
Sam Fisher- Semtex Explosion

Apr 30th, 2023
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  1. A second case fell, this one the size of a closet. It struck the floor upside down and split open. Fisher saw a couple of dozen cylindrical objects skitter across the floor. Another case fell, then another, and then they were raining down the exhaust vent until the mound was taller than the funnels. Over the din, Zahm was shouting unintelligible curses. He stopped suddenly and stared at the debris.
  3. Ames called, "Missed one. Here it comes."
  5. A brick-sized white object dropped down the vent and disappeared into the pile.
  7. "Ah, bloody hell!" Zahm called.
  9. Gillespie said, "What?"
  11. "Semtex," Fisher replied. "Run."
  13. THEY were sixty feet from the door when the charge went off. A split second later a grenade detonated, then another, then rose a thunderous whoop.
  15. Fisher felt a wave slam into his back. The air was sucked from his lungs. He tumbled end over end and slammed into a wall. He rolled over and looked around.
  17. "Kimberly!"
  19. He heard a groan near the door. She lay on her back, with her torso in the corridor and her legs lying across the threshold. Fisher pushed himself to his knees and stumbled toward her. He looked left. The back wall of the space was gone, along with the concrete blast funnels. Water gushed through the hole and surged across the floor toward them. Fisher reached Gillespie, grabbed her by the collar, and ran, dragging her out the door and down the corridor.
  21. - Conviction, Chapter 39
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