

Mar 7th, 2015
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  1. [8:35] A Korean Poro: heyo
  2. [8:35] jugatearf: Hey
  3. tell me your secret
  4. [8:35] A Korean Poro: for what
  5. [8:35] jugatearf: How to be good at this game
  6. [8:35] A Korean Poro: to my awesomeness?
  7. oh
  8. [8:35] jugatearf: and that
  9. [8:35] A Korean Poro: you just
  10. play a lot man
  11. watch streams
  12. stick to a few champs
  13. and get gud at them c:
  14. [8:36] jugatearf: Is diana good for a new player
  15. [8:36] A Korean Poro: and then part by part ull get better!
  16. i think she is
  17. diana is pretty simple
  18. hold on let me link you a guide
  19. [8:36] jugatearf: Thank you
  20. Will start playing diana
  21. She seems fkin beast
  22. [8:36] A Korean Poro: cool :D
  23. yeah shes so strong
  25. here u go
  26. u shall master me
  27. her
  28. *
  29. lol
  30. [8:37] jugatearf: I'll master you
  31. if you know what i mean
  32. [8:38] A Korean Poro: :^)
  33. just work on getting a good runepage
  34. [8:39] jugatearf: I know
  35. [8:39] A Korean Poro: 1 ad and 1 ap
  36. [8:39] jugatearf: I only have ad
  37. atm
  38. It's "easy" to play ad
  39. because you only auto attack
  40. [8:39] A Korean Poro: yeah haha
  41. challenges help you improve
  42. [8:40] jugatearf: Im not very goot at pressing many buttons at once
  43. xD
  44. [8:40] A Korean Poro: haha
  45. just practice a lot c:
  46. [8:40] jugatearf: I will work on Diana
  47. she seems beast
  48. also saw scarra play her
  49. daym
  50. [8:40] A Korean Poro: yup she is, one of my fav champs
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