
Forged Destiny [Book 7: Ch. 11, Ch. 12]

Jul 20th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. The cage itself was about three feet by three, so small that I couldn't lay down flat, though I could, if I wanted to risk it, poke my legs between the bars.
  3. [...]
  5. Still, the bars were iron. I could melt my way out easily enough. Without thinking, I reached for one and began to Stoke the Forge.
  7. Lisa shrieked.
  9. "I wouldn't try that if I were you," a new voice said. A cough drew my attention to the other side of Lisa's cage, where a woman a little older than me stood with a pair of wickedly curved knives as long as her forearm. One was poked between the bars of Lisa's cage, pinning her to the back wall and still tickling her throat. "I've got permission to kill her if you try and get through those bars. Unless you think you can melt steel, climb out, find a weapon and challenge me before I can push forward an inch."
  11. [...]
  13. She placed a foot against the side of my cage. "That goes for the two of you, as well."
  15. It was all the warning I got as the world shifted. Raven's strength was so much that she could push me and the cage off the edge with ease. The metal cell crashed down to the arena below, exploding on impact and spilling me out onto the sand in a twisted mess of metal, straw and blood from my freshly re-opened wound.
  17. I coughed as sand worked its way into my lungs. Through the dust that had been kicked up, I could make out little, but Raven's voice spoke out over it, and the suddenly excited cheers of the crowd watching.
  19. —Forged Destiny [Book 7: Ch. 11]
  23. Lacking Crocea Mors, I snatched one of the iron bars that made up my cage.
  25. —Forged Destiny [Book 7: Ch. 12]
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