
GDQ monologue from a literal who

Oct 12th, 2015
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  1. Re: GDQ Submissions
  3. Look at what AGDQ has become. It is a charity event that raises over a million dollars every year. If you think something that big will be free from the "politics" and "bureaucracy" you're simply lying to yourself. GDQs are a business now. People make yearly salaries working on these marathons. Obviously they want to continue to do so, which means they have to keep getting the numbers that they have gotten in the past (if not increasing them). The point is, GDQ staff has to meet goals that may not always align with the community. Get over it.
  5. If your game gets rejected. GET OVER IT. Its not like youre the first person to get an "entertaining popular game that everyone would enjoy" rejected. Think about the fact that peak concurrent viewers for AGDQ regularly breaks 100k. Is your game that interesting that it can draw in one hundred thousand people to watch? Sure you may get 100 viewers every stream, you may get 1000 viewers every stream, but that doesnt not equate to 100k unique people. I understand that a significant portion of the viewers of a GDQ are not part of the speedrunning community or are simply new twitch viewers or the like, but something like a speedrun of Yoshi's Story that involves beating the game 4 times in one run is not as appealing to the masses as say Ocarina of Time or Dark Souls.
  7. If you think you are *entitled* to a slot in a GDQ because of your contribution to the community, your popularity, your great commentary, or your choice of game. I sincerely hope you never get accepted. People need to understand that as the marathon grows, the standards are going to change. If that means you get shafted because you were the 51st best run when there were only room for 50, tough luck. In the 1995 Academy Awards (American film awards voted on by industry members) Forrest Gump won best picture. Obviously Forrest Gump is a fantastic movie and deserved the win, however, that same year the nominees included The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction. Now this may be completely biased, but in many other years I would think that The Shawshank Redemption would win the top film award. It sucks for the people who worked on that film because they were up against a stacked list of nominees. (that was a long analogy but i hope you get the point)
  9. As a last note, it is okay to be upset that your game/friends game didnt get in. There are already games that I would have liked to see get in that did not, (0xwas' submissions all got rejected and I would have liked to see more than one of them), but I'm not gonna cry about it on irc or claim that GDQ Staff are incompetent. I'm going to move on like everyone else should. There are bound to be games that make it in that will be interesting. Just go through and find something that you do like and be happy about that instead of being upset about what didn't get in.
  11. Just my two cents on the whole thing. Also I know that this won't do anything to stop most people from complaining, which is fine, i just hope that some people i respect/know closely might see this and make a change. I still enjoy my fair share of drama and sometimes its funny to see certain people complain because theyre funny or they make it entertaining (and sometimes because i dont like them ^_^).
  13. (if you read this whole thing you're a cool person thanks)
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