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Feb 28th, 2020
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  1. So as some of you see, I have remade the discord channels, all the roles were reset too, so were names. Recently, I had lost motivation for the game, however, my motivation has came back. I will be bringing back Oxyde Network, the reason for this is because we had some people with very high hopes for the network. I would like to bring back Oxyde, and bring it back to something it never was going to be, with like 90% of the people going inactive.
  3. I will be bringing most of the people back to the network, as well as some new additions to the team. Those who do not make it back to the team will be granted the highest donator rank (LEGEND). Everything from this very day (29/2/2020) will be wiped and freshly created, with a new development team, development work will be a lot more efficient, and a more professional staff team.
  5. I'm sorry for dropping so many high-hopes from you guys, but I promise... This time, is something new...
  6. ~ verzaki
  8. P.S: If you don't accept my apology, then that is your choice. Just know, you'll have made the wrong choice.
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