
sumo ent (debut form) - jung hojin

Feb 20th, 2019
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  1. USERNAME ; AExNel
  3. TRAINEE NAME ; jung hojin [정호진]
  4. STAGE NAME ; jin
  7. ➷ jung hojin was born in a middle-class family and was always fascinated by the world of music and art. he was always involved in activities and clubs which helped the boy expand his knowledge and what he should've expected if he ever stepped foot into becoming an idol. although his parents didn't approve, they let jin have piano and singing lessons because it would most likely be easier for him to get into a good university with extra skills. the reason he switched between many companies was because of his parents always on his tail, and he didn't want them to know which companies he's trained at. after begging, for high school hojin was able to study in china and he couldn't be happier. to be away from both his suffocating parents and letting himself do whatever he wanted to do. he still continued to study what his parents want him to because they support him financially but he trains at sumo now, since they're less lenient as he's turning 18 this year.
  11. perfectionist :
  12. ➷ hojin likes to make everything up to 100% and it's slowly became a weird habit which eventually formed into a personality trait for himself. whenever his teachers checked his work, they were all weirdly scared because there wasn't any mistakes and nearly had to call his parents.
  14. humble :
  15. ➷ he doesn't like to brag about his achievements since he thinks everyone should be equal, and there's also others who are way more talented than he is.
  17. bubbly :
  18. ➷ jin's a very open person and welcomes people into his life very easily. he has many friends outside of the company but that's because he's hopped around so many companies and schools.
  20. impatient :
  21. ➷ the poor boy hates waiting since he tends to be quite early or just right on time. he doesn't like it when someone hasn't done something on time and he'll point it out to that person.
  23. indecisive :
  24. ➷ making a decision takes a long time for hojin and he could spend an eternity just thinking wether vanilla or chocolate ice cream is better. the only time he isn't indecisive is when buying albums from his favourite girl groups.
  26. sweet :
  27. ➷ he's as sweet as sugar and nearly everyone would agree, you could even see the happy rays radiating off his bright smile. jin could do the simplest things and you'd burst an uwu at the sight.
  29. smiley :
  30. ➷ it's rumoured that his smile could heal a sick person and his teeth are actually his favourite thing about himself. somehow, hojin has done a colgate commercial and that's probably one of his proudest moments in his 17 years of living.
  32. optimistic :
  33. ➷ in any situation, jin thinks of the best in any person and any situation that comes his way. he would love to just live in his bubble full of happy people and happy places and everything there is simply just jolly good.
  35. clumsy :
  36. ➷ it seems as if hojin doesn't have perfectly good eyesight and that he can magically turn a spotless room into destruction with long limbs and bubbly movements. he's always high on sugar which makes his energy ever-lasting.
  38. goal-orientated :
  39. ➷ the boy has many plans for himself in the future and he has many things on his bucket list that he wants to achieve before dying. he strives to do everything now before he regrets everything he doesn't do later in life.
  42. ➷ sweet drinks
  43. ➷ cats
  44. ➷ photography
  45. ➷ teddy bears
  46. ➷ food
  47. ➷ girl groups
  49. DISLIKES ;
  50. ➷ bitter food
  51. ➷ going outside
  52. ➷ being uninspired
  53. ➷ loud noises
  54. ➷ running
  55. ➷ cooking
  57. HOBBIES ;
  58. ➷ composing songs
  59. ➷ watching movies
  60. ➷ listening to music
  62. HABITS ;
  63. ➷ clicking his tongue
  64. ➷ opening his phone
  65. ➷ fiddling with the hem of his shirts
  66. ➷ cracking his knuckles
  67. ➷ whistling loudly
  68. ➷ mumbling to himself
  70. TRIVIA ;
  71. ➷ hojin studied abroad in hong kong for high school, so he's fluent in mandarin and cantonese.
  72. ➷ he has 4 sisters but they all live in different countries.
  73. ➷ in ansan, jin has a dog called gucci because he let his friend name it.
  74. ➷ he was a child actor and usually participated in commercials.
  75. ➷ jin has trained in 3 other companies (pledis, kq and jyp) before finally settling down in sumo.
  76. ➷ he hates playing video games since he sucks at it and always loses.
  77. ➷ dean and crush are his favourite singers.
  79. FEARS ;
  80. ➷ being alone
  81. ➷ spiders
  82. ➷ heights
  84. GROUP OR SOLOIST ; dreamer
  85. POSITION ; main vocalist, sub rapper
  86. BACKUP ; lead vocalist, lead dancer
  88. RUMOR REQUESTS ; bullying people in his middle school, harassing a trainee in one of his old companies, underaged drinking
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