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a guest
Aug 17th, 2021
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text 177.85 KB | None | 0 0
  1. + exit_code=0
  2. + tee /codeexecution/submission/log.txt
  3. + cd /codeexecution
  4. + echo 'List installed packages'
  5. List installed packages
  6. + echo '######################################'
  7. ######################################
  8. + conda list -n condaenv
  9. # packages in environment at /srv/conda/envs/condaenv:
  10. #
  11. # Name Version Build Channel
  12. _libgcc_mutex 0.1 conda_forge conda-forge
  13. _openmp_mutex 4.5 1_llvm conda-forge
  14. abseil-cpp 20210324.0 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  15. absl-py 0.13.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  16. addict 2.4.0 pypi_0 pypi
  17. affine 2.3.0 py_0 conda-forge
  18. aiohttp 3.7.4.post0 py39h3811e60_0 conda-forge
  19. albumentations 1.0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  20. alsa-lib 1.2.3 h516909a_0 conda-forge
  21. appdirs 1.4.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  22. astor 0.8.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  23. astunparse 1.6.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  24. async-timeout 3.0.1 py_1000 conda-forge
  25. attrs 21.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  26. beautifulsoup4 4.9.3 pyhb0f4dca_0 conda-forge
  27. blinker 1.4 py_1 conda-forge
  28. blosc 1.21.0 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  29. boost-cpp 1.74.0 h312852a_4 conda-forge
  30. brotli 1.0.9 h7f98852_5 conda-forge
  31. brotli-bin 1.0.9 h7f98852_5 conda-forge
  32. brotlipy 0.7.0 py39h3811e60_1001 conda-forge
  33. brunsli 0.1 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  34. bzip2 1.0.8 h7f98852_4 conda-forge
  35. c-ares 1.17.2 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  36. ca-certificates 2021.5.30 ha878542_0 conda-forge
  37. cachetools 4.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  38. cairo 1.16.0 h6cf1ce9_1008 conda-forge
  39. catalogue 2.0.5 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  40. certifi 2021.5.30 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  41. cffi 1.14.6 py39he32792d_0 conda-forge
  42. cfitsio 3.470 hb418390_7 conda-forge
  43. chardet 4.0.0 py39hf3d152e_1 conda-forge
  44. charls 2.2.0 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  45. charset-normalizer 2.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  46. click 7.1.2 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  47. click-plugins 1.1.1 py_0 conda-forge
  48. cligj 0.7.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  49. cloudpickle 1.6.0 py_0 conda-forge
  50. colorama 0.4.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  51. cryptography 3.4.7 py39hbca0aa6_0 conda-forge
  52. cudatoolkit 11.1.74 h6bb024c_0 nvidia
  53. cudnn h86fa8c9_0 conda-forge
  54. curl 7.78.0 hea6ffbf_0 conda-forge
  55. cycler 0.10.0 py_2 conda-forge
  56. cymem 2.0.5 py39he80948d_2 conda-forge
  57. cython-blis 0.7.4 py39hce5d2b2_0 conda-forge
  58. cytoolz 0.11.0 py39h3811e60_3 conda-forge
  59. dask-core 2021.8.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  60. dataclasses 0.8 pyhc8e2a94_3 conda-forge
  61. dbus 1.13.6 h48d8840_2 conda-forge
  62. decorator 4.4.2 py_0 conda-forge
  63. docopt 0.6.2 py_1 conda-forge
  64. efficientnet-pytorch 0.6.3 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  65. expat 2.4.1 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  66. fastai 2.5.0 py_0 fastai
  67. fastcore 1.3.26 py_0 fastai
  68. fastdownload 0.0.5 py_0 fastai
  69. fastprogress 1.0.0 pyh39e3cac_0 fastai
  70. ffmpeg 4.3.2 hca11adc_0 conda-forge
  71. fontconfig 2.13.1 hba837de_1005 conda-forge
  72. freetype 2.10.4 h0708190_1 conda-forge
  73. freexl 1.0.6 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  74. fsspec 2021.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  75. future 0.18.2 py39hf3d152e_3 conda-forge
  76. gast 0.3.3 py_0 conda-forge
  77. geos 3.9.1 h9c3ff4c_2 conda-forge
  78. geotiff 1.6.0 h4f31c25_6 conda-forge
  79. gettext h0b5b191_1005 conda-forge
  80. giflib 5.2.1 h36c2ea0_2 conda-forge
  81. glib 2.68.3 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  82. glib-tools 2.68.3 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  83. gmp 6.2.1 h58526e2_0 conda-forge
  84. gnutls 3.6.13 h85f3911_1 conda-forge
  85. google-auth 1.34.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge
  86. google-auth-oauthlib 0.4.1 py_2 conda-forge
  87. google-pasta 0.2.0 pyh8c360ce_0 conda-forge
  88. graphite2 1.3.13 h58526e2_1001 conda-forge
  89. grpc-cpp 1.37.1 h36de60a_0 conda-forge
  90. grpcio 1.37.1 py39hff7568b_0 conda-forge
  91. gst-plugins-base 1.18.4 hf529b03_2 conda-forge
  92. gstreamer 1.18.4 h76c114f_2 conda-forge
  93. h5py 2.10.0 nompi_py39h98ba4bc_106 conda-forge
  94. harfbuzz 2.8.2 h83ec7ef_0 conda-forge
  95. hdf4 4.2.15 h10796ff_3 conda-forge
  96. hdf5 1.10.6 nompi_h6a2412b_1114 conda-forge
  97. icu 68.1 h58526e2_0 conda-forge
  98. idna 3.1 pyhd3deb0d_0 conda-forge
  99. imagecodecs 2021.7.30 py39h44211f0_0 conda-forge
  100. imageio 2.9.0 py_0 conda-forge
  101. imgaug 0.4.0 py_1 conda-forge
  102. importlib-metadata 4.6.4 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  103. iniconfig 1.1.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  104. jasper 1.900.1 h07fcdf6_1006 conda-forge
  105. jinja2 3.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  106. joblib 1.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  107. jpeg 9d h36c2ea0_0 conda-forge
  108. json-c 0.15 h98cffda_0 conda-forge
  109. jxrlib 1.1 h7f98852_2 conda-forge
  110. kealib 1.4.14 hcc255d8_2 conda-forge
  111. keras 2.4.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  112. keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  113. kiwisolver 1.3.1 py39h1a9c180_1 conda-forge
  114. krb5 1.19.2 hcc1bbae_0 conda-forge
  115. lame 3.100 h7f98852_1001 conda-forge
  116. lcms2 2.12 hddcbb42_0 conda-forge
  117. ld_impl_linux-64 2.36.1 hea4e1c9_2 conda-forge
  118. lerc 2.2.1 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  119. libaec 1.0.5 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  120. libblas 3.9.0 8_mkl conda-forge
  121. libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 h7f98852_5 conda-forge
  122. libbrotlidec 1.0.9 h7f98852_5 conda-forge
  123. libbrotlienc 1.0.9 h7f98852_5 conda-forge
  124. libcblas 3.9.0 8_mkl conda-forge
  125. libclang 11.1.0 default_ha53f305_1 conda-forge
  126. libcurl 7.78.0 h2574ce0_0 conda-forge
  127. libdap4 3.20.6 hd7c4107_2 conda-forge
  128. libdeflate 1.8 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  129. libedit 3.1.20191231 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge
  130. libev 4.33 h516909a_1 conda-forge
  131. libevent 2.1.10 hcdb4288_3 conda-forge
  132. libffi 3.3 h58526e2_2 conda-forge
  133. libgcc-ng 11.1.0 hc902ee8_8 conda-forge
  134. libgdal 3.3.1 h8f005ca_1 conda-forge
  135. libgfortran-ng 11.1.0 h69a702a_8 conda-forge
  136. libgfortran5 11.1.0 h6c583b3_8 conda-forge
  137. libglib 2.68.3 h3e27bee_0 conda-forge
  138. libiconv 1.16 h516909a_0 conda-forge
  139. libkml 1.3.0 h238a007_1014 conda-forge
  140. liblapack 3.9.0 8_mkl conda-forge
  141. liblapacke 3.9.0 8_mkl conda-forge
  142. libllvm11 11.1.0 hf817b99_2 conda-forge
  143. libnetcdf 4.8.0 nompi_hcd642e3_103 conda-forge
  144. libnghttp2 1.43.0 h812cca2_0 conda-forge
  145. libogg 1.3.4 h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  146. libopencv 4.5.2 py39h2406f9b_0 conda-forge
  147. libopus 1.3.1 h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  148. libpng 1.6.37 h21135ba_2 conda-forge
  149. libpq 13.3 hd57d9b9_0 conda-forge
  150. libprotobuf 3.15.8 h780b84a_0 conda-forge
  151. librttopo 1.1.0 h1185371_6 conda-forge
  152. libspatialite 5.0.1 h8694cbe_5 conda-forge
  153. libssh2 1.9.0 ha56f1ee_6 conda-forge
  154. libstdcxx-ng 11.1.0 h56837e0_8 conda-forge
  155. libtiff 4.3.0 hf544144_0 conda-forge
  156. libuuid 2.32.1 h7f98852_1000 conda-forge
  157. libvorbis 1.3.7 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  158. libwebp-base 1.2.1 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  159. libxcb 1.13 h7f98852_1003 conda-forge
  160. libxkbcommon 1.0.3 he3ba5ed_0 conda-forge
  161. libxml2 2.9.12 h72842e0_0 conda-forge
  162. libzip 1.8.0 h4de3113_0 conda-forge
  163. libzopfli 1.0.3 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  164. llvm-openmp 12.0.1 h4bd325d_1 conda-forge
  165. locket 0.2.0 py_2 conda-forge
  166. loguru 0.5.3 py39hf3d152e_2 conda-forge
  167. lz4-c 1.9.3 h9c3ff4c_1 conda-forge
  168. magma 2.5.4 ha9b7cf9_2 conda-forge
  169. markdown 3.3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  170. markupsafe 2.0.1 py39h3811e60_0 conda-forge
  171. matplotlib 3.4.3 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  172. matplotlib-base 3.4.3 py39h2fa2bec_0 conda-forge
  173. mkl 2020.4 h726a3e6_304 conda-forge
  174. mmcv-full 1.3.0 pypi_0 pypi
  175. mmsegmentation 0.11.0 pypi_0 pypi
  176. more-itertools 8.8.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  177. multidict 5.1.0 py39h3811e60_1 conda-forge
  178. munch 2.5.0 py_0 conda-forge
  179. murmurhash 1.0.5 py39he80948d_0 conda-forge
  180. mysql-common 8.0.25 ha770c72_2 conda-forge
  181. mysql-libs 8.0.25 hfa10184_2 conda-forge
  182. nccl h97a9cb7_0 conda-forge
  183. ncurses 6.2 h58526e2_4 conda-forge
  184. nettle 3.6 he412f7d_0 conda-forge
  185. networkx 2.6.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  186. ninja 1.10.2 h4bd325d_0 conda-forge
  187. nspr 4.30 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  188. nss 3.69 hb5efdd6_0 conda-forge
  189. numpy 1.21.1 py39hdbf815f_0 conda-forge
  190. oauthlib 3.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  191. olefile 0.46 pyh9f0ad1d_1 conda-forge
  192. opencv 4.5.2 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  193. openh264 2.1.1 h780b84a_0 conda-forge
  194. openjpeg 2.4.0 hb52868f_1 conda-forge
  195. openssl 1.1.1k h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  196. opt_einsum 3.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge
  197. packaging 21.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  198. pandas 1.3.1 py39hde0f152_0 conda-forge
  199. partd 1.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  200. pathy 0.6.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  201. pcre 8.45 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  202. pillow 8.2.0 py39hf95b381_1 conda-forge
  203. pip 20.3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  204. pixman 0.40.0 h36c2ea0_0 conda-forge
  205. pluggy 0.13.1 py39hf3d152e_4 conda-forge
  206. pooch 1.4.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  207. poppler 21.03.0 h93df280_0 conda-forge
  208. poppler-data 0.4.10 0 conda-forge
  209. postgresql 13.3 h2510834_0 conda-forge
  210. preshed 3.0.5 py39he80948d_1 conda-forge
  211. pretrainedmodels 0.7.4 pyhd8ed1ab_2 conda-forge
  212. proj 8.0.1 h277dcde_0 conda-forge
  213. protobuf 3.15.8 py39he80948d_0 conda-forge
  214. pthread-stubs 0.4 h36c2ea0_1001 conda-forge
  215. py 1.10.0 pyhd3deb0d_0 conda-forge
  216. py-opencv 4.5.2 py39hef51801_0 conda-forge
  217. pyasn1 0.4.8 py_0 conda-forge
  218. pyasn1-modules 0.2.7 py_0 conda-forge
  219. pycparser 2.20 pyh9f0ad1d_2 conda-forge
  220. pydantic 1.8.2 py39h3811e60_0 conda-forge
  221. pydap 3.2.2 pyh9f0ad1d_1001 conda-forge
  222. pydeprecate 0.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  223. pyepsg 0.4.0 py_0 conda-forge
  224. pygeos 0.10.1 py39ha61afbd_0 conda-forge
  225. pyjwt 2.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  226. pyopenssl 20.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  227. pyparsing 2.4.7 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  228. pyqt 5.12.3 py39hf3d152e_7 conda-forge
  229. pyqt-impl 5.12.3 py39h0fcd23e_7 conda-forge
  230. pyqt5-sip 4.19.18 py39he80948d_7 conda-forge
  231. pyqtchart 5.12 py39h0fcd23e_7 conda-forge
  232. pyqtwebengine 5.12.1 py39h0fcd23e_7 conda-forge
  233. pysocks 1.7.1 py39hf3d152e_3 conda-forge
  234. pytest 6.2.4 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  235. python 3.9.6 h49503c6_1_cpython conda-forge
  236. python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  237. python-flatbuffers 1.12 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge
  238. python_abi 3.9 2_cp39 conda-forge
  239. pytorch 1.8.0 cuda111py39h37e5b68_1 conda-forge
  240. pytorch-lightning 1.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  241. pytz 2021.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  242. pyu2f 0.1.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  243. pywavelets 1.1.1 py39hce5d2b2_3 conda-forge
  244. pyyaml 5.4.1 py39h3811e60_1 conda-forge
  245. qt 5.12.9 hda022c4_4 conda-forge
  246. rasterio 1.2.6 py39hbc4e497_2 conda-forge
  247. re2 2021.04.01 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
  248. readline 8.1 h46c0cb4_0 conda-forge
  249. requests 2.26.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  250. requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
  251. rsa 4.7.2 pyh44b312d_0 conda-forge
  252. scikit-image 0.18.2 py39hde0f152_0 conda-forge
  253. scikit-learn 0.24.2 py39h4dfa638_1 conda-forge
  254. scipy 1.7.1 py39hee8e79c_0 conda-forge
  255. segmentation-models-pytorch 0.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  256. setuptools 57.4.0 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  257. shapely 1.7.1 py39ha61afbd_5 conda-forge
  258. shellingham 1.4.0 pyh44b312d_0 conda-forge
  259. six 1.16.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge
  260. sleef 3.5.1 h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  261. smart_open 5.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge
  262. snappy 1.1.8 he1b5a44_3 conda-forge
  263. snuggs 1.4.7 py_0 conda-forge
  264. soupsieve 2.0.1 py_1 conda-forge
  265. spacy 3.1.1 py39h5472131_0 conda-forge
  266. spacy-legacy 3.0.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  267. sqlite 3.36.0 h9cd32fc_0 conda-forge
  268. srsly 2.4.1 py39he80948d_0 conda-forge
  269. tensorboard 2.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  270. tensorboard-plugin-wit 1.8.0 pyh44b312d_0 conda-forge
  271. tensorflow 2.4.1 py39hf3d152e_0 conda-forge
  272. tensorflow-base 2.4.1 py39h23a8cbf_0 conda-forge
  273. tensorflow-estimator 2.4.0 pyh9656e83_0 conda-forge
  274. termcolor 1.1.0 py_2 conda-forge
  275. terminaltables 3.1.0 pypi_0 pypi
  276. thinc 8.0.8 py39h5472131_0 conda-forge
  277. threadpoolctl 2.2.0 pyh8a188c0_0 conda-forge
  278. tifffile 2021.8.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  279. tiledb 2.3.2 he87e0bf_0 conda-forge
  280. timm 0.4.12 py_0 fastai
  281. tk 8.6.10 h21135ba_1 conda-forge
  282. toml 0.10.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  283. toolz 0.11.1 py_0 conda-forge
  284. torchmetrics 0.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  285. torchvision 0.9.1 py39cuda111hcd06603_1_cuda conda-forge
  286. tornado 6.1 py39h3811e60_1 conda-forge
  287. tqdm 4.62.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  288. ttach 0.0.3 pypi_0 pypi
  289. typer 0.3.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  290. typing-extensions hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  291. typing_extensions pyha770c72_0 conda-forge
  292. tzcode 2021a h7f98852_2 conda-forge
  293. tzdata 2021a he74cb21_1 conda-forge
  294. urllib3 1.26.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  295. wasabi 0.8.2 pyh44b312d_0 conda-forge
  296. webob 1.8.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  297. werkzeug 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  298. wheel 0.37.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge
  299. wrapt 1.12.1 py39h3811e60_3 conda-forge
  300. x264 1!161.3030 h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  301. xarray 0.19.0 pyhd8ed1ab_1 conda-forge
  302. xerces-c 3.2.3 h9d8b166_2 conda-forge
  303. xorg-kbproto 1.0.7 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
  304. xorg-libice 1.0.10 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  305. xorg-libsm 1.2.3 hd9c2040_1000 conda-forge
  306. xorg-libx11 1.7.2 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  307. xorg-libxau 1.0.9 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  308. xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
  309. xorg-libxext 1.3.4 h7f98852_1 conda-forge
  310. xorg-libxrender 0.9.10 h7f98852_1003 conda-forge
  311. xorg-renderproto 0.11.1 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
  312. xorg-xextproto 7.3.0 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
  313. xorg-xproto 7.0.31 h7f98852_1007 conda-forge
  314. xz 5.2.5 h516909a_1 conda-forge
  315. yaml 0.2.5 h516909a_0 conda-forge
  316. yapf 0.31.0 pypi_0 pypi
  317. yarl 1.6.3 py39h3811e60_2 conda-forge
  318. zfp 0.5.5 h9c3ff4c_5 conda-forge
  319. zipp 3.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
  320. zlib 1.2.11 h516909a_1010 conda-forge
  321. zstd 1.5.0 ha95c52a_0 conda-forge
  322. + echo '######################################'
  323. ######################################
  324. + echo 'Unpacking submission...'
  325. Unpacking submission...
  326. + unzip ./submission/ -d ./
  327. Archive: ./submission/
  328. creating: ./assets/
  329. inflating: ./assets/
  330. creating: ./assets/__pycache__/
  331. inflating: ./assets/__pycache__/flood_model.cpython-38.pyc
  332. inflating: ./assets/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-38.pyc
  333. inflating: ./assets/resnet34-333f7ec4.pth
  334. inflating: ./
  335. inflating: ./assets/flood_model.ckpt
  336. + ls -alh
  337. total 28K
  338. drwxr-xr-x 1 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 19:39 .
  339. drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Aug 17 19:39 ..
  340. drwxrwxr-x 3 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 18:26 assets
  341. drwxrwxrwx 2 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 19:39 data
  342. -rw-r--r-- 1 appuser appuser 1.1K Aug 17 16:14
  343. -rw-rw-r-- 1 appuser appuser 3.0K Aug 17 19:30
  344. drwxr-xr-x 2 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 16:34 scripts
  345. drwxrwxrwx 2 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 19:39 submission
  346. drwxr-xr-x 2 appuser appuser 4.0K Aug 17 16:34 tests
  347. + '[' -f ']'
  348. + echo 'Running submission with Python'
  349. Running submission with Python
  350. + conda run --no-capture-output -n condaenv python
  351. /srv/conda/envs/condaenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pretrainedmodels/models/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  352. if block_type is 'proj':
  353. /srv/conda/envs/condaenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pretrainedmodels/models/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  354. elif block_type is 'down':
  355. /srv/conda/envs/condaenv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pretrainedmodels/models/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  356. assert block_type is 'normal'
  357. 2021-08-17 19:39:41.600 | INFO | __main__:main:90 - Found 358 test chip_ids. Generating predictions.
  359. 0%| | 0/358 [00:00<?, ?it/s]2021-08-17 19:39:41.604 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  360. 2021-08-17 19:39:44.244 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  361. 2021-08-17 19:39:44.244 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  362. 2021-08-17 19:39:44.278 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  363. 2021-08-17 19:39:45.133 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  364. 2021-08-17 19:39:45.133 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  365. 2021-08-17 19:39:45.186 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  366. 2021-08-17 19:39:46.028 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  367. 2021-08-17 19:39:46.028 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  368. 2021-08-17 19:39:46.086 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  369. 2021-08-17 19:39:46.976 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  370. 2021-08-17 19:39:46.976 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  371. 2021-08-17 19:39:47.055 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  372. 2021-08-17 19:39:47.907 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  373. 2021-08-17 19:39:47.907 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  374. 2021-08-17 19:39:47.943 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  375. 2021-08-17 19:39:48.704 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  376. 2021-08-17 19:39:48.704 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  377. 2021-08-17 19:39:48.756 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  378. 2021-08-17 19:39:49.609 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  379. 2021-08-17 19:39:49.610 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  380. 2021-08-17 19:39:49.669 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  381. 2021-08-17 19:39:50.520 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  382. 2021-08-17 19:39:50.520 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  383. 2021-08-17 19:39:50.569 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  384. 2021-08-17 19:39:51.427 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  385. 2021-08-17 19:39:51.428 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  386. 2021-08-17 19:39:51.476 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  387. 2021-08-17 19:39:52.342 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  388. 2021-08-17 19:39:52.343 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  389. 2021-08-17 19:39:52.371 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  390. 2021-08-17 19:39:53.105 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  391. 2021-08-17 19:39:53.106 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  392. 2021-08-17 19:39:53.147 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  393. 2021-08-17 19:39:53.897 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  394. 2021-08-17 19:39:53.898 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  395. 2021-08-17 19:39:54.016 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  396. 2021-08-17 19:39:54.864 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  397. 2021-08-17 19:39:54.864 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  398. 2021-08-17 19:39:54.932 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  399. 2021-08-17 19:39:55.798 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  400. 2021-08-17 19:39:55.799 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  401. 2021-08-17 19:39:55.851 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  402. 2021-08-17 19:39:56.615 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  403. 2021-08-17 19:39:56.616 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  404. 2021-08-17 19:39:56.689 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  405. 2021-08-17 19:39:57.684 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  406. 2021-08-17 19:39:57.684 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  407. 2021-08-17 19:39:57.715 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  408. 2021-08-17 19:39:58.483 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  409. 2021-08-17 19:39:58.483 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  410. 2021-08-17 19:39:58.535 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  411. 2021-08-17 19:39:59.390 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  412. 2021-08-17 19:39:59.390 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  413. 2021-08-17 19:39:59.439 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  414. 2021-08-17 19:40:00.352 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  415. 2021-08-17 19:40:00.352 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  416. 2021-08-17 19:40:00.400 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  417. 2021-08-17 19:40:01.336 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  418. 2021-08-17 19:40:01.336 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  419. 2021-08-17 19:40:01.397 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  421. 0%| | 0/358 [00:20<?, ?it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:02.250 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  422. 2021-08-17 19:40:02.251 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  424. 6%|▌ | 21/358 [00:20<05:32, 1.01it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:02.301 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  425. 2021-08-17 19:40:03.224 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  426. 2021-08-17 19:40:03.224 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  428. 6%|▌ | 22/358 [00:21<05:30, 1.02it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:03.276 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  429. 2021-08-17 19:40:04.181 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  430. 2021-08-17 19:40:04.182 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  432. 6%|▋ | 23/358 [00:22<05:28, 1.02it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:04.218 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  433. 2021-08-17 19:40:04.969 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  434. 2021-08-17 19:40:04.970 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  436. 7%|▋ | 24/358 [00:23<05:20, 1.04it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:05.001 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  437. 2021-08-17 19:40:05.746 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  438. 2021-08-17 19:40:05.746 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  440. 7%|▋ | 25/358 [00:24<05:14, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:05.837 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  441. 2021-08-17 19:40:06.722 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  442. 2021-08-17 19:40:06.723 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  444. 7%|▋ | 26/358 [00:25<05:12, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:06.771 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  445. 2021-08-17 19:40:07.643 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  446. 2021-08-17 19:40:07.643 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  448. 8%|▊ | 27/358 [00:26<05:10, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:07.695 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  449. 2021-08-17 19:40:08.559 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  450. 2021-08-17 19:40:08.559 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  452. 8%|▊ | 28/358 [00:27<05:08, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:08.610 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  453. 2021-08-17 19:40:09.462 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  454. 2021-08-17 19:40:09.462 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  456. 8%|▊ | 29/358 [00:27<05:04, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:09.508 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  457. 2021-08-17 19:40:10.384 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  458. 2021-08-17 19:40:10.385 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  460. 8%|▊ | 30/358 [00:28<05:05, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:10.452 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  461. 2021-08-17 19:40:11.307 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  462. 2021-08-17 19:40:11.307 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  464. 9%|▊ | 31/358 [00:29<05:02, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:11.358 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  465. 2021-08-17 19:40:12.233 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  466. 2021-08-17 19:40:12.233 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  468. 9%|▉ | 32/358 [00:30<05:02, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:12.297 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  469. 2021-08-17 19:40:13.201 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  470. 2021-08-17 19:40:13.201 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for ebk64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  472. 9%|▉ | 33/358 [00:31<05:04, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:13.257 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  473. 2021-08-17 19:40:14.123 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  474. 2021-08-17 19:40:14.124 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge00, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  476. 9%|▉ | 34/358 [00:32<05:01, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:14.174 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  477. 2021-08-17 19:40:15.070 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  478. 2021-08-17 19:40:15.071 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge01, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  480. 10%|▉ | 35/358 [00:33<05:03, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:15.137 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  481. 2021-08-17 19:40:16.045 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  482. 2021-08-17 19:40:16.046 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge02, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  484. 10%|█ | 36/358 [00:34<05:04, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:16.100 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  485. 2021-08-17 19:40:16.967 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  486. 2021-08-17 19:40:16.967 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge03, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  488. 10%|█ | 37/358 [00:35<04:59, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:17.002 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  489. 2021-08-17 19:40:17.772 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  490. 2021-08-17 19:40:17.773 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge04, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  492. 11%|█ | 38/358 [00:36<04:47, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:17.813 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  493. 2021-08-17 19:40:18.579 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  494. 2021-08-17 19:40:18.580 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge05, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  496. 11%|█ | 39/358 [00:37<04:36, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:18.613 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  497. 2021-08-17 19:40:19.381 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  498. 2021-08-17 19:40:19.381 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge06, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  500. 11%|█ | 40/358 [00:37<04:38, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:19.502 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  501. 2021-08-17 19:40:20.251 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  502. 2021-08-17 19:40:20.251 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge07, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  504. 11%|█▏ | 41/358 [00:38<04:29, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:20.291 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  505. 2021-08-17 19:40:21.038 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  506. 2021-08-17 19:40:21.039 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge08, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  508. 12%|█▏ | 42/358 [00:39<04:23, 1.20it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:21.089 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  509. 2021-08-17 19:40:21.949 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  510. 2021-08-17 19:40:21.949 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge09, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  512. 12%|█▏ | 43/358 [00:40<04:30, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:22.004 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  513. 2021-08-17 19:40:22.880 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  514. 2021-08-17 19:40:22.881 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge10, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  516. 12%|█▏ | 44/358 [00:41<04:38, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:22.955 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  517. 2021-08-17 19:40:23.821 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  518. 2021-08-17 19:40:23.821 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge11, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  520. 13%|█▎ | 45/358 [00:42<04:41, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:23.884 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  521. 2021-08-17 19:40:24.744 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  522. 2021-08-17 19:40:24.745 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge12, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  524. 13%|█▎ | 46/358 [00:43<04:41, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:24.790 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  525. 2021-08-17 19:40:25.655 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  526. 2021-08-17 19:40:25.656 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge13, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  528. 13%|█▎ | 47/358 [00:44<04:41, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:25.709 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  529. 2021-08-17 19:40:26.572 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  530. 2021-08-17 19:40:26.572 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge14, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  532. 13%|█▎ | 48/358 [00:44<04:39, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:26.603 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  533. 2021-08-17 19:40:27.365 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  534. 2021-08-17 19:40:27.365 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge15, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  536. 14%|█▎ | 49/358 [00:45<04:29, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:27.404 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  537. 2021-08-17 19:40:28.165 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  538. 2021-08-17 19:40:28.165 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge16, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  540. 14%|█▍ | 50/358 [00:46<04:22, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:28.214 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  541. 2021-08-17 19:40:29.076 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  542. 2021-08-17 19:40:29.077 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge17, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  544. 14%|█▍ | 51/358 [00:47<04:32, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:29.184 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  545. 2021-08-17 19:40:30.037 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  546. 2021-08-17 19:40:30.037 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge18, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  548. 15%|█▍ | 52/358 [00:48<04:35, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:30.113 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  549. 2021-08-17 19:40:31.046 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  550. 2021-08-17 19:40:31.046 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge19, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  552. 15%|█▍ | 53/358 [00:49<04:43, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:31.109 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  553. 2021-08-17 19:40:31.968 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  554. 2021-08-17 19:40:31.969 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge20, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  556. 15%|█▌ | 54/358 [00:50<04:40, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:32.013 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  557. 2021-08-17 19:40:32.877 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  558. 2021-08-17 19:40:32.877 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge21, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  560. 15%|█▌ | 55/358 [00:51<04:38, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:32.924 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  561. 2021-08-17 19:40:33.782 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  562. 2021-08-17 19:40:33.782 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge22, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  564. 16%|█▌ | 56/358 [00:52<04:36, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:33.837 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  565. 2021-08-17 19:40:34.709 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  566. 2021-08-17 19:40:34.710 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge23, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  568. 16%|█▌ | 57/358 [00:53<04:36, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:34.761 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  569. 2021-08-17 19:40:35.630 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  570. 2021-08-17 19:40:35.631 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge24, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  572. 16%|█▌ | 58/358 [00:54<04:35, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:35.679 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  573. 2021-08-17 19:40:36.535 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  574. 2021-08-17 19:40:36.536 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge25, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  576. 16%|█▋ | 59/358 [00:54<04:33, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:36.582 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  577. 2021-08-17 19:40:37.440 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  578. 2021-08-17 19:40:37.441 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge26, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  580. 17%|█▋ | 60/358 [00:55<04:31, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:37.490 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  581. 2021-08-17 19:40:38.343 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  582. 2021-08-17 19:40:38.343 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge27, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  584. 17%|█▋ | 61/358 [00:56<04:30, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:38.392 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  585. 2021-08-17 19:40:39.254 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  586. 2021-08-17 19:40:39.254 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge28, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  588. 17%|█▋ | 62/358 [00:57<04:29, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:39.309 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  589. 2021-08-17 19:40:40.180 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  590. 2021-08-17 19:40:40.181 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge29, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  592. 18%|█▊ | 63/358 [00:58<04:29, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:40.226 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  593. 2021-08-17 19:40:41.084 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  594. 2021-08-17 19:40:41.084 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge30, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  596. 18%|█▊ | 64/358 [00:59<04:27, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:41.129 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  597. 2021-08-17 19:40:41.988 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  598. 2021-08-17 19:40:41.988 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge31, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  600. 18%|█▊ | 65/358 [01:00<04:27, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:42.044 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  601. 2021-08-17 19:40:42.903 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  602. 2021-08-17 19:40:42.903 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  604. 18%|█▊ | 66/358 [01:01<04:25, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:42.953 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  605. 2021-08-17 19:40:43.822 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  606. 2021-08-17 19:40:43.823 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  608. 19%|█▊ | 67/358 [01:02<04:26, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:43.876 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  609. 2021-08-17 19:40:44.750 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  610. 2021-08-17 19:40:44.751 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  612. 19%|█▉ | 68/358 [01:03<04:25, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:44.800 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  613. 2021-08-17 19:40:45.655 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  614. 2021-08-17 19:40:45.656 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  616. 19%|█▉ | 69/358 [01:04<04:28, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:45.760 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  617. 2021-08-17 19:40:46.616 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  618. 2021-08-17 19:40:46.616 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  620. 20%|█▉ | 70/358 [01:05<04:25, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:46.664 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  621. 2021-08-17 19:40:47.534 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  622. 2021-08-17 19:40:47.535 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  624. 20%|█▉ | 71/358 [01:05<04:23, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:47.570 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  625. 2021-08-17 19:40:48.321 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  626. 2021-08-17 19:40:48.321 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  628. 20%|██ | 72/358 [01:06<04:10, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:48.352 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  629. 2021-08-17 19:40:49.087 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  630. 2021-08-17 19:40:49.087 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  632. 20%|██ | 73/358 [01:07<04:00, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:49.119 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  633. 2021-08-17 19:40:49.850 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  634. 2021-08-17 19:40:49.850 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  636. 21%|██ | 74/358 [01:08<03:55, 1.21it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:49.911 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  637. 2021-08-17 19:40:50.767 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  638. 2021-08-17 19:40:50.768 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  640. 21%|██ | 75/358 [01:09<04:01, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:50.817 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  641. 2021-08-17 19:40:51.683 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  642. 2021-08-17 19:40:51.684 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  644. 21%|██ | 76/358 [01:10<04:05, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:51.730 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  645. 2021-08-17 19:40:52.586 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  646. 2021-08-17 19:40:52.587 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  648. 22%|██▏ | 77/358 [01:11<04:07, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:52.638 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  649. 2021-08-17 19:40:53.498 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  650. 2021-08-17 19:40:53.499 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  652. 22%|██▏ | 78/358 [01:11<04:09, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:53.548 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  653. 2021-08-17 19:40:54.418 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  654. 2021-08-17 19:40:54.419 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  656. 22%|██▏ | 79/358 [01:12<04:10, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:54.465 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  657. 2021-08-17 19:40:55.315 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  658. 2021-08-17 19:40:55.315 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  660. 22%|██▏ | 80/358 [01:13<04:12, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:55.394 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  661. 2021-08-17 19:40:56.142 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  662. 2021-08-17 19:40:56.142 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  664. 23%|██▎ | 81/358 [01:14<04:04, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:56.220 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  665. 2021-08-17 19:40:57.076 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  666. 2021-08-17 19:40:57.077 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  668. 23%|██▎ | 82/358 [01:15<04:05, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:57.125 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  669. 2021-08-17 19:40:57.994 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  670. 2021-08-17 19:40:57.994 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  672. 23%|██▎ | 83/358 [01:16<04:07, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:58.045 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  673. 2021-08-17 19:40:58.911 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  674. 2021-08-17 19:40:58.912 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  676. 23%|██▎ | 84/358 [01:17<04:08, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:40:58.973 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  677. 2021-08-17 19:40:59.933 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  678. 2021-08-17 19:40:59.934 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  680. 24%|██▎ | 85/358 [01:18<04:17, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:00.001 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  681. 2021-08-17 19:41:00.870 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  682. 2021-08-17 19:41:00.870 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  684. 24%|██▍ | 86/358 [01:19<04:13, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:00.906 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  685. 2021-08-17 19:41:01.659 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  686. 2021-08-17 19:41:01.659 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  688. 24%|██▍ | 87/358 [01:20<04:04, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:01.738 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  689. 2021-08-17 19:41:02.496 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  690. 2021-08-17 19:41:02.496 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  692. 25%|██▍ | 88/358 [01:20<03:55, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:02.541 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  693. 2021-08-17 19:41:03.395 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  694. 2021-08-17 19:41:03.396 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  696. 25%|██▍ | 89/358 [01:21<03:59, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:03.467 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  697. 2021-08-17 19:41:04.220 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  698. 2021-08-17 19:41:04.221 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  700. 25%|██▌ | 90/358 [01:22<03:51, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:04.273 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  701. 2021-08-17 19:41:05.136 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  702. 2021-08-17 19:41:05.136 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  704. 25%|██▌ | 91/358 [01:23<03:54, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:05.185 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  705. 2021-08-17 19:41:06.050 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  706. 2021-08-17 19:41:06.051 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  708. 26%|██▌ | 92/358 [01:24<03:56, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:06.105 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  709. 2021-08-17 19:41:06.959 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  710. 2021-08-17 19:41:06.959 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  712. 26%|██▌ | 93/358 [01:25<03:55, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:06.990 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  713. 2021-08-17 19:41:07.758 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  714. 2021-08-17 19:41:07.758 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  716. 26%|██▋ | 94/358 [01:26<03:50, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:07.822 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  717. 2021-08-17 19:41:08.687 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  718. 2021-08-17 19:41:08.687 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  720. 27%|██▋ | 95/358 [01:27<03:52, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:08.735 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  721. 2021-08-17 19:41:09.602 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  722. 2021-08-17 19:41:09.603 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  724. 27%|██▋ | 96/358 [01:28<03:54, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:09.660 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  725. 2021-08-17 19:41:10.507 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  726. 2021-08-17 19:41:10.507 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  728. 27%|██▋ | 97/358 [01:28<03:53, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:10.553 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  729. 2021-08-17 19:41:11.419 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  730. 2021-08-17 19:41:11.420 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gge64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  732. 27%|██▋ | 98/358 [01:29<03:54, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:11.465 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  733. 2021-08-17 19:41:12.325 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  734. 2021-08-17 19:41:12.325 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus00, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  736. 28%|██▊ | 99/358 [01:30<03:55, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:12.398 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  737. 2021-08-17 19:41:13.261 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  738. 2021-08-17 19:41:13.262 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus01, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  740. 28%|██▊ | 100/358 [01:31<03:55, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:13.312 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  741. 2021-08-17 19:41:14.171 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  742. 2021-08-17 19:41:14.172 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus02, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  744. 28%|██▊ | 101/358 [01:32<03:53, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:14.220 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  745. 2021-08-17 19:41:15.089 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  746. 2021-08-17 19:41:15.089 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus03, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  748. 28%|██▊ | 102/358 [01:33<03:54, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:15.147 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  749. 2021-08-17 19:41:16.026 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  750. 2021-08-17 19:41:16.026 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus04, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  752. 29%|██▉ | 103/358 [01:34<03:53, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:16.065 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  753. 2021-08-17 19:41:16.803 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  754. 2021-08-17 19:41:16.803 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus05, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  756. 29%|██▉ | 104/358 [01:35<03:43, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:16.866 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  757. 2021-08-17 19:41:17.596 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  758. 2021-08-17 19:41:17.597 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus06, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  760. 29%|██▉ | 105/358 [01:36<03:35, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:17.652 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  761. 2021-08-17 19:41:18.547 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  762. 2021-08-17 19:41:18.547 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus07, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  764. 30%|██▉ | 106/358 [01:37<03:42, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:18.608 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  765. 2021-08-17 19:41:19.482 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  766. 2021-08-17 19:41:19.482 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus08, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  768. 30%|██▉ | 107/358 [01:37<03:44, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:19.531 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  769. 2021-08-17 19:41:20.404 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  770. 2021-08-17 19:41:20.404 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus09, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  772. 30%|███ | 108/358 [01:38<03:47, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:20.469 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  773. 2021-08-17 19:41:21.327 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  774. 2021-08-17 19:41:21.327 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus10, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  776. 30%|███ | 109/358 [01:39<03:45, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:21.372 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  777. 2021-08-17 19:41:22.220 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  778. 2021-08-17 19:41:22.221 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus11, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  780. 31%|███ | 110/358 [01:40<03:44, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:22.272 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  781. 2021-08-17 19:41:23.133 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  782. 2021-08-17 19:41:23.134 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus12, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  784. 31%|███ | 111/358 [01:41<03:43, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:23.179 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  785. 2021-08-17 19:41:24.035 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  786. 2021-08-17 19:41:24.035 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus13, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  788. 31%|███▏ | 112/358 [01:42<03:44, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:24.106 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  789. 2021-08-17 19:41:25.006 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  790. 2021-08-17 19:41:25.006 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus14, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  792. 32%|███▏ | 113/358 [01:43<03:44, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:25.035 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  793. 2021-08-17 19:41:25.772 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  794. 2021-08-17 19:41:25.772 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus15, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  796. 32%|███▏ | 114/358 [01:44<03:32, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:25.804 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  797. 2021-08-17 19:41:26.541 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  798. 2021-08-17 19:41:26.542 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus16, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  800. 32%|███▏ | 115/358 [01:44<03:24, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:26.576 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  801. 2021-08-17 19:41:27.304 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  802. 2021-08-17 19:41:27.304 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus17, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  804. 32%|███▏ | 116/358 [01:45<03:18, 1.22it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:27.339 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  805. 2021-08-17 19:41:28.072 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  806. 2021-08-17 19:41:28.072 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus18, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  808. 33%|███▎ | 117/358 [01:46<03:13, 1.25it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:28.103 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  809. 2021-08-17 19:41:28.913 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  810. 2021-08-17 19:41:28.914 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus19, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  812. 33%|███▎ | 118/358 [01:47<03:15, 1.23it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:28.946 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  813. 2021-08-17 19:41:29.677 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  814. 2021-08-17 19:41:29.678 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus20, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  816. 33%|███▎ | 119/358 [01:48<03:11, 1.25it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:29.711 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  817. 2021-08-17 19:41:30.457 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  818. 2021-08-17 19:41:30.458 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus21, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  820. 34%|███▎ | 120/358 [01:48<03:09, 1.25it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:30.503 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  821. 2021-08-17 19:41:31.385 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  822. 2021-08-17 19:41:31.385 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus22, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  824. 34%|███▍ | 121/358 [01:49<03:18, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:31.439 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  825. 2021-08-17 19:41:32.314 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  826. 2021-08-17 19:41:32.314 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus23, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  828. 34%|███▍ | 122/358 [01:50<03:23, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:32.352 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  829. 2021-08-17 19:41:33.091 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  830. 2021-08-17 19:41:33.091 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus24, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  832. 34%|███▍ | 123/358 [01:51<03:16, 1.20it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:33.126 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  833. 2021-08-17 19:41:33.882 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  834. 2021-08-17 19:41:33.882 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus25, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  836. 35%|███▍ | 124/358 [01:52<03:14, 1.20it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:33.946 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  837. 2021-08-17 19:41:34.826 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  838. 2021-08-17 19:41:34.827 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus26, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  840. 35%|███▍ | 125/358 [01:53<03:20, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:34.880 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  841. 2021-08-17 19:41:35.739 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  842. 2021-08-17 19:41:35.740 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus27, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  844. 35%|███▌ | 126/358 [01:54<03:23, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:35.798 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  845. 2021-08-17 19:41:36.671 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  846. 2021-08-17 19:41:36.672 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus28, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  848. 35%|███▌ | 127/358 [01:55<03:26, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:36.725 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  849. 2021-08-17 19:41:37.595 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  850. 2021-08-17 19:41:37.596 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus29, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  852. 36%|███▌ | 128/358 [01:56<03:27, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:37.650 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  853. 2021-08-17 19:41:38.531 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  854. 2021-08-17 19:41:38.531 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus30, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  856. 36%|███▌ | 129/358 [01:56<03:27, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:38.565 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  857. 2021-08-17 19:41:39.306 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  858. 2021-08-17 19:41:39.307 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus31, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  860. 36%|███▋ | 130/358 [01:57<03:19, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:39.361 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  861. 2021-08-17 19:41:40.232 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  862. 2021-08-17 19:41:40.232 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  864. 37%|███▋ | 131/358 [01:58<03:21, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:40.289 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  865. 2021-08-17 19:41:41.147 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  866. 2021-08-17 19:41:41.148 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  868. 37%|███▋ | 132/358 [01:59<03:22, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:41.202 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  869. 2021-08-17 19:41:42.078 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  870. 2021-08-17 19:41:42.079 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  872. 37%|███▋ | 133/358 [02:00<03:25, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:42.160 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  873. 2021-08-17 19:41:43.036 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  874. 2021-08-17 19:41:43.036 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  876. 37%|███▋ | 134/358 [02:01<03:25, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:43.089 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  877. 2021-08-17 19:41:43.964 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  878. 2021-08-17 19:41:43.965 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  880. 38%|███▊ | 135/358 [02:02<03:25, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:44.017 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  881. 2021-08-17 19:41:44.885 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  882. 2021-08-17 19:41:44.885 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  884. 38%|███▊ | 136/358 [02:03<03:24, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:44.941 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  885. 2021-08-17 19:41:45.828 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  886. 2021-08-17 19:41:45.829 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  888. 38%|███▊ | 137/358 [02:04<03:24, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:45.879 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  889. 2021-08-17 19:41:46.753 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  890. 2021-08-17 19:41:46.753 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  892. 39%|███▊ | 138/358 [02:05<03:24, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:46.811 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  893. 2021-08-17 19:41:47.691 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  894. 2021-08-17 19:41:47.692 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  896. 39%|███▉ | 139/358 [02:06<03:24, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:47.755 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  897. 2021-08-17 19:41:48.630 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  898. 2021-08-17 19:41:48.631 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  900. 39%|███▉ | 140/358 [02:07<03:22, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:48.681 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  901. 2021-08-17 19:41:49.558 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  902. 2021-08-17 19:41:49.558 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  904. 39%|███▉ | 141/358 [02:08<03:22, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:49.620 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  905. 2021-08-17 19:41:50.535 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  906. 2021-08-17 19:41:50.536 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  908. 40%|███▉ | 142/358 [02:08<03:22, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:50.567 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  909. 2021-08-17 19:41:51.313 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  910. 2021-08-17 19:41:51.314 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  912. 40%|███▉ | 143/358 [02:09<03:11, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:51.346 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  913. 2021-08-17 19:41:52.103 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  914. 2021-08-17 19:41:52.104 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  916. 40%|████ | 144/358 [02:10<03:05, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:52.156 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  917. 2021-08-17 19:41:53.021 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  918. 2021-08-17 19:41:53.021 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  920. 41%|████ | 145/358 [02:11<03:06, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:53.052 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  921. 2021-08-17 19:41:53.786 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  922. 2021-08-17 19:41:53.786 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  924. 41%|████ | 146/358 [02:12<03:01, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:53.858 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  925. 2021-08-17 19:41:54.740 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  926. 2021-08-17 19:41:54.741 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  928. 41%|████ | 147/358 [02:13<03:08, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:54.848 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  929. 2021-08-17 19:41:55.740 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  930. 2021-08-17 19:41:55.741 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  932. 41%|████▏ | 148/358 [02:14<03:11, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:55.793 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  933. 2021-08-17 19:41:56.676 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  934. 2021-08-17 19:41:56.676 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  936. 42%|████▏ | 149/358 [02:15<03:10, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:56.709 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  937. 2021-08-17 19:41:57.526 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  938. 2021-08-17 19:41:57.526 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  940. 42%|████▏ | 150/358 [02:15<03:05, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:57.556 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  941. 2021-08-17 19:41:58.313 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  942. 2021-08-17 19:41:58.313 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  944. 42%|████▏ | 151/358 [02:16<03:01, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:58.391 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  945. 2021-08-17 19:41:59.146 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  946. 2021-08-17 19:41:59.146 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  948. 42%|████▏ | 152/358 [02:17<02:56, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:41:59.203 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  949. 2021-08-17 19:42:00.081 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  950. 2021-08-17 19:42:00.081 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  952. 43%|████▎ | 153/358 [02:18<03:01, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:00.150 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  953. 2021-08-17 19:42:01.028 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  954. 2021-08-17 19:42:01.029 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  956. 43%|████▎ | 154/358 [02:19<03:06, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:01.137 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  957. 2021-08-17 19:42:02.024 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  958. 2021-08-17 19:42:02.025 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  960. 43%|████▎ | 155/358 [02:20<03:10, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:02.125 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  961. 2021-08-17 19:42:03.008 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  962. 2021-08-17 19:42:03.008 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  964. 44%|████▎ | 156/358 [02:21<03:09, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:03.059 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  965. 2021-08-17 19:42:03.922 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  966. 2021-08-17 19:42:03.922 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  968. 44%|████▍ | 157/358 [02:22<03:08, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:04.006 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  969. 2021-08-17 19:42:04.881 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  970. 2021-08-17 19:42:04.881 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  972. 44%|████▍ | 158/358 [02:23<03:07, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:04.935 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  973. 2021-08-17 19:42:05.789 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  974. 2021-08-17 19:42:05.790 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  976. 44%|████▍ | 159/358 [02:24<03:03, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:05.832 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  977. 2021-08-17 19:42:06.558 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  978. 2021-08-17 19:42:06.558 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  980. 45%|████▍ | 160/358 [02:24<02:53, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:06.604 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  981. 2021-08-17 19:42:07.361 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  982. 2021-08-17 19:42:07.361 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  984. 45%|████▍ | 161/358 [02:25<02:48, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:07.412 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  985. 2021-08-17 19:42:08.284 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  986. 2021-08-17 19:42:08.285 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  988. 45%|████▌ | 162/358 [02:26<02:53, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:08.370 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  989. 2021-08-17 19:42:09.241 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  990. 2021-08-17 19:42:09.242 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for gus64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  992. 46%|████▌ | 163/358 [02:27<02:55, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:09.293 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  993. 2021-08-17 19:42:10.172 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  994. 2021-08-17 19:42:10.172 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv00, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  996. 46%|████▌ | 164/358 [02:28<02:56, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:10.224 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  997. 2021-08-17 19:42:11.089 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  998. 2021-08-17 19:42:11.090 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv01, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1000. 46%|████▌ | 165/358 [02:29<02:55, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:11.144 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1001. 2021-08-17 19:42:12.035 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1002. 2021-08-17 19:42:12.036 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv02, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1004. 46%|████▋ | 166/358 [02:30<02:57, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:12.102 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1005. 2021-08-17 19:42:12.990 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1006. 2021-08-17 19:42:12.990 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv03, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1008. 47%|████▋ | 167/358 [02:31<02:57, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:13.041 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1009. 2021-08-17 19:42:13.929 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1010. 2021-08-17 19:42:13.930 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv04, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1012. 47%|████▋ | 168/358 [02:32<02:56, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:13.970 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1013. 2021-08-17 19:42:14.736 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1014. 2021-08-17 19:42:14.737 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv05, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1016. 47%|████▋ | 169/358 [02:33<02:49, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:14.787 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1017. 2021-08-17 19:42:15.650 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1018. 2021-08-17 19:42:15.651 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv06, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1020. 47%|████▋ | 170/358 [02:34<02:50, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:15.722 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1021. 2021-08-17 19:42:16.590 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1022. 2021-08-17 19:42:16.590 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv07, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1024. 48%|████▊ | 171/358 [02:35<02:50, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:16.643 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1025. 2021-08-17 19:42:17.523 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1026. 2021-08-17 19:42:17.524 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv08, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1028. 48%|████▊ | 172/358 [02:35<02:50, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:17.575 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1029. 2021-08-17 19:42:18.449 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1030. 2021-08-17 19:42:18.449 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv09, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1032. 48%|████▊ | 173/358 [02:36<02:49, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:18.489 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1033. 2021-08-17 19:42:19.231 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1034. 2021-08-17 19:42:19.232 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv10, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1036. 49%|████▊ | 174/358 [02:37<02:42, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:19.293 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1037. 2021-08-17 19:42:20.071 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1038. 2021-08-17 19:42:20.071 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv11, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1040. 49%|████▉ | 175/358 [02:38<02:40, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:20.161 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1041. 2021-08-17 19:42:21.029 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1042. 2021-08-17 19:42:21.029 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv12, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1044. 49%|████▉ | 176/358 [02:39<02:42, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:21.085 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1045. 2021-08-17 19:42:21.959 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1046. 2021-08-17 19:42:21.959 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv13, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1048. 49%|████▉ | 177/358 [02:40<02:45, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:22.049 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1049. 2021-08-17 19:42:22.924 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1050. 2021-08-17 19:42:22.924 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv14, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1052. 50%|████▉ | 178/358 [02:41<02:44, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:22.957 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1053. 2021-08-17 19:42:23.739 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1054. 2021-08-17 19:42:23.740 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv15, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1056. 50%|█████ | 179/358 [02:42<02:38, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:23.772 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1057. 2021-08-17 19:42:24.512 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1058. 2021-08-17 19:42:24.512 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv16, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1060. 50%|█████ | 180/358 [02:42<02:32, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:24.575 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1061. 2021-08-17 19:42:25.451 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1062. 2021-08-17 19:42:25.451 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv17, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1064. 51%|█████ | 181/358 [02:43<02:35, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:25.504 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1065. 2021-08-17 19:42:26.388 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1066. 2021-08-17 19:42:26.388 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv18, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1068. 51%|█████ | 182/358 [02:44<02:37, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:26.431 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1069. 2021-08-17 19:42:27.252 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1070. 2021-08-17 19:42:27.252 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv19, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1072. 51%|█████ | 183/358 [02:45<02:35, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:27.310 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1073. 2021-08-17 19:42:28.201 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1074. 2021-08-17 19:42:28.202 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv20, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1076. 51%|█████▏ | 184/358 [02:46<02:37, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:28.260 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1077. 2021-08-17 19:42:29.163 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1078. 2021-08-17 19:42:29.163 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv21, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1080. 52%|█████▏ | 185/358 [02:47<02:39, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:29.222 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1081. 2021-08-17 19:42:30.127 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1082. 2021-08-17 19:42:30.128 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv22, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1084. 52%|█████▏ | 186/358 [02:48<02:40, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:30.182 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1085. 2021-08-17 19:42:31.057 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1086. 2021-08-17 19:42:31.057 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv23, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1088. 52%|█████▏ | 187/358 [02:49<02:39, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:31.111 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1089. 2021-08-17 19:42:31.980 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1090. 2021-08-17 19:42:31.980 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv24, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1092. 53%|█████▎ | 188/358 [02:50<02:38, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:32.038 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1093. 2021-08-17 19:42:32.900 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1094. 2021-08-17 19:42:32.900 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv25, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1096. 53%|█████▎ | 189/358 [02:51<02:37, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:32.963 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1097. 2021-08-17 19:42:33.714 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1098. 2021-08-17 19:42:33.714 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv26, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1100. 53%|█████▎ | 190/358 [02:52<02:30, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:33.778 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1101. 2021-08-17 19:42:34.668 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1102. 2021-08-17 19:42:34.669 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv27, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1104. 53%|█████▎ | 191/358 [02:53<02:30, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:34.701 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1105. 2021-08-17 19:42:35.473 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1106. 2021-08-17 19:42:35.474 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv28, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1108. 54%|█████▎ | 192/358 [02:53<02:27, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:35.556 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1109. 2021-08-17 19:42:36.296 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1110. 2021-08-17 19:42:36.297 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv29, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1112. 54%|█████▍ | 193/358 [02:54<02:21, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:36.335 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1113. 2021-08-17 19:42:37.081 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1114. 2021-08-17 19:42:37.081 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv30, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1116. 54%|█████▍ | 194/358 [02:55<02:16, 1.20it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:37.119 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1117. 2021-08-17 19:42:37.999 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1118. 2021-08-17 19:42:37.999 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv31, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1120. 54%|█████▍ | 195/358 [02:56<02:20, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:38.036 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1121. 2021-08-17 19:42:38.789 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1122. 2021-08-17 19:42:38.790 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1124. 55%|█████▍ | 196/358 [02:57<02:17, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:38.850 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1125. 2021-08-17 19:42:39.728 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1126. 2021-08-17 19:42:39.729 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1128. 55%|█████▌ | 197/358 [02:58<02:19, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:39.758 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1129. 2021-08-17 19:42:40.506 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1130. 2021-08-17 19:42:40.506 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1132. 55%|█████▌ | 198/358 [02:58<02:15, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:40.555 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1133. 2021-08-17 19:42:41.413 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1134. 2021-08-17 19:42:41.414 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1136. 56%|█████▌ | 199/358 [02:59<02:17, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:41.469 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1137. 2021-08-17 19:42:42.338 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1138. 2021-08-17 19:42:42.338 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1140. 56%|█████▌ | 200/358 [03:00<02:19, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:42.400 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1141. 2021-08-17 19:42:43.274 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1142. 2021-08-17 19:42:43.274 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1144. 56%|█████▌ | 201/358 [03:01<02:20, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:43.324 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1145. 2021-08-17 19:42:44.193 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1146. 2021-08-17 19:42:44.193 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1148. 56%|█████▋ | 202/358 [03:02<02:20, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:44.244 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1149. 2021-08-17 19:42:45.103 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1150. 2021-08-17 19:42:45.104 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1152. 57%|█████▋ | 203/358 [03:03<02:19, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:45.134 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1153. 2021-08-17 19:42:45.867 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1154. 2021-08-17 19:42:45.868 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1156. 57%|█████▋ | 204/358 [03:04<02:12, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:45.902 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1157. 2021-08-17 19:42:46.656 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1158. 2021-08-17 19:42:46.657 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1160. 57%|█████▋ | 205/358 [03:05<02:09, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:46.718 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1161. 2021-08-17 19:42:47.585 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1162. 2021-08-17 19:42:47.585 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1164. 58%|█████▊ | 206/358 [03:06<02:12, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:47.637 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1165. 2021-08-17 19:42:48.530 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1166. 2021-08-17 19:42:48.530 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1168. 58%|█████▊ | 207/358 [03:06<02:14, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:48.584 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1169. 2021-08-17 19:42:49.464 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1170. 2021-08-17 19:42:49.464 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1172. 58%|█████▊ | 208/358 [03:07<02:18, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:49.571 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1173. 2021-08-17 19:42:50.455 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1174. 2021-08-17 19:42:50.456 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1176. 58%|█████▊ | 209/358 [03:08<02:18, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:50.512 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1177. 2021-08-17 19:42:51.386 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1178. 2021-08-17 19:42:51.386 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1180. 59%|█████▊ | 210/358 [03:09<02:17, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:51.449 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1181. 2021-08-17 19:42:52.341 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1182. 2021-08-17 19:42:52.341 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1184. 59%|█████▉ | 211/358 [03:10<02:17, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:52.396 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1185. 2021-08-17 19:42:53.265 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1186. 2021-08-17 19:42:53.265 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1188. 59%|█████▉ | 212/358 [03:11<02:16, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:53.328 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1189. 2021-08-17 19:42:54.201 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1190. 2021-08-17 19:42:54.201 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1192. 59%|█████▉ | 213/358 [03:12<02:15, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:54.269 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1193. 2021-08-17 19:42:55.134 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1194. 2021-08-17 19:42:55.135 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1196. 60%|█████▉ | 214/358 [03:13<02:14, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:55.187 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1197. 2021-08-17 19:42:56.141 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1198. 2021-08-17 19:42:56.141 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1200. 60%|██████ | 215/358 [03:14<02:18, 1.03it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:56.240 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1201. 2021-08-17 19:42:57.102 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1202. 2021-08-17 19:42:57.103 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1204. 60%|██████ | 216/358 [03:15<02:15, 1.05it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:57.160 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1205. 2021-08-17 19:42:58.044 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1206. 2021-08-17 19:42:58.044 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1208. 61%|██████ | 217/358 [03:16<02:13, 1.05it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:58.096 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1209. 2021-08-17 19:42:58.957 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1210. 2021-08-17 19:42:58.957 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1212. 61%|██████ | 218/358 [03:17<02:15, 1.03it/s]2021-08-17 19:42:59.107 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1213. 2021-08-17 19:42:59.966 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1214. 2021-08-17 19:42:59.967 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1216. 61%|██████ | 219/358 [03:18<02:11, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:00.003 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1217. 2021-08-17 19:43:00.780 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1218. 2021-08-17 19:43:00.780 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1220. 61%|██████▏ | 220/358 [03:19<02:05, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:00.830 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1221. 2021-08-17 19:43:01.696 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1222. 2021-08-17 19:43:01.697 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1224. 62%|██████▏ | 221/358 [03:20<02:05, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:01.752 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1225. 2021-08-17 19:43:02.639 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1226. 2021-08-17 19:43:02.640 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1228. 62%|██████▏ | 222/358 [03:21<02:07, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:02.735 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1229. 2021-08-17 19:43:03.599 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1230. 2021-08-17 19:43:03.600 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1232. 62%|██████▏ | 223/358 [03:22<02:05, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:03.654 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1233. 2021-08-17 19:43:04.515 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1234. 2021-08-17 19:43:04.516 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1236. 63%|██████▎ | 224/358 [03:22<02:04, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:04.584 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1237. 2021-08-17 19:43:05.449 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1238. 2021-08-17 19:43:05.450 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1240. 63%|██████▎ | 225/358 [03:23<02:02, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:05.481 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1241. 2021-08-17 19:43:06.234 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1242. 2021-08-17 19:43:06.234 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1244. 63%|██████▎ | 226/358 [03:24<01:57, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:06.291 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1245. 2021-08-17 19:43:07.163 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1246. 2021-08-17 19:43:07.163 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1248. 63%|██████▎ | 227/358 [03:25<01:57, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:07.220 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1249. 2021-08-17 19:43:08.100 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1250. 2021-08-17 19:43:08.101 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for urv64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1252. 64%|██████▎ | 228/358 [03:26<01:58, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:08.158 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1253. 2021-08-17 19:43:09.032 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1254. 2021-08-17 19:43:09.032 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv00, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1256. 64%|██████▍ | 229/358 [03:27<01:58, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:09.090 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1257. 2021-08-17 19:43:09.992 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1258. 2021-08-17 19:43:09.992 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv01, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1260. 64%|██████▍ | 230/358 [03:28<01:58, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:10.043 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1261. 2021-08-17 19:43:10.898 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1262. 2021-08-17 19:43:10.899 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv02, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1264. 65%|██████▍ | 231/358 [03:29<01:57, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:10.952 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1265. 2021-08-17 19:43:11.838 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1266. 2021-08-17 19:43:11.839 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv03, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1268. 65%|██████▍ | 232/358 [03:30<01:56, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:11.895 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1269. 2021-08-17 19:43:12.775 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1270. 2021-08-17 19:43:12.776 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv04, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1272. 65%|██████▌ | 233/358 [03:31<01:57, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:12.848 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1273. 2021-08-17 19:43:13.718 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1274. 2021-08-17 19:43:13.719 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv05, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1276. 65%|██████▌ | 234/358 [03:32<01:55, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:13.769 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1277. 2021-08-17 19:43:14.637 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1278. 2021-08-17 19:43:14.638 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv06, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1280. 66%|██████▌ | 235/358 [03:33<01:54, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:14.688 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1281. 2021-08-17 19:43:15.544 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1282. 2021-08-17 19:43:15.545 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv07, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1284. 66%|██████▌ | 236/358 [03:33<01:52, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:15.590 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1285. 2021-08-17 19:43:16.311 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1286. 2021-08-17 19:43:16.312 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv08, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1288. 66%|██████▌ | 237/358 [03:34<01:45, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:16.359 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1289. 2021-08-17 19:43:17.104 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1290. 2021-08-17 19:43:17.105 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv09, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1292. 66%|██████▋ | 238/358 [03:35<01:42, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:17.155 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1293. 2021-08-17 19:43:18.032 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1294. 2021-08-17 19:43:18.033 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv10, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1296. 67%|██████▋ | 239/358 [03:36<01:44, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:18.099 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1297. 2021-08-17 19:43:18.968 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1298. 2021-08-17 19:43:18.968 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv11, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1300. 67%|██████▋ | 240/358 [03:37<01:44, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:18.998 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1301. 2021-08-17 19:43:19.752 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1302. 2021-08-17 19:43:19.753 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv12, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1304. 67%|██████▋ | 241/358 [03:38<01:40, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:19.805 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1305. 2021-08-17 19:43:20.671 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1306. 2021-08-17 19:43:20.671 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv13, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1308. 68%|██████▊ | 242/358 [03:39<01:42, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:20.733 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1309. 2021-08-17 19:43:21.454 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1310. 2021-08-17 19:43:21.455 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv14, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1312. 68%|██████▊ | 243/358 [03:39<01:37, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:21.508 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1313. 2021-08-17 19:43:22.398 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1314. 2021-08-17 19:43:22.398 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv15, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1316. 68%|██████▊ | 244/358 [03:40<01:39, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:22.433 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1317. 2021-08-17 19:43:23.188 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1318. 2021-08-17 19:43:23.189 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv16, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1320. 68%|██████▊ | 245/358 [03:41<01:36, 1.17it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:23.243 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1321. 2021-08-17 19:43:24.113 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1322. 2021-08-17 19:43:24.113 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv17, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1324. 69%|██████▊ | 246/358 [03:42<01:37, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:24.150 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1325. 2021-08-17 19:43:24.877 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1326. 2021-08-17 19:43:24.877 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv18, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1328. 69%|██████▉ | 247/358 [03:43<01:33, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:24.938 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1329. 2021-08-17 19:43:25.888 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1330. 2021-08-17 19:43:25.889 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv19, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1332. 69%|██████▉ | 248/358 [03:44<01:37, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:25.919 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1333. 2021-08-17 19:43:26.669 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1334. 2021-08-17 19:43:26.669 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv20, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1336. 70%|██████▉ | 249/358 [03:45<01:33, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:26.720 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1337. 2021-08-17 19:43:27.576 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1338. 2021-08-17 19:43:27.577 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv21, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1340. 70%|██████▉ | 250/358 [03:46<01:33, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:27.607 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1341. 2021-08-17 19:43:28.352 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1342. 2021-08-17 19:43:28.353 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv22, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1344. 70%|███████ | 251/358 [03:46<01:30, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:28.406 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1345. 2021-08-17 19:43:29.278 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1346. 2021-08-17 19:43:29.279 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv23, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1348. 70%|███████ | 252/358 [03:47<01:32, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:29.336 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1349. 2021-08-17 19:43:30.222 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1350. 2021-08-17 19:43:30.222 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv24, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1352. 71%|███████ | 253/358 [03:48<01:33, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:30.257 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1353. 2021-08-17 19:43:31.008 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1354. 2021-08-17 19:43:31.009 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv25, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1356. 71%|███████ | 254/358 [03:49<01:30, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:31.073 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1357. 2021-08-17 19:43:31.951 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1358. 2021-08-17 19:43:31.951 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv26, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1360. 71%|███████ | 255/358 [03:50<01:31, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:32.002 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1361. 2021-08-17 19:43:32.895 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1362. 2021-08-17 19:43:32.896 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv27, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1364. 72%|███████▏ | 256/358 [03:51<01:32, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:32.952 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1365. 2021-08-17 19:43:33.844 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1366. 2021-08-17 19:43:33.845 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv28, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1368. 72%|███████▏ | 257/358 [03:52<01:32, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:33.902 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1369. 2021-08-17 19:43:34.770 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1370. 2021-08-17 19:43:34.771 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv29, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1372. 72%|███████▏ | 258/358 [03:53<01:31, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:34.823 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1373. 2021-08-17 19:43:35.688 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1374. 2021-08-17 19:43:35.689 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv30, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1376. 72%|███████▏ | 259/358 [03:54<01:31, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:35.751 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1377. 2021-08-17 19:43:36.633 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1378. 2021-08-17 19:43:36.634 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv31, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1380. 73%|███████▎ | 260/358 [03:55<01:30, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:36.685 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1381. 2021-08-17 19:43:37.547 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1382. 2021-08-17 19:43:37.547 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1384. 73%|███████▎ | 261/358 [03:55<01:29, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:37.604 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1385. 2021-08-17 19:43:38.458 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1386. 2021-08-17 19:43:38.459 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1388. 73%|███████▎ | 262/358 [03:56<01:29, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:38.553 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1389. 2021-08-17 19:43:39.433 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1390. 2021-08-17 19:43:39.434 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1392. 73%|███████▎ | 263/358 [03:57<01:29, 1.06it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:39.517 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1393. 2021-08-17 19:43:40.374 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1394. 2021-08-17 19:43:40.375 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1396. 74%|███████▎ | 264/358 [03:58<01:27, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:40.433 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1397. 2021-08-17 19:43:41.285 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1398. 2021-08-17 19:43:41.286 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1400. 74%|███████▍ | 265/358 [03:59<01:26, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:41.341 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1401. 2021-08-17 19:43:42.206 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1402. 2021-08-17 19:43:42.207 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1404. 74%|███████▍ | 266/358 [04:00<01:24, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:42.238 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1405. 2021-08-17 19:43:42.992 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1406. 2021-08-17 19:43:42.992 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1408. 75%|███████▍ | 267/358 [04:01<01:20, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:43.046 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1409. 2021-08-17 19:43:43.918 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1410. 2021-08-17 19:43:43.919 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1412. 75%|███████▍ | 268/358 [04:02<01:20, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:43.979 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1413. 2021-08-17 19:43:44.849 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1414. 2021-08-17 19:43:44.849 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1416. 75%|███████▌ | 269/358 [04:03<01:20, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:44.903 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1417. 2021-08-17 19:43:45.778 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1418. 2021-08-17 19:43:45.779 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1420. 75%|███████▌ | 270/358 [04:04<01:20, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:45.833 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1421. 2021-08-17 19:43:46.698 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1422. 2021-08-17 19:43:46.698 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1424. 76%|███████▌ | 271/358 [04:05<01:19, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:46.761 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1425. 2021-08-17 19:43:47.484 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1426. 2021-08-17 19:43:47.484 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1428. 76%|███████▌ | 272/358 [04:05<01:15, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:47.540 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1429. 2021-08-17 19:43:48.392 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1430. 2021-08-17 19:43:48.392 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1432. 76%|███████▋ | 273/358 [04:06<01:14, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:48.425 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1433. 2021-08-17 19:43:49.151 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1434. 2021-08-17 19:43:49.152 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1436. 77%|███████▋ | 274/358 [04:07<01:11, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:49.205 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1437. 2021-08-17 19:43:50.078 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1438. 2021-08-17 19:43:50.079 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1440. 77%|███████▋ | 275/358 [04:08<01:12, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:50.135 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1441. 2021-08-17 19:43:50.998 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1442. 2021-08-17 19:43:50.999 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1444. 77%|███████▋ | 276/358 [04:09<01:12, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:51.036 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1445. 2021-08-17 19:43:51.793 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1446. 2021-08-17 19:43:51.794 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1448. 77%|███████▋ | 277/358 [04:10<01:09, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:51.858 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1449. 2021-08-17 19:43:52.727 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1450. 2021-08-17 19:43:52.727 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1452. 78%|███████▊ | 278/358 [04:11<01:10, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:52.784 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1453. 2021-08-17 19:43:53.654 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1454. 2021-08-17 19:43:53.655 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1456. 78%|███████▊ | 279/358 [04:12<01:10, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:53.706 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1457. 2021-08-17 19:43:54.672 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1458. 2021-08-17 19:43:54.673 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1460. 78%|███████▊ | 280/358 [04:13<01:12, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:54.729 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1461. 2021-08-17 19:43:55.609 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1462. 2021-08-17 19:43:55.610 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1464. 78%|███████▊ | 281/358 [04:14<01:13, 1.05it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:55.719 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1465. 2021-08-17 19:43:56.581 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1466. 2021-08-17 19:43:56.582 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1468. 79%|███████▉ | 282/358 [04:15<01:14, 1.02it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:56.757 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1469. 2021-08-17 19:43:57.630 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1470. 2021-08-17 19:43:57.630 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1472. 79%|███████▉ | 283/358 [04:16<01:12, 1.04it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:57.687 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1473. 2021-08-17 19:43:58.550 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1474. 2021-08-17 19:43:58.551 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1476. 79%|███████▉ | 284/358 [04:17<01:10, 1.05it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:58.607 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1477. 2021-08-17 19:43:59.475 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1478. 2021-08-17 19:43:59.475 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1480. 80%|███████▉ | 285/358 [04:17<01:08, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:43:59.520 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1481. 2021-08-17 19:44:00.270 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1482. 2021-08-17 19:44:00.270 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1484. 80%|███████▉ | 286/358 [04:18<01:04, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:00.303 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1485. 2021-08-17 19:44:01.061 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1486. 2021-08-17 19:44:01.061 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1488. 80%|████████ | 287/358 [04:19<01:01, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:01.094 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1489. 2021-08-17 19:44:01.845 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1490. 2021-08-17 19:44:01.846 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1492. 80%|████████ | 288/358 [04:20<00:58, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:01.878 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1493. 2021-08-17 19:44:02.631 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1494. 2021-08-17 19:44:02.632 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1496. 81%|████████ | 289/358 [04:21<00:57, 1.21it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:02.684 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1497. 2021-08-17 19:44:03.551 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1498. 2021-08-17 19:44:03.552 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1500. 81%|████████ | 290/358 [04:21<00:57, 1.18it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:03.583 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1501. 2021-08-17 19:44:04.319 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1502. 2021-08-17 19:44:04.320 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1504. 81%|████████▏ | 291/358 [04:22<00:56, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:04.395 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1505. 2021-08-17 19:44:05.123 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1506. 2021-08-17 19:44:05.124 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1508. 82%|████████▏ | 292/358 [04:23<00:53, 1.23it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:05.156 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1509. 2021-08-17 19:44:05.887 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1510. 2021-08-17 19:44:05.887 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for vrv64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1512. 82%|████████▏ | 293/358 [04:24<00:52, 1.24it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:05.941 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1513. 2021-08-17 19:44:06.812 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1514. 2021-08-17 19:44:06.812 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds00, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1516. 82%|████████▏ | 294/358 [04:25<00:53, 1.19it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:06.862 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1517. 2021-08-17 19:44:07.727 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1518. 2021-08-17 19:44:07.727 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds01, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1520. 82%|████████▏ | 295/358 [04:26<00:54, 1.16it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:07.782 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1521. 2021-08-17 19:44:08.656 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1522. 2021-08-17 19:44:08.657 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds02, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1524. 83%|████████▎ | 296/358 [04:27<00:54, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:08.710 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1525. 2021-08-17 19:44:09.571 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1526. 2021-08-17 19:44:09.571 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds03, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1528. 83%|████████▎ | 297/358 [04:28<00:54, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:09.623 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1529. 2021-08-17 19:44:10.501 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1530. 2021-08-17 19:44:10.501 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds04, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1532. 83%|████████▎ | 298/358 [04:28<00:54, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:10.552 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1533. 2021-08-17 19:44:11.425 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1534. 2021-08-17 19:44:11.425 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds05, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1536. 84%|████████▎ | 299/358 [04:29<00:53, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:11.476 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1537. 2021-08-17 19:44:12.354 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1538. 2021-08-17 19:44:12.355 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds06, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1540. 84%|████████▍ | 300/358 [04:30<00:53, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:12.430 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1541. 2021-08-17 19:44:13.300 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1542. 2021-08-17 19:44:13.301 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds07, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1544. 84%|████████▍ | 301/358 [04:31<00:52, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:13.352 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1545. 2021-08-17 19:44:14.219 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1546. 2021-08-17 19:44:14.220 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds08, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1548. 84%|████████▍ | 302/358 [04:32<00:51, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:14.270 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1549. 2021-08-17 19:44:15.158 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1550. 2021-08-17 19:44:15.159 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds09, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1552. 85%|████████▍ | 303/358 [04:33<00:50, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:15.210 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1553. 2021-08-17 19:44:16.071 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1554. 2021-08-17 19:44:16.071 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds10, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1556. 85%|████████▍ | 304/358 [04:34<00:49, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:16.122 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1557. 2021-08-17 19:44:16.992 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1558. 2021-08-17 19:44:16.993 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds11, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1560. 85%|████████▌ | 305/358 [04:35<00:48, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:17.047 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1561. 2021-08-17 19:44:17.910 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1562. 2021-08-17 19:44:17.911 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds12, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1564. 85%|████████▌ | 306/358 [04:36<00:47, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:17.963 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1565. 2021-08-17 19:44:18.833 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1566. 2021-08-17 19:44:18.834 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds13, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1568. 86%|████████▌ | 307/358 [04:37<00:46, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:18.883 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1569. 2021-08-17 19:44:19.751 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1570. 2021-08-17 19:44:19.751 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds14, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1572. 86%|████████▌ | 308/358 [04:38<00:46, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:19.802 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1573. 2021-08-17 19:44:20.669 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1574. 2021-08-17 19:44:20.669 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds15, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1576. 86%|████████▋ | 309/358 [04:39<00:44, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:20.700 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1577. 2021-08-17 19:44:21.444 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1578. 2021-08-17 19:44:21.445 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds16, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1580. 87%|████████▋ | 310/358 [04:39<00:42, 1.14it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:21.498 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1581. 2021-08-17 19:44:22.379 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1582. 2021-08-17 19:44:22.379 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds17, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1584. 87%|████████▋ | 311/358 [04:40<00:42, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:22.431 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1585. 2021-08-17 19:44:23.305 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1586. 2021-08-17 19:44:23.305 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds18, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1588. 87%|████████▋ | 312/358 [04:41<00:41, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:23.356 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1589. 2021-08-17 19:44:24.320 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1590. 2021-08-17 19:44:24.320 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds19, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1592. 87%|████████▋ | 313/358 [04:42<00:41, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:24.353 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1593. 2021-08-17 19:44:25.108 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1594. 2021-08-17 19:44:25.109 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds20, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1596. 88%|████████▊ | 314/358 [04:43<00:39, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:25.141 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1597. 2021-08-17 19:44:25.907 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1598. 2021-08-17 19:44:25.907 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds21, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1600. 88%|████████▊ | 315/358 [04:44<00:37, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:25.962 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1601. 2021-08-17 19:44:26.827 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1602. 2021-08-17 19:44:26.827 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds22, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1604. 88%|████████▊ | 316/358 [04:45<00:37, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:26.878 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1605. 2021-08-17 19:44:27.756 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1606. 2021-08-17 19:44:27.757 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds23, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1608. 89%|████████▊ | 317/358 [04:46<00:36, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:27.814 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1609. 2021-08-17 19:44:28.687 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1610. 2021-08-17 19:44:28.687 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds24, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1612. 89%|████████▉ | 318/358 [04:47<00:36, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:28.748 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1613. 2021-08-17 19:44:29.627 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1614. 2021-08-17 19:44:29.628 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds25, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1616. 89%|████████▉ | 319/358 [04:48<00:35, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:29.685 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1617. 2021-08-17 19:44:30.555 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1618. 2021-08-17 19:44:30.556 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds26, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1620. 89%|████████▉ | 320/358 [04:49<00:34, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:30.612 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1621. 2021-08-17 19:44:31.478 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1622. 2021-08-17 19:44:31.479 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds27, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1624. 90%|████████▉ | 321/358 [04:49<00:34, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:31.534 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1625. 2021-08-17 19:44:32.419 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1626. 2021-08-17 19:44:32.420 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds28, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1628. 90%|████████▉ | 322/358 [04:50<00:33, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:32.472 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1629. 2021-08-17 19:44:33.341 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1630. 2021-08-17 19:44:33.341 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds29, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1632. 90%|█████████ | 323/358 [04:51<00:32, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:33.393 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1633. 2021-08-17 19:44:34.266 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1634. 2021-08-17 19:44:34.267 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds30, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1636. 91%|█████████ | 324/358 [04:52<00:31, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:34.344 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1637. 2021-08-17 19:44:35.199 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1638. 2021-08-17 19:44:35.200 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds31, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1640. 91%|█████████ | 325/358 [04:53<00:30, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:35.253 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1641. 2021-08-17 19:44:36.126 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1642. 2021-08-17 19:44:36.126 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds32, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1644. 91%|█████████ | 326/358 [04:54<00:29, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:36.181 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1645. 2021-08-17 19:44:37.059 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1646. 2021-08-17 19:44:37.060 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds33, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1648. 91%|█████████▏| 327/358 [04:55<00:28, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:37.111 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1649. 2021-08-17 19:44:37.992 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1650. 2021-08-17 19:44:37.992 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds34, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1652. 92%|█████████▏| 328/358 [04:56<00:27, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:38.044 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1653. 2021-08-17 19:44:38.927 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1654. 2021-08-17 19:44:38.928 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds35, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1656. 92%|█████████▏| 329/358 [04:57<00:27, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:38.992 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1657. 2021-08-17 19:44:39.860 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1658. 2021-08-17 19:44:39.860 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds36, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1660. 92%|█████████▏| 330/358 [04:58<00:26, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:39.914 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1661. 2021-08-17 19:44:40.780 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1662. 2021-08-17 19:44:40.781 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds37, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1664. 92%|█████████▏| 331/358 [04:59<00:25, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:40.838 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1665. 2021-08-17 19:44:41.706 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1666. 2021-08-17 19:44:41.706 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds38, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1668. 93%|█████████▎| 332/358 [05:00<00:24, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:41.758 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1669. 2021-08-17 19:44:42.621 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1670. 2021-08-17 19:44:42.622 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds39, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1672. 93%|█████████▎| 333/358 [05:01<00:23, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:42.726 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1673. 2021-08-17 19:44:43.590 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1674. 2021-08-17 19:44:43.591 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds40, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1676. 93%|█████████▎| 334/358 [05:02<00:22, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:43.646 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1677. 2021-08-17 19:44:44.542 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1678. 2021-08-17 19:44:44.542 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds41, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1680. 94%|█████████▎| 335/358 [05:02<00:21, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:44.596 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1681. 2021-08-17 19:44:45.462 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1682. 2021-08-17 19:44:45.462 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds42, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1684. 94%|█████████▍| 336/358 [05:03<00:20, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:45.514 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1685. 2021-08-17 19:44:46.386 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1686. 2021-08-17 19:44:46.387 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds43, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1688. 94%|█████████▍| 337/358 [05:04<00:19, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:46.433 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1689. 2021-08-17 19:44:47.184 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1690. 2021-08-17 19:44:47.185 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds44, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1692. 94%|█████████▍| 338/358 [05:05<00:17, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:47.235 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1693. 2021-08-17 19:44:48.105 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1694. 2021-08-17 19:44:48.106 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds45, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1696. 95%|█████████▍| 339/358 [05:06<00:17, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:48.157 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1697. 2021-08-17 19:44:49.029 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1698. 2021-08-17 19:44:49.029 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds46, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1700. 95%|█████████▍| 340/358 [05:07<00:16, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:49.088 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1701. 2021-08-17 19:44:49.963 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1702. 2021-08-17 19:44:49.964 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds47, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1704. 95%|█████████▌| 341/358 [05:08<00:15, 1.10it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:49.995 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1705. 2021-08-17 19:44:50.728 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1706. 2021-08-17 19:44:50.729 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds48, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1708. 96%|█████████▌| 342/358 [05:09<00:13, 1.15it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:50.783 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1709. 2021-08-17 19:44:51.643 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1710. 2021-08-17 19:44:51.644 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds49, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1712. 96%|█████████▌| 343/358 [05:10<00:13, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:51.710 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1713. 2021-08-17 19:44:52.575 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1714. 2021-08-17 19:44:52.576 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds50, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1716. 96%|█████████▌| 344/358 [05:11<00:12, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:52.626 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1717. 2021-08-17 19:44:53.567 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1718. 2021-08-17 19:44:53.567 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds51, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1720. 96%|█████████▋| 345/358 [05:12<00:12, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:53.628 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1721. 2021-08-17 19:44:54.509 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1722. 2021-08-17 19:44:54.510 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds52, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1724. 97%|█████████▋| 346/358 [05:12<00:11, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:54.561 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1725. 2021-08-17 19:44:55.435 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1726. 2021-08-17 19:44:55.436 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds53, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1728. 97%|█████████▋| 347/358 [05:13<00:10, 1.07it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:55.497 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1729. 2021-08-17 19:44:56.356 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1730. 2021-08-17 19:44:56.356 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds54, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1732. 97%|█████████▋| 348/358 [05:14<00:09, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:56.406 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1733. 2021-08-17 19:44:57.275 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1734. 2021-08-17 19:44:57.276 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds55, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1736. 97%|█████████▋| 349/358 [05:15<00:08, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:57.325 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1737. 2021-08-17 19:44:58.195 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1738. 2021-08-17 19:44:58.195 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds56, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1740. 98%|█████████▊| 350/358 [05:16<00:07, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:58.256 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1741. 2021-08-17 19:44:59.117 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1742. 2021-08-17 19:44:59.118 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds57, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1744. 98%|█████████▊| 351/358 [05:17<00:06, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:44:59.176 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1745. 2021-08-17 19:45:00.040 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1746. 2021-08-17 19:45:00.041 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds58, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1748. 98%|█████████▊| 352/358 [05:18<00:05, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:00.110 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1749. 2021-08-17 19:45:00.984 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1750. 2021-08-17 19:45:00.985 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds59, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1752. 99%|█████████▊| 353/358 [05:19<00:04, 1.08it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:01.034 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1753. 2021-08-17 19:45:01.898 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1754. 2021-08-17 19:45:01.898 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds60, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1756. 99%|█████████▉| 354/358 [05:20<00:03, 1.09it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:01.930 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1757. 2021-08-17 19:45:02.693 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1758. 2021-08-17 19:45:02.693 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds61, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1760. 99%|█████████▉| 355/358 [05:21<00:02, 1.13it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:02.746 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1761. 2021-08-17 19:45:03.612 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1762. 2021-08-17 19:45:03.613 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds62, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1764. 99%|█████████▉| 356/358 [05:22<00:01, 1.12it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:03.662 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1765. 2021-08-17 19:45:04.529 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1766. 2021-08-17 19:45:04.530 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds63, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1768. 100%|█████████▉| 357/358 [05:22<00:00, 1.11it/s]2021-08-17 19:45:04.584 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:47 - Loading model
  1769. 2021-08-17 19:45:05.465 | INFO | __main__:make_prediction:53 - Starting inference.
  1770. 2021-08-17 19:45:05.466 | WARNING | __main__:make_prediction:63 - No bands found for xds64, predicting all zeros; did you download images into `runtime/data/test_features` so you can test your code?
  1772. 100%|██████████| 358/358 [05:23<00:00, 1.10it/s]
  1773. 100%|██████████| 358/358 [05:23<00:00, 1.11it/s]
  1774. 2021-08-17 19:45:05.518 | SUCCESS | __main__:main:95 - Inference complete.
  1775. + echo 'Testing that submission is valid'
  1776. Testing that submission is valid
  1777. + conda run -n condaenv pytest -v tests/
  1778. ============================= test session starts ==============================
  1779. platform linux -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /srv/conda/envs/condaenv/bin/python
  1780. cachedir: .pytest_cache
  1781. rootdir: /codeexecution
  1782. collecting ... collected 3 items
  1784. tests/ PASSED [ 33%]
  1785. tests/ PASSED [ 66%]
  1786. tests/ PASSED [100%]
  1788. ============================== 3 passed in 28.02s ==============================
  1790. + echo 'Compressing files in a gzipped tar archive for submission'
  1791. Compressing files in a gzipped tar archive for submission
  1792. + cd ./submission
  1793. + tar czf ./submission.tar.gz ebk32.tif ebk33.tif ebk34.tif ebk35.tif ebk36.tif ebk37.tif ebk38.tif ebk39.tif ebk40.tif ebk41.tif ebk42.tif ebk43.tif ebk44.tif ebk45.tif ebk46.tif ebk47.tif ebk48.tif ebk49.tif ebk50.tif ebk51.tif ebk52.tif ebk53.tif ebk54.tif ebk55.tif ebk56.tif ebk57.tif ebk58.tif ebk59.tif ebk60.tif ebk61.tif ebk62.tif ebk63.tif ebk64.tif gge00.tif gge01.tif gge02.tif gge03.tif gge04.tif gge05.tif gge06.tif gge07.tif gge08.tif gge09.tif gge10.tif gge11.tif gge12.tif gge13.tif gge14.tif gge15.tif gge16.tif gge17.tif gge18.tif gge19.tif gge20.tif gge21.tif gge22.tif gge23.tif gge24.tif gge25.tif gge26.tif gge27.tif gge28.tif gge29.tif gge30.tif gge31.tif gge32.tif gge33.tif gge34.tif gge35.tif gge36.tif gge37.tif gge38.tif gge39.tif gge40.tif gge41.tif gge42.tif gge43.tif gge44.tif gge45.tif gge46.tif gge47.tif gge48.tif gge49.tif gge50.tif gge51.tif gge52.tif gge53.tif gge54.tif gge55.tif gge56.tif gge57.tif gge58.tif gge59.tif gge60.tif gge61.tif gge62.tif gge63.tif < ... WARNING: remainder of line removed: (dropped 2,609 chars) >
  1794. + rm ./ebk32.tif ./ebk33.tif ./ebk34.tif ./ebk35.tif ./ebk36.tif ./ebk37.tif ./ebk38.tif ./ebk39.tif ./ebk40.tif ./ebk41.tif ./ebk42.tif ./ebk43.tif ./ebk44.tif ./ebk45.tif ./ebk46.tif ./ebk47.tif ./ebk48.tif ./ebk49.tif ./ebk50.tif ./ebk51.tif ./ebk52.tif ./ebk53.tif ./ebk54.tif ./ebk55.tif ./ebk56.tif ./ebk57.tif ./ebk58.tif ./ebk59.tif ./ebk60.tif ./ebk61.tif ./ebk62.tif ./ebk63.tif ./ebk64.tif ./gge00.tif ./gge01.tif ./gge02.tif ./gge03.tif ./gge04.tif ./gge05.tif ./gge06.tif ./gge07.tif ./gge08.tif ./gge09.tif ./gge10.tif ./gge11.tif ./gge12.tif ./gge13.tif ./gge14.tif ./gge15.tif ./gge16.tif ./gge17.tif ./gge18.tif ./gge19.tif ./gge20.tif ./gge21.tif ./gge22.tif ./gge23.tif ./gge24.tif ./gge25.tif ./gge26.tif ./gge27.tif ./gge28.tif ./gge29.tif ./gge30.tif ./gge31.tif ./gge32.tif ./gge33.tif ./gge34.tif ./gge35.tif ./gge36.tif ./gge37.tif ./gge38.tif ./gge39.tif ./gge40.tif ./gge41.tif ./gge42.tif ./gge43.tif ./gge44.tif ./gge45.tif ./gge46.tif ./gge47.tif ./gge48.tif ./gge49.tif < ... WARNING: remainder of line removed: (dropped 3,300 chars) >
  1795. + cd ..
  1796. + echo '... finished'
  1797. ... finished
  1798. + du -h submission/submission.tar.gz
  1799. 152K submission/submission.tar.gz
  1800. + echo '================ END ================'
  1801. ================ END ================
  1802. + cp /codeexecution/submission/log.txt /tmp/log
  1803. + exit 0
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