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a guest
May 25th, 2019
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  1. Maximum subarray sum (Kadane)
  2. Minimum spanning tree (Kruskal, Prim, Boruvka)
  3. SCC (kosaraju, tarjan)
  4. Articulation points, biconnected components, bridge (tarjan)
  5. LIS (dp)
  6. Knapsack (dp)
  7. Maximum matching/independent set on tree (dp)
  8. Counting inversions (merge sort, BIT)
  9. Next greater element (stack)
  10. Convex hull (graham scan, andrew’s monotone chain)
  11. Lowest common ancestor (sparse table, binary lifting, segment tree)
  12. Shortest path from source node with unit edge weights (bfs)
  13. Shortest path from source node with nonnegative edge weights (dijkstra)
  14. Area of polygon (shoelace)
  15. Checking clockwise/counterclockwise points (cross product)
  16. Check if a point is a convex polygon (binary search)
  17. Find power of a number (binary exponentiation)
  18. Maximum clique/independent set (meet in the middle)
  19. Check if a point is in a polygon
  20. Shortest path from source node (bellman-ford)
  21. All pair shortest paths (floyd-warshall)
  22. Edit distance (dp)
  23. LCS (dp)
  24. Number of distinct substrings (suffix array)
  25. Number of palindromic substrings (manacher, hashing, palindromic tree)
  26. 2-satisfiability (SCC)
  27. Single string matching (prefix function, z function, hashing)
  28. Multiple string matching (aho-corasick)
  29. Bipartite matching (Kuhn’s algorithm)
  30. Given a set of lines and a lot of x, for each x, find the minimum y value (CHT)
  31. GCD, modular inverse (Euclidean’s algorithm)
  32. Euler tour/circuit (Fleury)
  33. Product of 2 polynomials (Karatsuba, FFT)
  34. Solve system of linear equations (Gaussian Elimination)
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