

Jan 18th, 2020
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  1. #Main config section
  2. #logingroup = the group of server where are the players sent after they join your network (its usualy for offline networks where you need to have separated /login servers and lobbies)
  3. #fallbackgroup is usually group of your lobby servers
  4. #If you do not have separated login servers and lobby server then set logingroup and fallback group to be the same
  5. balancing:
  6. logingroup: Lobbies
  7. fallbackgroup: Lobbies #default fallback group
  8. #List your own groups of servers here in order to activate the balancing between the servers in the group
  9. enabledgroups:
  10. - Lobbies
  11. #Here you can create additional groups of servers that should be balanced. PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR A GROUP TO START WORKING YOU NEED AT LEAST 2 SERVERS IN THE GROUP, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO BALANCE 1 SERVER WITHIN ITSELF!!! If you still insist on having only 1 server in the group (although it does not make sense) you can add the same server to the group twice
  12. Lobbies:
  13. - 'LOBBY-1'
  14. - 'LOBBY-2'
  17. #Override default fallback group for these custom server groups. If you dont need this feature just delete this section completely from the config
  18. # SkyWarsGroup:
  19. # fallback: SkyWarsHubs
  20. # servers:
  21. # - SkyWars1
  22. # - SkyWars2
  24. #PLayers will be forced to your logingroup of servers after they join your bungee, disabling this will disable logingroup option in the section above, this is useful when you want to just balance your lobby servers and you want that players stays on server where they last logged off or you want to control this feature with another plugin (like BungeeAuthentificator)
  25. force-login-group: true
  27. #Can change this if you have more plugins sending players to different servers on the bungee-side
  28. #Values are: [LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, HIGHEST]
  29. #For ViaVersion on bungee-side this must be set to HIGHEST
  30. multilobby-priority: HIGHEST
  32. #Detect if lobby server is offline and redirect players to other lobby which is online (this feature may take additional resources especially RAM, by default this feature is disabled)
  33. #You might experience some issues if you use multi-protocol servers or fake offline detections, just keep it disabled, players will be still able to connect if 1 of your lobby servers goes down, dont worry.
  34. offlinedetection: true
  36. #How often should MultiLobby check the lobby servers if they are online or offline, the interval is in secs. (By default there is an interval 25 seconds, this means that MultiLobby pings all of your lobby servers every 25 secs, if lobby server does not respond to the ping = server is down and MultiLobby will no more be sending players to this server). If there is no online lobby, all players that are trying to connect will be kicked
  37. detectioninterval: 25
  39. #Socket timeout for offline detection or external lobby status in miliseconds. Do not touch this value util you have problems with pinging. If you have higher ping between bungee and lobby machines raise this value 2x higher than the ping value between lobby and bungee machines. Default is 100.
  40. socket-timeout: 200
  42. #Allows your players use "slash-server-commands". So if your lobby server is called "Lobby2", you can use /Lobby2 to teleport to Lobby2! (it works only for lobby servers).
  43. slash-lobby: false
  45. #Command blacklist (from here you can deny some commands on certain servers, there are 2 examples, if you have auth servers, then you probably do not want to let players teleport to lobby without logging-in. If you want to use this feature font forget to change option enabled: true!
  46. cmdblacklist:
  47. enabled: false
  48. Auth1:
  49. - /lobby
  50. - /hub
  51. Auth2:
  52. - /lobby
  53. - /hub
  55. #Should command /glag show you local or external number of player connected to lobby servers ? (false=internal bungee status)
  56. glag-external-status: true
  58. #Motd can be easily edited from here (if enabled) without having to do /greload which is dangerous command and can lead to serious problems, this motd can be loaded by /mlreload command:
  59. motd: '&6My Super Network'
  60. motdenabled: false
  62. #If server is closed should be the player moved to the fallback group of servers ? If disable player will be kicked out of the network
  63. kick-move: true
  65. #If the kick reason contains one of the following phrases or words, player will be kicked out of the network instead to a lobby server (works only if the kick-move is enabled)
  66. kick-move-reason-blacklist:
  67. - "ban"
  68. - "kick"
  70. #Enable lobby-to-lobby balancing?
  71. #This feature will balance players in lobby servers, this means when you are on lobby server and you want to connect to another lobby server the only option is execute /lobby <num>, but if you want to integrate it with some inventory menu plugins where the player can choose what lobby to go on you need to disable this feature!
  72. lobby-to-lobby-balancing: true
  75. #gsay prefix:
  76. gsay-prefix: ""
  78. #Shared chat:
  79. enable-shared-chat: true
  80. shared-chat-format: "&7[&e%server%&7]&f %playername%: %msg%"
  81. #Force the shared chat format even on the same server as the message sender is on
  82. shared-chat-force-format: false
  84. #Glist:
  85. #To use the custom glist you have to disable module "cmd_list" in your bungeecord in modules.yml (delete the line) and delete the file cmd_list.jar from "modules" folder located also in your bungeecord folder.
  86. custom-glist: false
  87. glist-format: "&a[%server%] &f(%numplayers%): %playerlist%"
  88. glist-total: "Total player online: %totalnum%"
  89. glist-excluded:
  90. - MySuperSecretServer1
  91. - MySuperSecretServer2
  93. #Enable /player command ?
  94. player-enabled: true
  96. #Enable debug:
  97. debug: false
  99. #Protect MultiLobby commands againts abuse ?
  100. cmdcooldown: true
  102. #Enable /lobby and /hub command
  103. lobbycommand: true
  105. #Advanced /hub and /lobby commands (instead of moving player to the main fallback lobby, player will be moved to last balanced group he was in so for example last minigame lobby group he was in, enable this only if you are 100% sure what you are doing)
  106. advanced-hub-commands: false
  108. #Every x seconds prints info about server status into console (players, server load, allocated RAM), this feature is great if you are trying to analyze Bungee-side lags.
  109. printinfo: false
  111. #print interval in seconds
  112. printinfointerval: 5
  114. #Messages:
  115. enablekickmsg: false
  116. kickmsg: "You have been moved to fallback server: &reason"
  117. spamblock: "Blocked as a spam!"
  118. alternatives: "Alternatives"
  119. playernotfound: "Player was not found!"
  120. ison: " is playing in "
  121. badarguments: "Bad arguments"
  122. name: "name"
  123. noperm: "You do not have permission to perform this command!"
  124. wrongnumber: "You input wrong number! Use: /lobby <number>"
  125. cmdblock: "You cannot use this command here!"
  126. noonlinelobbyfound: "No online lobby at the moment, please try again later!"
  129. #Do not touch the version
  130. version: 5
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