

Oct 18th, 2014
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  1. on load:
  2. new Recipe "tp";
  3. "tp".Recipe.registerIngredient{2, 1 gold block};
  4. "tp".Recipe.registerIngredient{5, 1 gold block};
  5. "tp".Recipe.registerIngredient{8, 1 gold block};
  6. "tp".Recipe.registerResult{1 blaze rod named "&2Rozdzka &aUSTAW DOM"};
  7. "tp".Recipe.register{};
  9. command /dom [<text>]:
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg 1 is set
  12. if arg 1 is "usun":
  13. if {dom.%player%} is set:
  14. clear {dom.%player%}
  15. send "&4Usunoles dom"
  16. else:
  17. send "&4Nie masz domu!"
  18. else:
  19. send "&cUzyj: &3/dom usun"
  21. on right click:
  22. if tool of player is blaze rod named "&2Rozdzka do domu":
  23. if {dom.%player%} is set:
  24. set {_x} to x-location of player
  25. set {_y} to y-location of player
  26. set {_z} to z-location of player
  27. set {_t} to 5
  28. loop 5 times :
  29. difference between x-location of player and {_posx} is bigger than 0.5:
  30. send "&eTeleportacja przerwana."
  31. remove nausea from the player
  32. stop
  33. difference between z-location of player and {_posz} is bigger than 0.5:
  34. send "&eTeleportacja przerwana."
  35. remove nausea from the player
  36. stop
  37. difference between y-location of player and {_posy} is bigger than 0.5:
  38. send "&eTeleportacja przerwana."
  39. remove nausea from the player
  40. stop
  41. remove 1 from {_t}
  42. if {_t} is 0:
  43. teleport player to {dom.%player%}
  44. send "&2Teleportowano!"
  45. send "&2Teleportacja za {_t}"
  46. else:
  47. send "&4Nie masz domu!"
  48. if tool of player is blaze rod named "&2Rozdzka &aUSTAW DOM":
  49. if {dom.%player%} is not set:
  50. set {dom.%player%} to location of player
  51. send "&2Ustawiles dom!"
  52. else:
  53. send "&4Masz dom!"
  54. send "&4Aby go usunac wpisz na chacie: &c/dom usun"
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