
F1 AIE Chapter 23

Mar 21st, 2013
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  1. Formula One Anon In Equestria: Chapter 23
  3. *Jan 12, 2016 EDIT - Eliminated script format from chapter*
  8. >Formula One Car: A single-seat, open cockpit, open-wheel racing car with substantial front and rear wings, and an engine positioned behind the driver, intended to be used in competition at Formula One racing events.
  10. >Momentum: The product of the mass and velocity of an object.
  12. >Concrete: A composite construction material made primarily with aggregate, cement, and water.
  14. >Deflection: The event where an object collides and bounces against a plane surface.
  16. >Inertia: The resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest.
  19. >75 Gs
  20. >Seventy Five times the force of gravity.
  21. >The speed at which the car was traveling when you made impact was clocked at exactly 186.49 MPH. The wall you hit nearly shattered from the force.
  22. >Your car. The one that came along with you into Equestria: Totaled. Completely destroyed.
  23. >The only thing remaining was the monocoque and a rear tire. Everything else was scattered across the hairpin in pieces.
  24. >That car isn't going anywhere anymore.
  25. >You however, came-to shortly after you were put into the ambulance heading towards Fillydelphia Regional Hospital.
  26. >The wreck knocked you out, yes. But only for a brief period of time. Luckily for you, there are no severe lasting injuries.
  27. >When you were admitted to the hospital, the doctor just told you that you received a light concussion and a sprained ankle. Relatively light injuries for a crash so dramatic.
  32. >Its 2 hours after the race has ended.
  33. >You're in a reclined seated position on a bed in a hospital room.
  34. >"Sore" would be an understatement for how you feel right now.
  35. >You look miraculously ok. Not a visible scratch on you besides that sprained ankle. But, everything hurts.
  36. >It definitely feels like you hit a wall going top speed.
  37. >looking around, you notice your room has a television. On it, the EBC Sport channel is giving a play by play of the highlights of the race.
  38. >The ratings for this channel have to be through the roof, you think. Concerning what all took place earlier.
  39. >You don't remember anything after the initial impact of your crash, so you're genuinely interested in what it looked like.
  40. >*Rainbow Dash has claimed victory today in the dramatic Fillydelphia Grand Prix.* The announcer on TV states.
  41. >Huh. She did win. Fuck yeah Rainbow!
  42. >Of course you got crashed out of the race that she wins. Hopefully shes not too worried about you.
  43. >The replay of the incident begins as the news anchor continues.
  44. >*Cloudsdale Weather driver Anonymous is in a stable condition in the Fillydelphia Regional Hospital following this horrific crash on the final lap of the race. His machine struck another car before flying straight into a concrete wall, narrowly missing several other drivers.*
  48. >...
  49. >That was eerily similar to another drivers accident years ago back on earth. If you remember correctly, it was a guy named Kubica. Wow.
  50. >It's almost the same exact fucking crash.
  51. >*Hurricane Force driver Flitter escaped without injury after her frightening accident on the Casino Straight earlier in the race. Launching off of the rear of Blossomforth's car, she careened into the air and rolled across the top of a retaining wall. Blossomforth would go on to finish 9th.*
  52. >Thank fuck. You were worried about that one. Good to hear she made it out alright.
  53. >*In the championship standings, Rainbow Dash leads over Spitfire by 11 points.*
  54. >Shes leading the championship. Holy shit.
  55. >Dash is gonna fucking kill you for crashing out of this one.
  57. >You lay your head back into the cloud like pillow. Exhaling as you stare at the ceiling.
  59. >All that training. All that preparation leading up to her first win, and you crash out on the final lap. Laying in the back of an ambulance as she stands on the top step of the podium.
  60. >At least you think she went to the podium. Knowing Rainbow, she probably left the track as soon as she could to come here. Maybe she's even here already.
  61. >"Where is he?"
  62. >A faint raspy voice from down the main hallway of the wing you're in confirms that last thought.
  63. >Dash rounds the corner then stops at the entrance of your room.
  64. >Still in her racing suit, she looks in with a hesitant and almost fearful expression. From the way she looks at the moment, messed up hair and tears down her cheeks, it would be safe to assume that she genuinely thought you were gone.
  65. >"Anon?"
  66. "Hey." You say reassuringly clear.
  67. >Her expression changes exponentially from worried to absolute joy. The tears however keep flowing.
  68. >"Anon! You're ok!!" Dash says galloping to your bedside, surprised to see you awake and alert.
  69. "Define ok." you say as you give a soft laugh. Ribs twinge with pain as you do so.
  70. >"You're not dead you idiot. That qualifies as ok to me."
  71. >She reaches over the side of your bed and happily puts her lips to yours. You two stay locked for what seems like an eternity before she finally breaks away.
  72. >Suddenly you feel loads better than you did before.
  73. "You look like a mess." You say as you glide a hand through her scattered mane.
  74. >"Like you look any better!" She says, batting your hand away. "What all happened to you?"
  75. "Light concussion and a sprained ankle."
  76. >"That's it!?"
  77. >She looks at you from your legs to your head, surveying the relatively good state you're in.
  78. "Yeah."
  79. >"Huh." She looks to you. "I could have sworn you were much worse off than that."
  80. >Yep, you're lucky. The front structure of your car was so damaged that your feet were exposed out the front of the monocoque. That sprained ankle should have been a shattered leg.
  81. "Everything feels like its broken though. I'm so goddamn sore."
  82. >"I'd fucking bet. That was a vicious crash you had Anon. Have you seen it yet?"
  83. "Yeah. They just showed it up there a few minutes ago."
  84. >You point to the television up in the corner. Dash looks up as it shows a few more highlights from the race.
  85. "Wait. Is that Thunderlane and Soarin?"
  86. >"Yeah. They kinda got into a fight."
  87. >In the garage area, both drivers ended up getting into a shoving match as a result of their incident earlier in the race. Their respective teams had to pull them away from one another, otherwise the scuffle could have gone over the edge.
  88. >Then the screen switches to the drivers podium where the first three drivers get awarded their trophies. Only, there are just two drivers up there instead of three. The top spot in between Spitfire and Octavia is vacant.
  89. "So you didn't go to the podium?"
  90. >Dash exhales, then looks up to you.
  91. >"I was so fucking worried Anon. I couldn't go up there after everything I saw."
  92. "After everything you saw? What all happened after the crash?"
  94. >"It went like this."
  97. ----
  99. -2 hours ago-
  101. >"*Anon! Do you read me!?*"
  102. ........
  103. >"*He's not responding*"
  105. "Oh no..."
  106. >You quickly drop down into 2nd gear and floor the throttle from turn 7.
  107. >Halfway across the track is Anon in a mangled heap of aluminum and carbon fiber. Not responding.
  108. >The race is over, and you won, but you're travelling down the short straight before turns 8 and 9 like you're still battling for position.
  109. >Without thinking you navigate the esses with ease and come to the scene of the crash.
  110. >The sight that greets you can be described as completely unsettling.
  111. >Easing the car to a safe area away from the debris, you park just to the right of the racing surface.
  112. >The wall is what you notice first after all the scattered shards of F1 car littering the track. You then follow the debris to Anons vehicle.
  113. >Oh shit...
  114. "Oh no. No no no no no no no!" You exclaim as you frantically undo your 6 point harness, detach the steering wheel, and remove your helmet. Eyes locked on a machine sitting on its side with only one wheel still connected to the monocoque as you exit your vehicle.
  115. >Everything around you goes silent as you run towards Anon. Galloping past the springs, the tires, and the shards of bodywork on the track around you, all you're focusing on is to see if he's ok.
  116. "Please be ok. Please." You say between breaths.
  117. >If it wasn't for this damn racing suit, you could have flown there and been by his side already.
  118. >Suddenly, you're stopped just before you can get to the car by a track marshal.
  120. >"Sorry but I cant let you over there."
  121. "WHAT? WHY NOT?!"
  122. >Oh man this guy is pissing you off.
  123. >The paramedics then arrive on the track. They jump out of the back of the carriage and begin to attend to Anon.
  124. >"That's why. They're the only ones who can get him out."
  125. "I just want to see him! Please!"
  126. >The marshal then puts a hoof to his ear trying to better understand his radio.
  127. >"Rainbow Dash, They need you over at the garage for post race inspection. I suggest you go now."
  128. "NO. I'm not leaving without seeing-"
  129. >What you see next shocks you to the core.
  130. "A- Anon?..."
  131. >The medics manage to get Anon out of his car, but there appears to be no life in him. As they try to place him on a stretcher, you notice his limbs are abnormally limp.
  132. >The medics then give all of their attention to Anon after they place him in the back of the ambulance.
  133. >To you, it looks like they're trying to revive him.
  134. >Your heart drops, an overwhelming feeling of loss begins to overtake your being.
  135. "No..."
  136. >The doors to the ambulance close, and with Anon inside, it heads towards the nearest hospital downtown.
  137. >That marshal saw everything along with you. He can only leave you there as he has no words to console you.
  138. >Walking away, he speaks through his radio.
  139. >"Rainbow Dash will be there soon."
  140. >Still standing in the middle of the racetrack staring at Anon's destroyed machine, you're left there feeling lost. The only thing that brings your attention back is the sound of the rest of the field heading down to your position.
  141. >With tears streaming down your face, you head off the track and start to walk back to your vehicle.
  142. >As you stare down to the grass, and as the low hum of the other machines go past you. The image of Anon being put into the ambulance keeps replaying in your mind.
  143. >Fuck the podium, your next stop is the fucking hospital. He can't die. Not like this.
  144. >Just then, right as you reach your car, something in the grass catches your eye.
  146. >Going to the left side of your machine, you see a familiar emblem on a small jagged edged chip from Anon's car.
  148. ----
  150. >"That's when I found this."
  151. >She reaches in a pocket on her racing suit and pulls out a credit card size shard of, what looks like, carbon fiber.
  152. >Getting a closer look, you realize just what that is.
  153. "Ho- ly- shit."
  154. >That right there, is the cutie mark decal you put on the rear wing of your car. Reduced to a single serrated shard no bigger than the palm of your hand.
  155. >Damn your car got fucked up.
  156. >>"Hits you hard doesn't it?"
  157. "The wall? Yeah."
  158. >"No, you fucking..." She says, slapping a hoof to her head. "I mean, seeing that there. In your hands."
  159. "I know what you mean." you say while giving a small laugh.
  160. >You silently sit there for a while just holding the shard in your hands. Thinking about everything you and that car went through.
  161. >An entire years worth of racing, reduced to this.
  163. >"But yeah. After all that, I couldn't do anything else unless I knew you were ok."
  164. "Did you at least get your car to post race inspection?" you say raising an eyebrow
  165. >"Duh. They wouldn't have given me the victory otherwise. I left to come here immediately after that though. Didn't even stop for interviews."
  166. >Wow, she would rather be by your bedside than celebrate her first win in front of millions. She genuinely fucking cares about you.
  167. >Guess she's not the element of loyalty for nothing.
  168. >Smiling, you reply.
  169. "Wow Rainbow. Tell you what. When we get home, I'll give you a proper celebration. Hows that sound?"
  170. >"I think I like the sound of that." Dash says, giving you a sly look.
  171. >Uh oh, you know exactly what shes getting at with that. Unfortunately, that can't happen.
  172. "Hold up. Hold up. I can't do that."
  173. >Rainbow is taken aback. A look of stunned confusion coming off her face.
  174. >"W- What? I thought you said- That we were-"
  175. >You put your hand up.
  176. "No no no. It has nothing to do with that."
  177. >Relieved but still confused, Dash looks at you with a quirked eyebrow.
  178. >"What is it then? Huh?"
  179. "Well, because of my concussion, the doc said 'No strenuous activity for three weeks'. Which means 'that' certain activity is a no go. For a while at least."
  180. >"Oh."
  181. >Yeah, she looks pretty dissapointed now.
  182. >"Dammit Anon, Why the fuck did you have to go an- wait."
  183. >Rainbows expression falls flat.
  184. >"Three weeks? But the final race is two weeks from now."
  185. "Yeah. I know."
  186. >Your crash has effectively knocked you out of competition for the season. You're kind of ticked off about it, but Dash here. She looks royally pissed.
  187. >"I'm gonna fucking kill Spitfire."
  189. >Holy shit.
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