
Chivalry Pt. 3

Mar 10th, 2013
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  1. Lumen!
  2. >You yell, hand outstretched in front of you.
  3. >Yet Twilight’s basement remains unlit.
  4. >The purple unicorn sits in the corner shaking her head, then returning to her book, flipping through the pages.
  5. >You glance at your hand, get in position once more, and try again.
  6. Lumen!
  7. >The same result.
  8. Hmm…
  9. >You exhale, bringing your hand back to your body.
  10. >”This doesn’t make any sense…” Twilight mutters, still trying to locate her page.
  11. >You walk over to her, glancing over her shoulder.
  12. >”…aha, here we go! Lumen!” she scans the spell quickly.
  13. >Her face quickly contorts to that of confusion.
  14. >”Oh, Anon…” she says surprised.
  15. >You walk around her to get a better view of the page.
  16. >After a quick scan, you pick the book up yourself and read over the lines studiously as you walk back to your practice position.
  17. >You mutter a few things to yourself, then glance up and focus.
  18. >You stretch your arm straight up, like a beacon, and keep your fingers together on your palm.
  19. Lumen!
  20. >A brief, dull light spits and sputters from your hand for a short time, then ceases.
  21. >Twilight exhales a soft breath.
  22. >”Oh…”
  23. >You walk back over and drop the book in front of her.
  24. >She’s already made the same realization about last night.
  25. …I wasn’t even in the proper position.
  26. >She nods at you.
  27. >”But… that makes no sense…”
  28. >She levitates the book to her as you two begin to exit the basement.
  29. >”How were you able to cast them then? You can’t just make up spells.”
  30. >You shake your head.
  31. No, I can’t. And that’s what’s so perplexing.
  32. >You walk to your room, as Twilight flips open the book back to the spell.
  33. >”Well, maybe you… I mean… sometimes, if a p0ny knows the BASICS of a spell, he or she can—“
  34. >You stop her, then crouch down, pointing to a phrase on the page.
  35. >Class Two Combat Spell.
  36. I’ve never once practiced any Class Twos.
  37. >You get back up and grab your blade, fastening it to your belt.
  38. >Twilight sighs, then closes the book for good.
  39. >”Maybe you have a natural gift?”
  40. >You laugh softly to yourself.
  41. I don’t think anyone has the gift to make up spells on the fly, Twilight.
  42. >You glance to the many spellbooks lining the walls of your room.
  43. Must have been some… mistake.
  44. >The air is still and silent in your room.
  45. >Twilight shuffles awkwardly, then nods.
  46. >You look back to her.
  47. >…things have gotten a little serious.
  48. >So you try to break the tension with a smile.
  49. >She sees this.
  50. >And smiles back awkwardly.
  51. Please,
  52. >You begin,
  53. take note of those spells if you can, Twilight.
  54. >You begin walking out of your room.
  55. When we begin practicing Class Twos, I want those to be the first.
  56. >She nods.
  57. >”Okay, Anon.”
  58. >You smile briefly at her.
  59. Thanks, Twilight.
  60. >You look to the door.
  61. I’m… going to see Fluttershy for a bit, is that okay?
  62. >She trots over with a solemn expression.
  63. >”Is… it about Mr. Bear?”
  64. >You grip the doorknob.
  65. …Yeah.
  66. >She slowly nods her head.
  67. >”…Okay, Anon. Please be careful.”
  68. >You smile to her.
  69. Always.
  70. >This cheers her up.
  71. >You twist the knob and step out into the late morning air.
  72. >The sun sits almost perfectly high in the sky as you walk through town, hand firmly on the hilt of your sword.
  73. >The p0nies outside begin to stare, and soon after, the murmurs begin once more.
  74. >You try not to pay attention, but you can hear a few words thrown around.
  75. >”Bear” seems to be one of them.
  76. >You sigh internally.
  77. >How quickly do things get around in this town?
  78. >Thankfully, no mares run up to you and start conversation this time.
  79. >You’re not really in the mood to deal with such things anyway.
  80. >Something’s been on your mind since last night.
  81. >You aren’t sure what, really.
  82. >You’re hoping a trip to Fluttershy’s can answer some questions, or, at least, put your mind at ease.
  83. >You turn down the path towards her cottage once more.
  84. >Again, the birds and animals play cheerfully, giving an air of lightheartedness to the atmosphere.
  85. >…then why do you feel such a sense of dread?
  86. >The path winds, and all manner of squirrels, beavers, and birds take notice of you approaching and dart out of the way.
  87. >Up the path ahead, right before the entrance to the cottage is—
  88. >!
  89. >You swing your hand to your left side and draw your blade.
  90. >Mr. Bear hears this sound and spins around.
  91. >He takes notice of your aggressive stance.
  92. >He lifts his paws up in front of him and shakes them side-to-side rapidly while simultaneously shaking his head.
  93. >…No?
  94. >You lower your sword, keeping it drawn just in case, and approach the beast.
  95. >As you get close, he looks to the ground and scratches his arm.
  96. >He growls a melancholic noise, looking up to you with sad eyes.
  97. >You gaze deeply into the once-fierce pupils of Mr. Bear.
  98. >The anger is gone…
  99. >…you think you understand.
  100. >You smile, and lift your blade to your side, sheathing it.
  101. It’s okay, Mr. Bear.
  102. >You say, holding out your hand to shake.
  103. >His ears pop right up and a huge smile graces his face.
  104. >He opens his arms wide and pulls you in to a back-crushing bear hug, swishing you side to side as he shows his affection.
  105. Oof! WHOA there, big guy!
  106. >You say, patting him on the back as if you were tapping out.
  107. >He groans an apologetic groan and places you back onto the ground, smiling.
  108. >You smile awkwardly at the sentient beast.
  109. >A door creaking open catches your attention.
  111. >You are now Fluttershy.
  112. >You heard Mr. Bear growling and groaning, so you decided to step outside and see what the commotion was this time.
  113. O-Oh…
  114. >You mutter as your eyes lock to the tall human with your beastly friend.
  115. >He takes notice of you as well.
  116. >”Miss Fluttershy,” he says, beginning to walk over.
  117. >He pats Mr. Bear on the shoulder twice as he passes him, the large animal smiling and groaning happily as he does.
  118. >He walks up your steps and bows courteously.
  119. >”Forgive me for my unannounced visit, but there are a few things I wish to discuss with you.”
  120. >You cross your hind legs a bit and nod.
  121. Of course, Anonymous…
  122. >You lean back into your door, opening it, and guiding him inside with a hoof.
  123. >He smiles and nods, as if to thank you, and steps inside.
  124. >You watch him from behind as he walks further into your house.
  125. >Oh, my… that plot…
  126. >You… just want to grab him and—
  127. >”I see your home has been fixed,” he says. He guides his hand, pointing behind you. “Even the door. That’s great to see.”
  128. >You mentally shake your head and smile.
  129. Y-Yes, Mr. Bear was kind enough to fix everything once he c-came to…
  130. >He nods with a smile.
  131. >He’s so handsome…
  132. >With his cape… and clothes… you just want to tear them off and—
  133. >”Anyway, Miss Fluttershy, Mr. Bear is actually the reason for my visit.”
  134. >You snap to it once more.
  135. >What is wrong with you?
  136. O-Oh, okay...
  137. >You motion him to the couch, and he takes a seat.
  138. >You sit down next to him.
  139. >He opens his mouth, then pauses a moment, as if to think more, then continues.
  140. >”...You were face-to-face with Mr. Bear before I came out, right?”
  141. >You nod slowly.
  142. >”…Mr. Bear is never like that, correct?”
  143. >You pause, then shake your head.
  144. N-No…
  145. >You’re finding it hard to concentrate.
  146. He’s always… so peaceful.
  147. >He nods, then looks away.
  148. >You continue staring at him.
  149. >Anonymous wears clothes all the time… how strange…
  150. >What’s he hiding under there…?
  151. >You want to reach over and… take a peek…
  152. >Just a little one…
  153. >A… forceful one.
  154. >You doubt he’ll even—
  155. >”Miss Fluttershy?”
  156. >You blink a few times, then meet his gaze.
  157. >Your foreleg is reaching over toward him.
  158. >”What are you…?”
  159. Nothing!
  160. >You blurt, darting your leg back to you.
  161. >Anonymous looks over to you questioningly.
  162. >Then lets out a single, breathy laugh.
  163. >It’s even accompanied by an awkward smile.
  164. >So cute…
  165. >”Well… as I was saying…”
  166. >The smile wipes from his face.
  167. >”I’ve never seen a creature with that… expression.”
  168. >He looks to you.
  169. >”You got a look into his eyes, correct?”
  170. >You turn your head and gaze to the ground.
  171. >You think back…
  172. >…the terrifying, bloodshot, red-hot rage that seethed behind those eyes.
  173. >It was… so unlike Mr. Bear…
  174. Yes…
  175. >He shifts a little in his seat and nods.
  176. >”I see.”
  177. >You turn to him.
  178. But… but he’s better now! You saw him, right?
  179. >He looks over to you, then gazes out your window.
  180. >Mr. Bear happily jumps up at a bee’s next sitting in a tree.
  181. >Anonymous smiles.
  182. >”It would seem that way, yes.”
  183. >You smile as well.
  184. >”But his actions… they still worry me.”
  185. >He lifts up his leg and rests it on top of his other, forming a sort of “T” with them.
  186. >”I suppose it is none of my business, however. If you’re sure he’s normally so calm, and feel fine living with him, then there’s nothing I can do.”
  187. >He looks over to you and smiles.
  188. >”I’m just worried for your safety, Miss. That’s all.”
  189. >You can feel the area between your legs moisten at these words.
  190. >You hope you aren’t making a mess or anything.
  191. I…I…
  192. >You blush profusely.
  193. …Thank you, Anonymous…
  194. >He laughs a little and smiles again.
  195. I don’t know what it was about, but I’m sure it’ll never happen again.
  196. >He nods.
  197. >”If you believe so,” he says, rising from your couch. “But if it ever happens again, or anything similar… you know where to find me.”
  198. >You smile bashfully.
  199. Th-Thank you…
  200. >He nods happily.
  201. >And with that, he takes his leave.
  202. >Suddenly, a flash of emotion courses through you.
  203. >It’s there for a split second, almost acted upon, before it vanishes.
  204. >It almost causes you to vocally gasp, but you catch yourself.
  205. >Anonymous notices nothing, opens the door, turns back to you, and smiles.
  206. >”Good day, Miss.”
  207. >And closes the door.
  208. >You sit, dumbfounded.
  209. >Your private area tingling and winking.
  210. >What… was that…?
  211. >You hop off the couch to your feet and pace around a bit.
  212. >It’s like… you wanted to… pin him against the wall or something…
  213. >And…
  214. >…oh, my…
  215. >You shake your head as if to free the desires from your mind.
  216. >You remember feeling this way last night too.
  217. >But… you just attributed it to the alcohol…
  218. >What’s… going on…?
  219. >And why do you… like it so much?
  221. >You are now Anonymous.
  222. >And the weight in your chest has been lifted… slightly.
  223. >You grip the sheathe of your sword as you stroll back into town.
  224. >Fluttershy knows her animals better than anyone, you suppose.
  225. >Perhaps the bear was just angry about something.
  226. >…very angry.
  227. >…that’s what still bothers you.
  228. >But hey, he even apologized to you and gave you an authentic bear hug.
  229. >You smile, thinking about it.
  230. >It was… kind of sweet.
  231. >You’d still like to keep an eye on the area though…
  232. >…
  233. >…wow, look at you, still a trainee, and already thinking about guarding the people.
  234. >You laugh to yourself as you walk.
  235. >Maybe you’re overreacting…
  236. >You bring your eyes up from the road below.
  237. >Twilight’s library stands before you.
  238. >You grip the handle and push, opening the door and letting yourself into the cool place of study.
  239. Hello, I’m back.
  240. >You call.
  241. >Galloping hooves sound off incredibly fast.
  242. >Twilight flies around the corner and screeches to a halt before you.
  243. >She looks incredibly excited.
  244. >”ANON!” she cries.
  245. >You look to her with a perplexed expression.
  246. >”You didn’t tell me my BROTHER was your blade instructor!”
  247. >…what?
  248. What…?
  249. >How is this relevant?
  250. >The sound of more approaching hooves grabs your attention.
  251. >”Being the knucklehead he is, he probably forgot to mention it!”
  252. >You dart your head up.
  253. >Sir Shining Armor stands by the corner, looking at you with a smile on his face.
  254. >Your heart skips a beat.
  255. S-Sir Shining Armor!
  256. >You rapidly approach him, drop a knee, and bow your head.
  257. >He laughs.
  258. >”Get up, you clod!”
  259. >He playfully punches your shoulder.
  260. >You can hear Twilight giggle behind you.
  261. >You smile and blush a little before standing back to your feet.
  262. S-Sir, what are you doing here?
  263. >He laughs again, Twilight joining him by his side.
  264. >”I found myself with some time off, thought I’d stop by to see how my favorite student and little sister are doing.”
  265. >He drives his hoof onto Twilight’s head, rubbing it back and forth like a noogie.
  266. >Twilight screams a playful laugh and pushes his hoof away, a broad smile on her face.
  267. >Shining Armor turns to you again.
  268. >”So, I hear you’ve already made quite a name for yourself around here.”
  269. >He begins pacing around you.
  270. >”Alpha timberwolf AND a bear, huh? You’re a regular hero, aren’t you?”
  271. >You laugh, knowing very well he’s just being facetious.
  272. Well, the bear was a fluke, that’s for sure.
  273. >He shakes his head.
  274. >”Naah! No way! Twily told me all about it, I bet you just invented those spells on the fly!”
  275. >You laugh again.
  276. Sir, you know that’s impossible.
  277. >He shakes his head with a smile.
  278. >”No way, man! I do it all the time!”
  279. >He snickers.
  280. >”For example, I’m going to cast my Damn-You-To-Tartarus spell right now unless you get outside and show me what you got!”
  281. >He draws his blade with his magic.
  282. >You let out a few breathy laughs.
  283. Sir, it’s barely been a day!
  284. >”Ah-ah-ah!”
  285. >He flips his sword around and presses the hilt into your back, leading you out the door.
  286. >”Blade training waits for nop0ny! Let’s go!”
  287. >You look over to Twilight, who’s playfully giggling at her brother’s antics.
  288. >You smile wide.
  289. Alright, alright!
  290. >You draw your sword, still being led outside.
  291. We’ll go, we’ll go!
  293. >The sound of clashing steel is so loud you’re surprised more p0nies haven’t stepped outside to see what the noise is all about.
  294. >Shining Armor’s blade levitates around him, then strikes to the side.
  295. >You bring your sword across your body to meet it, successfully blocking his attack.
  296. >He recoils his weapon, then drives it straight for you.
  297. >You swing your own down from its position and swat the incoming attack away from you.
  298. >The levitating blade drives itself up once more, then careens from the right.
  299. >You bring your sword up to defend.
  300. >But just as you do, the blade takes to the air a bit, jumping your defense, and swinging to the other side.
  301. >You aren’t quick enough, and the sword drives rapidly to your neck, stopping just short of it.
  302. >You let out a sigh.
  303. >”Come on, Anonymous,” Shining Armor says with semi-joking disappointment.
  304. >You lower your blade to your side.
  305. >”Tell me, man. Where were you looking?”
  306. >Oh, you hate this question…
  307. Well, I—
  308. >”What were you looking at?”
  309. >You sigh.
  310. …your sword.
  311. >He smirks.
  312. >”Thought so. Now where SHOULD you be looking?”
  313. >You smile a little, knowing he isn’t completely upset.
  314. Your head.
  315. >Shining Armor levitates his blade close to him.
  316. >”Good! Come on, man. Always look at the head.”
  317. >He brings his sword up to the sky, then swings it left and right as an example.
  318. >”Any unicorn has gotta telegraph his swing by juuust a fraction of a second with his horn before the blade goes that way. Come on, you know this, right?”
  319. >You laugh.
  320. Yes, Sir, I know this.
  321. >He brings the blade back to him.
  322. >”You’re in a unique position, because your sword will ALWAYS be right with you since you hold it with your hand.”
  323. >He taps your arm with the flat side of his blade.
  324. >”You’re always ready to defend. If you can master reading a unicorn’s head movements, then you should be an unstoppable wall. Got it?”
  325. >You nod your head.
  326. I got it.
  327. >He smiles.
  328. >”Good. Alright then, one more time.”
  329. >You bring your sword to a ready position once more.
  330. >The sounds of steel clanging start up once more.
  331. >Twilight happily watches as her brother and good friend spar in front of her.
  333. >You are now Fluttershy.
  334. >And the aggressive feelings you’ve been experiencing are still niggling away at your mind.
  335. >You scrub a dish as you think about it.
  336. >Normally, you’d never think of forcing yourself on anyp0ny…
  337. >…But…
  338. >It… just feels so right…
  339. >You place the dish down into the soapy water and sigh.
  340. >When did this start happening…?
  341. >…
  342. >”Fluttershy…”
  343. >You hear your name softly, as if it was being carried by the wind calmly by your ear.
  344. >It snaps you to attention.
  345. Who…?
  346. >You look behind you.
  347. >Your cottage is empty.
  348. >…
  349. >You swore…
  350. >…
  351. >”Fluttershy…” you hear again.
  352. Who’s there?
  353. >You blurt out almost instinctively.
  354. >…
  355. >A warm feeling envelops you.
  356. >It seeps around your body, and settles into your chest.
  357. >It’s a good feeling…
  358. >It’s… pulling…
  359. >You step slowly, first out of your kitchen, then, out of your house.
  360. >You walk out and around your cottage.
  361. > Toward the forest.
  362. >You barely notice Mr. Bear, roaring loudly at the bee’s nest above him, swiping his claws over and over at the base of the tree.
  363. >You step into the dark entrance of the Everfree Forest.
  364. >Fear soon starts to take you.
  365. >But this feeling…
  366. >This… guidance.
  367. >You need to follow it through.
  368. >You go off the path, through the trees and tangled growths that are set before you.
  369. >Until you reach a hill.
  370. >It climbs up slowly, for only a little while, until it levels back off.
  371. >A cave rests at the top of it.
  372. >This… this is where you need to go.
  373. >You’re shaking, but with what little courage you can muster, you plant a hoof into the cave and shuffle your way in.
  374. >A deep exhale is heard from beyond the darkness.
  375. >”Ah, my dear Fluttershy… I’m so glad you could make it.”
  376. >You freeze up, letting loose a small “eep.”
  377. >Laughter reverberates through the cave.
  378. >It’s… unsettling.
  379. >”Fluttershy, please… there is no reason to be afraid.”
  380. >You’re shaking.
  381. …Who… who a-are y-you…?
  382. >You can hear the heavy sound of breathing from beyond your field of vision.
  383. >”I am… a friend…” the voice says.
  384. >Its voice is deep and commanding, yet, at the same time, so soothing to your ears.
  385. >It almost makes you relax a little.
  386. >”I’ve been watching you for some time now, my dear Fluttershy…”
  387. >You raise your head to this statement.
  388. Wh…what…?
  389. >”Yes… yes… from beyond the sights of those in P0nyville, I’ve kept an eye on you. Fluttershy… I am most impressed by your capabilities.”
  390. >You look to the ground, tears almost forming in your eyes.
  391. >But you’re too scared to move.
  392. Wh-What ca-capabilities…?
  393. >It exhales deeply.
  394. >”…you are a caretaker, are you not…?”
  395. >You don’t avert your eyes.
  396. Y-Yes…
  397. >”Ahh…” it releases, as if satisfied. ”Perfect. Exactly what I wanted to hear, my dear…”
  398. >You scrape the ground with your hoof.
  399. >”As it just so happens, I am… in need of a skilled caretaker.”
  400. >You look to the darkness beyond the mouth of the cave,
  401. D-Do you… have a-a-animals…?
  402. >”No, my dear, not for animals… a caretaker for me.
  403. >It pauses to breathe.
  404. >”You see, I am just coming back to this world now. You could say that I was… gone a while.”
  405. >You stay silent.
  406. >”I find my personal strength is… quite lacking, for what it’s worth. And I need someone to help me back on my feet… do you understand?”
  407. >You nod slowly.
  408. I-I th-think so… b-but… why me…?
  409. >”My dear, you are the only one capable…
  410. >You shake a little more, your mind and heart unsettled.
  411. A-Are you… a… bad creature…?
  412. >Deep laughter echoes.
  413. >”Fluttershy, would a bad creature ever have bestowed upon you and your friends the gifts that I have?”
  414. >…you’re shocked.
  415. >What gifts…?
  416. Gifts…?
  417. >A deep rumble growls beyond the darkness.
  418. >”Of course… I am blessed with the ability to… lend my power, let’s say… as I see fit.”
  419. >You don’t say anything.
  420. >”Your bear friend seemed to enjoy my gift…”
  421. >Your eyes shrink and your mouth gapes.
  422. Wh-What did you do to Mr. Bear?!
  423. >”I only gave him what he wanted. I was only… helping…”
  424. >What he wanted…?
  425. >”I can see right through that beast. Tea parties, manners, friendly get-togethers… when can a bear just act like a bear…?”
  426. I… I…
  427. >”Oh he may not have realized it, but he wanted that. He wanted it, and so I gave it. For him. For… you.”
  428. >You shuffle in place.
  429. But… but he attacked my friends!
  430. >”Ah, yes, most unfortunate. However, that was his doing, not mine.”
  431. >It pauses for a moment.
  432. >”You should be thankful I spared his life and stopped him when I did.”
  433. >You furl your brow.
  434. Y-You didn’t do anything… Anonymous is the one who stopped Mr. Bear… he used his magic…
  435. >”You know nothing of magic, do you Fluttershy?” Deep, disturbing laughter echoes throughout the cave once more. ”I suppose if the boy thinks that power was his alone, I doubt he does much either.”
  436. >You look to the ground and whimper.
  437. >”The power to stop the bear when necessary was my own… I had no desire to assist that human, nor do I any further. It was all… for you.”
  438. >You look up from the ground.
  439. >”You can bet that human boy would have fried that creature with magic if it was his only option…”
  440. >You can feel tears well in your eyes once more.
  441. >”Fear not, dear Fluttershy… the bear is important to you, is he not? And so… I spared him…”
  442. >A drop of water falls to the cave floor from your eye.
  443. >”Speaking of that human boy…”
  444. >This grabs your attention.
  445. >”I can feel it… your most… primal desires for him…”
  446. >Shock rings through you.
  447. >You think you may feel yourself blushing.
  448. >”Yes, I felt those too… and so, I thought I’d… assist you with that as well. Or, at least, give you just a taste…”
  449. >The blood in your veins freeze.
  450. S-So… what I was feeling… those… those impulses…
  451. >The cave erupts in laughter.
  452. >”But it felt so GOOD, didn’t it, my dear?”
  453. >You look to the ground.
  454. >…It did.
  455. >That power…
  456. >That… drive to take Anonymous.
  457. >That feeling of grasping him and taking him for yourself…
  458. >…primal desires…
  459. >It’s so wrong, but… oh my… it feels so right… you want him… badly…
  460. >”I can give you more, my dear…” it says, interrupting your thoughts. ”With my power, he can be yours. Power to take him. Power to claim him.”
  461. >It pauses.
  462. >”Power to put that white mare in her place… would you not want this…?”
  463. >…
  464. >…
  465. Y-Yes…
  466. >”Splendid!” the voice cries, followed by a quick laugh.
  467. >Smoke jets softly from beyond the darkness.
  468. >”And all I ask in return is your assistance… bring me back to strength…” A large, dark, scaly claw extends openly from the darkness.
  469. >”Well, my dear? Do we have a deal…?”
  471. End of Part 3
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