
Luna Feels

Feb 13th, 2014
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  1. >you're married to Luna
  2. >you used to be happy as fuck
  3. >Celestia is next to you on the balcony
  4. >She places a hoof on your shoulder
  5. >Your eyes are drawn to the moon
  6. >You shake it off, she doesn't try again
  7. >The two of you stand in silence for several minutes
  8. >"How do you feel?"
  9. >her speech is informal
  10. >that just insults you
  11. >you're not her family
  12. >law be damned, you don't want to be related to her
  13. >you let her words linger, not sure how to answer
  14. "What do you think?"
  15. >your fists are clenched in rage
  16. >she's untouchable, but just for once
  17. >you wish all the magic was gone from the world so you could hurt her
  19. >"You hate me."
  20. >Luna's rooms and buildings are yours
  21. >Bound by marriage, you inherited it all
  22. >but they're empty without her
  23. >and they're forbidden by Equestrian law
  24. >"It was not for me to choose."
  25. >you still remember how sweet she was
  26. >how you would spend the nights together
  27. >curled up under her moon, admiring the sky
  28. >"It was hard for me as well, anon."
  29. >she was always talking about how no one admired her night like you did
  30. >you always loved the night, loved the chill air
  31. >and this monster took her away
  32. "To send your only sister away? Instead of help?"
  33. >you're trying to keep your voice even
  34. >it's not working, you know she can tell
  35. >"There were...other forces at work."
  36. >always blaming
  37. >it was never her fault, and it will never be
  38. >all the histories will reflect that
  39. >and soil your sweet wife's name
  41. "Ego? Pride? Megalomania!?"
  42. >you don't care, you're shouting now
  43. >you've turned to look at her, and there's tears
  44. >crocadile tears no doubt
  45. >she'll never get your pity
  46. >but you can tell she's hurt by your words
  47. >and it feels good
  48. >you can never touch her physically
  49. >but she can't block words
  50. >"You don't know how far she fell, anon."
  51. "No I don't, she was right there with me last week!"
  52. >eternal darkness, monsters in the dark, all in one day
  53. >the most uncreative lie her beloved highness ever made
  54. "All you do is keep lying to justify yourself, there is _no_ justification for your crime."
  55. >it feels cathartic, yelling at the princess
  56. >you never want to stop
  58. "Sending a hurt sister away so you don't have to deal with her."
  59. >she's looking away, there's no more eye contact
  60. "A tyrant masquerading as a princess, you just want the moon to yourself."
  61. >you jab a finger at the perfect glowing circle
  62. "That's _hers_ and it will never be yours."
  63. >she's turning away, she's walking away from you
  64. "What, jealous? That ponies can look at the moon but not your sun?"
  65. >you're panting, blood rushing from the rage and shouting
  66. >there's no answer from her
  67. >she's walking away
  68. >you glare at her in rage as she leaves Luna's - your - room
  69. >you return to the balcony, looking up at her
  70. >staring at your wife's pride and prison, you fall asleep
  71. >head on the balcony, hands hung over
  73. >"Do you feel better, anon?"
  74. >You don't know how you managed to not fall
  75. >it's morning, sunrise
  76. >and the tyrant is beside you again
  77. "Get out."
  78. >"They want you gone."
  79. >as expected, her fearmongering worked
  80. >they're afraid of you
  81. >you don't know why the princess hasn't killed you yet
  82. >but you won't have her soil your wife's name
  83. >"I can't help but oblige."
  84. >so this is it, you're going to be stripped of everything
  85. >not that there was much left
  86. >all you had was destroyed in the "battle" Celestia had
  87. >even this room was temporary
  89. >her guards are beside you, you're outside Canterlot
  90. >she looks pained, she's probably faking
  91. >she reads off a scroll
  92. >"For collaboration with a traitor and high treason, thou art hereby exiled from Equestria."
  93. >your carriage arrives
  94. >all you have are your clothes and a bag of items
  95. >among them a locket you had given to your wife
  96. >for better or worse, she left it behind
  97. >it was the only nonessential thing you were allowed to bring to Canterlot
  98. >everything else was property of the government
  99. >now it's the only thing you're allowed to bring out
  100. >you're shoved unceremoniously into the carriage
  101. >the butts of their spears are just for humiliation
  102. >they could've easily magicked you in
  103. >the carriage starts moving and you fall asleep
  105. >you wake up, you're in front of the abandoned castle
  106. >a sick joke, technically outside of Equestrian borders now
  107. >you don't want to look at it, it's too painful
  108. >forest surrounds you, it's dark and you're hungry
  109. >the castle is empty, you had to admit it was fast
  110. >moving out in just a week, relocating the capital
  111. >your stomach rumbles, but you know the castle has no food
  112. >you've never hunted in your life, living like royalty for so long
  113. >you clutch your locket tightly, it wasn't long enough
  114. >you start heading towards it
  115. >soon you're lost
  116. >this was stupid
  117. >you passed some blue flowers on the way
  118. >they didn't look at all edible
  119. >you did feel a little weird after encountering them
  121. >everything seems a little darker now
  122. >the ground seems to have gotten a little gray
  123. >you hear some growlings from behind a tree
  124. >you start scrambing up a nearby tree in fear
  125. >you don't even have a weapon
  126. >and of course you fall because you haven't climbed a tree in your life
  127. >and for some reason the tree disappears
  128. >now you're confused
  129. >everything looks flat for some reason, the sky is black
  130. >and the ground looks gray
  131. >like the moon
  132. >the growling subsides away
  133. >there's nothing to carry the sound
  134. >you always loved the moon
  135. >you lean down, picking up some dust
  136. >was that blue flower some hallucinogen?
  137. >you can still breathe
  138. >maybe your wife brought you here
  139. >something brings you down
  140. >it's Luna
  142. >you've never been so happy in your life
  143. >she's giggling, her familiar blue form warm against your body
  144. "I've missed you."
  145. >"And I you, my love."
  146. >you look her in those gorgeous eyes
  147. >the moment seems to hold still forever
  148. >the same magic when you first met
  149. >a hand runs over her face just for a reality check
  150. >she smiles at your touch
  151. >it's really her
  152. >she leans down, you lean forward
  153. >one more kiss
  155. [spoiler]>the timberwolf finishes its meal, satisfied, and moves on[/spoiler]
  157. >you're Luna
  158. >it's been several months since you've returned home
  159. >everything's as it's been before
  160. >in Canterlot at home, at least
  161. >minus the most important part of your life
  162. >the nights are quiet as always
  163. >some stargazing ponies every now and then
  164. >your sister still keeps a close eye on you
  165. >she keeps you away from ponies as much as possible
  166. >telling you that you're not to be seen too often
  167. >it's just the same as it was before
  168. >it's night again, you're looking at your moon
  169. >from the same balcony you and anon stayed and chat all night
  170. >it's not the same without him, and you take flight
  171. >you just felt like it, it's a full moon, the landscape is illuminated
  172. >you're flying for several hours, you enjoy the wind through your mane
  173. >you haven't had wind for years
  174. >just a joyride through the night again
  175. >but this time with no extra weight on your back
  176. >you fly over a forest, landing on a nearby tree
  178. >it's isolated
  179. >ponies seem to avoid here
  180. >you can see a view of your old castle
  181. >bitter memories flood your mind
  182. >you can't help but feel something draw you to this spot
  183. >you dive through the treetops
  184. >something glitters in the dirt
  185. >you approach it, it's golden, but covered with dirt
  186. >you unearth it and your heart cries
  187. >it's a locket, the one anon gave you
  188. >you never found it, and you thought it lost forever
  189. >Celestia told you anon had left the new capital in frustration
  190. >maybe he ended here, trying to get back to the castle
  191. >and left it
  192. >you pick it up
  193. >"Luna, my love" engraved on it
  194. >the scratch where he accidentally stumbled giving it to you
  195. >you sit down, tears in your eyes
  196. >memories of a time that'll never return come flooding in
  197. >the only one who appreciated your night
  198. >your only friend
  199. >your love
  200. >you spend the night mourning anon
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