

Mar 25th, 2018
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  1. on right click on a player:
  2. name of target entity is not "&a消耗するやつ" or "&a消耗しないやつ"
  3. execute player command "record %name of target entity%"
  5. on damage:
  6. damage cause is fall or drowning
  7. cancel event
  9. on damage:
  10. victim and attacker is player
  11. damage cause is attack
  12. {start} is true
  13. cancel event
  14. if {play.2::%victim%} is set:
  15. if {oni.%attacker%} is true:
  16. set {oni} to "%victim%" parsed as player
  17. set {oni.%attacker%} to false
  18. set {oni.%victim%} to true
  19. push the victim upwards at speed 1
  20. push the victim forwards at speed 1.5
  21. execute console command "scoreboard players reset %attacker%"
  22. execute console command "scoreboard players set %victim% oni 1"
  23. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %victim% add oni"
  24. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %attacker% remove oni"
  25. execute console command "replaceitem entity %attacker% slot.armor.head air"
  26. execute console command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  27. broadcast "&c&l%victim%さんが鬼になりました!"
  28. execute console command "nte player %victim% prefix &4"
  29. execute console command "nte player %attacker% prefix &a"
  30. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.note.pling master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  31. stop
  32. else if {oni2.%attacker%} is true:
  33. if {oni.%victim%} is true:
  34. stop
  35. set {oni2} to "%victim%" parsed as player
  36. set {oni2.%attacker%} to false
  37. set {oni2.%victim%} to true
  38. push the victim upwards at speed 1
  39. push the victim forwards at speed 1.5
  40. execute console command "scoreboard players reset %attacker%"
  41. execute console command "scoreboard players set %victim% oni 1"
  42. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %victim% add oni"
  43. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %attacker% remove oni"
  44. execute console command "replaceitem entity %attacker% slot.armor.head air"
  45. execute console command "replaceitem entity %victim% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  46. broadcast "&c&l%victim%さんが鬼になりました!"
  47. execute console command "nte player %victim% prefix &4"
  48. execute console command "nte player %attacker% prefix &a"
  49. execute console command "playsound minecraft:block.note.pling master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  50. else:
  51. stop
  52. else:
  53. stop
  55. command /first:
  56. executable by: console
  57. trigger:
  58. set {start} to true
  59. set {_coin} to random integer between 10 and 50
  60. if amount of {play.2::*} is greater than or equal to 114:
  61. broadcast "&b&l参加者が七人を超したため鬼を二人にします。不具合多し。"
  62. broadcast "&a&l抽選中..."
  63. wait 5 seconds
  64. loop {play.2::*}:
  65. delete {speed.%loop-value%}
  66. add 1 to {count.%loop-value%}
  67. wait 1 tick
  68. set {oni} to random player of {play.2::*}
  69. set {oni2} to random player of {play.2::*}
  70. if {oni} is {oni2}:
  71. set {oni} to random player of {play.2::*}
  72. set {oni2} to random player of {play::*}
  73. broadcast "&b&l%{oni}%さんと%{oni2}%さんが鬼になりました!初期鬼ブースト+%{_coin}%コイン"
  74. set {oni.%{oni}%} to true
  75. set {oni2.%{oni2}%} to true
  76. add {_coin} to {coin.%{oni}%} and {coin.%{oni2}%}
  77. execute console command "scoreboard players set %{oni}% oni 1"
  78. execute console command "scoreboard players set %{oni2}% oni 1"
  79. execute console command "scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar oni"
  80. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %{oni}% add oni"
  81. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %{oni2}% add oni"
  82. execute console command "replaceitem entity %{oni}% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  83. execute console command "replaceitem entity %{oni2}% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  84. execute console command "playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  85. execute console command "start"
  86. stop
  87. broadcast "&a&l抽選中..."
  88. wait 5 seconds
  89. loop {play.2::*}:
  90. delete {speed.%loop-value%}
  91. add 1 to {count.%loop-value%}
  92. wait 1 tick
  93. set {oni} to random player of {play.2::*}
  94. set {oni.%{oni}%} to true
  95. add 1 to {first.%{oni}%}
  96. execute console command "scoreboard players set %{oni}% oni 1"
  97. execute console command "scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar oni"
  98. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %{oni}% add oni"
  99. execute console command "replaceitem entity %{oni}% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  100. broadcast "&b&l%{oni}%さんが初期鬼となりました!初期鬼ブースト+%{_coin}%コイン"
  101. add {_coin} to {coin.%{oni}%}
  102. execute console command "playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  103. execute console command "start"
  105. command /play:
  106. trigger:
  107. if {start} is false:
  108. if {play.%player%} is not set:
  109. set {play.%player%} to true
  110. set {play.2::%player%} to player
  111. add 1 to {play}
  112. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %player% add play"
  113. broadcast "&a%player%さんが参加しました!"
  114. if {play} is 2:
  115. broadcast "&aあと15秒で抽選を開始します!※抽選開始以降は参加できません。"
  116. wait 15 seconds
  117. execute console command "first"
  118. stop
  119. else:
  120. stop
  121. if {play.%player%} is set:
  122. message "&cあなたはすでに参加しています。"
  123. execute console command "playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  124. stop
  125. else:
  126. message "&c途中参加はできません。"
  127. execute console command "playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  129. command /start:
  130. executable by: console
  131. trigger:
  132. execute console command "setblock 1205 5 -207 redstone_block"
  133. wait a tick
  134. execute console command "setblock 1205 5 -207 air"
  135. execute console command "gamemode adventure @a[tag=play]"
  136. execute console command "random"
  137. broadcast "&b20秒後に鬼が解放されます..."
  138. wait 20 seconds
  139. wait 30 seconds
  140. broadcast "&a残り一分..."
  141. wait 30 seconds
  142. broadcast "&a残り三十秒..."
  143. wait 15 seconds
  144. broadcast "&a残り十五秒..."
  145. wait 12 seconds
  146. broadcast "&a3"
  147. wait 1 seconds
  148. broadcast "&a2"
  149. wait 1 seconds
  150. broadcast "&a1"
  151. wait 1 seconds
  152. broadcast "&b&l終了!"
  153. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.growl master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  154. execute console command "end"
  156. command /end:
  157. executable by: console
  158. trigger:
  159. execute console command "setblock 1205 5 -210 redstone_block"
  160. wait a tick
  161. execute console command "setblock 1205 5 -210 air"
  162. loop {play.2::*}:
  163. teleport loop-value to {spawn}
  164. execute console command "replaceitem entity @a slot.armor.head air"
  165. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove oni"
  166. execute console command "scoreboard players tag @a remove play"
  167. execute console command "scoreboard players reset @a"
  168. remove {oni} from {play.2::*}
  169. remove {oni2} from {play.2::*}
  170. wait 1 tick
  171. loop {play.2::*}:
  172. add 200 to {coin.%loop-value%}
  173. add 1 to {win.%loop-value%}
  174. delete {play.2::*}
  175. add 60 to {coin.%{oni}%}
  176. set {play} to 0
  177. delete {oni}
  178. delete {oni2}
  179. delete {map}
  180. loop all players:
  181. delete {play.%loop-player%}
  182. delete {oni.%loop-player%}
  183. set {start} to false
  185. command /record [<offline player>]:
  186. aliases: /rc
  187. trigger:
  188. if arg 1 is not set:
  189. set {_lose.%player%} to {count.%player%} - {win.%player%}
  190. message "&a総プレイ回数&e%{count.%player%}%||&a勝利回数&e%{win.%player%}%||&a敗北回数&e%{_lose.%player%}%||&a初期鬼の回数&e%{first.%player%}%||&aコイン&e%{coin.%player%}%"
  191. stop
  192. if arg 1 is set:
  193. set {_lose.%arg 1%} to {count.%arg 1%} - {win.%arg 1%}
  194. message "&b%arg 1%さんの記録&e||&a総プレイ回数&e%{count.%arg 1%}%||&a勝利回数&e%{win.%arg 1%}%||&a敗北回数&e%{_lose.%arg 1%}%||&a初期鬼の回数&e%{first.%arg 1%}%||&aコイン&e%{coin.%arg 1%}%"
  195. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.firework.twinkle master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  196. stop
  198. command /who:
  199. trigger:
  200. if {oni} is set:
  201. if {oni2} is set:
  202. message "&e%{oni}%さんと%{oni2}%さんが鬼です!"
  203. stop
  204. else:
  205. message "&e%{oni}%さんが鬼です!"
  206. stop
  207. else:
  208. execute console command "playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  209. message "&c鬼はいません。"
  211. command /players:
  212. trigger:
  213. message "&a参加者は%{play.2::*}%です!"
  215. command /addmap <text>:
  216. usage: &c/addmap <マップ名>
  217. permission:
  218. trigger:
  219. set {_player} to player
  220. {_player} is "zZjurijuriZz"
  221. if arg 1 is set:
  222. set {map::%arg 1%} to location of player
  223. message "&aマップ登録をしました。"
  225. command /maps:
  226. permission:
  227. trigger:
  228. message "%{map::*}%"
  229. message "&a合計で%amount of {map::*}%個マップがあります。"
  231. command /random:
  232. executable by: console
  233. trigger:
  234. set {map} to random element of {map::*}
  235. loop {play.2::*}:
  236. teleport loop-value to {map}
  237. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon_fireball.explode master @a"
  238. wait 4 tick
  239. teleport {oni} and {oni2} to {spawn}
  240. wait 20 seconds
  241. broadcast "&b&l鬼が解放されました!"
  242. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.enderdragon.flap master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  243. teleport {oni} and {oni2} to {map}
  245. command /delmap:
  246. permission:
  247. trigger:
  248. message "ランダムな座標を削除します。"
  249. loop {map::*}:
  250. set {_delete} to random element of {map::*}
  251. remove {_delete} from {map::*}
  253. command /firstspawn:
  254. permission: tag.spawn
  255. trigger:
  256. set {spawn} to location of player
  258. on quit:
  259. if {oni.%player%} is true:
  260. execute console command "replaceitem entity %player% slot.armor.head air"
  261. execute console command "nte player %player% prefix &f"
  262. set {_name} to player
  263. remove {_name} from {play.2::*}
  264. delete {oni.%player%}
  265. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %player% remove oni"
  266. execute console command "scoreboard players reset %player%"
  267. broadcast "&c&l鬼の%player%さんが抜けてしまったため&a&l再抽選&c&lを行います。"
  268. execute console command "playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  269. wait 2 seconds
  270. loop {play.2::*}:
  271. wait 1 tick
  272. set {oni} to random player of {play.2::*}
  273. set {oni.%{oni}%} to true
  274. execute console command "replaceitem entity %{oni}% slot.armor.head minecraft:wool 1 14 {ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}]}"
  275. execute console command "scoreboard players tag %{oni}% add oni"
  276. broadcast "&b&l%{oni}%さんが鬼になりました!"
  277. execute console command "nte player %{oni}% prefix &4"
  278. execute console command "playsound master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1"
  279. stop
  280. else:
  281. execute console command "nte player %player% prefix &f"
  282. set {_name} to player
  283. remove {_name} from {play.2::*}
  284. delete {play.%player%}
  286. command /setcoin <offline player> <integer>:
  287. permission: sk.setcoin
  288. trigger:
  289. set {_player} to player
  290. {_player} is "zZjurijuriZz"
  291. set {coin.%arg 1%} to arg 2
  292. message "&a%arg 1%のコインを%arg 2%に設定しました。"
  294. on left click on a sign:
  295. line 1 is "exchange"
  296. line 2 is "coin"
  297. cancel event
  298. set line 1 to "&1右クリックでコインと"
  299. set line 2 to "&1エメラルドを交換"
  300. set line 4 to "&1エメ一個で100コイン"
  302. on right click on a sign:
  303. line 1 is "&1右クリックでコインと"
  304. line 2 is "&1エメラルドを交換"
  305. if player's tool is air:
  306. if {coin.%player%} >= 100:
  307. remove 100 from {coin.%player%}
  308. message "&a交換しました!エメラルドをもって右クリックすると100コインに戻ります!"
  309. give hidden enchant emerald of Looting 1 named "&a100コイン" to player
  310. stop
  311. if {coin.%player%} < 100:
  312. message "&cコインが足りないです!"
  313. stop
  314. if player's tool is emerald:
  315. wait 1 tick
  316. remove emerald from player
  317. add 100 to {coin.%player%}
  318. message "&a交換しました!所持金が100コイン増えました!"
  319. stop
  321. on drop:
  322. cancel event
  324. command /addvote:
  325. executable by: console
  326. trigger:
  327. add 1 to {voted}
  329. command /votecount:
  330. permission:
  331. trigger:
  332. message "&a%{voted}%回投票されています。"
  334. every 10 minutes:
  335. broadcast "&b[お知らせ]&6&lこの鯖が面白い!と思ったらぜひ/prvoteでこの鯖に投票して応援してください!"
  337. on left click on a sign:
  338. line 1 is "play"
  339. line 2 is "鬼ごっこ"
  340. cancel event
  341. set line 1 to "&1&lクリックで参加!"
  342. set line 2 to "&b鬼ごっこ"
  344. on right click on a sign:
  345. line 1 is "&1&lクリックで参加!"
  346. line 2 is "&b鬼ごっこ"
  347. cancel event
  348. execute player command "play"
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