

Mar 13th, 2019
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  1. [IC] James Jones: So, it all started when one day some human created a Respite Orb. As one does of course. It is not known who made the Respite, but it's known to have been the largest Respite there was at any point in the Void. Rumors stating that it had multiple continents and was comparable in size to the Faux
  2. [IC] James Jones: But as all things do in the Void, the owner eventually died. With that started the downfall of 7192. The massive size and amount of inhabitants too large to count ended with abominations crawling from every dark corner in the Respite. Quickly killing large sections of the civilization.
  3. [IC] James Jones: Those who were not killed by the massive hordes at the beginning of the war against abominations quickly got desperate as conventional weaponry was not capable of taking out the hordes that blacked out the sky with their sheer numbers.
  4. [IC] James Jones: So, they started to develop weaponry heavily based on blight. Obviously, it worked, so they started to use more and more with each day. Making plastics and machines to use them in a higher number.
  5. [IC] James Jones: They have after some time found out why blight on a massive scale is a terrible idea, as shades started to fester around where the battles took place, taking over those spots and feeding off the remains of what the weapons caused.
  6. [IC] James Jones: That didn't stop them though, they needed to use blight as they had no alternative available. So they dealt with the shades and abominations as they kept trying to desperately win the war and keep it in control.
  7. [IC] James Jones: A sickness, one that most likely originates from 7192 started to affect the beings in the Respite.
  8. [IC] James Jones: Human bodies turning from the feet up to their head slowly into what seems like a shadow, while plastics tool the form of mannequins.
  9. [IC] James Jones: That, of course, ended with most inhabitants fleeing the Respite when they could, a majority of the abominations dying to the excess of blight as well.
  10. [IC] James Jones: But not all ran away, some still tried to do something it seems.
  11. [IC] James Jones: This is where we come in, sometime in the process of what I said we were created. As creatures from which they could draw enormous amounts of blight in a terribly painful process for us.
  12. [IC] James Jones: We have managed to escape, thankfully the ability of ichor to pull off miracle escapes must have stayed in some amount in us.
  13. [IC] James Jones: We were all getting pooled into the same group of people, no real drifters would come here, most likely work of the entity that lead us to end the war.
  14. [IC] James Jones: So we did the usual stuff Drifters do, we tried to stay alive. The remains of 7192 were having none of that though. They kept sending more and more to try to kill or capture us back.
  15. [IC] James Jones: Until the one Respite where an army of Wraiths was everywhere around us, even partially inside the Respite itself. Even powerful armies such as the one led by the Lord's was decimated while trying to get to us.
  16. [IC] James Jones: That was it, we were going to break 7192 on that day as we were out of time. A portal appeared and we were taken to our last stop before that hellish fight.
  17. [IC] James Jones: We split into two groups, attack, and defense. One pushing to either the 7192 or abomination source of power while the other kept it's back clear.
  18. [IC] James Jones: I assume the fight itself is of not much concern to you, many of us died there but we took out many hostiles with us. I was one of the few killed in it actually. Until using heavily condensed ichor that we have gained at some part to blow up the 7192 monument. Time stopped, our injuries ichored over and we were able to leave.
  19. ======
  20. [IC] Britney O'Riley: Uhhh sure! So 7192 was like, mega big bad. But we had help from some god like entity thing that gave me some kinda uhhhh... Thing that you threw at the thing to kill the thing, so I did that.
  21. [IC] Britney O'Riley: A bunch of people kind of died but also didn't, and me and Fane fought our way through the flank of the enemy to toss it.
  22. "Oh uh, yeah anyway. So a bunch of us were made by like, 7192, and we're weirdo Drifter things made of Ichor who exist and sort of like, do stuff." says [Southern Accent|Platinum Blonde|Blue ...]
  23. [IC] Britney O'Riley: Which goes against how Respite works, a topic for another time though uhhhh...
  24. [IC] Britney O'Riley: So some entity guided us along the way to fight all sorts of different entities and take on 7192 bases, sort of like, tearing them apart bit by bit.
  25. [IC] Britney O'Riley: Until finally at some point an opportunity came that we had like, this weird apple sort of thing, looked like a cursed apple kind of. And it was sort of like a big bomb.
  26. [IC] Britney O'Riley: It was something apparently so powerful you could kill any Shade in one hit with it, so when we found the 7192 Shade well... We did just that! It went remarkably well.
  27. ===
  28. [ME] Fane Ashwood: rubbed the back of their neck before leaning back into the couch. " Right, like I said before. 7192 wished to reach some form of goal that involved the use of blight and memories. They decided to experiment and create us however we were not a very good source."
  29. [IC] Fane Ashwood: Various forms of experiments were performed on us. Some more painful than others. That part of the time was a bit foggy for me since they decided to test how much one could endure.
  30. [IC] Fane Ashwood: At some point, we were able to escape which I will be assuming was with some help of some sort of being that is using us like a chess piece right now.
  31. [IC] Fane Ashwood: The endless war of 7192 and abominations continued. The wraiths for some time did not get involved. They were searching for *something.* Something that was taken from them, that being us.
  32. [IC] Fane Ashwood: So we ran, from 7192 and from the wraiths. 7192 wanting what they created. The wraiths wanting what was taken from them. Wanting us to return home.
  33. [IC] Fane Ashwood: Sometime in the war, a plastic named Polymer found an orange like the orb in a submarine that whispered things that I could never understand.
  34. [IC] Fane Ashwood: We did not know its full power at the time but we held onto it. First Polymer holding onto it, believing the Shard has given her a task. And then when she died it was handed to me.
  35. [IC] Fane Ashwood: The great war was now collapsing into itself, warping and twisting. Creatures of impossible construction were appearing across the void. Shade abominations hybrids being one.
  36. [IC] Fane Ashwood: More time passed and we found ourselves having parts of our body turning to ichor when touched by wraiths. We did not know what we were, thinking ourselves as just drifters at the time except for a few. One of them being myself. But we held onto the info to not cause panic.
  37. [IC] Fane Ashwood: Then the final battle approached. Britney having the orb at that time. We had a choice to destroy either the abominations that devour the respites or our creators. We prepared as much as we could. Abberations, plastics, drifters all preparing to fight and do a task that seemed impossible.
  38. [IC] Fane Ashwood: We went through a portal. Splitting up our forces. One to defend against the hordes of abominations while we had a strike force go after 7192. I and Britney went on the strike force along with many others like James, Shen, Nina and so on.
  39. [IC] Fane Ashwood: Even with all our preparing. It seemed like hope was mostly gone when the strike forces numbers kept demising. Left and right someone would go down from the armor and air support the plastics had. They were heavily armed and ready for us.
  40. [IC] Fane Ashwood: Britney got wounded at some point and I had to start dragging them. With what little forces we had. I thought it is best to go for the objective with Britney in tow and used the remaining strike force as a distraction, which it worked.
  41. [IC] Fane Ashwood: We snuck past the forces reaching a tall pillar. The orb being an ichor bomb of sorts we were going to finish. However, some powerful shade appeared. Not as powerful as the main shade that was the cause of 7192 but still strong. It used its powers to freeze Britney. I used some memory wraps to get them moving again and used myself as a shield while she threw the orb at the pillar. As it was about to reach it, time froze due to the being that has been using us and pawns.
  42. [IC] Fane Ashwood: This allowed us to escape. We ran as fast as we could and got to a portal. The respite was collapsing and destroying itself slowly as time started to slowly move again. We arrived back somewhere safe. Many of the drifters that died and disappeared were still alive, however, their body parts that were damaged were now made of ichor
  43. [IC] Fane Ashwood: I would had hope that the story would end with that. But no, there is another orb that was created from some sort of ichor being. So that was more of a chapter than the whole story. We'll see where it takes us I suppose.
  45. Notes: *7192 is the place speculated to have the shadow plague origin from *There are many people that survived the fight that still part of the group *[James]7192 is speculated to have been destroyed by the void *Ichor is made out of deteriorated memories *Polymer was at one point, important to the events of 7192 *A creature that was a result of merging between a shade an abomination started appearing out of the void *[Fane] Another orb has appeared meaning the story of 7192 is not finished yet.
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