

Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. P: &e[&42 &9Donkeys&e]
  4. command /pregen [<text>] [<integer>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  5. aliases:/makeworld
  6. permission: skript.op
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg-1 or arg-2 or arg-3 is not set:
  9. message "&b/pregen &6[&cWorld] &6[&cRadius&6] &6[&cSeed&6] &6[&cGerationType&6]"
  10. message "&6GenerationType: &7""&cY/O&7"" &b=&f Overworld, &7""&cN&7"" &b=&f Nether, &7""&cCW&7"" &b=&f CityWorld"
  11. stop
  12. if arg-3 is set:
  13. if arg-3 is "r":
  14. set {makeworld::seedtemp} to a random integer between 10000000000000000 and 100000000000000000
  15. set {makeworld::negativecounter} to a random integer between 1 and 2
  16. if {makeworld::negativecounter} is 2:
  17. set {makeworld::seed} to "-%{makeworld::seedtemp}%"
  18. else:
  19. set {makeworld::seed} to "%{makeworld::seedtemp}%"
  20. else:
  21. set {makeworld::seed} to "%arg-3%"
  22. if arg-4 is not set:
  23. open chest with 3 rows named "&5&lGenerator" to player
  24. wait 1 tick
  25. set {_smloopnum} to 0
  26. loop 27 times:
  27. format slot {_smloopnum} of player with 1 of black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  28. add 1 to {_smloopnum}
  29. format slot 10 of player with 1 of grass named "&eOverWorld" to close then run [make player execute command "/pregen %arg-1% %arg-2% %{makeworld::seed}% o"]
  30. format slot 13 of player with 1 of netherrack named "&4Nether" to close then run [make player execute command "/pregen %arg-1% %arg-2% %{makeworld::seed}% n"]
  31. format slot 16 of player with 1 of quartz block named "&bCityWorld" to close then run [make player execute command "/pregen %arg-1% %arg-2% %{makeworld::seed}% cw"]
  32. stop
  33. if arg-4 is "cityworld" or "cw":
  34. make player execute command "/b &4Warning! &cStarting to pregen world &3%arg-1% &bCityWorld"
  35. message "{@P}&7 Seed Used: &a%{makeworld::seed}%"
  36. wait 1 seconds
  37. execute console command "/mw create %arg-1% plugin:CityWorld %{makeworld::seed}%"
  38. wait 1 tick
  39. execute console command "/mw load %arg-1%"
  40. wait 5 seconds
  41. make player execute command "/b Starting To Pregen &3%arg-1%"
  42. wait 1 seconds
  43. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% set %arg-2% %arg-2% 0 0"
  44. wait 1 seconds
  45. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% fill 100 208"
  46. wait 1 seconds
  47. make player execute command "/wb fill confirm"
  48. set {_tp} to location of player
  49. set {_world} to arg-1 parsed as world
  50. teleport the command sender to the spawn point of {_world}
  51. make player execute command "/permaday"
  52. make player execute command "/worldborder center 0 0"
  53. set {_border} to arg-2 * 2
  54. set {_border} to {_border} -1
  55. make player execute command "/worldborder set %{_border}%"
  56. teleport the player to {_tp}
  57. if arg-4 is "nether" or "n":
  58. make player execute command "/b &4Warning! &cStarting to pregen world &3%arg-1%"
  59. message "{@P}&7 Seed Used: &a%{makeworld::seed}%"
  60. wait 1 seconds
  61. execute console command "/mw create %arg-1% Nether %{makeworld::seed}%"
  62. wait 1 tick
  63. execute console command "/mw load %arg-1%"
  64. wait 5 seconds
  65. make player execute command "/b Starting To Pregen &3%arg-1%"
  66. wait 1 seconds
  67. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% set %arg-2% %arg-2% 0 0"
  68. wait 1 seconds
  69. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% fill 100 208"
  70. wait 1 seconds
  71. make player execute command "/wb fill confirm"
  72. if arg-4 is "y" or "overworld" or "o":
  73. make player execute command "/b &4Warning! &cStarting to pregen world &3%arg-1%"
  74. message "{@P}&7 Seed Used: &a%{makeworld::seed}%"
  75. wait 1 seconds
  76. execute console command "/mw create %arg-1% Normal %{makeworld::seed}%"
  77. wait 1 tick
  78. execute console command "/mw load %arg-1%"
  79. wait 5 seconds
  80. make player execute command "/b Starting To Pregen &3%arg-1%"
  81. wait 1 seconds
  82. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% set %arg-2% %arg-2% 0 0"
  83. wait 1 seconds
  84. make player execute command "/wb %arg-1% fill 100 208"
  85. wait 1 seconds
  86. make player execute command "/wb fill confirm"
  87. set {_tp} to location of player
  88. set {_world} to arg-1 parsed as world
  89. teleport the command sender to the spawn point of {_world}
  90. make player execute command "/permaday"
  91. make player execute command "/worldborder center 0 0"
  92. set {_border} to arg-2 * 2
  93. set {_border} to {_border} -1
  94. make player execute command "/worldborder set %{_border}%"
  95. teleport the player to {_tp}
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