
Kalla to Plum (Limit Break App)

Dec 3rd, 2019
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  1. King Kallabash was still trying to get to the male but then he was gone. Kallabash felt a rage in his soul and he started to smash his fist into the ground. He was punching the ground over and over again until he made a small crater. "Again! Again! Again!" Kallabash would punch until his body would slide into the crater. "I keep losing to you people. I keep losing to the people around me and I can not defend my brother. I am always the one in the background now. I have to use him to protect me. WHY?!" Kallabash slowly stood up and looked at the people around him with the pain crushing his body. Kallabash started to power up while standing there damaged and broken looking at the crater he was in.
  5. King Kallabash slowly let out a small sigh before kicking the Earth listening to Eris and then Plum. He could only reiterate what Mike said to himself before sitting down on the ground. "Fuck." Kallabash was not depressed about the situation more depressed about falling behind his brother and letting him get so far ahead of him. He could have made himself stronger looking at the group. "I have to push myself. I have to make sure I get stronger than him. I am tired of being behind my brother." He started to crawl up the dirt before climbing out of the crater. Kallabash falls from the pain punching the ground before letting out another growl. He felt weak, weaker than everyone here even if it was not the truth.
  7. King Kallabash would be thrown into a pod but slowly got out of the pod before slowly walking out once he was healed just a bit. He fell to his hands and knees looking at the women and male he fought with. He just growled punching the ground after being brought back from the area. "Plum. Come with me."
  9. Plum Villari says: Alright then... Sure?
  11. King Kallabash says: Follow.
  13. King Kallabash says: Stab me.
  15. Plum Villari says: What?
  17. King Kallabash says: Stab me.
  19. Plum Villari says: Did you get hit in the hard too hard, why would I stab you?
  21. King Kallabash says:...Just do it.
  23. Plum Villari says: This isn't going to make you feel any better, how about we just fight it out instead?
  25. King Kallabash says: I know you cannot beat me.
  27. Plum Villari says: How would stabbing you make you feel remotely better?!
  29. King Kallabash says: Then cut me up.
  31. Plum Villari shakes her head, "I'm not hurting you unless we're planning on fighting, I don't attack people for no reason."
  33. King Kallabash says: Do it for me
  35. Plum Villari says: Not a good enough reason.
  37. King Kallabash says: I want to power through it and push my body to the limit.
  38. King Kallabash says: With a wound in it.
  39. King Kallabash says: Then maybe it will not be bad.
  41. King Kallabash slowly lifts his armor over his head which brings off the jewelry. He throws it to the ground slowly looking towards her moving closer to the woman. He was not nude just in his pants under his armor but his top was showing. He was showing off his muscles and the many scars of battle that he had. Deep cuts into his arms and body that healed over. He was moving closer to the girl trying to get her to do the attack.
  43. Plum Villari looks over him as he strips himself of his armor, her eyes widen slightly to see the full muscular Saiyan's bare body as he closes the distance between them. Plum closes her eyes and takes her sword up from its resting position against her back, raising it into the air. Was that a tint of red forming on her cheeks? "Alright, you asked for it-" Thus, Plum brings the sword down, with less force than she usually would.
  45. King Kallabash would get cut of course not using ki to defend himself just looking at her. He was not going to say anything while the warm blood trickled down his chest and back. Kallabash stared down at her looking as the male's body did not fully feel the attack enough to be in pain. "I said stab. Not slice." He said with a stern voice as he grabbed her hands pulling it down putting it on his leg. It was not too high for her and it was something that could be sliced while she did not have to worry about his organs. Kallabash put it on the thigh while holding her hands. "Now push it in."
  47. Plum Villari opens her eyes to see the mark she made on the Saiyan's chest, he may be the one hurting but to just damage an innocent person, the one who took time to teach her, for no reason- hurt her a little bit on the inside. A small gasp could be heard from her as he guides her hand to rest the blade onto his leg, hearing his command sent shivers down her spine.
  49. Her hands trembled in his grasp, her arms would probably by slightly shaking and her eyes looked up at his with a softness that he had never seen before. "I... Can't do it-" Plum voices out soft enough to be considered a whisper.
  51. King Kallabash grabbed her hands and pulled her in with a wince and held her face kissing her. His massive hands holding her face and if she allowed him to kiss her, his leg would feel more warm blood trickling down. Kallabash would move back away from her while sitting there. "Thank you for caring about me." He sat there before sliding her blade out his leg and standing on it. A huge gash in his shoulder and leg as he started to power up.
  53. Plum Villari didn't know what to feel in the moment, she was ready to call the whole thing off and refuse to go further with this 'experiment' of his. This was her initial thought until the big Saiyan suddenly pulls her face closer for a kiss, now confusion began to set in as this was something she has never shared with someone before. This whole situation became a rollercoaster of emotions, perhaps crying would ease the mental strain? Even if she didn't want to, the tears were already forming while she pulls the blade away.
  55. All in all, Plum was left speechless while watching him go about raising his power.
  57. King Kallabash did not know why he kissed her but pushing his power-up, he slowly backed away from her. He charged in again to her pushing her sword into his abdomen and just looking at her. He was at his maximum with this and he looked down at her. "I am sorry to put you through this, but I think zenkai may be the only way I can get stronger and if not zenkai I do not know how to get stronger." He looked up to the sky with his blood pooling in the snow below him. He was letting out a small sigh.
  59. "Now I have to work through my injuries and make myself stronger." Kallabash pulls back and charges into the wall and she could tell that he was in pain as he tried to use pain to get his body to grow stronger through punching the wall up.
  61. Plum Villari lets out a sniffle to get herself composed, she couldn't be a crying mess after all this time of putting on the tough girl act. Though Kallabash ramming himself into her blade didn't make it any easier for her, "What even is... A Zenkai... You big dummy..." She speaks between wiping her face with her free hand, wincing from watching him ram himself into a wall, Saiyans are a strange race.
  63. King Kallabash was pushing his body trying to smash through the wall while continuing to leak out blood. His vision getting blurry while he was hitting the wall through gritted teeth. "I can't tell you until we get more trusted. I want to know if I can be with you Plum and have your loyalty." Kallabash was smashing his fist into the wall as hard as he could not know what was going to happen if he stopped. Kallabash was upset about not being able to stop his brother. Not being able to slow his brother down and he needed to learn about his stance. That did not matter when he was so far behind the group.
  65. Plum Villari groans loudly, this groan then begins to get more aggressive the longer it goes on for until she finally speaks again. "Kalla, what are you even saying right now? You're ramming yourself into a wall all bloodied up and trying to propose to me right now?" She can admit this is not how she pictured someone revealing their feelings to her. With a shake of her head, purple hair moving swiftly with the motion, she continues, "We have to talk about that later... When things are a bit calmer and we forget about that whole fight."
  67. Plum wasn't rejecting him, she just felt they needed to wait a little longer to see if any chemistry would work between them. Considering the adrenaline is still pumping through their veins from the whole ordeal with the Hollow and the mysterious person, she needed more time to think about it.
  69. King Kallabash let out a roar at the fact of what she said. It was not much of a proposal but more of an asking to date her because she was the closest female to him. Lucina was one but he needed to end that because well she never was around and chose magic over him. Kallabash only roared with anger smashing his fist into the wall more with shockwaves blasting off of the wall. Kallabash was not happy and knew that he did not have many people around him. He let out a yell while his muscles visibly tightened but his speed started to slow while he was punching the wall.
  71. "I can't stop thinking about it. About all the pain and how I sat back being called the bad guy. Being a fake king and having them talk shit to me while I sat back scared to leave my brother behind and wanting to hurt people. No, I cannot do it." Kallabash continued to move faster and faster until his body stopped flying and his strikes became slow.
  73. Plum Villari nearly jumps at the sight of the Saiyan becoming more aggressive, hoping that she didn't stirrup his anger with her words. She didn't have anyone close to her, in fact, the Saiyans were the first people that she conversed with ever since she left home. "It probably wasn't easy being a King and being beaten by your brother, but you can become better than that." With that said, she puts her sword away and finally cleans up her face.
  75. "I may have said what I said but I won't leave you when you get stronger- I want to get stronger too!" She also mumbles some words under her breath, something along the lines of 'catching up first'.
  77. King Kallabash looked at the woman while he was falling down and as he started to slowly push his body back up and looking towards the sky. "I have to break what I am at and I need help. I need someone to trust more than myself, Celerus, and Mania." He sat there for a moment before slowly kneeling looking up at the woman. Kallabash was dying or passing out.
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