
Interview with Lee Gelles CCPD APP

Mar 16th, 2019
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  1. [14:54] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): (this Part will be in Im for Privacy)
  2. [14:54] Lee Gelles (white.novo): np
  3. [14:56] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Mr. Gelles we're here today for your interview for the Position of Officer with the Cedar Creek Police Department, This interview will be recorded for review by the hiring board should the recommendation to hire be made. Do you agree to have this conversation recorded for that purpose?
  4. [14:56] Lee Gelles (white.novo): Yes sir I do
  5. [14:57] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" Ok Mr. Gelles Tell us. Why do you want to work in Law Enforcement?
  6. [14:58] Lee Gelles (white.novo): I've worked in low enforcement for years to be hones sir, in various appartments, however those appartments have closed down for various reasons.
  7. [14:58] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "writing down some notes" Tell me about yourself?
  8. [15:01] Lee Gelles (white.novo) he braces himself "I'm a fair but firm person, I'm a gentle soul when I need to be and I can be strict when times call for it. I'm very passionate about helping people and keeping them safe, and I have various experience in several law enforcement and medical roles. I have been a police medic aswell as a captain at one point, then I was moved to Detective and in another department that tried to open but was a failure I was a Assit Chief.
  9. [15:01] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "
  10. [15:02] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "looking around" What do you think of your previous chief?
  11. [15:03] Lee Gelles (white.novo) he smiles "The chief was a fine man, he tried his best, but the mayor (sim owner) closed the town down"
  12. [15:04] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" Have you ever used medications or drugs that were not prescribed to you by a doctor or used them in a manner in which they were not prescribed, including use of any recreational drugs?
  13. [15:05] Lee Gelles (white.novo): No sir
  14. [15:05] Lee Gelles (white.novo): well... pardon me...
  15. [15:05] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" You will understand we have to ask. Yes.
  16. [15:06] Lee Gelles (white.novo): when I was a teenager, I think I tried a drag on a spliff, but I imediately did not like it.
  17. [15:09] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "laughs" well we all did one stupid thing or another when we was younger. I my self got into some trouble and the judge gave me two choices. Jail or the Navy. Well didn't want the jail. and spent 4 years overseas. and would like to think I'm a better man for it. "pauses" Tell Me Mr. Gelles how would your freinds describe you?
  18. [15:11] Lee Gelles (white.novo) agrees "Well, I would like to think my friends would discribe me as a an approachable man, whome will talk to anyone, I'd hope they would say I am friendly, open and honest. I very rarely loose my temper and I don't beleive any of my friends have been there to witness me doing so"
  19. [15:12] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" Tell me about something in your life that you would consider to be your greatest failure or regret, what you did about it, and how you learned from it.
  20. [15:14] Lee Gelles (white.novo) he pauses to think "I guess the worst part of my life would be when I was a Paramedic, and I failed to revive a patient. The patient had been peaking to police officers on a bridge and everything pointed toward them coming down, but they jumped and I tried my best, but I always questioned myself if there was something I missed or could have done differently that would have saved them."
  21. [15:19] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): " nods" I can Relate with that. I spent a year in the hospital when my team was on patrol and came across a I.E.D Killed two members of our team and Injured Myself and Another. But of course thats how I met my girlfriend she was at the Hospital I was sent too. "Looking back Down" Ok The next question is a Situation Question. "pauses"
  22. [15:19] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Tell me about something in your life that you would consider to be your greatest failure or regret, what you did about it, and how you learned from it.
  23. [15:19] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): (( (scratch that one lol ))
  24. [15:19] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Your out on patrol and you decide to stop at the local market, while inside you see a family member put an item they have not paid for into their pocket, what do you do?
  25. [15:19] Lee Gelles (white.novo): ((lol))
  26. [15:20] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "I assume the family member is my family memeber? and am I a police officer at the time or not?"
  27. [15:21] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Yes it is
  28. [15:22] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "And am I a police officer or?"
  29. [15:22] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Well it does says your out on patrol. So yes.
  30. [15:24] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "I would detain my family member and call for another unit to deal, I will explain to my family member that they are being detained at that moment while we wait for an officer to arrive to arrest them, I will explain to them why they are being detained and I would await that unit then explain to that officer what I saw"
  31. [15:25] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" "pauses"
  32. [15:25] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): How would you react if you knew a fellow officer was committing a crime?
  33. [15:27] Lee Gelles (white.novo): I would report them to a senior officer, such as yourself or LT or any high rank that is contactable and on duty at the time. But preferably I would like to report it to the bottom of the chain of command so they can take it up etc"
  34. [15:29] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" So Given that answer what would you say is the most powerful item in an officers arsenal?
  35. [15:29] Lee Gelles (white.novo): My voice sir
  36. [15:30] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" writing on the notepad"
  37. [15:30] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Tell me Why We should Hire you?
  38. [15:34] Lee Gelles (white.novo) he pauses "thats a hard one sir, I don't think I am anymore important than anyone else, however, I do believe I would be an asset to the service. I'm compassionate, patient, understanding and I have experience in law enforcement. I cannot honestly give you an answer to that question to make you pick me over anyone else as I'm a fair guy and I believe everyone deserves the chance, but it would be an honor if you hired me and I would serve the city with everything I can give."
  39. [15:36] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" What Does Community Policing Mean to You?
  40. [15:38] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "Community policing means to me... to gain the trust of the people I am protecting, to be visible and show the people that we are around and they are safe. It means to build relationships with offenders, find out why they feel they need to commit crime and help them to hopefully not commit crime again."
  41. [15:40] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" Let's Say you pull over a driver. Who was lets say doing thirty miles per hour in a twenty five zone. this individual has never been in trouble with the law before and is visibly upset?
  42. [15:44] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "I would firstly tell them not to be upset, it's not the crime of the century and we can deal with this in a reasonable way. I would wait until they have calmed down abit, ask them why they were traveling so fast, then explain the consiquences of them driving so fast, so as a child in the road and their not being able to stop. I would then use my best judgement and issue them a warning and ask them to slow down, I will explain that the warning will be kept on record and should it happen again, quoting to them that I hope it does not, I would tell them they will be given a ticket at the least if they are lucky enough not to have an accident or hit anyone, I would confirm fairly harshly that this is their one and only chance to slow it down"
  43. [15:46] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods" Looking Down at the Application" Well thats all I need. Do you have any questions for me?
  44. [15:47] Lee Gelles (white.novo) he thinks for a while "How long as this station been running and has it alwys been under the same command?"
  45. [15:53] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "laughs" That is a Good question. I would say the PD has been here as long at the town (SIM) I know when I started a year ago the chief at the time was Joe Garcia and I do believe before him was another person. But that was before I Moved to Cedar Creek. Chief Nicholas Philly has been Chief Since January I think (was on leave due to rl)
  46. [15:53] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "I see, How long does the process usually take after this interview to be notified?"
  47. [15:54] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): If i would have to Guess it would be since two thousand sixteen.
  48. [15:56] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): That is up to the Chief. He will assign you if hired to a Mentor or a Field Training Officer.
  49. [15:56] Lee Gelles (white.novo): "So their is a cadet process?"
  50. [15:59] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): Yes Everyone that is Hired starts out as a Cadet. Once you complete that Process then you are moved to a Probationary Officer. You will be a Full commisoned officer and Assigned to a Squad. Which right now we have two. I oversee one and the Sergeant is over the other one.
  51. [16:00] Lee Gelles (white.novo) nods "I have no more questions sir"
  52. [16:00] D.J Taylor (smith.pawpad): "nods' Well thank you for coming in. Sorry it took so long.
  53. [16:01] Lee Gelles (white.novo) offers his hand "not at all sir, thanks for the oppertunity to interview"
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