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Feb 17th, 2018
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  1. All-time favorite movie? - Coraline and Goodburger
  3. Are you a morning person or a night person? - Night person
  5. Are you good at accents? - "HELL NO" - Zoe
  7. Cook in or eat out? - Cook in
  9. Do you have a hobby your friends don’t know about? - Poetry / Writing poetry
  11. Favorite board game? - Clue
  13. Favorite sandwich? - SUBWAY. EAT FRESH.
  15. What was your first impression of me? - "You were just kinda like there, sometimes. and I'd be like ok so whos this guy? I liked calling you Michael Scott. and I thought you were funny." IRL: "I thought you were attractive, i was shocked that i was attracted to you because im not attracted to that many people."
  17. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? - "Thats hard, Um, I'd probably go to Amsterdam. I think it's very beautiful there. I think it's romantic. I'd go somewhere remote, kind of off the grid i guess where not many tourists go. Probably amsterdam though"
  19. If you weren't talking to me or if you didn't know me, what would you be doing right now? - "I have no idea, thats an impossible answer. Probably just sitting in my bed or hanging out with friends. Thats all i did before you"
  21. Most embarrassing moment? - "okay i've been asked this question a lot. I genuinely cant remember. Maybe the first time i got drunk because i threw up EVERYWHERE. I threw up on my friends shoes."
  23. What characteristic do you most dislike in me? - "Hm, I dont know. Are you gonna get offended? Don't get offended. Honestly, well i have mixed emotions about it. I dont mind that you get jealous a lot or easily but it makes me upset when you're upset and you're short with me. I dont like that."
  25. What is your biggest/weirdest fear? - "Getting kidnapped, the dark, walking far outside by myself."
  27. What is your favorite color? - Purple
  29. What is your favorite dessert? - "I dont really like sweet stuff. I like flaun, its not too bad. I like carrot cake."
  31. What was the highlight of the year for you? - "Meeting you, of course! Obvious. ObVIOUS!"
  33. What would be your one super power? - "Probably, being able to read minds and know what everyones thinking. I just want to know how people really are"
  35. What’s your one annoying habit? - "Oh no, um... Probably, I, okay, my humor can be a little much for some people. My friends say im intimidating because i make a lot of jokes and i laugh really loud and some of my jokes people just down understand."
  37. What’s your one biggest pet peeve? - "Um, i dont know if this coutns as a pet peeve but i hate when people trey do be someone that they arent. like i can see through you. dont be doing that."
  39. What’s your favorite Halloween costume? - "Like one that i've done? Um, I like going as really dumb shit for halloween. I hate those girls who go out and try to be sexy. I'm not that girl. One year I went out as a trash bag and was 'white trash'"
  41. Would you date your best friend? - "My best friend? Like, my real best friend? Or theoretically speaking? My best friend is Mikayla, and probably not. Just because our friendship is really important to me and i'd never want to ruin that. So, I say no."
  43. 1. What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person? - "I mean, of course my dad. Because of all the shit that he's done. And, yeah. Thats pretty obvious. And my last relationship."
  45. 2. What’s one thing that’s happened to you in your life that made you feel weak? - "Oh my gosh, uh, probably... when the hacking stuff first started and towards the end of the first time. Me and my mom got in a huge argument because i didnt believe it was my dads fault."
  47. 3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself? - "With my horse, at my barn. That's where my head's the clearest."
  49. 4. Where is your favorite place to escape to? - "Thats like the same answer, the barn. But if you want a different answer, i like to go on walks in the forest."
  51. 5. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today? - "My mom, like definitely. Definitely. I dont know where i'd be today if it weren't for her."
  53. 6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? - "I would probably change... um... my... motivation levels. Like some people can control their motivation but with me i fall behind a lot especially with school because I become unmotivated very easily."
  55. 7. If you had one day left to live, what would you do first? - "I'd tell all the people that I care about that I love them"
  57. 9. Who are you closest to in your family? Why? - "I love my mom, and she's like definitely the most important. But I think i'm closest to my sister."
  59. 10. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best? - "Thats a hard question, I mean, thats definitely between my mom and my sister. If you would've asked me a few years ago I would've said my mom but with all the shit that went down we've become distant."
  61. 11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend? - "About you? Um, I love.. so many different things about you. I love how you always make me feel loved. Like even when we're butting heads or whatever I still feel like you love me."
  63. 12. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up? - "Like, I swore i was gonna be a vet. I bet on it. But I feel like every little girl wants to be a vet at some point. I also wanted to be a teacher."
  65. 15. Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical? - "Non-Physical, for sure."
  67. 16. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself? - "I dont know, I feel so conceided. I dont know. I feel like maybe, I think my eyes are pretty. I like my dimple."
  69. 17. What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself? - "I like... I like that in situations where people have different veiwpoints than mine I can look at different sides and even though someone has a different opinion the argument can be more objective."
  71. 18. Do you believe in love at first sight? - "No. Not at all."
  73. 19. Do you believe in soul mates? - "Yeah. I think so. I dont know if theres one, or a couple, but i feel like yeah."
  75. 20. How seriously do you take horoscopes? - "Um, I mean not THAT serious. I feel like the personality part can be accurate but the relationship part isnt."
  77. 21. Have you ever been in love? How many times? - "Twice."
  79. 22. What makes you fall in love with someone? - "Oh my god, thats such a hard question. I feel like, this is gonna sound kind of cheesy, but i feel like when you talk to someone you can tell if their on the same wavelength as you. But i think also too, it's how that person acts and how they make you feel. That's like the quick version."
  81. 23. What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable? - "Thats a hard question, I think that it can mean many different things. I think you can be vulnerable on many different levels. I dont know! I guess, um, I trust really really easily. But, im still kind of hesitant, but i put a lot of faith into people and im always expecting the best from them and that makes me feel vulnerable."
  83. 24. What’s one thing you’re scared to ask me, but really want to? - "I'm not scared to ask you anything." Yeah, I dont know."
  85. 25. If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you do? - "Um, I DONT WANNA ANSWER THIS. ITS SO DUMB. I dont know. I'd do a lot of different things. I'd probably go outside and try to draw something with my pee."
  87. 26. What do you find most attractive about each sex? - "HAHA, well, okay heres the thing. It's the same. You like have to be dominant to an extent. I think that's very attractive.
  89. 27. What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about? - "Oh, um, theres so many things I want to leran about. I'd love to learn about liek why people think the way that they do."
  91. 28. What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do? - "I would love to try vaulting from horses. It'd be so cool."
  93. 29. Why haven’t you done it yet? - "Oh my gosh, because, its really hard. And, there are like no instructors to teach it because it's hard."
  95. 30. If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be? - "Aw man, my dream job would probably be, giving lessons."
  97. 32. What was the last thing that made you cry? - "I havent cried in a while. I'm trying to think, it's been like a few weeks. It's not really a specific thing, sometimes i just get overwhelmed and anxious."
  99. 33. What was the last thing that made you laugh? - "HAHA, You."
  101. 38. Have you ever broken a law? If you haven’t what is one law you’d love to break? - "Are you kidding me, i fucking smoke weed. I also ride my fourwheeler illegally. I dont have an urge to break any laws, i feel like if i was going to it'd be like.. idk.. murals like art."
  103. 39. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? - "Uhh, i'm not crazy, I dont know. Oh, i mean, this is kinda crazy. But my ex and I met up and he came down for two weeks and my dad didnt even know."
  105. 40. Would you have a conversation with a stranger?
  107. 41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? (Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public)?
  109. 42. What do you love about me that's so different from any other guy? - "Um, I dont know how to explain it. You just make me feel different. I cant even put it into words. It's indescribable."
  111. 50. What is one thing you feel your life is missing? - "Um, sometimes i feel like im missing like substance."
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