15:11 Wells I was meaning on making an Argon Antihero
  177. 15:11 Sylum bunch of people in Argon wanting to make it a better place for their kind, not a villian hideout
  178. 15:12 Isidora Da.
  179. 15:13 Isidora The eldritch lady I intended to start off in a story with Horizon, the dimensional fuckies
  180. 15:13 Isidora but that is a one person show sooo far so hm
  181. 15:13 Isidora nothing wrong with one person shows too, one on one stuff can be just as good as team stuff
  182. 15:14 Isidora we have a SHIT ton of bad ayyys
  183. 15:14 Isidora so PARSEC and spess people can work together on that
  184. 15:14 Sylum speaking of them Purifiers are stilla thing
  185. 15:14 Sylum just been a bit lazy and worried about how to run the rp
  186. 15:14 Isidora like, PARSEC, Destinox, maybe the Veka lending a hand
  187. 15:15 Isidora fair group of people to fight ayys
  188. 15:15 Wells I've been developing a race in my notebooks, and thinking about it, how about a spacevengers group
  189. 15:15 Isidora there's a lotta untapped potential
  190. 15:15 Wells Like a group full of aliens
  191. 15:15 Sylum spacevengers?
  192. 15:16 Wells That just fuck around the milkyway
  193. 15:16 Isidora a bunch of ayyys offworld doing ayy things
  194. 15:16 Sylum so the Council done right? yes I would like that
  195. 15:16 Wells Getting in fights with the council, fighting space terrorists, running from bounty hunters
  196. 15:16 Sylum oh
  197. 15:16 Wells Nah mang
  198. 15:16 Sylum independent? thats also good
  199. 15:17 Isidora independent, or maybe at least tolerated by council folks
  200. 15:17 Isidora since they can't run everything
  201. 15:17 Wells yeah exactly
  202. 15:17 Sylum They're just a bunch of planets working together
  203. 15:17 Wells Nah
  204. 15:17 Wells I'm not thinking that big
  205. 15:18 Isidora the guardians of the galaxy were just a bunch of space bumblefucks in a pirated ship
  206. 15:18 Sylum no the council is
  207. 15:18 Wells Yes
  208. 15:18 Wells Oh
  209. 15:18 Wells Yeah
  210. 15:18 Sylum I'll work on the Council more after the Purifiers
  211. 15:18 Isidora Like think on it like this this
  212. 15:18 Isidora Nova is the council
  213. 15:18 Isidora Guardians would be the spessvengers
  214. 15:19 Sylum I dont know what Nova is
  215. 15:19 AnnaClaskovic I had that deadzone space fight for material idea
  216. 15:19 Sylum is Green Lanterns a better idea for it?
  217. 15:19 Sylum I still like that idea
  218. 15:19 Isidora Nova is green lanterns except less big dumb emotional energy rings
  219. 15:19 AnnaClaskovic could incorporate that into it maybe
  220. 15:19 Isidora and just
  221. 15:19 Isidora SPACE POLICE
  222. 15:20 Sylum and with Spacevengers lot more stuff can be done with it
  223. 15:20 Isidora
  224. 15:20 Isidora Nova are guardians that came together by cooperating systems and so such
  225. 15:20 Sylum is that a flying helmet
  226. 15:20 Isidora Yes
  227. 15:21 Isidora meanwhile the GoG are
  228. 15:21 AnnaClaskovic space pirates
  229. 15:21 Isidora space bumblefucks doing goodish deeds without much support behind them
  230. 15:21 Isidora maybe get awarded as heroes for things
  231. 15:21 Isidora after the fact
  232. 15:21 Isidora Destinox would be on the Nova, he has the law telling him what to do
  233. 15:21 Isidora GoG are bumblefucks I love that word
  234. 15:21 Wells The race I was developing
  235. 15:22 Wells I intended that one member of it sold out his species
  236. 15:22 Wells And they all ultimately got fucked
  237. 15:22 Wells Why or by who
  238. 15:22 Sylum Destinox would be the type of guy to run off with the Spacevengers honestly, so I might work out a reason why he hasn't
  239. 15:23 Wells I'll leave that up for arguement
  240. 15:23 Isidora he always can
  241. 15:23 Isidora like, part of him sticking with the spacevengers is that it keeps the council off his back
  242. 15:23 AnnaClaskovic I have shroom guy
  243. 15:23 Isidora I've always had this unfinished drawing in the back
  244. 15:23 Isidora he seems
  245. 15:23 Isidora space villainy
  246. 15:24 Wells I wanted there to be a female and male survivor, the male being an heir to the throne or some shit, but a giant reluctant pussy, the female being really enthusiastic about fighting people and bent on revenge.
  247. 15:24 Sylum I have Angel bot who could also be Space Angel Bot
  248. 15:24 Wells The female would be good for a space team
  249. 15:24 AnnaClaskovic I kinda feel like I should redraw shroom guy
  250. 15:25 Wells The male I wanted to throw on earth
  251. 15:25 Isidora redrawing things is always fun
  252. 15:25 Wells I ought to draw em. I ought to draw....
  253. 15:25 Wells a lot of things...
  254. 15:25 Isidora I am a lightly salted fries over the fact that I drew an amazon alien thing for nora
  255. 15:25 Isidora and nothing will ever come of that drawing
  256. 15:25 Isidora because nora suckssss
  257. 15:25 Sylum use it for yourself
  258. 15:26 Wells AMAZON
  259. 15:26 *** VectPhone quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  260. 15:26 Sylum you drew it
  261. 15:26 Wells ALIEN!?!?!?
  262. 15:26 Isidora
  263. 15:26 Isidora ye
  265. 15:26 Wells nice
  266. 15:26 Sylum Damn
  267. 15:26 Wells n-nice
  268. 15:26 *** Sylum is now known as Destinox
  269. 15:26 Destinox Damn Nice
  270. 15:27 Wells
  271. 15:27 Isidora When I drew it I imagined them as like, the opposite kind to the Emloa
  272. 15:27 Destinox aww
  273. 15:27 Wells >she's a prude
  274. 15:27 Wells noice
  275. 15:27 Isidora no
  276. 15:27 Isidora not in that way
  277. 15:27 Destinox Oh, good
  278. 15:27 Isidora I mean in that they are similar in a lot of ways, but
  279. 15:28 Wells oh she's the least synergistic speies around
  280. 15:28 Destinox Honestly shes kinda sexier then the Emloa
  281. 15:28 Wells Warmonger maybe?
  282. 15:28 Wells Other aliens hate their guts
  283. 15:28 Wells Savage fucks
  284. 15:28 Isidora the Emloa are very peaceful nurturing types that love to take in people and bring them into their big empire of technology
  285. 15:28 Isidora These shits
  286. 15:28 Isidora Ka'arock they were called
  287. 15:28 Isidora they are saiyan tier to other races, they appear to fuck things up
  288. 15:28 Wells Want her to Ka'arock my world
  289. 15:28 Isidora people who survive are probably slaves
  290. 15:29 Isidora barbaric and constantly in conflict to the Emloa
  291. 15:29 Isidora and yeah just get it out of the way
  292. 15:29 Isidora they also have the
  293. 15:30 Isidora reproductive synergy thing
  294. 15:30 Isidora spacebutt "I can fuck whatever I want it'll come out my race" deal
  295. 15:30 Isidora because I made them both to be cheesy aliens
  296. 15:30 Isidora the kind that show up in star trek or something
  297. 15:32 Isidora look at those rainbow space girls with maybe tiny hints of being a different species that happen to be compatible with humans
  298. 15:32 Isidora
  299. 15:32 Wells Looks like a race of Star Platinums
  300. 15:32 Wells And not the Part 3 star platinums
  301. 15:33 Wells The starved as fuck Part 6 one
  302. 15:33 Isidora
  303. 15:33 Isidora you
  304. 15:33 Isidora are not wrong
  305. 15:33 AnnaClaskovic Can't draw with the mouse
  306. 15:33 Isidora aww
  307. 15:34 AnnaClaskovic I keep trying to draw
  308. 15:34 AnnaClaskovic the mushroom head
  309. 15:34 AnnaClaskovic but my wrist is weird
  310. 15:34 Wells Emloa
  311. USERNAME:
  312. UPLOADED:
  314. 15:34 AnnaClaskovic and it becomes three times bigger than I originally intended it to be
  315. 15:35 Destinox
  316. 15:35 Destinox I have too many unused ayys
  317. 15:36 Isidora I always loved that one
  318. 15:36 Isidora I always loved that one
  319. 15:37 Isidora oh shit
  320. 15:37 Isidora I didn't notice you posted several
  321. 15:38 Isidora 1st one my favorite but you are really good at drawing these like shit
  322. 15:38 Isidora my ayys have just been discolored humans
  323. 15:38 Isidora drawing these, like shit*
  324. 15:38 Isidora that sounded insulting
  325. 15:38 Isidora I am silly
  326. 15:39 Isidora last one is especially pretty
  327. 15:39 Isidora patterns
  328. 15:40 Destinox The 3rd one I kinda have ideas for, a sister species to Destinox, two planets in the same orbit [dont care if that doesn't sound realistic] that went to war and can adapt to environments
  329. 15:40 Destinox The last one had a lot of idea and backstory to her, that I dropped cause I went with Purifiers being my space bad and not Unimind
  330. 15:42 Isidora I am admittedly not so good with non-human designs unless I have some kind of direction to go with.
  331. 15:42 Isidora Veka, Emloa, that unfinished villain, ka'arok, all just sorta humans a little off
  332. 15:42 Isidora these are different and solid
  333. 15:43 Destinox Thanks
  334. 15:44 Isidora side note new game looks pretty
  335. 15:45 Isidora I honestly already have an idea for sinclair and aegis, I'd do it now or soon but I agreed to an AMP game saturday nights sooooo
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