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a guest
Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. chat:
  2. use-protocol-lib: true
  3. spam-cooldown: 5
  4. disabled:
  5. millis: 0
  6. slowed:
  7. millis: 0
  8. slowed-delay: 15
  9. alliance:
  10. prefix: '§b(Ally-Chat) %player%: %message%'
  11. faction:
  12. prefix: '§2(Team-Chat) %player%: %message%'
  13. public:
  14. prefix-faction: '§6[%tag%§6] %player%§7: §f%message%'
  15. prefix-no-faction: '%player%§7: §f%message%'
  16. warp-manager:
  17. warp-delay-millis: 2000
  18. auto-save:
  19. enabled: true
  20. time: 15min
  21. command: save-all
  22. message: '&cSaving all data has finished.'
  23. anvil-spam-fixer:
  24. enabled: true
  25. violation: 3
  26. messages:
  27. flag: '&c%PLAYER% &chas been flagged for anvil spamming &8(&c%VELOCITY%&fVL&8)
  28. (perm: hcf.anvilspam.alert)'
  29. kitmap-gui:
  30. enabled: true
  31. title: '&5&lArcherHCF &c[Map 2]'
  32. id-animation:
  33. - 7
  34. - 8
  35. - 0
  36. - 15
  37. - 12
  38. border:
  39. worldBorder: 3000
  40. netherBorder: 1000
  41. endBorder: 1500
  42. border-messages:
  43. no-bucket-fill: '&cYou cannot fill buckets past the border.'
  44. no-bucket-empty: '&cYou cannot empty buckets past the border.'
  45. no-blocks-place: '&cYou cannot place blocks past the border.'
  46. no-blocks-break: '&cYou cannot break blocks past the border.'
  47. border-no-go: '&cYou cannot go past the border.'
  48. border-portal-no-go: '&cThis portals travel location was over the border. It has
  49. been moved inwards.'
  50. skygear:
  51. enabled: true
  52. spawntoken:
  53. cooldown: 120
  54. endportaltoken:
  55. cooldown: 120
  56. coordinates:
  57. x: 1500
  58. y: 75
  59. z: 1500
  60. throwable-cobwebs:
  61. cooldown: 30
  62. despawn-after: 5
  63. vector-multiplier: 2
  64. cobweb-name: '&3ThrowableCobweb'
  65. glowstone-mountain:
  66. enabled: true
  67. regeneration: 72000
  68. location: '[world,24.50070339453891,72.0,137.55239634209465]'
  69. glowstone-mountain-messages:
  70. regenerated: '&5Glowstone Mountain has been regenerated.'
  71. disabled: '&cGlowstone mountain is disabled.'
  72. set-disabled: '&cYou have disabled the Glowstone Mountain!'
  73. set-enabled: '&aYou have enabled the Glowstone Mountain!'
  74. set-location: '&aYou have set the location of Glowstone Mountain!'
  75. faction-show-location: '&eLocation: set location in config'
  76. reloaded: '&aYou have reloaded the config.'
  77. configuration:
  78. server-name: ArcherHCF
  79. teamspeak:
  80. store:
  81. website:
  82. tablist-hwid: ''
  83. hwid: 'hecked-0900'
  84. starting-balance: 250
  85. famous-subscribers: 2000
  86. famous-videos: 2
  87. famous-views: 1000
  88. youtube-subscribers: 1000
  89. youtube-videos: 2
  90. youtube-views: 500
  91. splash-potion-velocity: 2.0
  92. use-dtc: false
  93. deathmessages:
  94. enabled: false
  95. deathmessage-format: '%player%&4[%kills%&4]'
  96. event-utilities:
  97. timezone: Europe/Ljubljana
  98. auto-run-scheduler:
  99. enabled: true
  100. time: 3h
  101. run-command: event start %event%
  102. event-list:
  103. - Stronghold
  104. - Palace
  105. - Citadel
  106. - Fury
  107. koth:
  108. faction-color: '&9&l'
  109. win-command: key eventkey KOTH %key% %player% 2
  110. citadel:
  111. faction-color: '&5&l'
  112. win-command: key eventkey CITADEL %key% %player% 2
  113. palace:
  114. faction-color: '&e&l'
  115. cap-time: 25min
  116. win-command: key eventkey PALACE %key% %player% 2
  117. conquest:
  118. faction-color: '&9&l'
  119. win-command: key eventkey CONQUEST %key% %player% 2
  120. fury:
  121. faction-color: '&9&l'
  122. switch-time: 1min
  123. cap-time: 30s
  124. required-points: 100
  125. point-loss-per-death: 10
  126. win-command: key eventkey FURY %key% %player% 2
  127. faction-utilities:
  128. elevators:
  129. minecart:
  130. enabled: true
  131. combat-usage: false
  132. sign:
  133. enabled: true
  134. enemy-claim-usage: false
  135. combat-usage: false
  136. end-portal-faction:
  137. deathban: false
  138. safezone: false
  139. player-faction:
  140. dtr-loss-per-death: 1.0
  141. sotw:
  142. auto-inventory: false
  143. killstreaks:
  144. enabled: false
  145. broadcast-message: '&c&l%player% &ehas reached kill streak of &c&l%killstreak% &eand
  146. received &c&l%item%'
  147. items:
  148. DontRemoveThis:
  149. name: DontRemove
  150. command: dont remove this its an example
  151. kills: 100000
  152. deathban:
  153. deathban1:
  154. permission: deathban.1
  155. time: 30m
  156. deathban2:
  157. permission: deathban.2
  158. time: 60m
  159. deathban3:
  160. permission: deathban.3
  161. time: 90m
  162. deathban4:
  163. permission: deathban.4
  164. time: 120m
  165. deathban5:
  166. permission: deathban.5
  167. time: 140m
  168. deathban6:
  169. permission: deathban.6
  170. time: 160m
  171. classes:
  172. class-equiped:
  173. - '&bClass: &l%class% &7-->&a Enabled'
  174. - '&bClass Info:'
  175. class-un-equiped:
  176. - '&bClass: &l%class% &7-->&c Disabled'
  177. archer:
  178. enabled: true
  179. use-colorful-armor: true
  180. name: Archer
  181. damage-percentage: 20
  182. speed-cooldown: 60
  183. equipment:
  184. helmet: LEATHER_HELMET
  185. chestplate: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE
  186. leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS
  187. boots: LEATHER_BOOTS
  188. bard:
  189. enabled: true
  190. name: Bard
  191. max-energy: 100
  192. energy-per-second: 1.0
  193. teammate-nearby: 25
  194. buff-cooldown: 10
  195. buff-duration: 5
  196. held-item-message: true
  197. effect-message:
  198. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  199. - ' &e&lEffect: %effect%'
  200. - ' &e&lCost: %energycost%'
  201. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  202. equipment:
  203. helmet: GOLD_HELMET
  204. chestplate: GOLD_CHESTPLATE
  205. leggings: GOLD_LEGGINGS
  206. boots: GOLD_BOOTS
  207. miner:
  208. enabled: true
  209. name: Miner
  210. invisibility-y: 30
  211. equipment:
  212. helmet: IRON_HELMET
  213. chestplate: IRON_CHESTPLATE
  214. leggings: IRON_LEGGINGS
  215. boots: IRON_BOOTS
  216. rogue:
  217. enabled: true
  218. name: Rogue
  219. speed-cooldown: 1
  220. jump-cooldown: 1
  221. equipment:
  222. helmet: CHAINMAIL_HELMET
  223. chestplate: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE
  224. leggings: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS
  225. boots: CHAINMAIL_BOOTS
  226. ghost:
  227. enabled: true
  228. name: Ghost
  229. mode-cooldown: 48
  230. equipment:
  231. helmet: CHAINMAIL_HELMET
  232. chestplate: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE
  233. leggings: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS
  234. boots: DIAMOND_BOOTS
  235. classes-messages:
  236. archer:
  237. cannot-tag-archers: '&eYou cannot archer tag other archers.'
  238. speed-cooldown: '&cYou cannot use Archer speed for another &c&l%cooldown%'
  239. bard:
  240. cannot-equip-class: '&cYou cannot equip Bard Class whilst PVP Protected.'
  241. energy-announcer: '&b&lBard energy is now at: &a%energy%'
  242. buff-used: '&eYou have just used &aBard Buff &ethat cost you &l%cost% &eof your
  243. Energy'
  244. buff-cooldown: '&cYou cannot use this Bard buff for another %cooldown% seconds.'
  245. buff-in-safezone: '&cYou may not use bard buffs in safe-zones.'
  246. no-enough-energy: '&cYou need at least &l%cost% &cenergy to use this Bard buff,
  247. whilst you only have %energy%.'
  248. ghost:
  249. damage-near: '&eGhoster has taken damage in stealth mode near you: &7(20x20)'
  250. cooldown: '&cYou cannot use Ghost mode for another %cooldown% seconds.'
  251. normal-mode: '&eYou are now in &aNormal &emode.'
  252. stealth-mode: '&eYou are now in &7Stealth &emode.'
  253. power-mode: '&eYou are now in &cPower &emode &7&o(5 seconds)&e.'
  254. miner:
  255. invisibility-added: '&eMiner &6invisibility &ehas been added.'
  256. invisibility-removed: '&eMiner &6invisibility &ehas been removed.'
  257. rogue:
  258. backstabbed-you: '&c%player% &ehas backstabbed you.'
  259. you-backstabbed: '&eYou have backstabbed &c%player%&e.'
  260. speed-cooldown: '&cYou cannot use Rogue speed for another %cooldown%.'
  261. jump-cooldown: '&cYou cannot use Rogue jump for another %cooldown%.'
  262. staffmode:
  263. enabled: true
  264. scoreboard-lines: true
  265. items:
  266. teleportation:
  267. item: COMPASS
  268. amount: 1
  269. data: 0
  270. name: '&bTeleport Compass'
  271. lore:
  272. - '&7Right click block: Move through'
  273. - '&7Left click: Move to block in line of sight'
  274. slot: 0
  275. inspection:
  276. item: BOOK
  277. amount: 1
  278. data: 0
  279. name: '&bInspection Tool'
  280. lore:
  281. - '&7Right click to inspect player inventory'
  282. slot: 1
  283. freeze:
  284. item: ICE
  285. amount: 1
  286. data: 0
  287. name: '&bFreeze Player'
  288. lore:
  289. - '&7Right click to freeze player'
  290. slot: 4
  291. worldedit:
  292. item: WOOD_AXE
  293. amount: 1
  294. data: 0
  295. name: '&bWorldEdit Wand'
  296. lore:
  297. - '&7Use this to change blocks'
  298. slot: 2
  299. xrayer-gui:
  300. item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  301. amount: 1
  302. data: 0
  303. name: '&bXrayer Gui'
  304. lore:
  305. - '&7Right click to open inventory with miners'
  306. slot: 6
  307. random-teleportation:
  308. item: RECORD_10
  309. amount: 1
  310. data: 0
  311. name: '&bRandom Teleport'
  312. lore:
  313. - '&7Right click to random teleport'
  314. slot: 8
  315. staff-gui:
  316. item: SKULL_ITEM
  317. amount: 1
  318. data: 3
  319. name: '&bOnline Staff'
  320. lore:
  321. - '&7Right click to random teleport'
  322. slot: 3
  323. vanish-enabled:
  324. item: INK_SACK
  325. amount: 1
  326. data: 10
  327. name: '&bVanished: &aTrue'
  328. lore:
  329. - '&7Right click to disable vanish'
  330. slot: 7
  331. vanish-disabled:
  332. item: INK_SACK
  333. amount: 1
  334. data: 8
  335. name: '&bVanished: &cFalse'
  336. lore:
  337. - '&7Right click to enable vanish'
  338. slot: 7
  339. scoreboard:
  340. archer-timer: Archer Mark
  341. archer-time: 10s
  342. archer-color: '&e&l'
  343. combat-timer: Spawn Tag
  344. combat-time: 30s
  345. combat-color: '&c&l'
  346. enderpearl-timer: Enderpearl
  347. enderpearl-time: 16s
  348. enderpearl-color: '&3&l'
  349. gapple-timer: Golden Apple
  350. gapple-time: 6h
  351. gapple-color: '&6&l'
  352. apple-timer: Apple
  353. apple-time: 30s
  354. apple-color: '&c&l'
  355. warmup-timer: Warmup
  356. warmup-color: '&a&l'
  357. home-timer: Home
  358. home-time: 10s
  359. home-color: '&9&l'
  360. logout-timer: Logout
  361. logout-time: 25s
  362. logout-color: '&4&l'
  363. pvp-timer: PvP Timer
  364. pvp-time: 1h
  365. pvp-color: '&a&l'
  366. stuck-timer: Stuck
  367. stuck-time: 3min
  368. stuck-color: '&4&l'
  369. koth-color: '&9&l'
  370. palace-color: '&6&l'
  371. dtc-color: '&2&l'
  372. focus-nametag-color: '&5&l'
  373. scoreboard-lines:
  374. bars: true
  375. kitmap:
  376. statistics: '&3&lStatistics'
  377. balance: ' &7» &bBalance&7: &f%balance%'
  378. kills: ' &7» &bKills&7: &f%kills%'
  379. deaths: ' &7» &bDeaths&7: &f%deaths%'
  380. killstreaks: ' &7» &bKillStreak&7: &f%killstreak%'
  381. class-name: '&e&lClass&7: &c%class%'
  382. stattrak: ' &8» &3&lStatTrak&7: &c%kills%'
  383. cobwebs: ' &8» &6&lCobwebs&7: &c%cooldown%'
  384. destroy-the-core: '&2&l%dtc-name%&7: &a%points%/%maxpoints%'
  385. miner:
  386. diamonds: ' &6� &bDiamonds&7: &c%diamonds%'
  387. cobble-enabled: ' &6� &bCobble&7: &aTrue'
  388. cobble-disabled: ' &6� &bCobble&7: &cFalse'
  389. invisibility-enabled: ' &6� &bInvisible&7: &aTrue'
  390. invisibility-disabled: ' &6� &bInvisible&7: &cFalse'
  391. bard:
  392. buff-delay: '&a&lBuff Delay&7: &c%cooldown%'
  393. bard-energy: '&b&lBard Energy&7: &c%energy%'
  394. archer:
  395. speed-cooldown: ' &6� &eSpeed&7: &c%cooldown%'
  396. rogue:
  397. speed-cooldown: ' &6� &eSpeed&7: &c%cooldown%'
  398. jump-cooldown: ' &6� &eJump&7: &c%cooldown%'
  399. ghost:
  400. normal-mode: '&aNormal'
  401. stealth-mode: '&7Stealth'
  402. power-mode: '&c&lPower'
  403. active-mode: ' &6» &eMode&7: %mode%'
  404. cooldown: ' &6» &eCooldown&7: &c%cooldown%'
  405. staff-mode:
  406. vanish-enabled: ' &6%doublearrow% &eVanished&7: &aTrue'
  407. vanish-disabled: ' &6%doublearrow% &eVanished&7: &cFalse'
  408. chat-mode-staff: ' &6%doublearrow% &eChat&7: &aStaffChat'
  409. chat-mode-global: ' &6%doublearrow% &eChat&7: &cGlobalChat'
  410. online: ' &6%doublearrow% &eOnline&7: &c%online%'
  411. ticks-per-second: ' &6%doublearrow% &eTPS&7: &c%tps%'
  412. eotw:
  413. beginning: ' &8� &cEOTW begins in&7: &c%time%'
  414. cappable: ' &8� &cCappable in&7: &c%time%'
  415. sotw:
  416. title: '&a&lStart of the World'
  417. time-left: ' &8� &c%time%'
  418. fury:
  419. title: '&6&lFury Event &7(%fury%)'
  420. cap-time: '&e%formattedtime%'
  421. switch-time: '&e%switchtime%'
  422. leaderboard: '&6%count%. &e%faction%&7: &e%points% %difference%'
  423. cmd-messages:
  424. no-permission: '&cYou don''t have access to this command.'
  425. join-message:
  426. - '&7&m%line%'
  427. - '&eWelcome to %title%'
  428. - ' &6» &eFactions Size: &7%factionsinfo%'
  429. - ' &6» &eMap Kit: &7Protection: %protection% / Sharpness: %sharpness%'
  430. - ' &6» &eTeamspeak: &7%teamspeak%'
  431. - ' &6» &eWebsite: &7%website%'
  432. - '&7&m%line%'
  433. - '&m'
  434. cobble-disabled: '&7You have disabled cobble picking.'
  435. cobble-enabled: '&7You have enabled cobble picking.'
  436. coordinates:
  437. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  438. - ' &e&lUse config.yml to edit coordinations'
  439. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  440. focus-no-yourself: '&7You can''t focus yourself!'
  441. focus-no-faction: '&7You are not in a team!'
  442. focus-target-no-faction: '&7Target is not in a team!'
  443. focus-player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online.'
  444. focused-target: '&b&l%target% &7has been focused by &b&l%player%'
  445. hidestaff-show: '&aYou will now be able to see the Staff.'
  446. hidestaff-hide: '&cYou will now not be able to see the Staff.'
  447. unfocused-target: '&b&l%player% &7has unfocused %target%.'
  448. logout-started: '&cYou are &4&lLoging out &cin 30 seconds..'
  449. logout-already-active: '&cYour &4&lLogout &ctimer is already active.'
  450. mobdrops-enabled: '&7You have enabled mobdrops picking.'
  451. mobdrops-disabled: '&7You have disabled mobdrops picking.'
  452. playtime: '&6%target% &ehas been playing for &6%time% &ethis map.'
  453. staffmode-enabled: '&eYou have enabled &6StaffMode'
  454. staffmode-disabled: '&eYou have disabled &6StaffMode'
  455. staffrevive-target-not-deathbanned: '&c%target% is not deathbanned'
  456. staffrevive-target-revived: '&c%target% &ehas been revived.'
  457. request-cooldown: '&cYou still have cooldown %time% for using request'
  458. request-message: '&7[REQUEST] &6&l%player% &chas requested help: &6&l%message%'
  459. report-cooldown: '&cYou still have cooldown for %time%'
  460. report-no-reason: '&cPlease specify reason.'
  461. report-message: '&c&lREPORT > &6%reporter% &chas reported &6%hacker% &cfor &6%reason%'
  462. alert-message: '&c&lALERT > %message%'
  463. feed-message: '&eYou have fed yourself'
  464. flight-enabled: '&eYou have enabled your flight.'
  465. flight-disabled: '&eYou have disabled your flight.'
  466. freeze-no-yourself: '&cYou cannot freeze yourself'
  467. freeze-no-staffmember: '&cYou cannot freeze staffmember.'
  468. freeze-player-not-found: '&cPlayer named %target% was not found.'
  469. freeze-message:
  470. - '&8&m%line%'
  471. - ''
  472. - ''
  473. - '&6You have been &cFROZEN.'
  474. - '&6Join &, you have 3 minutes.'
  475. - ''
  476. - ''
  477. - '&8&m%line%'
  478. invsee-player-not-found: '&cPlayer not found.'
  479. invsee-error: '&cERROR: You cannot modify inventory of player that are same or higher
  480. ranks than you.'
  481. list-message: '&cThere is currently %onlineplayers% online players out of %maxplayers%'
  482. lff-message:
  483. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  484. - '&6%player% &eis looking to join &6&lFaction'
  485. - '&7&m--------------------------------'
  486. removeperm-message: '&aSuccessfully removed %target%''s permissions!'
  487. reset-reclaim-message: '&cYou have succesfully reset %target%''s reclaim settings.'
  488. reclaim-already: '&cYou have already reclaimed your donator perks!'
  489. reclaim-no-rank: '&cYou do not have anything to reclaim!'
  490. revive-broadcast: '&7 � &c&l%player% &eused their Diamond rank to revive %target%'
  491. revive2-broadcast: '&7 � &c&l%player% &eused their Gold rank to revive %target%'
  492. rename-message: '&aSuccessfully renamed item to: %name%'
  493. panic-message:
  494. - '&8&m----------------'
  495. - ''
  496. - '&4&l%player% &chas requested Panic Assistance!'
  497. - ''
  498. - '&8&m----------------'
  499. spawn-teleport-message: '&aYou have been teleported to Spawn.'
  500. spawner-received: '&7You have received &c%spawner% spawner.'
  501. teleport-top-message: '&cYou have been teleported to the top.'
  502. vanish-enabled: '&7You have enabled your vanish mode.'
  503. vanish-disabled: '&7You have disabled your vanish mode.'
  504. lives-check-deathban: '&c%target% is not deathbanned.'
  505. lives-clear-deathbans: '&aAll deathbans have been successfully wipped.'
  506. lives-revive-not-deathbanned: '&c%target% is not deathbanned.'
  507. lives-revive-kitmap-on: '&cYou cannot revive players during KitMap'
  508. lives-revive-eotw-on: '&cYou cannot revive players during End of the World'
  509. lives-revive-enemy: '&cYou have used one life to revive:&r %target%'
  510. lives-revive-teammate: '&cYou have used one life to revive:&r %target%'
  511. lives-set-error: '&c%argument% is not a number.'
  512. lives-set-message: '&cYou have set %target%''s lives to %amount%'
  513. bed-bombing-portal: '&cYou may not bedbomb near portal'
  514. book-deenchant: '&eYou have reversed book''s form.'
  515. crowbar-error: '&eYou can only use Crowbar in overworld.'
  516. crowbar-spawner-error: This Crowbar has no more Spawner uses.
  517. crowbar-endportal-error: This Crowbar has no more Endportal uses.
  518. deathban-eotw: '&cThanks for playing on our Map 1'
  519. deathban-kick: '&cDeathbanned for %remaining% (%reason%)'
  520. deathban-active: '&cYou have died because %reason% at %location% (%remaining%)'
  521. deathban-active-with-lives: '&cYou have died because %reason% at %location% (%remaining%)
  522. You have %lives% lives, reconnect in %livesdelay%'
  523. deathban-used-life: You have used life to bypass deathban, you have now %lives% lives.
  524. safezone-enderpearl-error: '&cYou may not pearl into the Safezones, your pearl has
  525. been refunded.'
  526. safezone-attack-error: '&cYou cannot attack players in Safezone'
  527. safezone-out-attack-error: '&cYou cannot attack players that are in Safezone'
  528. staff-connected: '&a&lStaff Online: &f%player%'
  529. staff-disconnected: '&a&lStaff Offline: &f%player%'
  530. subclaim-already-placed: '&cThere is already subclaim on this block: %block%'
  531. subclaim-player-error: '&cSubclaim requires at least one name inserted.'
  532. subclaim-leader-error: '&cOnly leader can create LEADER subclaims.'
  533. sotw-start-error: '%argument% &cis not valid duration'
  534. sotw-already-active: '&cSOTW is already active, /sotw cancel to end it.'
  535. sotw-started: '&cYou have started SOTW for the %time%'
  536. sotw-start:
  537. - '&aStart of the world has started &7(%time%)'
  538. sotw-end:
  539. - '&cStart of the world has ended. &4&lGOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!'
  540. void-fix-message: '&aYou were saved from falling in void in Overworld.'
  541. eotw-started: '&4&LEOTW &chas started.'
  542. eotw-claim-error: '&cYou cannot claim during EOTW.'
  543. faction-messages:
  544. faction-show:
  545. header:
  546. - ' %faction% &7(%faction-online%/%faction-online-max%) &8- &aHome: &c%home%
  547. &7[%status%]'
  548. allies:
  549. - ' &eAllies: %allies%'
  550. leader:
  551. - ' &eLeader: %leader%'
  552. coleaders:
  553. - ' &eCo-Leaders: %co-leaders%'
  554. captains:
  555. - ' &eCaptains: %captains%'
  556. members:
  557. - ' &eMembers: %members%'
  558. use-announcement: false
  559. announcement:
  560. - ' &eAnnouncement: &c%announcement%'
  561. balance:
  562. - ' &eBalance: &c%balance% &eKills: &c%factionkills%'
  563. use-lives: false
  564. lives:
  565. - ' &eLives: &c%lives%'
  566. koth-captures:
  567. - ' &eKoth Captures: &c%koths%'
  568. conquest-captures:
  569. - ' &eConquest Captures: &c%conquests%'
  570. citadel-captures:
  571. - ' &eCitadel Captures: &c%citadels%'
  572. fury-captures:
  573. - ' &eFury Captures: &c%furies%'
  574. palace-captures:
  575. - ' &ePalace Captures: &c%palaces%'
  576. use-founded: false
  577. founded:
  578. - ' &eFounded at: &c%founded%'
  579. dtr:
  580. - ' &eDeaths Until Raidable: [%dtr%/%maxdtr%]'
  581. regen:
  582. - ' &eTime Until Regen: &c%regen%'
  583. faction-member-format: '%color%%name%&e[&a%kills%&e]'
  584. ally-format: '%ally% &e[%ally-online%/%ally-online-max%]'
  585. factionless-prefix: '*'
  586. entering: '&eNow entering: %tofaction%&7(%deathbantofaction%&7)'
  587. leaving: '&eNow leaving: %fromfaction%&7(%deathbanfromfaction%&7)'
  588. created: '&eTeam %faction% &ehas been created by %player%'
  589. disbanded: '&eTeam %faction% &ehas been disbanded by %player%'
  590. renamed: '&eTeam %faction% &ehas been renamed to %factionnewname%'
  591. member-online: '&a&lMember Online: &7%player%'
  592. member-offline: '&c&lMember Offline: &7%player%'
  593. use-default-help: true
  594. custom-help:
  595. - '&6&m--------------------------------------------------'
  596. - '&9&lTeam Help'
  597. - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------'
  598. - '&9General commands'
  599. - '&e/f create <name> &7- Create a new faction'
  600. - '&e/f join &7- Join to faction'
  601. - '&e/f leave &7- Leave your current faction'
  602. - '&e/f home &7- Teleport to your faction home'
  603. - '&e/f d <amount> &7- Give money to your faction'
  604. - '&m'
  605. - '&9Information commands'
  606. - '&e/f who <player&7|&efactionName> &7- Display faction information'
  607. - '&e/f map &7- Show nearby claims'
  608. - '&e/f seechunk &7- Show chunk'
  609. - '&e/f list &7- Show list of factions online'
  610. - '&e/f top <balance|online|power|members|land> &7- Get top factions'
  611. - '&m'
  612. - '&9Moderator commands'
  613. - '&e/f invite <player> &7- Invite player to your faction'
  614. - '&e/f deinvite <player> &7- Revoke player invitation'
  615. - '&e/f showinvites &7- List all pending invites'
  616. - '&e/f kick <player> &7- Kick player from faction'
  617. - '&e/f title <player> <#> &7Set title to player'
  618. - '&e/f announce <message> &7- Announce message to your faction'
  619. - '&e/f claim &7- Start claim for your faction'
  620. - '&e/f claimline <#> &7- Claim <#> line for your faction'
  621. - '&e/f autoclaim &7- Start autoclam for your faction'
  622. - '&e/f sethome &7- Sethome for your faction'
  623. - '&e/f w <amount> &7- Take money from your faction'
  624. - '&m'
  625. - '&9Leader commands'
  626. - '&e/f mod <player> &7- Promote/Demote members/moderators'
  627. - '&e/f unclaim &7- Unclaim land'
  628. - '&e/f unclaimall &7- Unclaim all your lands'
  629. - '&e/f tag <newName> &7- Rename your faction'
  630. - '&e/f disband &7- Disband your faction'
  631. - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------'
  632. - '&6&m--------------------------------------------------'
  633. warzone:
  634. block-place-build-radius: 300
  635. requires-both-quadrants: false
  636. kit-messages:
  637. use-default-help: false
  638. custom-help:
  639. - ''
  640. - ''
  641. - '&3&lYou can edit this'
  642. - '&c&lIN CONFIG!'
  643. koth-messages:
  644. controlling: '&cYou are now controlling &4%koth%'
  645. controlling-lost: '&cYou are no longer controlling &4%koth%'
  646. control-lost: '&8[&4&LKOTH&8] &4%player% &chas lost control of &4%koth% &c(%remaining%)'
  647. someone-controlling: '&8[&4&LKOTH&8] &cSomeone is controlling &4%koth% &c(%remaining%)'
  648. conquest-messages:
  649. faction-required: '&cYou must be in faction to contest Conquest.'
  650. conquest-started: '&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%conquest% &9can now be contested.'
  651. attempting-control: '&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &9Attempting to control %conquest% &7(%remaining%)'
  652. player-knocked: '&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%player% &9was knocked off %conquest%'
  653. gained-points: '&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%faction% &9has gained 1 point for capturing
  654. %conquest% &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
  655. lost-points: '&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%faction% &9has lost %deathpoints% because %player%
  656. died &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
  657. citadel-messages:
  658. controlling: '&dYou are now controlling &5%citadel%'
  659. controlling-lost: '&dYou are no longer controlling &5%citadel%'
  660. control-lost: '&8[&5&lCitadel&8] &5%player% &dhas lost control of &5%citadel% &d(%remaining%)'
  661. someone-controlling: '&8[&5&lCitadel&8] &dSomeone is controlling 5%citadel% &d(%remaining%)'
  662. palace-messages:
  663. controlling: '&eYou are now controlling &6%palace%'
  664. controlling-lost: '&eYou are no longer controlling &6%palace%'
  665. control-lost: '&8[&6&lPalace&8] &6%player% &ehas lost control of &6%palace% &e(%remaining%)'
  666. someone-controlling: '&8[&6&lPalace&8] &eSomeone is controlling &6%palace% &e(%remaining%)'
  667. fury-messages:
  668. faction-required: '&cYou must be in faction to contest Fury.'
  669. fury-started: '&6&lFURY &8> &6%fury% &ecan now be contested.'
  670. capzone-switch: '&6&lFURY &8> &eCapzone has been switched. &6%capzone% &eis new
  671. capzone.'
  672. attempting-control: '&6&lFURY &8> &eAttempting to control %fury% &7(%remaining%)'
  673. player-knocked: '&6&lFURY &8> &e%player% &6was knocked off %fury%'
  674. gained-points: '&6&lFURY &8> &6%faction% &ehas gained 1 point for capturing %fury%
  675. &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
  676. lost-points: '&6&lFURY &8> &e%faction% &6has lost %deathpoints% because %player%
  677. died &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
  678. miscellaneous-messages:
  679. vanish-place-error: '&cYou cannot place blocks while you are vanished.'
  680. vanish-break-error: '&cYou cannot break blocks while you are vanished.'
  681. vanish-drop-item-error: '&cYou cannot drop items while you are in StaffMode.'
  682. wall-timer-notifier: '&cThis wall will prevent you from entering %claim% whilst
  683. you have your %timer% timer.'
  684. chest-configuration:
  685. size: 9
  686. autosave: 10
  687. silentAutosave: true
  688. clearOnDeath: false
  689. dropOnDeath: false
  690. permission-use-chest: chest.use
  691. permission-others-chest: chest.admin
  692. permission-bypass: chest.bypass
  693. permission-clear-chest: chest.clear
  694. permission-others-clear: chest.admin
  695. permission-use-disposal: disposal.use
  696. permission-savechest: chest.savechest
  697. permission-savechests: chest.savechests
  698. permission-use-workbench: workbench.use
  699. chest-messages:
  700. prefix: '&c[Chests]'
  701. no-permission: You don't have enough permissions.
  702. no-safezone: '&cYou can only use chests in safezone.'
  703. gamemode-error: '&cYou cannot use chests in gamemode!'
  704. cleared-chest: '&aSuccessfully clear your chest.'
  705. tablist:
  706. player-info: '&ePlayer Info'
  707. kill-counter: '&7Kills: '
  708. death-counter: '&7Deaths: '
  709. location: '&eLocation'
  710. faction-info: '&eFaction Info'
  711. dtr: '&eDTR: '
  712. faction-online: '&eOnline: '
  713. faction-balance: '&eBalance: $'
  714. hq: '&eHQ: '
  715. next-koth: '&eNext KOTH'
  716. none-scheduled: '&7None Scheduled'
  717. title: '&5&lArcherHCF'
  718. players-online: '&ePlayers Online'
  719. faction-name-color: '&e'
  720. faction-list: '&eFaction List'
  721. end-portals: '&eEnd Portals:'
  722. end-portals-coordinates: '&71000, 1000'
  723. end-portals-quadrants: '&7in each quadrant'
  724. kit: '&eKit:'
  725. kit-info: '&7Prot 1, Sharp 1'
  726. border: '&eBorder:'
  727. border-info: '&73000'
  728. online-players: '&ePlayers Online:'
  729. online-players-info: '&7%online-players%'
  730. citadel-cappers: '&eCitadel Cappers:'
  731. citadel-cappers-info: '&7NoLimit'
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