
Aeron: Outright Rune Failure

Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. The dusk of the current year was coming to a close-- And the war was just along the horizon. It was time, to finally see a greater part of the world for what it was. Finally, having realized new purpose, having kept the words of the Fallen Angel deep within his mind-- He had every reason to prepare, to fester his fury for the Holiest One of Valmasia and Beyond.
  3. He, had every intention to live up to the legends... But first, he needed help. Without the aid of the vast majority, he, was doomed to the inevitible fate of the troubling minorities of Eternia: Oblivion, Eradication--
  4. Extinction.
  6. Yokai took to herding abroad the Umbral Kaor, idling before Nostvale's gate, no longer as a worrisome stranger, but as its ally. It was time to prepare for the war against their current enemies as of the moment: The West.
  7. "Hear my voice, my children..." He, knelt at the center of their swarm, having forced one to lay down-- Back exposed for the skies for his lowering digits.
  9. "It is only a matter of time before we have, our chance." He claimed, glistening the nail of his digit with the mauve taint of the transmundane, soon carving into the flesh of the subjugated lesser to scribe human art: Runes. It was still of novice tier, restricted to basic enchantment class granted only the initiation and commanding glyphs drawn out, however, granted his mastery of the shadows, its potency was near matter-glitching, contorting the flesh with its emanations for an intensified variant, granted the yokai's anatomy.
  11. "Our chance to rise, in glory of the Morninglord... To take his metaphorical throne, and carry out his dream... As many before us had tried." He released the body of the fallen, allowing them to retrieve themselves. It was a brief moment... But eventually, it'd take effect-- The runes had empowered the lesser with a pungent aura of the occult, if only for a brief instance prior to abrupt combustion.
  13. ... At least, the explosive aftermath would prove effective, granted an enemy was marred with such inscription. A sigh escaped the Kaor's lips, disappointed in his failures but determined enough to see another trial.
  14. "... If only, a while longer... Our time will come."
  15. (Aeron)
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