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- ##### AutoShulker ####
- ##########################
- # The list of blocks for each box has to be saved on an item. The default is BOOK, but you change it
- # to anything you like.
- item-material: BOOK
- # The name for the item
- item-name: "AutoShulker"
- # The lore for the item. item-lore-line MUST contain "%s"
- item-lore: "This AutoShulker collects:"
- item-lore-line: "- %s"
- # Whether or not to play a sound effect when a shulker box collects an item
- sound-enabled: true
- # The sound effect to play when a shulker box collects an item
- sound-effect: ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP
- sound-volume: 1.0
- sound-pitch: 1.0
- # When set to false, only player that has the shulker box equipped can hear the sound
- # When set to true, all nearby players can hear the sound
- sound-global: true
- message-actionbar: "ยงaAutoShulker collected {amount}x {item}"
- ##########################
- ##### Update Checker #####
- ##########################
- # Checks for updates (asynchronously).
- # When enabled, a message is printed in the console if a new
- # version has been found, and OPs will be notified when they join the server
- # When set to true, check for updates on startup and every X hours (see below)
- # When set to on-startup, only check on server startup
- # When set to false, don't check for updates
- check-for-updates: true
- # When you set "check-for-updates" to true, you can define the amount
- # of hours between each update check.
- update-check-interval: 4
- ##########################
- ##### End of Config #####
- ##########################
- # Only enable this if you know what you are doing
- debug: false
- plugin-version: ${project.version}
- config-version: ${config.version}
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