
Hayley and Cadence's Violation

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  2. Tsaaq: She hopped around and stared at her reflection, humming along to the song as she flat ironed her hair. Hayley glanced down the hall then peeked into the bedroom at her clothes she had laid out on the bed. She bit down on her lip and went back to flat ironing her raven hair carefully while the playlist this bitch Bliss made for her.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Devin carefully stepped off the elevator with his black motorcycle mask over his face and a cholorform soaked cloth in his hand, making his way down toward Tony's apartment. Stopping outside the door, he tried the knob and found that it was open because everyone fucking sucks. Pushing it open, he peeked around into the living room and heard music pouring from the hallway. Like James fucking Bond he crept down the hallway all stealth like, pressing his back against the wall and listening for his moment to strike.-
  4. Alexithymiaa: (Ive come to sit on your toilet.)
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley leaned on the sink, checking her face and doing some finishing touches on her make up. She admired herself in the mirror a moment before turning her head and furrowing her eyebrows and looking down the hallway. She pursed her lips and turned off her flat iron and went to walk into the bedroom with the music still playing.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -WHen Hayley stepped out of the bathroom into the hallway, Devin jumped out at her, immediately shoving the cloth into her face and searching for her nose and mouth until he covered them. Gripping her shoulders tightly, he pulled her back against him to keep her steady, forcing her to have no choice, but to breathe the chloroform rag.-
  7. Tsaaq: Hayley gasped loudly and tried to run but failed obviously. She had jerked back and flailed around, kicking wildly when she felt somebody grab her. Hayley felt herself start to slip away when the cloth covered her face. Her eyes slowly came to a close before her body went limp.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -With a cackle because he's a fuck, he held onto her limp body and shoved the cloth down into his pocket before hoisting her up onto his shoulder. He smacked her ass for good measure because it was bare and turned around to walk down the hallway, smashing her forehead through the doorway. "Shit... oh well." Turning into the living room, he moved to the door and poked his head outside, making sure the coast was clear before running down to the elevator to step inside, jamming hsi finger into the close door button a million times until they obeyed. He waited impatiently as it brought him down to the first floor, bolting out of the elevator the second the doors opened, running out the door and to the truck he'd borrowed because without Thad he was positive he was going to get caught because lts face it, he would. Shoving her into the backseat, he slammed the door shut behind him and breathed a sigh of relief, moving around to the driver's seat to climb up and inside before peeling away to head to Shipwreck.-
  10. Musik has joined the chat
  11. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  12. Musik: -Aubrey had managed to pull herself up, sitting against the wall, her body completely pressed against the headboard of the bed. She struggled, but managed to fix the top of her dress so her tits were fucking covered. Her face bruised and red and tear/make up stained. She continued to cry softly even though nothing was really happening to happening to her at that time.-
  15. Tsaaq: *))
  16. Musik: (I'm shaking my head.)
  17. Tsaaq: ((DONT SHAKE SHIT.))
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Devin pulled his truck up into the lot of the warehouse, climbing out and walking around to jerk the back seat open, grabbing Hayley's limp body and throwing her with her bare ass over his shoulder like he just don't care. Heading through the doors, he turned and started up the stairs, keeping his hand on her butt to keep her from falling and because BUTT. When he stepped into the room, he smirked through his helmet at Aubrey on the bed still there, laughing and just straight up dropping Hayley on the tile as he walked over to her. "You look nice." He quickly grabbed a fist full of her hair, yanking her away from the wall and dragging her out onto the floor.-
  19. Tsaaq: ((was it hard enough to wake her up?))
  20. Alexithymiaa: (Probably, but she wouldnt be able to really do much cause shes only just coming out of it)
  21. Alexithymiaa: (He literally dropped her from shoulder height)
  22. Tsaaq: ((Ow.))
  23. Covet has joined the chat
  24. Musik: -She started freaking out on the inside when she saw Devin walk in. She scooted as close as she could back up against the wall shaking her head.- "Stop don't touch me!" -She shouted and winced when he UNTIED HER? and dragged her off the bed. She brought her hands up to try and slap at his hands because that shit isn't fun it hurts because her hair is ATTACHED.- "Let go!"
  25. Alexithymiaa: (Her hands are bound to each other still, just not the frame)
  26. Musik: (Oh I thought they left her bound to the frame)
  27. Tsaaq: She felt her body connect with the cold floor, she groaned as she tried to lift her body but failing. // Thad drove up to Shipwreck and parked. He then hopped out of the car and popped the hood, pulling Cadence out of the trunk because he's a fuck and has no qualms with putting people in trunks. He flung her over his shoulder and walk inside, going up the stairs toward the room. "Hey, tell that bitch to chill." Thaddeus heard the tail end of Aubrey yelling, still holding onto Cadence.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -He dropped her hair and reared his foot back, kicking Aubrey straight in the ribs. "Shut up or we'll fucking kill you." He turned and walked to the rope and duct tape, beginning to tie Hayley's wrists together tightly before working on her ankles, not looking at Thad at all as he worked. "She'll shut up if she knows what's good for her." He ripped off a piece of duct tape and smacked it over Hayley's mouth, turning her over and pressing her chest into the tile.-
  30. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : (BITCH YOU'RE NEXT. KEEP IT DOWN.)
  31. Musik: (THEY DID.)
  32. Covet: -Cadence was still out of it but she could hear sounds, but not make sense of them. She felt floaty for a bit like she was being lifted up. She tried to pull herself out of it, but everything was still foggy. She was feeling slightly nauseated, from the motion with the chloroform.-
  33. Musik: -She winced hard and started crying again feeling his foot connect to her ribs. She curled up into a ball before prying her eyes open to look at the girl on the floor, blinking a few times and squinting her eyes before realizing it was actually Hayley. Her eyes widened and she pulled herself back up and started to back herself into the corner, her eyes moving over to Thad as he walked in, trying to figure out who the fuck he was carrying.-
  34. Tsaaq: She tugged against the ropes and tried to roll over but not really moving fast enough. "What's happening-" She started to ask in a daze before the tape was put over it. Hayley began to squirm in a panic. // He dropped Cadence onto the dirty chair and shit then furrowed his brows. "Wait a minute." He grumbled and pushed her to the floor cause fuck letting her be in a chair. "Can you tie that bitch up? Thanks." Thaddeus asked Devin as he went over to look down at Hayley. "That is so you." He said, commenting on her outfit then looked at Aubrey. "You thirsty?" He asked her with his arms crossed.
  35. Musik: -Aubrey finally spotted Cadence's face and dropped her eyes quickly when Thaddeus started over towards her. She kept her mouth pressed shut completely ignoring him, knowing deep down that'd be an awful idea but whatever.-
  36. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -He grabbed the rope and pushed up to his feet, walking over to Cadence to pull her arms behind her back, looping her wrists together to secure tightly. Moving down, he started to tie her ankles, probably giving her rope burn and shit as he tugged at the ropes to make sure they weren't going anywhere. "There. Do your own fucking dirty work." He walked back over to Hayley, leaning down and slapping his open palm over her ASS.-
  38. Covet: -Cadence tried to open her eyes hearing more voices. She knew they were familiar...who the fuck...Her head was spinning, or was it her body, she didn't know but she felt the floor and the stench of the place wasn't helping her disoriented state. The burning at her wrists and ankles was enough to help bring her to more conscience state of mind. .-
  39. Tsaaq: Hayley flinched at the slap and tried to scoot away from him with her mouth frowning under the tape. She shook her head repeatedly at him cause all she could see is a fucking figure looming over her and trying to touch DAT ASS. // He stared down at Aubrey and pulled out the bottle of water, opening it. "Open your fucking mouth and drink the fucking water." Thad said forcefully, trying to get her mouth open. Thaddeus scoffed. "You're the one who bragged about how great you are at rope shit." He trailed off, standing up and walking away from her. "Whatever." Thaddeus went to stand over Cadence, crouching beside her before smacking her in the face to rouse her.
  40. MusikMusik Whisper: -Aubrey kept her eyes and mouth squeezed shut, feeling the water being forced into her mouth. She let some fall into her mouth and held it there as he walked away before turning her head and spitting it out, dropping her head trying to ignore what was actually happen.-
  41. Alexithymiaa: -Devin pushed his hand into the center of Hayley's back, pinning her hard to the floor before moving his other hand to push her head against the cool tile. "This should be fun since you're a fucking slut. You'll probably enjoy this more than me." He unfastened his pants and pulled his dick out, hitting her in the butt with it because BUTT.-
  42. Covet: -Cadence squeezed her eyes shut as she felt Thad's smack on her face. Opening them again she glared up at his dierection.- let me fucking go, you sonofa bitch. -she said trying to pull and twist out of the ropes. -She looked around trying to see who else was in the room with her.-
  43. Tsaaq: She stated to try and kick her legs in a panic as her eyes went wide, pretty much screaming under the tape that had been covering her mouth. Hayley looked back at Devin with terror. // Thaddeus stared blankly at Cadence and smacked her again. "Shut the fuck up." He said blankly and went to get the tape, opening it loudly and placing it over her mouth before pulling up her shirt to get a good look at the TITTIES.
  44. Musik: -Aubrey lifted her hand to cover one ear, tilting her head to the side to try and push her other ear against her shoulder trying to block out the screams from the two feeling the tears fall down her face.-
  45. Alexithymiaa: -Devin laughed and grabbed Hayley's hips to keep her from squirming away from him, moving his arm to push her legs down since they were tied together and that shit would be easy. He mounted over the top of her to halfly sit on her legs, just straight up poking her butt with his dick a bunch of times cause he was amusing himself. All at once he shoved himself inside her with a grunt, leaning over her frame to push her into the floor.-
  46. Covet: Fuck...-she cried out, when he hit her again. When he came back with the tape she tried to spit at him before he covered her mouth, She shot too early and he was still able to cover her mouth. Slamming her eyes shut she twisted tried to roll away from his touch. Her cursing and fighting never stopped. She was pissed and scared, but fuck if she was givng up.-
  47. Tsaaq: Hayley began to sob uncontrollably while continuing to try and move from his grasp and failing. All she could really do is make muffled screams while Devin did stuff. // He scowled under his mask and smacked her again for good measure. "Shut the fuck up or this will be much more worse." Thaddeus growled and turned from her a moment to do condom things then turned around with his pants hanging off his butt and pulled at her clothes. "God, this outfit." He grumbled with frustration.
  48. Musik: -Aubrey continued to cry and tried to find ways to cover her ears but it was failing and she just fucking heard it all.-
  49. Alexithymiaa: -Devin laughed as he just kind of plowed Hayley, lifting his hands up over his head like he was on a roller coaster while he thrusted at her. "You better not give me anything, slut. Who knows what the fuck you have. You fuck Tony, you must have everything. I should have worn a condom. Oh well...." He slowed during his monologue because he was distracted, snapping out of it and picking up his pace, placing his hand on the side of her head and pushing her down again.-
  50. Covet: -She growled and hissed out as best she could when he smacked her again. She watched as he turned around with his dick out and yelled another slew of curses and shit at him, but they were all pointless. This bitch was relentless though.-
  51. Tsaaq: She began to hyperventilate while he spoke, crying harder. // "Shut the fuck up!" Thad hit her repeatedly and grabbed her BREASTESES roughly as he forced himself inside of Cadence and started to thrust fast while gripping her hair.
  52. Musik: -Crying.-
  53. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : (BAHAHAHAHHAA)
  54. Tsaaq: ((le cries))
  56. Alexithymiaa: "Stop fucking crying, bitch." He curled his hand into a fist and punched her in the back of the head, thrusting faster until he started to grunt and groan, blowing his shit in her for the second time in the last few months poor Hayley. With a satisfied smile, he pulled out, wiping his DICK off on her ASS before pulling his pants up and standing to his feet. "Good shit."-
  57. Covet: -Cadence closed her eyes tightly and went silent, closing her eyes as she tried to block it out. The pain, the anger. She pulled her head away, crying out as he pulled her hair and did all the rapey things. The tears were inevitable, but she set her jaw and bit her tongue. Occasionally she'd bring up a knee to try to fend him off. She just wanted chicken nuggets with her boyfriend for crying outloud.-
  58. Alexithymiaa: (HAHAHA STOP BITCH OH MY GOD)
  59. Tsaaq: Hayley tried not crying and that didn't fucking work because what she was fucking afraid of happening came fucking true. She yelled loudly when he hit her then panted when he finally crawled off of her, crying loudly as she tried to wiggle away, to a wall or something. // Thaddeus thrusted harder. "Shut the fuck up, stay fucking still." He shouted, leaning against her so she couldn't move and kept fondling her breastseses. "You are nothing. You know that right?" Thad said before laughing and looking over to Devin. "Done already?"
  60. Musik: -Crying.-
  61. Alexithymiaa: -Devin glared at Thad through his mask, flipping him off. "Fuck you, I started before you." He kicked at Hayley's legs, his voice an angry whisper. "Move out of myway!"-
  62. Covet: -She cried out and tried to lift up against him. Shaking her head back and forth as he tried to talk down to her, yelling out in anger, She tried her best to bring her head up to head butt him since he'd leaned down over her to pin her down. She just wanted it to stop, but wasn't willing to give in.-
  63. Tsaaq: She screamed a little and moved faster, closer to Aubrey. She looked between her and Devin and leaned against the wall with her head lowered. // "It wasn't an insult, calm down." Thaddeus muttered before feeling Cadence try to headbutt him. He scowled loudly and slammed her head into the cold floor repeatedly while moving his hips. "Bitch, I will fucking kill you if I fucking have to the more you fight the longer my erection lasts."
  64. Musik: -Aubrey finally lifted her head, seeing Hayley moving closer to her. She reached her tied hands together and pulled her all the way over to her, her eyes scanning the place to see Thaddeus with Cadence then Devin doing wahtever devin was doing. She sniffed hard and dropped her eyes back down to Hayley.-
  65. Alexithymiaa: -Devin swung his arms back, turning to watch Thad for a moment because he thought it was hot. "Shit... fuck... I need some food after this." Glaring at the girls for a second, he looked back at Thad. "I'm getting McDonalds. I'll be back." He turned away from them, stepping out of the room to gallop down the stairs giddy as fuck because rape does that to him I guess. He started to whistle as he pushed the doors open, stepping out to walk to the truck.-
  66. Tsaaq: ((More irony.))
  67. Alexithymiaa: (Did it on purpose.)
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