
HL2E3 Fan Script, Chapter 6.5

Oct 5th, 2017
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  1. It had been ten minutes since the Resistance witnessed a stray Combine robot send both a helicopter and the Borealis down into the abyss.
  2. Three casualties right at the end of a battle, including two of their greatest heros, seemed sickeningly unfair.
  4. There was a chance, they knew, that the Borealis had gradually ground to a halt instead of being destroyed at the bottom.
  5. But there was no chance of saving Gordon and Alyx, not when there was doubtlessly hundreds of Combine reinforcements on their way.
  6. Barney tried to reach Gordon over the radio, to no avail.
  7. However, he knew that if the Borealis was down there, Gordon would know to destroy it.
  9. With nothing they could do, it was definitely time to leave. Most said a quiet goodbye to the hero of the Resistance as they stepped into helicopters, the others were more full of sorrow for personal friends they had lost.
  10. As the fleet of helicopters departed, a survivor of the attack emerged: A single soldier of the reinforcement, who had been playing dead under a snowdrift.
  11. Picking up a nearby rocket launcher, he took careful aim at the fleet of helicopters; but just as his finger touched the trigger, he heard a footstep in the snow.
  12. It was a wounded Resistance fighter, with a battle-scarred kevlar vest, and a knife in his hand.
  13. The fighter and the soldier stood there for a while, each thinking the battle through.
  14. The only end to this was the rocket launcher killing them both; the fighter knew it, the soldier knew it, and the fighter knew the soldier knew it. So, the fighter tossed the knife into the abyss. The soldier understood, and tossed the rocket launcher down too.
  16. The fighter staggered towards the soldier, and the soldier held his fists up in accordance with Combine Martial Arts Training 101.
  17. The soldier's stance was no defence against what the fighter pulled from his bandolier though: A grenade. "This is a bluff, right?" thought the soldier. "He's not doing to blow us both up with a grenade when we just dropped our weapons to avoid exactly that.".
  18. The soldier didn't flinch as the fighter pulled the pin; nor as the fighter released the handle, the indicator glowing red with a chirp.
  19. The two both counted down in their heads.
  20. 4... They both stood still.
  21. 3... The soldier flinched.
  22. 2... The soldier backed away.
  23. 1... The soldier ducked into a building, and the fighter threw the grenade down into the abyss a second before it exploded, the ice bridge shielding him from the shrapnel.
  24. The fighter used the brief moment he had bought himself to pick up an ice manipulator, and walked towards the soldier, spraying ice in the soldier's face as soon as he peeked out.
  25. With a mask coated in ice, the soldier was unable to breathe or see. With a loud crack, his neck was broken, and he slumped to the ground.
  27. The corpse was looted, and carelessly booted off the cliff.
  28. Having won himself the only undamaged uniform, the fighter changed into it, and looked at his reflection on a dropship container window.
  29. With his snow camouflage Combine uniform, he looked just like the reinforcements he was expecting; so he grabbed a gun, and hid inside the container. If the Combine had any hope of retrieving the Borealis, he was going to destroy that hope.
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