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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. 1. "A fine old fellow. Very polite." Who did Pipin describe? -Theoden
  2. 2. What is Gimli's battle cry? -Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
  3. 3. Who saves Eomer's life at the gate of Helm's Deep? -Gimli
  4. 4. Who wants to kill Grima in Edoras but is stopped by Gandalf? -Eomer
  5. 5. Where was Gandalf taken by Gwaihir after his fight with Balrog? -Caras Galadhon
  6. 6. Who says "Ever am I fated to be your burden, friend in need" and to whom? -Gandalf to Gwaihir
  7. 7. Who sings "Come back to me! Come back to me, and say my land is fair!" -Treebeard
  8. 8. According to Treebard, who is "falling rather behind the world in there."? -Elves of Lotlorien
  9. 9. How do Ents remember all the races and creatures of the middle earth? -from Old Lists
  10. 10. According to the Old Lists, who are the the first four, the free peoples? Elves, Dwarves, Ents, Man
  11. 11. How is Barad-dûr called in black-speech? -Lugbúrz
  12. 12. According to Elrond, which two forests are akin? Fangorn and Old Forest
  13. 13. At what occasion does Aragorn say "They will look for him from the White Tower". -Boromir in funeral boat
  14. 14. Green lawn above the Falls of Rauros, a fair place in the summer days of old. What is it called? -Parth Galen
  15. 15. What is the name of the island at the Falls of Rauros where none has set a foot upon? -Tol Brandir
  16. 16. Leaving Lothlorien, who says "I have looked the last upon that which was fairest"? -Gimli
  17. 17. What is Galadriel's gift to Aragorn? -Sheath for Anduril
  18. 18. According to Galadriel, which trait did Frodo gain by putting on the ring? -keener sight and perception
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