
my grievances

Aug 19th, 2018
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  1. Hey, I wanna bring up the fact that I am getting burned out on leading Duty, mainly because of obstacles I have to endure daily just to ensure that neither me nor my members get screwed over by whatever.
  3. I am endlessly scrutinized, when others don't receive such scrutiny at all. Good example, today's bandit raid on Duty. Shen was present and he was not concerned by the fact that we had only 2 active people online, nor was he concerned that 8 vs 2 can't happen in any capacity, but the second I tried to invoke us having IC guards, Faye and Baconbitz and the others just exploded. Like I strangled their baby. Them standing in Duty base, mugging my private, shouting at me in admin channel while memeing about was completely in line, while I was instantly made the guilty party.
  5. Freedom lead got on to talk trash as well, and I had to listen to all these ops and trial admins spam !a my way because I didnt let them to shoot some dutiers in bullshit 8 vs 2 encounter.
  7. Freedom faction has been getting the most toxic people in existance to lead it, their stockpile is always fucked and I always have to keep track of their shit combined with my own to make sure I am not getting fucked in the ass. Countless reports on Osprey, on state of Freedom roster, on state of Freedom's stockpile, on their leader's toxic attitude and nothing actually happens.
  9. I derive exactly zero pleasure from interacting with these people, they do not give me the slack I give to them, they're not concerned with Duty's well-being at all.
  11. When Freedom was having issues under Freestalker, I ran a cease-fire, I passed some RP plots over to Freedom lead so their members had something to do. When Freedom lost their member during a raid, we always either cancelled the raid or allowed their guys to get extra help.
  13. The main reason I retired Vlad was because I started getting paranoid, overly cautious, I couldnt bring myself to do anything, so I ditched him and replaced him with an uninvolved Duty Lead.
  15. And then I realized that the ONLY fun I had with Duty, as faction lead, is doing our own little thing. Either helping ecos or hosting events for the guys or progressing the storyline or just helping people. Without Vlad's friendships and connections, all that was left to do is deal with these factions, and it is an extremely unpleasant experience.
  17. Swoop goes around on his heavily kitted out Loner trying to kidnap my privates over some idiotic shit, all the while harrassing me OOC, and I can't really do anything about it. I report him, nothing happens, again and again.
  19. And when I try to take it IC, Freedom is either fucking dead so I have to stop myself from murdering their fun completely, or there's 5 of them + 8 bandit allies screaming with desire to shoot duty.
  21. Currently, Duty consists of a very tightly knit group of people that I picked up and nurtured. All these new players connect with me since I create roleplay for them, since I give them opportunities, since I stick up for them when bad things happen. Chances are, if I stop leading, everyone except Wot and Dub will quit with me, effectively killing Duty.
  23. I don't know what to do about this. I work hard to have everything organized, logged, entertaining, pleasant, but my opponents don't and nothing really happens to them. All the time/effort investments I put in, they don't come back, and when looking at other groups, feel like a waste. There's simply no fun to be had currently.
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